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      1. 世界地球日英語演講稿

        時間:2022-11-02 11:59:58 英語演講稿 我要投稿




          世界地球日英語演講稿 篇1

          In September 1969, at a conference in Seattle, Washington, U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson announced that in the spring of 1970 there would be a nationwide grassroots demonstrationon the environment. Senator Nelson first proposed the nationwide environmental protest to thrust the environment onto the national agenda. "It was a gamble," he recalls, "but it worked."

          Each year, the April 22 Earth Day marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970. At the time, Americans were slurping leaded gas through massive V8 sedans. Industry belched out smoke and sludge with little fear of legal consequences or bad press. Air pollution was commonly accepted as the smell of prosperity. Environment was a word that appeared more often in spelling bees than on the evening news. But Earth Day 1970 turned that all around.

          On April 22, 20 million Americans took to the streets, parks, and auditoriums to demonstrate for a healthy, sustainable environment. Denis Hayes, the national coordinator, and his youthful staff organized massive coast-to-coast rallies. Thousands of colleges and universities organized protests against the deterioration of the environment. Groups that had been fighting against oil spills, polluting factories and power plants, raw sewage, toxic dumps, pesticides, freeways, the loss of wilderness, and the extinction of wildlife suddenly realized they shared common values.

          Earth Day 20xx sent the message loud and clear that citizens the world round wanted quick and decisive action on clean energy. Earth Day 20xx was one of the largest Earth Days to date, with an estimated billion people participating in the activities in thousands of places like Kiev, Ukraine; Caracas, Venezuela; Tuvalu; Manila, Philippines; Togo; Madrid, Spain; London; and New York.

          世界地球日英語演講稿 篇2

          On Earth Day, 175 world leaders met at the United Nations to sign the Paris Agreement, a historic pact to curb the carbon emissions behind climate change. Several speakers kicked off the ceremony by describing whats at stake, culminating with an urgent, cogent plea from new Academy Award-winner Leonardo DiCaprio.

          "Yes, we have achieved the Paris Agreement. More countries have come together to sign this agreement today than for any other cause in the history of humankind, and that is reason for hope," DiCaprio said, praising the first international treaty that commits both developed and developing nations to cut greenhouse gas emissions. "But unfortunately the evidence shows us that it will not be enough. Our planet cannot be saved unless we leave fossil fuels in the ground where they belong."

          "You know that climate change is happening faster than even the most pessimistic of scientists warned us decades ago. It has become a runaway freight train bringing with it an impending disaster for all living things," DiCaprio said. "Think about the shame each of us will carry when our children and grandchildren look back and realize we had the means of stopping this devastation, but simply lacked the political will."

          "We can congratulate each other today, but it will mean absolutely nothing if you return to your countries and fail to push beyond the promises of this historic agreement. Now is the time for bold, unprecedented action. My friends, look at the delegates around you. Its time to ask yourselves which side of history you will be on."

          世界地球日英語演講稿 篇3

          Good morning, everyone !

          April 22nd will be the 41st “Earth Day ”.This year’s theme is to live with low carbon.

          Earth Day originated from America. On April 22nd ,1970,US Democratic Senator ?Gaylord Nelson ,and a student from Harvard University-Dennis Hayes,organized an activity named “Earth Day”. Many people in the USA joined them. The purpose was to callon all the people to keep our environment clean and protect our earth .

          The earth is our common home ,but some of our activities cause serious damages to the earth .Now ,forests,lakes,wetlands are disappearing at an alarming rate;Coal,oil,gas and other non-renewable energy sources face depletion due to over-exploitation;Emissions of greenhouse gases cause global warming;ice caps in the Arctic and the Antarctic are melting down and sea-level rises which threaten human survival and development .

          世界地球日英語演講稿 篇4

        Teachers and students:

          Good morning, everyone!

