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In the new movie 'Up in the Air,' Anna Kendrick stars opposite George Clooney as Natalie Keener, an ambitious new college graduate who takes a job at a company whose business is to fire people.在最新影片《在云端》('Up in the Air')中,安娜肯德里克(Anna Kendrick)與喬治克魯尼(George Clooney)演對手戲。她飾演娜塔莉基納(Natalie Keener)──一位剛剛在一家替其它企業裁員的公司謀到一份職位的充滿抱負的大學畢業生。
Natalie quickly gets to work developing a videoconferencing system that saves the company millions by performing terminations online. While on a cross-country trip to learn the ropes, however, Natalie is shaken by the emotional implications of her prized job and quits.娜塔莉很快就適應了新工作,并且通過開發一種視頻電話會議系統,可以在網上炒人魷魚,從而幫她所在的公司節省了數百萬美元的資金。然而,在一次為熟悉業務的全國旅行中,她為自己本來引以為傲的這份工作給別人的情感帶來的重大影響感到震驚,并且最終提出了辭呈。
These days, many people -- young and old -- are experiencing a career-life crisis, asking: 'What do I do when I realize my dream job isn't so wonderful after all?'眼下,很多人──無論老少,都在經歷著一場職業生涯的危機。他們都在捫心自問:當我意識到自己一直夢想的那份工作其實不怎么樣的時候,我該怎么辦?
Not long after Christine Hassler, 33 years old, of Los Angeles landed a prestigious and lucrative job as a Hollywood agent, she found herself arriving at work with knots in her stomach and counting the minutes until the weekend.今年33歲、來自洛杉磯的克里斯汀•哈斯勒(Christine Hassler)在一家好萊塢(Hollywood)代理機構謀得一份令人羨慕、報酬豐厚的職位。但是不久之后,她就發現自己每次來上班的時候總是充滿不安,上班后分分秒秒都在盼望周末快點到來。
'I didn't like the job, and I didn't like the person I was becoming while doing it -- stressed out, irritable and unmotivated,' she says.她說,"我根本不喜歡這份工作,也不喜歡因為這份工作而逐漸改變的自己──筋疲力盡、暴躁易怒、沒有斗志。"
Recognize the Impact認識影響
Securing a position in your most desired field is a major achievement, and when the day-to-day work doesn't turn out to be as great as you thought it would be, it's normal to feel depressed, disappointed and confused.在你夢想的領域獲得一份工作是一項重要的成就,而當日常工作結果并非你想象的那么完美的時候,感到沮喪、失望和困惑是非常正常的現象。
You may feel powerless to make a decision, and this state of limbo can cause you to experience physical symptoms like insomnia, malaise and stomachaches.你可能會感到無力做出決定,而這種沒著沒落的感覺可能會使你經歷種種癥狀,比如失眠、莫名的不適和胃痛。
Examine Expectations審視期望值
The way to cope is first to examine your expectations. Says Ms. Hassler: 'Often, the first few years at a job aren't the most thrilling because you're learning the ropes, and it may be unreasonable to think that you'll be jumping out of bed to go to work every day, or that you'll get promoted before you've had time to prove yourself.'應對這種狀況的辦法,首先就是審視自己的期望值。哈斯勒女士說,一般來說,每份新工作的最初幾年都不會那么令人興奮,原因是你還在熟悉業務當中。這時候,要求自己每天都很積極地起床上班,或者希望自己在有時間證明自身價值之前就得到提升,可能都是不合情理的的想法。
If you're certain that you've made a wrong turn, try not to get mired in feelings of negativity. 'If you go to work every day with a woe-is-me attitude, you are going to feel even worse,' says Ms. Hassler, who eventually left Hollywood to become a life coach and book author. She suggests talking about your feelings with a friend or mentor, but keeping your game face on at work.如果你肯定自己的職業選擇是錯誤的一步,那么也要試著不讓自己陷在負面情緒里無法自拔。哈斯勒女士說,如果你每天去上班的時候都抱著我很倒霉的態度,那么你會感覺更差。哈斯勒女士最終離開了好萊塢,成為了一位生活指導和作家。她建議和朋友或者導師暢談自己的感想,但是在工作的時候則要保持正常心態。
Maintain your work reputation and in your free time you can start putting plans in place to transition your career. Begin researching positions that are a better fit for your skills and interests, start saving money, and attend networking activities in different industries so that you can get plugged into their communities.一方面保持在工作上的聲望,一方面在閑暇的時候開始自我規劃,為職業轉型做好準備。不妨開始研究更加適合自己技能和興趣的職位,開始存錢,參加不同行業的社交活動,以便將來能夠進入它們的領域。
And don't do anything rash. Although it's normal to make a career detour, it's also hard work, so you'll be well served to consider your next move carefully. Putting pressure on yourself to find the perfect career right now will not make it happen any faster, so remove the sense of urgency.不要行事魯莽。雖然職業轉型遇挫是很正常的事情,但是這也意味著要付出努力,因此仔細考慮自己的下一步行動有利無害。給自己太多壓力,要求自己馬上找到完美的職業,只會適得其反,因此不要有緊迫感。
'Relax and spend some time getting to know yourself,' says Ms. Hassler. 'As we get a clearer picture of who we are, then what we want to do becomes easier to identify.'哈斯勒女士說,不妨放松心情,花些時間了解自己。隨著我們越來越清楚自己是誰,那么也就更加容易找到我們到底想做什么。
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