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      1. 高中英語定語從句說課稿

        時間:2020-10-24 09:09:19 高中說課稿 我要投稿


          定語從句(Attributive Clauses)在句中做定語,修飾一個名詞或代詞。它是高中英語學習的重要語法項目之一,也是歷年高考的熱點。如下是小編給大家整理的高中英語定語從句說課稿,希望對大家有所作用。



          (1) 定語從句:在主從復(fù)合句中用作定語的從句叫定語從句。定語從句一般緊接在先行詞后面。

          (2) 先行詞:被定語從句修飾的成份。先行詞可以為一個詞,短語,或整個主句。

          (3) 引導(dǎo)定語從句的詞叫關(guān)系詞,分為關(guān)系代詞和關(guān)系副詞。


          1) 引導(dǎo)定語從句,連接主句和從句,相當于一個連詞;

          2) 必在從句中作某個句子成份(可以做主語,賓語,表語,定語,狀語)

          常用的關(guān)系代詞: that、 which、 who、whom、as , 在從句中作主語,賓語,whose在從句中作定語)

          常用的關(guān)系副詞(在從句中只作狀語): when、why、 where

          The student who answered the question was John.

          I know the reason why he was so angry.

          The boy (whom) you are talking to is my brother.

          I'd like a room whose window looks out over the sea.





          Ⅱ. 幾個關(guān)系代詞的基本用法:

          ●that: 可指人或物;在定語從句中作主語,賓語,表語。(指人時,相當于who或 whom;指物時,相當于which)(不用于非限制性定語從句; 不可置于介詞后作賓語) 如:

          1. Do you know the gentleman that/who spoke just now?

          2. You can take anything ( that) you like.

          3. What is the question (that/which) they are talking about?

          4. Here is the man ( who/whom/that ) you want to see.

          5. She's no longer the girl ( that) she used to be before.

          ●which: 指物;在定語從句中作主語,賓語,表語,定語。如:

          1. The bookwhich/that was on the desk was bought by my father.

          2. The book (which/that) I bought yesterday is very interesting.

          3. The factory in which his father works is far from here.

          ●who, whom, whose:

          who: 主格, 在從句中作主語,在口語或非正式用法中作賓語; 只可指人

          whom: 賓格,在從句中作賓語; 只可指人

          whose: 屬格,在從句中作定語,可指人也可指物。

          1. I like the students who/that work hard.

          2. All who heard the story were amazed.

          (代詞如he, they, any, those, all, one等后多用who.)

          3. He's a man from whom we should learn.

          = He's a man (whom/who/that) we should learn from.

          4. A child whose parents are dead is called an orphan.

          5. I'd like a room whose window faces south.

          =I'd like a room of which the window faces south.

          =I'd like a room the window of which faces south.

          關(guān)系代詞作介詞賓語: (介詞+ whom / which)

          關(guān)系代詞在定語從句中用作介詞賓語時, 介詞可放于從句之首, 也可放于從句之末. 但以放于句首較為正式.(介詞前置,必須注意不影響動詞詞組的含義。)

          1. This is the book for which you asked. =This is the book (that/which) you asked for.

          2. Do you know the person with whom I shook hands?

          = Do you know the person (whom/who/that) I shook hands with?

          3. Is this the factory to which you paid a visit last week?

          4. Is this factory the one to which you paid a visit last week?

          5. This is the girl whom they are looking after. (介詞after與look構(gòu)成固定詞組,不可前置。look at, look for, look after, take care of等)

          ●as 的.用法:(as 引導(dǎo)定語從句, 在定語從句中作主語、賓語、表語)

          ①如為限制性的,多用于the same …as ; the same as;such …as …; as many/much as;so …as等結(jié)構(gòu)中。

          1. I have the same book as you (have). 我有一本和你的一樣的書。

          2. .---Why didn't you mention that in face of the police just now?

          --- I thought it was such a minor detail as was hardly worth mentioning.

          3. Don't do such things as you are not sure about.

          比較:I live in the same house that he used to live in.

          I'm wearing the same shirt as you wore yesterday.

          比較:Here is so big a stone as no one can lift. (定語從句)

          Here is so big a stone that no one can lift it.(結(jié)果狀語從句)

         、谌鐬榉窍拗菩缘,多單獨引導(dǎo)一個定語從句,這種定語從句可置于句首,句中或句尾,譯為"正如,這一點"。(動詞常為know, see, expect, point out, etc.)

          As we all know, smoking is harmful to one's health . (as 作賓語)

          =As is known to all, smoking is harmful to one's health . (as 作主語)

          =It's known to all that smoking is harmful to one's health .

          =Smoking is harmful to one's health, as we all know .(as 作賓語)

          =Smoking, as we all know, is harmful to one' health.