          Week x this week is April 22. Does anyone know what day April 22 is every year? Yes, it's World Earth Day. Do you know the role of creating World Earth Day? It is to arouse the awareness of human beings to love the earth and protect their homes, and promote the coordinated development of resource development and environmental protection. When green and luxuriant patches are replaced by desert. When beautiful white clouds are replaced by rich black smoke. When the clear brook is filled with garbage, as a member of nature, what have you done for her? There is only one earth, and its resources are not inexhaustible. We should realize the seriousness of the problem from now on, cherish the resources and protect the earth together. We need to do too much to protect the environment. As students, the first thing we should do is to protect the campus environment. Our campus is beautiful and warm, we have bright and spacious classrooms, we have green flowerbeds, and we have a cultural wall with ancient charm and scholarly fragrance. In this beautiful environment, we are basking in sunshine and absorbing nutrition. It can be said that the environment is a necessary condition to ensure our learning. Therefore, we have the responsibility and obligation to protect our campus environment. Here, I also propose to the students of the whole school:

          1. Please don't litter.

          2. Take care of the campus environment as its own responsibility, and consciously maintain the cleanliness of the campus.

          3. Start from me, start from now, and develop good hygiene habits.

          4. To cultivate the virtue of thrift and reduce waste is to reduce garbage.

          5. Take good care of public facilities, do not scribble, do not step on the lawn, and do not break branches.

          Although these little things seem insignificant, as long as we work hard, together, together, we can reduce some pain for this already unbearable earth. Students, let's take an active part in the team of protecting the campus environment and nature. We should not throw melon peel and paper scraps, climb flowers and trees, or spit everywhere. We should start from protecting the plants, mountains and waters around us.

          In this way, our earth home will be more beautiful!

          世界地球日英語演講稿 篇5

          Boys and girls, do you know what April 22nd is—— World Earth Day. Earth Day originated in the United States. On April 22, 1970, the first "Earth Day" activity was held in New York, the United States. It was a huge event and was praised as the largest social activity in the United States since World War II. Hundreds of thousands of people gathered to call on people to create a clean, simple and peaceful living environment. On April 22, 1990, 20 years after the first Earth Day, the world organized another large-scale event. A total of more than 200 million people from more than 140 countries held various commemorative activities at the same time. This action focused on the improvement of the overall global environment. This activity was approved by the United Nations. Since then, April 22 of each year has been designated as "World Earth Day".

          Speaking of this, I can't help thinking that last year, 2008 was the Olympic Year that every Chinese was proud of. "Green Olympics" was one of the three themes of the Beijing Olympic Games. In fact, the Green Olympics was not the first of the Beijing Olympic Games. In the internal steel frame structure of the "Bird's Nest", the landmark building of the Beijing Olympic venues, there was a special "rain bucket" hidden. If it rained, the "rain bucket" would automatically catch the water, Successful rainwater recycling. There are many Olympic venues like this. They are equipped with rainwater collection and sewage treatment systems. The rainwater collection and utilization alone can reach 1 million tons every year... However, what can we children do to protect our only home, the Earth? It is better to be an environmentalist, seize every environmental opportunity and participate in every green action. Now, in my life and in my family, we should always pay attention to the cultivation of environmental awareness, such as batteries, newspapers, glass bottles, oil kettles and other recyclables, which we should deal with and store separately; Do not use disposable plastic bags for shopping and vegetable shopping; The water for washing clothes is reused to flush the toilet... Protecting the earth should start from these little things around us.

          Students, let's start from every bit, from me, from the little things around me.

          世界地球日英語演講稿 篇6

        Dear teachers and students:

          How do you do!

          I'm Cheng Ting from Class 6, Grade 3. The theme of my speech today is Save the Earth. I hope you like it.

          The earth is our home for survival. Because the earth is here, it can provide us with resources for survival. The earth is just like our mother. Like the children of the earth, we should be filial to it as mothers. However, I did not expect that more and more people are constantly wasting the earth for their own interests, constantly discharging pollutants, poisoning, deforestation, wasting hydropower resources, and littering.

