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      1. 英文名人名言:工作 家庭

        時(shí)間:2022-12-10 10:44:37 名人名言 我要投稿
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        英文名人名言:工作 家庭

        ABOUT Work——

        英文名人名言:工作 家庭

          We should work be such a significant source of human satisfaction.A good share of the answer rest in the kind of pride that is stimulated by the job , by the activity of accomplishing. (Leonard R.Sayles, British writer)

          為什么工作竟然是人們獲得滿(mǎn)足的如此重要的源泉呢?最主要的答案就在于,工作和通過(guò)工作所取得的成就,能激起一種自豪感。(英國(guó)作家 塞爾斯.L.R.)

          Work banishes those three great evils: boredom, vice ,and poverty. (Voltaire, French Philosopher)

          工作攆跑三個(gè)魔鬼:無(wú)聊,墮落和貧窮。(法國(guó)哲學(xué)家 伏爾泰)

          Growth and change are the law of all life. Yesterday's answers are inadequate for today's problems ----just as the solutions of today will not fill the needs of tomorrow. (Franklin Roosevelt, Averican president)

          生長(zhǎng)與變化是一切生命的法則。昨日的答案不適用于今日的問(wèn)題——正如今天的方法不能解決明天的需求。(美國(guó)總統(tǒng) 羅斯福.F.)

          In order that people may be happy in their work, these things are needed: they must be fit for it; they must not do much of it; and they must have a sense of success in it. (John Ruskin, British writer)

          為了使人們?cè)诠ぷ鞯臅r(shí)感到快樂(lè),必須做到以下三點(diǎn);他們一定要?jiǎng)偃巫约旱墓ぷ,他們不可做得太?他們必須對(duì)自己的工作有成就感。(英國(guó)作家 羅斯金.J.)


          We often hear of people breaking down from overwork, but in nine cases out of ten they are really suffering from worry or anxiety. (John Lubbock , British banker)

          我們常常聽(tīng)人說(shuō),人們因工作過(guò)度而垮下來(lái),但是實(shí)際上十有八九是因?yàn)轱柺軗?dān)憂或焦慮的折磨。(英國(guó)銀行家 盧伯克.J.)

          In our efforts to adjust differences of opinion we should be free from intolerance of passion, and our judgements should be unmoved by alluring phrases and unvexed by selfish interests. (Grover Cleveland, American president)

          在我們努力協(xié)調(diào)意見(jiàn)的分歧時(shí),應(yīng)當(dāng)拋棄偏執(zhí)與意氣用事;我們的判斷不應(yīng)當(dāng)被花言巧語(yǔ)蒙騙,也不應(yīng)被個(gè)人私利擾亂。(美國(guó)總統(tǒng) 克利夫蘭.G.)

          My philosophy of life is work. (Thomas Alva Edison, Averican inventor)

          我的人生哲學(xué)就是工作。(美國(guó)發(fā)明家 愛(ài)迪生.T.A.)

          One of the symptoms of approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's .work is terribly important, and that to take a holiday would bring all kinds of disaster, If I were a medical man , I should precribe a holiday to many patient who consicered his work important. (Bernard Russell, British philosopher)

          神經(jīng)即將崩潰的癥狀之一是相信自己的工作極端重要,休假將會(huì)帶來(lái)種種災(zāi)難。如果我是醫(yī)生,我給這樣的病人開(kāi)的藥方是:休假。(英國(guó)哲學(xué)家 羅素.B.)

        ABOUT Family—


          The house of every one is to him as his castle and fortress. (E.Coke, British jutist)

          每個(gè)人的家對(duì)他自己都像是城堡和要塞。(英國(guó)法學(xué)家 科克.E.)


          The sooner you treat your son as a man, the sooner he will be one. (William John Locke, British novelist)

          越早把你的兒子當(dāng)成男人,他就越早成為男人。(英國(guó)小說(shuō)家 洛克.W.J.)


          As a modern parent, I know that it's not how much you give children those counts, it's the love and attention you shower on them.A caring attitude can not only save you a small fortune, but also even make you feel good about being tight-fisted and offering more care than presents. (O,Hare Noel, American writer)

          作為一個(gè)現(xiàn)代的父母,我很清楚重要的不是你給了孩子們多少物質(zhì)的東西,而是你傾注在他們身上的關(guān)心和愛(ài)。關(guān)心的態(tài)度不僅能幫你省下一筆可觀的錢(qián),而且甚至能使你感到一份欣慰,因?yàn)槟慊ㄥX(qián)不多并且給予了勝過(guò)禮物的關(guān)懷。(美國(guó)作家 諾埃爾.O.)

          Be it ever so humble , there is no place like home. (John Howard Payne, Averican drmatist and actor)

          金窩,銀窩,不如自家的草窩。(美國(guó)劇作家、演員佩恩. J. H.)


          Husbands and wives in the process of divorce (and those in the throes of another argument )easily fall into the trap of denigraging the other, publicly if possible, and as often as possible. (Howards Mel, American writer)

          正在鬧離婚的(包括那些處于吵鬧不停的痛楚中的)夫妻們很容易陷在對(duì)方的泥沼中不能自拔, 這種詆毀是盡可能公開(kāi)的,盡量頻繁地進(jìn)行。(美國(guó)作家 梅爾.H.)

          My father had always said that there are four things a child needs plenty of love, nourishing food, fegular sleep , and lots of soap and water---and after those, what he needs most is some intelligent neglect. (Ivy Baker Priest, American officer of government)

          我父親總是說(shuō),一個(gè)孩子需要四樣?xùn)|西--充分的愛(ài)、富于營(yíng)養(yǎng)的食物、有規(guī)律的睡眠、大量的肥皂和水--這些完了呢,他最需要的是一些明智的放任。(美國(guó)政府官員 普里斯特.I.B.)

          The brotherly spirit of science , which unites into one family all its votaries of whatever grade ,and however widely dispersed throughout the different quarters of the globe. (Franklin Rosevelt, American president)

          科學(xué)的博愛(ài)精神把分散在世界各地、各種熱心科學(xué)的人聯(lián)結(jié)成一個(gè)大家庭。(美國(guó)總統(tǒng) 羅斯。.F.)

          I don'nt know who my grandfather was. I' m much more concerned to know what his grandson will be. (Abraham Lincoln, American president)

          我不知道我爺爺是什么樣的人,我更關(guān)心的是,他的孫子會(huì)成為什么樣的人。(美國(guó)總統(tǒng) 林肯.A.)

        關(guān)注更多:列夫·托爾斯泰的幸福觀   誠(chéng)實(shí):國(guó)外名人名言


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