          He was a foreigner, as I knew from his accent. (賓語, 先行詞是前面整個句子)

          Ⅲ. 關(guān)系副詞引導(dǎo)的定語從句:

          ●When 指時間,在定語從句中作時間狀語。其先行詞是表時間的名詞(如:time, day, week, tear, month, etc.)

          He came last night when I was out.

          We will put off the picnic until next week, when the weather would be better.

          注意:先行詞為"時間名詞",可用when引導(dǎo)定語從句,when在定語從句中作狀語;還可以用which或that 引導(dǎo),which或that在從句中作主語或賓語。

          比較:1. I still remember the day when /on which my brother joined the army.(作狀語)

          2. I still remember the days which/that we spent together. (作賓語)

          3. I shall never forget the day when Shen Zhou Ⅴ was launched, which has a great effect on my life.

          ●Where 指地點,在定語從句中作地點狀語。其先行詞是表示地點的名詞,如:place, school, factory, room, etc.

          This is the place where I was born.

          I live in the room where /in which he used to live.

          注意:先行詞是"地點名詞",定語從句可用where引導(dǎo),還可用which或that引導(dǎo),which/that 在從句中作主語或賓語。

          比較: ※1. This is the factory where /in which he worked last year. (作狀語)

          2. I think you have got to the point where a change is needed, or you would fail.

          3. He's got himself into a dangerous situation where he's likely to lose control of the plane.

          4. This is the park which/that they visited last year. (作賓語)

          ●Why 指原因,在定語從句中作原因狀語。先行詞為reason 時,可用for which指代;當關(guān)系詞在從句中作主語或賓語時,則用which或that 引導(dǎo)。如:

          1. The reason why / for which / (that) he didn't attend the meeting was that he was ill.

          2. I don't believe the reason (that/which) he gave me. (作賓語)

          3. Have you asked him the reason that may explain his success? (作主語)

          當先行詞為way時,the way在從句中作狀語時,定語從句常用that, in which,或how引導(dǎo),that常可以省略。

          the way在從句中作主語或賓語時,則用which或that 引導(dǎo)。如:

          This is the way (that) /in which I do such things.

          比較: Please do the experiment in the way (that/which)I have shown you.

          Ⅳ. 限制性定語從句與非限制性定語從句的區(qū)別:

          1. 形式上,非限制性定語從句往往用逗號隔開。

          2. 語法上,非限制性定語從句一般不用that.

          3. 語義上,限制性定語從句與先行詞關(guān)系緊密,起限定作用,如果去掉了這個定語從句,整個句子就不完整或者會改變意思;而非限制性定語從句與先行詞關(guān)系不是很緊密,對先行詞起補充說明或描述的作用。

          This is the book I like best. 這就是我最喜歡的那本書。

          Beijing, which has been China's capital for more than 800 years, is rich in cultural and historic relics. 北京是中國八百年之久的古都,它有著豐富的文化和歷史遺產(chǎn)。

          4. 翻譯時,限制性定語從句可譯為一句(較短的一般譯為"的"字結(jié)構(gòu));而非限制性定語從句可譯為兩句。(見上句翻譯)

          比較: He has a sister, who is a musician.

          He has a sister who is a musician.

          引導(dǎo)非限制性定語從句的關(guān)系代詞,指人時用who, whom, whose , 指物時用which , whose; 關(guān)系副詞when,where, why, etc.

          1. He studied hard at school when he was young, which leads to his success in his later life.

          2. Tom's father, who arrived just now, is a famous scientist.

          Ⅴ. 幾個易混淆的關(guān)系代詞的比較:

          ●that & which:

          在定語從句中,which 和that 在指代事物時,一般可以互換使用,但并非在任何情況下都是這樣,這里介紹宜用that, 而不宜用which 的情況.

         、傧刃性~為不定代詞,all, much, something, everything, anything, nothing, none, the one等,

          1.We should do all that is useful to the people .

          2.There's nothing that can be said about it .

          3.Do you mean the one that was bought yesterday?

         、谙刃性~被only, any, few, little, no, just, very, one of等詞修飾時。

          1.The only thing that we could do was to wait.

          2.That's the very word that is wrongly used.

          3. The last place (that) we visited was the chemical works.

          比較 *This is one of the best novels that were published last year.

          This is the only one of the best novels that was published last year.


          1.When we talk about Wuxi, the first that comes into mind is Tai Lake.

          2.This is the third film that has been shown in our school this term.


          1.This is the best that can be done now.

          2.The most important thing that should be done right now is how to stop him from going on.


          1.The writer and his novel that you have just talked about is really well known .

          2.The rider and his bike that had run over an old woman were held up by the police.


