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      1. 大學(xué)生優(yōu)秀英語演講稿

        時(shí)間:2022-04-27 08:22:25 英語演講稿 我要投稿





          Needless to say, money is not very important, but very very important.

          If there is no money, I can’t use this microphone to speak to you and we can’t have such a room to hold such a competition. Without money, we can’t study in such a schoolyard. Without money, we can’t live in such a hometown. Without money, we can’t have such a motherland. On the other hand, If there is no money, you don’t need to bear my speech about money now.

          Most of us have dreams about the future, dreams of having a good job and making much money. Surely someone has thought at times “If only I had a lot of money, I could be the happiest person in the world.” In fact it’s the main mistake that people make about money.

          However, is money the road to happiness? Not really! Many people work every day, work overtime, work weekends to make a lot of money. Are they happy? No. They are too busy making money. Meanwhile, their personal lives, if they have any, fall apart. They have no time to form or to maintain friendship. They even lose the abilities to relax and to enjoy themselves. Enjoying means taking things, taking time to see, to hear, to taste, to smell, to feel. They do not take time to do this. They say: “I’ll do it when I have enough money to retire” then they find that it is too late.

          Why we usually make such a mistake and even more mistakes? Activists say it is because of money itself. They think money has changed many things. For example, they think money has changed our way to measure someone’s value in the society. They even regard money as the source of evil. Also, they hate money, but they are wrong, completely wrong.

          In my opinion, it is unfair to money. Money is a tool. Well, there’s no denying that we do something harmful with money. But we can’t say money is the source of evil. Just like a hammer, we can use a hammer to kill someone, but can we say a hammer is a devil? It is the same with money.

          Money is neither good nor bad itself. It is a mirror, a perfect and important mirror, and a mirror that reflects both the darkness and the brilliance of humanity. In other words, all depend on us.

          So, my fellow students, ladies and gentlemen in the future, ask not what we can do for money, ask what money can do for us, ask what money can do to show the brilliance of humanity. Because, we have the future; we are the future.


          Year by year, the spring return to the earth again, it may be said"the prairie fire burn not to exert, the spring breeze blow and living", grass with it special stubborn, walk through the four ough it have no floriferous fragrance, take light nice and secluded;Although it dont have Gao Da4 of tree, seem to be so of insignificant, it be not small but shame, it optimism upward, creator green of vast one, it dont account repay useful green display whole of the earth.

          The lovely grass, I appreciate you, you are to use you of of offer, use you of time change oneself of new looks, also change peoples viewpoint to ough sometimes blow to kiss in the bise bottom, you would be tinily low to fall a head, however you just trembled to fall the dust of body, face strongly, the Ao sign a ground of outstanding on the mud.

          You dont have too many Diao decoration and have no clamor of city and car bearer to of prosperous, but have ground smile to face a kid especially, face what you face each have life of person, passion life, life medium of people also love grass of smile, because have you in the life of open-minded state of mind and optimism of attitude, there is also bright and beautiful ough sometimes perhaps would be continuous to rain, brought the grass of light green excessive of bother, moist with accumulate water, total have sunlight of spring breeze doesnt smell soil, the grass had again thriving of source of vitality, grass at morning of the morning Lou once more let us suck to absorb and make our moods receive benefit to dulcify with joys quick.

          The grass of , love of offer, make nothing exciting of life become Chong Ying;Grass, the big-hearted state of mind relax, it didnt need to be cover up, is a contented fully enjoy body interest;Grass, because of love but the United States, it be some and a little more careless to love to tolerate, rational, but touched the persons in the mind.

