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      1. 職場(chǎng)英語(yǔ):生病了怎樣跟老板請(qǐng)假

        時(shí)間:2021-02-11 12:29:59 求職英語(yǔ) 我要投稿


          why don''t you take this afternoon off?為什么不下午請(qǐng)假呢?我想請(qǐng)/休兩天假,就可以說(shuō)i want to take two days off.我有兩天休假,則說(shuō)i have two day soff.
          無(wú)限擴(kuò)展:請(qǐng)病假:ask for a sick leave、請(qǐng)事假:ask for a casual leave請(qǐng)產(chǎn)假:ask for maternity leave,所以,i am on my maternity leave.就是“我在休產(chǎn)假”的意思。
          i''m already behind schedule.我的'工作還沒完成,已落后時(shí)間表了。behind schedule表示落后于時(shí)間表,比原計(jì)劃慢。無(wú)限擴(kuò)展:表示“按計(jì)劃完成”就是on schedule,如we finished the project on schedule.我們按計(jì)劃完成了工程項(xiàng)目。
          有時(shí)候老板們會(huì)定個(gè)最后期限,表示工作在此之前必須完成。表示這個(gè)“最后期限,時(shí)間限制”用deadline,如we had to work overtime last night in order to meet the deadline.我們昨晚為趕最后期限,不得不加班來(lái)完成工作。
          he would think that i was putting him on.他會(huì)覺得我在騙他。
          to put some body on愚弄、欺騙某人;如she put on an english accent.她假裝帶有英國(guó)口音。
          無(wú)限擴(kuò)展:you''re putting me on!你在開我的玩笑。
          i''ll handle him.我會(huì)跟他解釋的。to handle表示處理、應(yīng)付、應(yīng)對(duì)。如i can''t handle children.我管不住孩子們。she handled a difficult argument skillfully.她巧妙地應(yīng)付了一場(chǎng)艱難的辯論。


          john:do you have any tissue, eveline? i''ve used all mine.伊芙琳,你有紙巾么?我的全用光了。
          eveline:here. are you all right?給,你還好吧?
          john:thanks. i''m all right. it''s just my nose. it must be an allergy.... do you have any aspirin? i have a terrible headache.謝謝,還好,都是我的鼻子,肯定是過(guò)敏了。你有沒有阿斯匹林?我頭疼死了。
          eveline:i don''t have an aspirin. perhaps you should go to a doctor.我沒有,也許你得去看看醫(yī)生了。
          john:no, no. i''m okay. it''s the weather. it was warm and sunny this morning, and now it''s chilly and raining.不不,算了吧,我還好啦。都是這鬼天氣鬧的,早上還陽(yáng)光燦爛挺暖和的,這會(huì)兒卻下雨了,陰冷陰冷的。
          eveline:really, john. i still think you should go to a doctor. you''ve been sneezing ever since you entered the office this morning. why don''t you take this afternoon off? if you don''t want to see a doctor, at least you can go home and have a good rest.的確,約翰。我還是覺得你應(yīng)該去看醫(yī)生。今早你一到辦公室,就打噴嚏到現(xiàn)在。干脆下午請(qǐng)假吧,如果你不想去看病,至少回家好好休息一下。
          john:i can''t. i''m already behind schedule. besides, you know mr.thomas. he would think that i was putting him on.不行啊,我已經(jīng)落后于時(shí)間表了。而且你知道托馬斯先生的,他會(huì)認(rèn)為我在愚弄他。
          eveline:you didn''t do anything but sneeze this morning, and you can''t do anything this afternoon like this. gee! you''ve got a fever!今早你除了打噴嚏什么都沒做,你這個(gè)樣子下午也做不了什么。呀!你還發(fā)燒呢。
          john:do i ?... oh, no.什么?噢噢,不是吧。
          eveline:listen to me. you go home now.聽我的!你現(xiàn)在回家。
          john:what about mr.thomas?那托馬斯先生怎么辦?
          eveline:i''ll handle him. now go home. i''ll call you afterwork.我會(huì)給他解釋的,你快回家吧,下班后我給你打電話。
          john:thanks a lot, eveline. good-bye.那太謝謝你了伊xx,回見。













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