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      1. 幼兒園大班英語說課稿

        時間:2022-07-17 16:54:10 幼兒園說課稿 我要投稿
        • 相關(guān)推薦




          Leaders, teachers: today, I'm talking about the theme of large class activities, "I grew up", this is the two level theme "people are changing" in an activity.

          First, teaching materials

          1, material source: in a normal height and weight measured after I put the previous test results and the test results also show that the children of their growing concern, eager to know their child's story. Therefore, I designed the theme of a series of activities, on the one hand to meet the psychological needs of children, promote the development of self consciousness; on the other hand, let the children know their elders for their care, improve their children will enjoy the elders of their love, but do not know how will be reported to state of mind. Outline requirements: should guide children to the common things and phenomena around the characteristics, changes in the law of interest and desire to explore. "I think the choice of this material stage and necessity, it conforms to the" Outline "of the spirit:" practical needs of education activities suitable for children, but also conducive to the long-term development; both are close to the lives of children, but also helps to develop children's experience and vision...... "

          2, target location: according to the children's age characteristics and the actual situation, "Bruner's taxonomy of educational objectives" as the basis, establish the cognition, ability, emotion and so on, integration of the integration of language, science, society, art. The goal is: (1) through various methods to guide children to find their own growth and change. (2) stimulate children to appreciate their own growth, display their ability, and establish self-confidence. (3) willing to communicate with peers and share the joy of growing up. (4) let children try to make personal growth book, develop children's fine movements. (5) let the children experience their parents' hard work, care, and enhance the feelings of parents and children.

          According to the goal, I focus on the activity: "I grew up", mainly to find their own growth and change. By observing and comparing pictures and supplies, playing videos, exchanging, sharing and showing yourself at a young age, activities are deepened. The difficulty is: sorting, making copies of personal growth according to the growth process, mainly through the cultivation of independent operation, hand muscle flexibility in the hands in the process and improve the sorting ability, looking forward to your growth. In the goal orientation, we set up the target integration view, the scientific view, the system view, each domain content organic link, the interpenetration, pays attention to the synthesis, the interest, the activity, integrates the education in the life, in the game. Therefore, I have made the following activities: (1) space preparation: pictures, clothes and articles for children are arranged on the wall, and the desks and chairs are of the same type, which is easy to evaluate and concentrate. (2) the material preparation: "growing up" people's pictures, card paper, pencils, paper, scissors, glue and other art materials and some tools, has produced ability of the trunk of the tree, when the video (or a small shift in the garden video), the growth of the fetus and newborn parenting video. (3) knowledge preparation: children know the stories of their parents and their childhood interesting to their parents, observe the photos of their own growth at different stages, familiar with the main characteristics of the characters.

          Two, say teaching method:

          "Outline" points out: "teachers should become the supporters, collaborators and guides of children's learning.". "Therefore, this activity adopts the appropriate method to organize the teaching, mainly has:

          1, situational teaching method: this activity through the environment of stimulation, let children find, identify companions when children photos, triggered the children's curiosity, attract children to participate in activities.

          2, demonstration method: through audio-visual means, multimedia animation "when the video (or small shift in the garden video), the growth of the fetus and newborn rearing video, let the children have a new understanding of their own growth, in this process, the use of auxiliary means of modern teaching play the function of the traditional means can not be replaced, so understanding and more thorough understanding.

          3, operation method: this event with the two operating activities, the first time for children to see, try, compare, compare (childhood and present) won the most direct experience, and enhance the understanding of themselves and others in the process of communication operations in second groups; the operation of their experience once again deepen, through making, imagination painting, form their own sort of growth of understanding and expectation, experience the joy of growth.

          Third, learning method:

          With children as the main body, creating conditions for children to participate in inquiry activities, not only improve, exercise ability, but also sublimation of emotion. This activity adopts the method of learning to have:

          1, multi-channel participation Law: the outline of the scientific field objectives clearly pointed out: "can use a variety of senses hands-on thinking, explore the problem; in a proper way to express, exchange, explore the process and results. In the activity, I guide the children to see, try, compare, say, say, and so on, participate in many senses, unconsciously develop their own interest.

          2, discussion method: when the children have some feelings about their growth, allowing them to exchange their views, to tell their stories about their growth, not only let the children happy to share, to students, but also can improve children's language ability.

