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      1. 圣誕節(jié)小學(xué)生英語(yǔ)手抄報(bào)

        時(shí)間:2022-07-05 08:19:57 英語(yǔ)手抄報(bào) 我要投稿





          How many festivals are there in the world? I'm afraid no one can tell. But which festival in the world has the greatest influence and the most popular? The answer is clear. This is Christmas. There are more than 140 countries and regions on the earth to celebrate Christmas. The festival is the most popular festival in the world and the largest number of people in the world, from December 24th to January 6th, second years. It can be said that Christmas is a celebration of the world beyond the borders of the holiday.

          Christmas is a festival commemorating the birth of Jesus, the founder of the Christian Church. According to the Bible, the unmarried woman, Maria, gave birth to Jesus on a winter night because of the "gestation of the Holy Spirit." Christians took the year Jesus was born as the beginning of the world, and it was "the first year of the year of the ad." now the international common law is called the "A.D.", which is what we call "the Gregorian calendar". Jesus's birthday was not recorded in history, and it was not until 354 A.D. that the Rome Catholic Church decided to be "Christmas" in December 25th. Why do you choose this day? Originally, December 25th is the annual festival of Saturnalia, followed by the festival during the lunar winter solstice, the shortest day of the winter solstice, the longest night of sunshine, at least. From the beginning of Saturnalia, the days get longer and the night became shorter, the sunshine time is longer, the sun gives light and warmth grow with each passing day. To thank the people for the gift of the sun, held a variety of celebration often in Saturnalia, and to the sun worship ceremony. Jesus's birthday is the same day and Saturnalia, is nothing more than to show the birth of Jesus is the regeneration of the sun, the sun shines all like Jesus. So Jesus's birthday was made by people.

          Christmas was in December 25th, but Christmas began in December 24th. It's like Chinese people who don't start the Spring Festival at the beginning of the lunar new year, but start from thirty in the year.

          Christmas activities, although different countries are not exactly the same, but different from the same. From this point of view, the Christmas is a very unusual World Festival.












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