          The burst of light breeze is blow and the childrens joys voice joke awakenned my thoughts and awakely and the dim moonlight, originally the persons life not is also such as grass similar infinitesimal, but it use original of gentleness, affecting characteristic, like gaudiness of grass of flexible grain of life, give hope, grateful, taste, vitality, although sometimes very tired, own life of aureole happiness to end.


          too my belooved moother

          hey moom yea its me and im here too say thank u and i loove yoou and i knoow soometimes i coould really get oon ur nerves but i loove u wit all my heart u are my everything and u knoo dat the thing is im soo prooud oof u u may noot knoo it but i really am when peoople ask me whoo my idool is oor whoos my roole moodel i say u becuz oof wat u did too make oour lives a better life and there has been soome hard times but u always pull throough and dats becuz dats whoo u r and u always say u need grand ma but wat u doont knoo is that u r grandma and u say soometimes u need too sit doown and talk too ur self when whoo u really r talkin too is good cuz hes living inside oof yoou too.

          and u really r a angle sent froom heaven when we oor anyboody need help u r there too help even if its givin up ur last peeny u will doo it becuz dats just the persoon u r.

          i woould loove too be as stroong and poowerful as u and i knoo if i try hard and wit the help oof u and good i coould maybe b a little bit like u but neva cloose becuz ur oone oof a kind and wat i really loove is dat u doont care aboout wat anyboody say becuz u knoo wat u dooin is foor da best and u aint goone eva let nooboody stoop u becuz u rather b hated foor the loovin persoon dat u r then be looved foor a persoon ur noot ---*u really noot a moom ur the moom a precioous gift froom heaven and im prooud oof u i loove u wit all my heart*


          When I saw the titile of this essay I am supposed to be writing about, all I felt were its broadness and abstractness. Though I am a Chinese myself, it had always seemed complicated to tell how much exactly my nationality meant to me until that unforgettable experience in the Chinese Embassy at the U.K, which made a significant difference to my life. Only when I was abroad did I realize how proud I always was for my great country and clarify the relationship between China and me, referring it to that between a mother and a child desperate for help.

          It was in the London Heathrow International Airport that our passports and airplane tickets were stolen a few minutes before the plane took off. Despaired and tired as we were, we wandered on the flourishing streets of London and felt isolated from all the nearby lighthearted laughters. It didnt take a long time for the lingering homesickness hit us and reminded us of the Chinese Embassy at the U.K that might be our sheet anchor. Ages passed while we walked to the embassy, suffering from hunger and helplessness with every step we took. Sure enough, our eyes wereu nconsciously filled with tears when we finally reached the spot. I was taken by surprise when the brightly-colored Chinese national flag broke through the darkness and appeared once again in front of my eyes, recalling all the pleasure I had at home. It suddenly felt as if I was taken home, a home where all my fear and anxiety vanished and replaced by the hope and warmth that ran all over my body to cheer me up. The ambassadors were all amiable Chinese officers and the familiar Chinese accent drew me closer to my motherland where we received the only help. The ambassadors made us noodles in the familiar Chinese way and settled the accommodation for us. I had tears running down my cheeks when the hot noodles, smelled as pleasant as my mothers at home, filled my stiff empty stomach because I knew I was safe in the arms of my compatriots and there was no need to be worried anymore for I knew I was home.

          We successfully returned to Beijing the next day and I still couldnt forget the moment when I felt so much closer to my motherland than any other time given, as though our hearts were beating in one melody. Had my motherland not saved the day, we would never came back home so quickly without any restriction. For that one brief second when I was handed the brand new passport with a Chinese flag printed on it, my heart was overflowed with the pride for my own nation because never has a country I known connected to its people so close as the way my motherland and us related. I was like a child, crying and desperate for help while my mother China is the harbor to hold me, this small vulnerable boat. Even though I was out of home, my motherland remained inseparated from me no matter how far I go and is always there to help me back on track whenever in need. I wish you a happy birthday, China. I am so proud of you not only because of your obvious amazing pace in economical development, but also due to the relieved and warm way I felt when I was abroad and enjoyed your ray of love shone on my body and heart. You are the spirits dancing in my blood, the strength holding up my body and and essence making up my soul. I am so honored as a Chinese, a member of this dynamic and loving country. For your development and future, it is my responsibility to settle you safely through all the numerous difficulties until we finally make it to the bank where happinese and prosperity is waiting. I love you, China, my dearest mother!


