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      1. 職場點(diǎn)津:四種減薪方式,你該如何應(yīng)對?

        時間:2021-02-18 17:26:00 求職英語 我要投稿



          4 Types of Pay Cuts, and What You Can Do About Them


          Recession or slowdown. Whatever you want to call it, the economy is not quite as vibrant as it was in the past few years, and the effects of this are far-reaching, impacting almost every job sector. Layoffs abound as do hiring freezes, and pay cuts are starting to make headlines.


          Automotive executives are being asked to downsize their salaries as are financial workers. The 238,000 employees of California's executive branch have to take twice-monthly mandatoryfurloughs. Even celebs, such as actor Harrison Ford and New York Yankee Andy Pettitte, have accepted lower salaries for their talent as of late. You may soon be asked by your employer to follow suit.

          高層管理人員的薪資被降到了和財務(wù)人員同等水平。加州有23.8萬管理人員被迫每月休假兩次。即使是像演員Harrison For和美國的Andy Pettitte這樣的名流人士,最近都必須接受較低的演出薪酬。你的上司可能也會馬上如法炮制地為你減薪。

          Read on to learn more about how pay cuts may vary, and how they could affect you.


          1. Pay cuts. Pay cuts have been in the headlines, but not as much as other cost-cutting tactics. Says John A. Challenger, CEO of Challenger, Gray & Christmas, the nation's premier outplacement consulting firm, "Real pay cuts for people are something companies are very cautious about doing. We're seeing some and it is a sign of the times."

          減少薪水。減少薪水是首選,但也并非像其他削弱成本的方法一樣被廣泛應(yīng)用。全國首屈一指的職業(yè)介紹顧問公司 Gray & Christmas的CEO John A. Challenger 說:“實(shí)際上,公司在削減員工薪資時都會非常謹(jǐn)慎。我們有見到過一些公司這樣做,并且這種做法已經(jīng)成為時代的一個標(biāo)志!

          If your boss does come to you, there may not be much you can do about it. Workplace expert Liz Ryan reveals, "The idea of negotiating a pay cut is tough now." Salary negotiations expert Jack Chapman agrees, adding, "It usually isn't presented as, 'This is what we're doing, and we need your approval.'"

          如果你的上司真的要減少你的薪水,那么你也無能為力。職場專家Liz Ryan指出:“如今想要進(jìn)行減薪談判是很困難的!毙劫Y談判專家Jack Chapman也同意這個觀點(diǎn),并補(bǔ)充說:“你的'上司要給你減薪并非會這樣說‘我們要給你減薪,需要征得你的同意!

          2. Benefits. Your employer, like many companies, may cease contributing to your 401(k) or other retirement plan. Challenger reveals, "We'll see pressure on some of the soft benefits, maybe less tuitionreimbursement." Don't be shocked if your monthly contributions for medical benefits rise as well. Expect, also, to be asked to do more with less.


          Ryan, a former human resources executive, states, "Depending on the type of business, travel can be the second biggest expense for many companies. Your boss may ask you to rely more heavily on video conferencing." And, naturally, you can bid adieu to Friday bagels and coffee on the company's dime.


          3. Bonuses and raises. "We're seeing a lot of actions from companies to cut variable pay -- bonuses will be hit hard if the economy remains in this state through the end of the year," notes Challenger.


          Chapman, aka "The Salary Coach," concurs, "Most of the executive positions I've helped clients negotiate in the last 10 years had a base salary and a bonus tied to performance. People get used to counting on that money, but a bonus is discretionaryand the first place a company would look to cut." He adds, "I think it's not a big leap to assume you're not going to get a bonusthis year."

          薪酬教練Chapman, aka同時也指出:“在過去十年我曾幫助協(xié)商薪資的客戶中,有不少管理人員都是有基本工資以及和業(yè)績掛鉤的獎金。人們都習(xí)慣了那筆獎金收入,但是獎金是可以由公司任意決定的,并且也會成為公司縮減成本的第一對象。我認(rèn)為即使認(rèn)定你在今年拿不到年終分紅也不是什么大意外!

          If you don't receive your bonus, you may want to start to look for a new employer. Ryan points out, "When companies don't pay bonuses they had committed to, it means all bets are off. They've lost all credibility." Challenger warns that other salary increases are at risk as well, predicting, "Merit raises and cost of living raises are going to be held to a minimum."

          如果你在年底沒有收到分紅,可能就會想重新找工作了。Ryan指出:“如果公司沒有支付承諾過的獎金,可能就意味所有的希望都沒了。他們失去所有的信任。” Challenger警告說其他的薪資增長也會有危險。利益改善和生活質(zhì)量的提高都將會被限制到最低值。

          4. Reduced hours and mandatory furloughs. Many government employees are being asked or forced to work fewer hours or take unpaid vacations. You may not have a choice about doing this, but Chapman counsels, "Time [off] is the one benefit you have. This might be a blessing in disguise. It can give you some needed R&R or an opportunity to pursue other work on the side."


          Check with your employer to be sure you're able to take on additional projects outside of work. He says, "If there's any concern as to whether there's a conflictof interest to do work outside, it might be good to get it in writing that it's OK to pursue that."


          What You Can Do:


          1) Be proactive. Look for ways to help your employer cut back without cutting jobs or pay.


          2) Speak with an accountant to see how you can maximize the benefits and paycheck you have, perhaps by increasing your contributions to "cafeteria" plans or raising deductibles.


          3) Try to adjust your reduced hours so they suit you better.


          4) Consider working for a smaller company. You may experience more transparencyand have ample warning if things are going south.


          5) Use mandatory time off to look for another job.


          6) Don't live off your bonus.


          7) Trust your instincts.














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