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      1. 英語(yǔ)比賽演講稿

        時(shí)間:2022-11-26 15:39:22 英語(yǔ)演講稿 我要投稿





          “Globalization is a conspiracy.” my South African friend, Nuhu, once told me. I was in a shock while he explained, “It’s a game that we’re forced to play by the rules set by the superior westerners.” And by learning about the drive of the original globalization, the primitive accumulation of capital, I’m convinced that enough is enough. The unequal, violent exchange should have been enough since a long time ago.

          However, what we do see today is that China has risen up by selling our products around the globe and learning advanced technology from others. And Africa is also believed to be the next China, another economic hub in the near future. So, although this might be an unfair game to play like what Nuhu claims, what he fails to see is that globalization is the very ladder for nations, especially those at the bottom of the global hierarchy to climb up. This win-win globalization is not enough. We can have more of it.

          But what is the backlash? We have been fearing that the tide of globalization, the outpouring of western values will undermine our own. So when the global stage is not hearing a lot from the Chinese culture and not to mention the African culture, I guess Nuhu is onto something. The globalization that amplifies some cultures while extinguishing the others should have been enough since the very beginning.

          And yet that’s not the whole picture. We see that our traditional works like Sun Tzu’s Art of War being worshiped by businessmen around the globe makes us start to relook at it and appreciate it again. And the Nobel Prize awarding for Moyan’s literature leads us to reflect on the development of our villages. So in the past, only we, Chinese people protect and pass on Chinese culture; but now, the international scholars, professors or even just ordinary people all over the world who get interested in our culture are preserving it. The uniqueness not well-protected by us transforms into the diversity universally-respected by global citizens. It is because of globalization that China and its culture are truly on a global stage.

          So globalization is actually an on-going process that keeps surprising us while startling those worries and fears. It’s a dynamic system that we should look for ways to utilize and enhance.

          But with the Brexit and the success of Trumpism, it seems major countries are all shifting away from globalization. But just because they are slowing down, making turns and adjusting themselves instead of peddling up, it doesn’t mean they are going for anti-globalization.

          We are at an unprecedented point where the world becomes ever so connected that we need to figure out the boundaries and balance between censorship and openness; sameness and differences; patriotism and global citizenship. It’s the best time that every nation should seek for a better role to play in the globalization where we should continue to make improvements on.

          It’s very understandable for nations to panic and make changes but we should never quit for it’s clear to us all that globalization is the only way that we seek for co-prosperity.

          Globalization is not a conspiracy planned already, but a beautifully unfinished song to be written by us all.

          Enough is SO NOT enough.


          whether there's afterlife, the answer has never been the same.the atheists deny after life, believing that our life is no more than from thecradle to the grave. they may care about their illustrious names after death;they may feel attached to the affection of their offspring, but they never laytheir hopes on their afterlife. they may also say that good will be rewardedwith good, and evil with evil, but they don't really believe any retribution intheir after life.

          however, in the religious world or among the superstitious people, thebelief in afterlife is very popular. they do not only believe in afterlife, butthousands of reincarnations as well. in the mysterious world, there are theparadise and the hell, the celestial beings and the gods, the buddha and thebodhisattvas.

          maybe they really believed it, or maybe they just wanted to make use ofpeople's veneration, the ancient emperors always declared that they were thereal dragons, the sons of god, while the royal ministers claimed to be thereincarnations of various constellations. but can the stars reincarnate?


          Seven centuries ago, Marco Polo, after staying in our country for almost twenty years, brought the secrets of spaghetti and ice-cream with him back to Italy. More than seven hundred years later, with the prevalence of globalization, our people, our food, our products and many other items, have traveled to many other places beyond Italy. No matter where these Chinese people, Chinese food, Chinese products and many other Chinese items are, they carry with them qualities that are unique to our very own Chinese culture - our traditional values.

          In the whole process of globalization that the world is integrating politically, economically and culturally, into one, we do witness in our country a great influx of western culture and values - McDonald's, KFCs, soccer players and NBA players. And we are even having this prestigious national speaking competition in a language that does not belong to us. In the midst of western products pouring in China as a result of globalization, sometimes we do wonder, where does our own culture belong? When we see our younger generations going away from traditional values such as contextual and role-based ethics, ideal of community, hierarchy, paternalism and non-litigious nature of society, we may even think our traditional values are challenged and even threatened. But, are we really losing our values?

          Ladies and gentlemen, we must remember, the traffic of globalization is two-way. Yes, films from Hollywood, soccer from the United Kingdom and restaurants from America, do have an impact on our values. But, if we see globalization in China a synonymous term with western economic cultural hegemony, we are underestimating the impact of not only globalization but also our values.

          Have a look at languages. Yes, it is the desire and dream of every single Chinese to speak fluent English, including every single one of us here. But, have you ever wondered how many non-Chinese are learning Chinese? Let me tell you, by the end of 20xx, nearly 30 million people from 85 countries and regions were learning standard Chinese, Putonghua. And who knows about the number of people learning regional dialects such as Shanghainese and Cantonese. In these two years, I am sure none of us here will be surprised that the number is skyrocketing.