          These bad habits directly hurt the heart of the earth. Because of our bad behavior, the Yellow River is often cut off, the desert is expanding, and the ozone layer is getting bigger and bigger. The sky is not so blue, and the water is not so clear. Even many animals have been implicated.

          Hugo once said, "Nature is both a kind mother and a cruel butcher." Now, human beings have finally been retaliated for their destruction of nature. Earthquake, mud rock flow and other disasters often occur. Aren't you afraid?

          The earth is our only home, if it does not exist. Then we have nowhere else to go. So, dear ones, take action. Let's join hands to protect the environment and save our homeland. Let Mother Earth better benefit our children!

          My speech is over, thank you!

          世界地球日英語演講稿 篇7

        Dear teachers and students:

          Good morning!

          The topic of my speech today is "Protecting the Environment and Building a Beautiful Earth".

          Someone once said: "The earth is a beautiful landscape painting, with pleasant scenery, clean cities and harmonious people." But is that really the case? Everyone says we should protect the earth, but we are destroying it. We must know that there is only one earth in the world. If people want to walk with the earth, everyone on the earth must protect the earth.

          In order to build a beautiful earth, please keep the rivers clean. The river in the Grand Canal next to our house is dark yellow, smelly and full of scars. The outfall of the river is inclined downward, and the dirty water in the river cannot be discharged into the pipe for purification, while the waste water in the residents' homes is inclined continuously. The residents living along the river bank are not even willing to walk a few more steps and directly pour the garbage into the river. On the ships coming and going, some boatmen simply use the Grand Canal as a trash can and pour kitchen garbage, oil residue, etc. into it... How sad these actions are! Have they ever thought that rivers covered with garbage will affect people's lives. If the lake is polluted, the fish will become extinct and the blue-green algae will break out.

          In order to build a beautiful earth, please abide by social ethics in tourist attractions. There is a good saying: "When traveling, don't take away anything except photos. Don't leave anything except footprints." My friends, let's be more ethical when we travel, which will add some beauty to the scenic spot.

          In order to build a beautiful earth, please do not waste resources. Walk more, drive less, and travel low-carbon. Please don't waste precious food. It's hard to eat and order as much as you can. Please do not discard the paper at will, but recycle and reuse it to save tree resources.

          At present, sewage is flowing and garbage is everywhere, but I believe that as long as we permeate environmental protection into the daily life, the future world will be fresh air and all things will flourish. Environmental protection is not an empty slogan, a fad or a national white paper. It should be our attitude towards life, an indispensable part of our life, and an important embodiment of our social and personal morality. Let's all protect the environment and build a beautiful earth!

          世界地球日英語演講稿 篇8

        Dear teachers and students:

          hello everyone!

          Now, Mother Earth is very sad, because human beings continue to cut down trees and kill animals, causing animals to die because they can't live. Some animals are homeless because they have no home. Every time I see this scene, I feel very distressed and hate those who make the earth scarred. Especially when I saw the things made by trees being wasted one by one, I really couldn't tell the feeling of loss. I really want to call on them to stop wasting precious resources and tell you that trees have photosynthesis and can breathe oxygen and carbon dioxide. Do you know all that?

          Grandpa often takes us out for a walk. Every time, Mother Nature hugged me with her warm hands. But with each passing day, there are fewer and fewer trees on the mountain. I remember one time, when we were walking, a bird suddenly flew by and kept twittering. Grandpa and I stopped to observe carefully. These birds are thin and pitiful. We shouldn't have eaten for a long time. Looking around, there seems to be only one. It is lonely. Maybe all the trees have been cut down. Perhaps when people cut down trees, it was forced to separate from its mother? He can't find his home. Looking into his eyes, he seemed to say, "Please, don't chop. Please, give me a home! Give us a forest!" Yes, although wood has a great role and high value, it is hard to imagine the consequences if you cut down trees indiscriminately: not only can small animals not find their homes, but many mountains also become bare. What's more, cutting down trees indiscriminately will aggravate various natural disasters such as sandstorms and tornadoes.