          3, display method: let children display their ability, play the main role of children, each child has the opportunity to express themselves, and to their growth is full of expectations.

          4, Tao Xingzhi said: "the trial teaching in middle school, to do, to make progress. Do in the activities of children making, sorting, arrangement of" skill tree ", children's thinking is more flexible, a variety of exercise capacity, expand the scope of knowledge.

          At the same time, I also through the complementary learning between children, teachers and children cooperative long method, express their rich and diverse understanding, embodies the "child development oriented" concept.

          Four. Talking about teaching procedure:

          I used to organize this event chain program, activity process:

          Stimulate interest -- free exploration -- accumulate experience -- exchange experience -- show yourself -- operation performance -- share happiness

          1, stimulate interest: "interest is the best teacher". Activities began, with the change of the activity room environment caused children's interest in children's supplies.

          2, free exploration (enjoy photos and supplies in childhood): according to the characteristics of curiosity and hyperactivity of children, let the children guess the photos "who is the person on the photo?" Why can't you guess when you talk about it? So we can find the change of children. Look, try, compare, truly feel oneself grow up. In this process, the experience of children is simple, I focus on the way to let children talk about each other: now and when compared to childhood, what changes have their own? Guide children from more aspects to compare a target reflected. 3, watch video, accumulate experience: young children to where they are from, how to grow up, full of curiosity. By watching videos, the children were brought to the mysterious time of life origin. They deeply felt the hardships of mother's pregnancy, the hardships of their parents' upbringing, and the feelings of their parents, and the target five was embodied.

          4, exchange experience (memories of childhood fun): let children tell their childhood anecdotes, encourage children to participate actively, communicate with peers, share their happiness, the target three is reflected.

          5, to show their children free packet exchange and display their skills, but also let the children have to learn from each other and feel the opportunities and strengths of others, please show in front of the collective individual children at the appropriate time to build up confidence and target two has also been reflected.

          6, operation performance: in order to let the children feel their own growth, further understanding of the process of growing up, I let the children make a grouping operation, group "growth change map" -- my childhood is like this: I now look like this: I will become like this - please draw a portrait of yourself in the future. A group of pictures in order: growth process please give people the sort, show people how to change? A group of children painting a would do yourself in every leaf, and then paste in the tree. Let the children choose, there are areas of integration, target four reflected.

          7, share happiness: This is the extension of activities, "Outline" pointed out "for children to display their works conditions, guide children to communicate with each other, appreciate each other, improve together.". "Children in this link to introduce their works to the companion, happy emotions have been greatly satisfied, a sense of achievement.


          一、 說教材




          二、 說教法:





          三、 說學(xué)法:











          2、自由探索(欣賞小時候的照片和用品):根據(jù)幼兒好奇、好動的特點,讓幼兒猜照片"照片上的人是誰?一起議論為什么猜不著?從而發(fā)現(xiàn)小朋友的變化?匆豢、試一試、比一比,真實地感受自己長大了。在這一過程幼兒的經(jīng)驗是淺顯的,我就通過集中讓幼兒互相議論的方法:現(xiàn)在與小時候比,自己有什么變化?引導(dǎo)幼兒從更多的方面有目的進(jìn)行比較,目標(biāo)一得到了體現(xiàn)。 3、觀看錄像,積累經(jīng)驗:幼兒對自己是從哪里來的、是怎樣長大的,充滿了好奇。通過觀看錄像把幼兒帶到了神秘的生命起源時刻,他們深深地感受到媽媽懷孕的辛苦、父母養(yǎng)育的艱辛,增進(jìn)了對父母的感情,目標(biāo)五得到了體現(xiàn)。






          Distinguished judges, teachers, hello:

          Today, I'm going to talk about my family. Below I will from the following four aspects of the lesson.

          First, teaching materials

          This activity originates from tomorrow press "Shandong kindergarten activity material" second themes, the first activity.

          Home is the harbor of everyone's life, the warmth and affection of family will affect children's attitudes towards people and society, and children's feelings towards family will also affect the way of their life. Children in their own homes, children are not unfamiliar, but children on the family members of the birthday, occupation, hobbies and so on is not very clear. "Talk about my family" is to stimulate children's interest in the investigation through children familiar with the figures, and through investigation and record to enhance children's understanding of their families and families, help children set up love for their families and families. As mentioned in the "Outline", "reality is in line with the need of children, but also conducive to the long-term development; both are close to the lives of children, the children interested in things and problems, but also help to develop children's experience and vision. "Therefore, this activity originates from the children's life and serves the children's life. So I chose this event. In view of the above analysis, the following goals are formulated:

          1. knowledge objectives: stimulate children's interest in investigation, enhance the understanding of the family.