          Have a look at Feng Shui, within 0.21 seconds Google brings you 1,270,000 websites about Feng Shui, not in Chinese, not from all over the world, but in English, just within the United States. And I guess some of you still remember, when the previous American president, Bill Clinton, first became president. He actually had the furniture of his office rearranged according to feng shui ideas.

          Have a look at traditional Chinese medicine. Four years ago, in 20xx, there were already more than 120 000 traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, researchers and related business trading companies in Europe, just Europe. Our holistic approach of taking care of a person's health has been proven popular in the world.

          Our values, language, our Feng Shui, our traditional medicine and also Kung Fu that I have not really talked about, are all parts and messengers of our culture and values. What does their success in the west tell us? Their popularity tells us that, alongside cheap consumer products, we are exporting to the west, Chinese beliefs and, values.

          Ladies and gentlemen, globalization, yes it has its impacts on our values. It is sending our values overseas and bringing in new ones. Let's not see the bringing in of new ones a threat to our own culture. As a matter of fact, the bringing in is a very good opportunity and time to rethink and reflect who we are and what we want to be. It is upon us whether globalization has a positive or negative impact on our traditional values. Ladies and gentlemen, I see this positively, I know even if our traditional values are changing or to change, the change is for better, not for worse.

          Thank you very much.


          Goodafternoon,ladies and gentlemen,

          My name is__________,coming from school of Chengdu xishu

          experimental school.I am very glad to give my speech to you here, the topic of my speech is "Just Do It".

          "Just do it!"I think everybody is familiar to this sentense about Nike, a very famous company of shoes.

          In my opinion, it means that just do it if you want. Today I'm here, just want to do what I want to do, and just have a try.

          Just do it if you want.

          In fact, we have many things to do in a day, in a year and in all our lives, it depends on your choices .

          Just do it if you like.

          I was attracted by English on my first sight in primary school. My English teacher always had the class interesting and she has a nice voice,it's comfortable when I heard her singing songs. As the time flew I knew more English songs .

          Just do it no matter whether you can be successful.

          When I asked others that why they didn't join in the competition, was it the reason that they didn't like English or they had no time. To my surprise, they almost gave me the same answer, "even though I couldn't get a rank in it, I needn't to do that, what's more, I didn't want to lose my face because of failed."I really can't believe that in their dictionary there is only one word 'success'. Although I don’t know whether I can enter the final fighting or not, and maybe I will be out of the

          competition after this speech, I still come here, just do it, no matter how far I can walk.

          So as long as you want and like, just do it by heart, no matter whether you can succeed or be failed.

          That's all,

          Thank you!


        good afternoon, honorable judges, dear teachers & friends:

          im lai senhan from the university of international business & economics. do you know what date is it today? today is the olympic date. im so glad to stand here today to share my idea about beijing olympic games together with you all. the title of my speech is: what can we do for beijing olympic games?

          first of all, let me tell you a story that happened 2 years ago. at the end of august, , when i decided to come to beijing for study, my friends hel rewell party for me. they said: after your graduation, you should look for a job in beijing, and then in , we shall go to visit you during the olympic games. i laughed and answered: ok, no problem!

          time flied and 2 years passed. now i am a graduate. my teachers and classmates always ask me: whats your plan after your graduation? go back home, stay in beijing, or go to some other places? and i always answer: i will stay in beijing. i make this decision not because of my promise to my friends 2 years ago, but because: ive fallen in love with beijing! im eager to welcome the coming olympic games together with my fellow countrymen, and i wish i could do something for the olympics & for the city.

          as we know, beijing will host the 29th summer olympic games in . as a chinese, i think many people are thinking: what we can do for beijing olympic games. most of us are not athletes, we cannot take part in competitions directly; we are not officials either, we dont need to do the preparatory work. we are only ordinary people, what we can do!

          there are still so many things we can do! for eample, for me, i am a graduate majoring business english. as far as i am concerned, i will keep on learning english hard, and apply for being a volunteer. i will use english to serve the games together with other volunteers. and also, as a businessman at that time, i will avail myself of the great commercial opportunities that the olympics brings to us, make more efforts to offer my contribution to the growth of our national economy.

          and for all of us, with the goal to host a green olympics , we shall plant more trees, grass & flowers. dont waste water. in order to alleviate the problems of air pollution & traffic congestions, we shall take buses & subways more. with the goal to host a peoples olympics , and in order to make our olympics more attractive and to make our beijing more beautiful, we shall help everyone we meet who needs help, we shall abide by traffic rules, dont smoke in public and no spitting. the most important way for our chinese to support our beijing olympic games, in my opinion, is to work hard on our duties.