          I often imagine such a civilized society: first, there are trees everywhere and there are many small animals in the forest

          The forest happily plays and plays, woodpeckers catch pests in the trees, little monkeys run up and down, little bears hibernate in tree holes, grass sways in the wind, flowers compete to open and compete for beauty... Second, people travel by walking, skateboarding, skating... Even if they drive, they use solar energy instead of gasoline. Third, the school can often organize students to go on field trips, so that we can have more opportunities to get close to nature and breathe fresh air. Fourth, people in the whole society are civilized, polite, and abide by the rules... There is a new scene of vitality everywhere.

          Finally, I would like to say, Mother Earth, we will do our best to protect you! Let's work together to create a harmonious and beautiful new city!

          世界地球日英語演講稿 篇9

        Dear teachers and students:

          hello everyone! The topic of my speech today is: Everyone Creates a Green Home.

          Who doesn't want the sky above to be as blue as a mirror, who doesn't want the land below to be as green as grass, who doesn't want the lake around to be clear and bright, and who doesn't want the sun in front to be as bright as gold.

          Yes, who doesn't want such a natural picture? But now we are farther and farther away from it. The increasing destruction of the ecological environment has seriously threatened our homeland. The sky is as blue as a mirror, and the land is as green as grass, which is about to disappear. However, we are obsessed with destroying the environment, which is really worrying. Recently, the grassland in Inner Mongolia has been seriously degraded to an alarming extent. Among the 63.59 million hectares of available grassland, the area of degraded grassland has reached 38.67 million hectares, accounting for 60% of the available grassland.

          In ancient China, the Loess Plateau was once a beautiful and rich place. In the Shang Dynasty, the forest coverage of the Yellow River basin was more than 50%. However, after thousands of years of predatory development, nature has mercilessly retaliated. Now, the soil and water loss area of the Loess Plateau is full of barren mountains, bald mountains and ravines. The Yellow River, the "mother river" of the Chinese nation, has become the river with the largest sediment content in the world. In recent decades, with the rapid growth of population and the rapid development of economy, the damage to the environment caused by human production and life has become increasingly serious, resulting in an unprecedented environmental crisis. The environmental crisis includes the pollution of the environment, the destruction of natural resources such as forests, grasslands and wildlife, and the consequent deterioration of the ecological environment. Moreover, at present, there is a shortage of various resources in the world, such as the current water resources, and the drought in the southwest of China is becoming increasingly serious, so it has become an urgent and arduous task for the world to protect the ecological environment, rationally use the resources given to us by the earth, and achieve sustainable development.

          One after another alarming figures show that it is urgent to create a green home. Our action should not only appeal, but also start from me, create a green home, and make rational use of limited resources. Of course, it is difficult to create a green home, and it can not be achieved immediately, but we can see the results as long as we persevere. As long as you pay attention to every bit of life, you will find that it is so simple to create a green home. If you bend down to pick up a piece of paper on the ground every day, you will walk a cleaner road. In the long run, you will find that your green home will be built, and our green home will be built. Therefore, your green home is a simple task, why not? If everyone had such a high awareness of environmental protection, the above things would not happen, and we would not face such an ecological environment.

          In order to protect our common homeland - the Earth. Protect the Green Homeland Today, sow a green seed and harvest a piece of blue sky and green land tomorrow! Take action, start with me! Act now! thank you!

          世界地球日英語演講稿 篇10


          Do you know why the prosperous Silk Road in the past has become a sad scene of "thin horses with westerly wind on the ancient road, withered vines, old trees and crows"? Did you know that Alxa, Inner Mongolia and its surrounding areas, the birthplace of the first sandstorm in Beijing, were once known as the "hometown of Populus euphratica"?

