答:首先我會問您,在這次面試中是否有某個具體的環節處理得不妥當。然后我會盡量回憶,在我與您的交談過程中,我犯了什么錯誤。接著,我會重新考慮我對您的問題的理解上可能存在的問題。有必要的話,我會澄清它。最后如果時間允許的話,我會試著更全面、更恰當地對您給我指出的不恰當的地方再作補充。 面試官喜歡問諸如此類的壓力型問題,目的是了解你是如何很好在壓力下生存的。最佳辦法就是保持鎮定并且充分放松,不要動搖你的信心。
Q:What would you do if I told you that I thought you were giving a very poor interview today? A:Well, the first thing Id do is ask you if there was any specific part of the interview that you thought I might have mishandled. After that Id think back and try to remember if there had been any faulty communication on my part. Then I'd try to review possible problems I had understanding your questions, and I'd ask for clarification if I needed it. Finally, if we had time, Id try to respond more fully and appropriately to the problem areas you identified for me.
Q:Have you ever been fired?
A:During one of my summer internships while in college, I worked for a software consulting company. Midway through the summer a new president was appointed because of some financial difficulties, and he requested the resignation of my entire group. I was swept out with everyone else, even though my work performance had never been criticized.
答:在過去的5年里,我經常調換工作是因為我這種職業迅速變化的緣故。我的工作以政府的合同為基礎。前幾年,國會撥款上下波動,許多公司的合約都被取消,而其他的公司則獲得巨大的、不可預料的巨額合約。這種易變性造就了許多有利的機會,但也帶來了許多不穩定的因素。由于貴公司的生意大部分以消費品為主,而不是以政府產品為主,我喜歡有機會在一個相對較穩定并易于預見的環境下工作。 此時要坦率一點,個人的發展、一項大的預算或者其他有助于轉換工作的經歷都是跳槽的有說服力的理由。讓面試官信服你一直對他或她的公司感興趣。
Q:Why have you changed jobs so frequently?
A:My frequent job changes over the last five years have been due to the rapid changes in my profession. My jobs have been based on government contracts, and over the last several years congressional appropriations have been up and down, cau sing some companies contracts to be canceled, while other companies land huge, unexpected contracts. This volatility creates some good opportunities, but it also creates a lot of uncertainty. Because your business is based mostly on consumer products, and not on government products, I welcome the opportunity to work in an environment where the business cycle is more stable and predictable.
Q:Why did you stay in your last job so long?
A:I was in my last job over seven years. During that time, I completed an advanced technical degree and also had two sixmonth assignments in which I was loaned out to different departments. As a result, I acquired some additional skills th at normally arent associated with that particular job. Therefore, I think I've made good progress and am ready to accept the next challenge.
Q:Tell me about your leastfavorite manager or professor.
A:Well, Ive been pretty fortunate as far as managers go, and I didnt have any problems with my professors. In my first job out of college I worked with a manager who was pretty inaccessible. If you walked into his office to ask a question, you got the sense that you were bothering him, so we just learned to get help from each other instead. I wouldn't say he was my leastfavorite manager, because he was a good manager in a lot of ways, but I would have preferred that he'd made himself more available to us and given us more direction.
答:那該是富蘭克林協會的漢森女士了。當忙碌的時候,她會把人推向極限,而且她對細節要求嚴格。但是她總是很公正,并且會獎勵工作做得好、勤勞的人。她是一個嚴格的老板,但也是一個好老板。 再一次提醒你,無論如何你也要避免對你前任的老板作任何否定的評價。像這位應聘者那樣,繞過問題,回答積極樂觀的一面。
Q:Who's the toughest employer youve ever had, and why?
A:That would be Ms. Henson at Franklin Associates. She'd push people to their limits when things got busy, and she was a stickler for detail. But she was always fair, and she rewarded good, hard work. I'd call her a tough boss, but a good boss.
Q:How do you handle tension with your boss?
A:The only tension Ive ever felt was once when we both got too busy to keep each other informed.My boss overcommitted me with a short deadline,not knowing that I was bogged down with another client problem.I believe firmly in the importance of staff meetings so that coworkers can respect the demands on each other's time.