          2. skills goal: guide children to record their findings in their own way, and be able to tell them in a systematic way.

          3. emotional goals: to cultivate children's love for their families.

          According to the "Outline" in the target age characteristics and education of children, I will stimulate children's interest in family survey, enhance understanding and love as the focus, to guide children to use their own way to record the results of the investigation, and methodically tell as difficult.

          In order to make the activity appear comprehensive, and the education in the living situation, the following preparations are made:

          1. knowledge preparation: let the children investigate their birthdays, occupations, hobbies and so on, and discuss the results before and after the activity.

          2. teaching aids preparation:

          (1) ask every child to bring a picture of a family member

          (2) provide the layout of the photos

          (3) children a hand colored pencils, paper

          Two, say teaching method

          The new "Outline" that "teachers should become supporters of early learning activities and collaborator guide." activities teachers should have a goal in mind, the eyes of children, always have education, to study the concept of interactive, open, let the children really become the subject of study. Therefore, the teaching method adopted in this activity is available:

          (1) heuristic questioning: this method is the most common in all activities. Stimulate children's interest in investigation by inspiring questions.

          (2) discussion method: through the discussion between teachers and children, let the children have some understanding of the family, but also let the children in the discussion to solve the problem, to achieve the teaching goal. In addition, there are painting methods, through drawing brochures, to enhance children's understanding of the family and love the family emotion.

          Three, learning method

          Children are the main body of learning, so that children can actively participate in activities, according to the characteristics of the age of children, around the target, the main use of methods:

          (1) investigation method: through the investigation of the family, inspire children to understand the enthusiasm of the family.

          (2) recording method: to record the family's birthday, occupation and hobbies more vividly and vividly. In addition, there are hands-on methods, using brush to record family and make brochures, can further strengthen the understanding of the family.

          Four. Talking about the process of activity

          1. import. Teacher, here is a picture of my family, there are my father, mother, grandfather, grandmother and me, the children have such a picture? The teacher uses a picture of his family to introduce the child, which leads to the family picture of the child, and makes the group communicate with each other. Children's thinking is intuitive image, children through the understanding of the people on the photo, stimulate children's interest in active investigation, children quickly enter the subject.

          (1) ask some children to show photos and questionnaires. Teachers ask questions about who they are, what they do, what they like, and when they are born. This link reflects children's initial understanding of their families.

          (2) please tell your children how to record them. Teachers guide children to observe, discuss and get results. Such as: Dad can draw the man's head, the mother can draw pictures of women; birthday numbers available can draw on the cake, or candles; love clothes, food can be directly drawn; love color paint available the corresponding color pen can draw the corresponding occupation; sign. The "Outline" that "education in all kinds of activities", this part is mainly to improve children's understanding and love of family and the record of the way through the discussion, not only exercise their ability of thinking, thinking positive thinking method of recording, but also cultivate the children's language skills, with the exchange of experience, share the joy, in high school, middle school, said to listen to the thinking of middle school, with children as the main body, the children really masters of learning.

          3. making small files of family

          (1) ask children to make their own family files by drawing, and supplement the results of other family members when necessary. This link through the children's own hands-on operation, to further consolidate the understanding of the family.

          (2) draw a picture of the family on the front page of the family's small files, and make a booklet with the findings of the other family members.

          4. classroom summary, to make children's family small files for evaluation.

          5. extended activities

          (1) the whole family photos are arranged on the wall for children to enjoy, introduce and communicate freely.

          (2) family small files can be added according to the needs of children at any time.

          Extended activity is not an activity that ends, but the beginning of another activity. Therefore, through extending activities can improve children's understanding and love of their families, but also improve their language ability and the acquisition of new knowledge and new experience.

          The above activities are closely linked, step by step, not only concerned about children's original life experience, but also the acquisition of new experience.

          This is the end of my lecture, and there are still many inadequacies, please judge the teacher's advice, thank you!



















































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