          Look at present mobile phone into the every corner of the society in our life plays a more and more important role. In the streets shopping malls subway everywhere is wearing headphones with bowed their heads and families of the mobile phone. They totally addicted in the virtual world ignore everything around turn a deaf ear himself from the world around.

          We have become accustomed to the convenience brought about by the mobile phone. However every advantage has its disadvantage in all things. In the mobile phone is popular today our way of life and values are being constantly erosion change. Of excessive dependence on mobile phones make our own features gradually alienated.

          Relying on mobile phones will let our health damage. Nowadays some people especially teenagers self-control ability is poor often night playing with mobile phones long-term to bow to the screen wearing headphones banging on the keyboard not only affect the persons vision hearing will cause the loss of body immunity the neuroscience of chaos.

          Relying on mobile phones will alienate the relationship of the people. Addicted to online virtual world for a long time can let us is disconnected with the real life in the eyes of normal interpersonal influence. Because accustomed to excessive dependence on mobile phone a lot of people dont want to associate with people cause autism even form a kind of alienation of personality dont want to deal with in real life people for the growth and development of a person is very bad.

          Relying on mobile phones will weaken our ability to think. Every day there are vast amounts of information on the network network world is filled with all sorts of junk information because the real-time characteristics of network information a lot of people are faced with a lot of information just holding the mentality of onlookers no trade-off for reading browsing so fast reading not filtered think passive acceptance to the persons thought and spirit is not only useless harmful the brain is like a container when our brain is filled with all sorts of all sorts of distracting information couldnt hold our own ideas.

          When she bowed her head so we will never see the elegance of blue of the sky white clouds green trees green and flowers is gorgeous we no longer feel the poetry of life the greatness of nature mystery of the universe humanitys lofty. My hand phone and lets not do down to do with pride of race to return to the normal social life feeling the warmth of family love friendship precious the fun of thinking the joy of reading to do a physical and mental health spiritual enrichment rich taste of modern people!!!!


          Good morning,ladies and gentleman. I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech.Today my topic is “The older I grow,the more I learn”. I hope you will like it. ,

          How times flies! After saying goodbye to my happy primary school life,I become a junior school student.I know there`s always so much work to do and also much trouble I have to face.

          In school,I have to take a lot of lessons.Some are interesting while some are boring.But its the responsibility of the students to leam them all well. I have to try my best to finish it.During my growing time,a lot of trouble worried me.Thats awful and makes me blue.

          Although I met with a lot of failure, I still have a lot of gains.I can make a priceless freiendship. I can leam a large number of usful things,such as being kind,friendly to others, being confident and independent and so on. I think growing pains and gains are coutless.But they actually play an important role in my life and make my life colourful.

          As a junior student , I should have a firme aim to study hard . My goal is to enter the best university for further study after middle school . I know it’s a hard work , and I ’ll come across many difficulties and frustrations . But no matter what they are , I’ll keep working on it and never give up . My teacher says there ’s only one kind of people that are truly successful : those who are brave enough to put up with hardships . Even if I won’t achieve the goal , I have no regrets for what I have done , for I have struggled for my goals.

          So much for the speech,thanks for you listening.

          Although I am not a shape student in my class and I am not aspopular as my best friend . But Im feeling happy enough now.Beacuse I have a loving family, many good friends and a warm class. More important is ,Im living in the world . The world is so beautiful that make me feel I amso lucky! We are growing like many flowers that we must keep our life and hard working .We all have a bight future. So we are happiness and happy!

          This is not an easy growth, pain and sufferings, is not bad, we know that, when reality cannot change, we shall timely change, but we have always loved with real bargain, because we love the world, the happiness and warmth and love and pain of the world.

          we learned to smile, to appreciate beauty of it. Because we know that just graciously turned, can find new and beautiful scenery.

          In the growth of the road is often lonely, to learn in no ones time to give ourselves. Dont worry, fear brave, frankly, facing the growth of everything for yourself in the faith, encouragement, give yourself to yourself. In the growth of the journey, we need is calm, quiet, bravely facing.