          1.Yesterday I caught two fish and put them in a basin of water .Now you can see the two that are still alive .

         、呷绻袃蓚從句,其中一個關(guān)系代詞已用which ,另一個關(guān)系代詞宜用that,以避免語言的單調(diào)或重復(fù)。

          Edison built up a factory which produced things that had never been seen before.


          1. Which is the book that you like best?

          2. Who is the man that is standing at the gate?

         、嶂骶涫荰here be 結(jié)構(gòu),修飾其主句的定語從句宜用that 作關(guān)系代詞. 如:

          1. There is still a seat in the corner that is still free.

         、獗恍揎棾煞譃楸碚Z時,或者關(guān)系代詞本身是定語從句的表語時,該關(guān)系代詞宜用that .

          1. That's a good book that will help you a lot.

          2. My home village is no longer the place ( that ) it used to be .

          定語從句中宜用which而不宜用that 的情況:


          1.A zoo is a park in which many kinds of animals are kept for exhibition.

          2.Is this the room in which Mr. White lives?


          1.Crusoe's dog, which was are now very old, became ill and died .

          2.More and more people are beginning to learn English, which is becoming popular in our country. (which指代主句)

          ③在一個句子中有兩個定語從句,其中一個定語從句的關(guān)系代詞用了that, 另一個宜用which .

          1. Let me show you the novel that I borrowed from the library which was newly open to us.


          1. Here's the English grammar which, as I have told you, will help improve your English.

         、菹刃性~本身是that, 宜用which .

          What's that which she is looking at?


          A shop should keep a stock of those goods which sell best.

          ●who & that:

          who 和 that 指代人時,有些情況宜用who, 而不宜用that

          ①先行詞為anyone, anybody, those, all, one, ones, they, he, people時. 如:

          1.The person I want to learn from is the one who studies hard and works well.

          2.Anyone who (=Whoever) failed to come to the meeting yesterday must give his reason .

          3.Those who are not fit for their work should leave office at once.

         、谠赥here be 結(jié)構(gòu)中,修飾主語的定語從句宜用關(guān)系代詞who 指代人. 如:

          1.There is a gentleman who wants to see you .

          2.There are several students in our class who are still not sure about the use of attributive clauses.

         、郛斚刃性~有較長的后置定語時. 如:

          1. I met a foreigner in the park yesterday afternoon who could speak Chinese very well.

          ●as & which:

          as & which 引導(dǎo)非限制性定語從句的區(qū)別:


          which 引導(dǎo)的定語從句只置于所限制的句子后;as 位置較靈活,也就是說as可置于所限制的句子前面;插在句子中或放在句子后。如:

          1. He was late again, which made his teacher very angry.

          2. Jack, as you know, is an honest man. 或Jack is an honest man , as you know.

          或As you know, Jack is an honest man.




          1. She was very patient towards the children, which her husband seldom was.

          2. He was proud, which I dislike very much.(先行詞是一個句子)

          3. He is an honest man, as is known to all.

          ③as 一般譯為"正如""就像","這一點"

          as we all know;as you know; as is known to all; as you see; as we can see; as has been expected; as we have imagined.



          1. Is this the farm ________ you visited last week?

          A. whereB. the oneC. on whichD. /



          2. We came to a place, ________ stood a big tower.

          A. whichB. thatC. /D. where


          三、 拆分詞組和固定搭配

          3. The second is connected with the use ________ the body makes of food.

          A. of whichB. whereC. to doD. that

          4. Why can’t you realize the part ________ they have played in our life?

          A. whichB. on whichC. whenD. where

          【解析】正確答案分別是D和A。一些詞組和搭配被拆開后,句子的含義就變得難以理解。首先把拆開的詞組復(fù)原是理解此類定語從句的關(guān)鍵。上述句子中包含以下詞組:make use of, play a part (in)。


          5. The scientist has made another discovery, _______ I believe is of great importance.

          A. thatB. /C. whichD. why

          【解析】應(yīng)選擇C。這類句子主要利用插入語或狀語的添加來增加試題的難度。常見的插入語有:I think (suppose, expect, believe, imagine), in my opinion, to tell you the truth等。做這類題目時,最佳的辦法是先刪去插入語或狀語,這樣句子的主干部分就一目了然了。


          6. Is this the man ________ you want to have ________

          the radio for me?

          A. who;repairedB. that;repaired

          C. whom;repairingD. that;repair

          【解析】D項正確。非謂語動詞是英語中難度較大的語法項目之一,因而在定語從句中加入非謂語動詞就成了學生最易失分的題目。對付這類題目最有效的辦法就是將句子還原。如:我們可以把幾個句子中的定語從句進行還原,還原后的句子應(yīng)是:You want to have the man repair the radio for me.













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