          This area used to be a prairie with populus euphratica and beautiful grass and fat sheep. Later, it not only became a lonely landscape of "desert smoke straight, long river sunset yen", but also became the culprit of the dreaded sandstorm; Do you know that the Loess Plateau that nurtured our Chinese nation is far from the yellow sand that we saw later, and the Yellow River is far from the landscape that we saw later?

          The prehistoric Yellow River valley is the wonderful Eden of our Yanhuang ancestors. At that time, the Yellow River basin was a vast expanse of primeval forests, blocking the sky, crisscrossing rivers and streams, gurgling mountain streams and fountains, hundreds of birds singing in the branches, hundreds of flowers blooming on the grassland, tigers roaring and bears singing, apes howling and wolves howling

          However, with the increase of population, it gradually evolved into a desolate area. Boys and girls, do you know why? The change of human living space shows a serious problem, which is that human beings have been excessively demanding from nature for survival and have been mercilessly retaliated by nature. Isn't it true that human beings excessively cut down forests and blindly develop cultivated land, resulting in soil erosion and desertification; Digging natural resources at will makes underground mineral resources increasingly exhausted; Especially in the past 2xx years, the industrial revolution and the rapid development of science and technology have brought great convenience to mankind, but also destroyed our home - the earth at a high speed.

          Over the past xx years, with the forest of chimneys, wastewater, waste gas and waste gas have been continuously discharged to the ground and sky, which has seriously deteriorated our natural environment. If it is allowed to develop, the ultimate reward for the earth will be the waste of all kinds of materials and the punishment of bad weather.

          In order to save the earth, people of insight in the world have repeatedly called for "protecting the earth mother". On April 22, 1990, more than 140 countries and more than 200 million people in the world held various publicity activities around the world on how to improve the global environment. The event made people more aware that, with the continuous development of global industry, the atmospheric ozone layer has been destroyed, and the resulting abnormal global climate change is becoming a world problem that directly threatens human survival. The event was approved by the United Nations. Since then, April 22 of each year has been designated as the "World Earth Day". The World Earth Day is held to arouse the awareness of human beings to love the earth and protect their homes, and promote the coordinated development of resource development and environmental protection. Since 1990, China has also held the commemoration of "World Earth Day" on April 22 every year.

          Since then, our government has paid more and more attention to the commemoration of Earth Day. More and more attention is paid to the education of environmental protection among young people. China also proposed to make the XX Olympic Games a "green Olympics". In order to achieve this goal, Beijing is constantly expanding the urban green space, and the whole country has also set off an upsurge of returning farmland to forests and wetlands. The country has also carried out a "green school" campaign in primary and secondary schools. Through the joint efforts of all teachers and students, our school has successively won the honor of "Green School" in "Xuanwu District" and "Beijing City". We are pleased to see that many students pick up scraps of peel paper in every corner of the campus; With their own hands to protect the beautiful campus environment. However, we often see some scenes that we do not want to see: there are paper scraps and food bags on the playground, stairs and corridors, especially the sanitary tubes after lunch are in a mess; Some students also often play the game of "heaven and women scatter flowers" on the window, looking at the wafting paper, they can be said to be imaginative; What's more, some male students throw cigarette butts everywhere in spite of the school ban, completely forgetting their pollution to the campus and the potential safety hazards, etc.

          Students, we are the masters of the 21st century, and the awareness of environmental protection is the symbol of modern people. We should have a sense of responsibility for the times. Focus on the world, focus on the side, and base on the campus. Bend down more and pick up the peel paper scraps. Don't throw them everywhere; Don't try to swallow smoke. "Don't stop doing good things because they are small, and don't stop doing evil things because they are small." Start from me, start from small, start from around, and start now. Protect Mother Earth and purify our campus.

          Boys and girls, take active action.












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