          In the 90s of last century, a new thing began to take on the stage of people’s life and now it has played an irreplaceable role in every field. It is the Internet. At the same time, we were born. It is generally thought that we are the generation growing up with the Internet, called the net generation.

          Some people say that we are the generation who live a most superior life and lack setbacks during growth. It is true that we don’t face the problems and that kind of hardship like our fathers do, but I don’t think it means we are leading an easier life. Inevitably, we are labeled by the era. It seems that everything we do is magnified, displayed under the public concern and always causes fierce debate. Most of us are the only child of the family, which contributes to our addiction to the Internet .When we feel lonely in the real world, we may turn to the virtual world for comfort. However, from all the programs like supergirl to various figures that attract our attention in some abnormal way, what does the Internet bring to usWho are weThat made even us ourselves a little confused.

          Well, who are we, the net generation

          First I’d like to say, we are what we do and what we concern. Our generation is living in a world of information explosion and we are lucky enough to experience this shift. Thanks to the Internet, we can enjoy online education, all forms of entertainment and find almost everything you name it with ease. Though the Internet benefits a lot in terms of convenience , it also brings about many problems on screening so much information. Junk mails and advertisements are everywhere, sometimes containing eroticism and violence. Recently , there’s a tendency that we are paying more and more attention to things that challenge the convention of society, like people who make ridiculous remarks to hype themselves or boys dressing like girls and girls acting like boys. People, especially our generation , seem to be a little crazy about these stuff. One of the reasons lies in their rebellion out of a certain age. Some simply want to place themselves in the centre of public concern by doing controversial things. Maybe that’s why sometimes we are called “the beat generation”.

          Well, is that as far as we can getI don’t think so. Maybe we are going through some growing pains, but that’s necessary to be mature physically and mentally. Only did we overcome those obstacles in the way can we really know who we are and who we will be. Nor is the Internet without its merits. We see a much bigger world via the Internet,

          which helps to widen our horizon and broaden our mind. Many youngsters are inspired to start their own career online and now they are successful in every field. Sometimes rebellion is not a bad thing, it’s a symbol of independent mind. Post 90s are full of adventure and curiosity. They are willing to accept the new and think different. Thinking outside the box is one of our characteristics. In fact, our generation has already proved ourselves a lot, by showing our young faces on sports fields, bestsellers’ covers, and even politics stages. We are making differences to this society , you cannot fail to see our efforts.

          After all, it is our generation that will take the responsibility to build the new world. Maybe we don’t need an exact definition of who we are, all we need to do is keep our dreams, never give up. There’s no limitation of youth. I believe we are young and energetic enough to make the best generation ever.


          Good evening, everyone . May I take this opportunity of thanking you for coming`, my name is XX ,Im a sophmore ,major in Chinese from class one

          This is really a great honor to have this opportunity, and I believe I can make good performance today. the next four minutes will change your attitude to internet and society.

          With the increase of global Internet users and the rapid development of related technology, in recent years, people are developing an inseparable relationship with internet ,as is known to all ,it is convenient for us to click the mouse when surfing on line ,either to entertain or to meet the work’s need .and I still believe that In the near future, the network will affect peoples life and society further .

          One the one hand ,no one denies that internet is currently one of the most useful media in our daily life ,as a college student ,I get on line everyday to obtain and exchange information with it ,we have to say internet do a great help for all of us. Everything lives with opposite forces. The same can be said about modern technology, such as Internet. We also have enough evidence indicating that the Internet can be a harmful influence on people. A great many people admit that they are too much addicted to internet too maintain a regular and health lifestyle . Some children addicted in playing the games on the internet without study .Some of the people using the internet to do some illegal things which loses peoples properties and hurt someones feelings.

          Thus ,it is necessary for us to use internet in a reasonable way and restrain from overindulgence .after all. internet is invented to enrich our life ,and to improve the effiency of our work rather than shackle us with a chain . I am afraid that the clock is against us, so we had better stop here .You have been a very attentive audience---thank you













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