          The struggle of the youth is the most beautiful奮斗的青春最美麗

          Friends, do you know what is meant by life? And what is meant by the"struggle of the youth"?朋友,你知道什么叫生命嗎?你知道什么叫做奮斗的青春?jiǎn)?

          We know, there are many examples about the struggle of the youth appearingin the films we see, in the songs we listen, and in the friends we meet.我們知道,有許多關(guān)于青春奮斗的例子出現(xiàn)在我們看的電影中、我們聽(tīng)得歌曲中、我們遇到的朋友中。It is most startling to hear awatch or clock clicking away the seconds, each click indicating the shorteningof one's life by a littlebit.最令人觸目驚心的一件事,是看著鐘表上的秒針一下一下的移動(dòng),每移動(dòng)一下就是表示我們的壽命已經(jīng)縮短了一部分。Likewise, with each pagetorn off the wall calendar, one's life is shortened by anotherday.再看看墻上掛著的可以一張張撕下的日歷,每天撕下一張就是表示我們的壽命又縮短了一天。Time, therefore, islife.因?yàn)闀r(shí)間即生命。Nevertheless, few people treasure their times as much as theirlife. 沒(méi)有人不愛(ài)惜他的生命,但是很少人珍惜他的時(shí)間。Time must not be wasted if you want to do your bitin your remaining years or acquire some useful knowledge to improve yourself, sothat your life may turn out to be significant andfruitful.如果想在有生之年做一點(diǎn)什么事,學(xué)一點(diǎn)什么學(xué)問(wèn)充實(shí)自己,使生命有意義,不虛此生,那么久不可浪費(fèi)光陰。So, chose to work hardin your youth.所以,在你的年輕之際選擇奮斗吧。

          Friends, speak up your mind, and do what you want todo!朋友,喊出你心中所要喊出的聲音吧,做出你心中所要做的.事情吧!In short, hurry up to give full play to thelife bestowed on you by Nature, and hold aloft a torch to offer a little lightto the world, for, otherwise, your young limbs will begin to rot, your brilliantbrain will be dulled and your enthusiasm will cool off. It will be too late tomend總之一句,趕快表現(xiàn)出造物所給你的生命,在這個(gè)世界上舉起一點(diǎn)光明的火花來(lái),不然你的少年肢體要腐爛了,你的靈魂的頭腦就要呆笨了,你的熱情就要冷卻了,那時(shí)什么都遲了,什么也來(lái)不及了。

          Friends, bring your youthful vitality and life into full play right now andhere!朋友,在現(xiàn)在這一刻這一個(gè)地方,把你的青春的力,你的生命變現(xiàn)出來(lái)吧!


          Have you ever bought any food on the train? And do you ask for the receipt after buying it? Nowadays, all trains in China provide its passengers with receipts for commodities, but 7 years ago, things were quite different.

          On 13th of October, 20xx, the train T109 from Beijing to Shanghai was speeding on the railway. A graduate student bought a sausage at 1 yuan on the train, then asked for a receipt.

          “Are you kidding? It?s just one yuan!” The crew member was surprised.

          The student, however, answered in a determined voice, “I paid the money, so I deserve the receipt.”

          “But we never give receipts on the train.? As a result, his further request was turned down by a cold shoulder.

          Several days later, the student sued the National Railway Ministry, for not providing receipts for passengers.

          To his dismay, the court turned down the case for lack of evidence. But he, who majored in law at that time, believed law as a most powerful weapon, so he did not give up. Instead, he began his journey of collecting first-hand evidence by taking trains and buying commodities aboard. When his classmates were playing soccer, he was taking the train; When his classmates were buying food at Mcdonald?s, he was buying food on the train; When his classmates were asking girls out, he was asking for the receipts. As he joked, ?I was either taking the train or on the way to take the train.?

          One month later, he appeared in the court again, with newly-collected evidence and a stronger confidence. And I guess, ladies and gentlemen, you will all cheer for the result because this time, the student won the case. Very soon, a regulation about receipts on the train came out. And whatever we buy on the train now, there?s a receipt for us.

          Outside the court, the student was asked, “How do you make it to the end?” He said, “As a law student, I root my faith in law. I believe that law is there, to protect every person with no exception, and to ensure every person has a say.”

          His words spread a strong faith in law, which is not only a doctrine of a law student, but also a belief that all citizens ought to hold. It is this faith that initiates the student to resort to law for a tiny issue; it is this faith that supports him to endure all the exhausting trips when collecting evidence; It is this faith that makes a seemingly “ridiculous” receipt request legal and rightful. It is this faith that helps to change our life, enhance our judicial system and bring social justice.

          To many, a receipt of 1 yuan is too small to mention, however rights are to be respected and law is to be believed in. It all starts with a tiny receipt of 1 yuan, but we get a monumental case, a new regulation and a bumper harvest in social justice. The bridge that leads a tiny start to a bumper harvest is faith, the faith in law, rightful and strong.


          On March 14th, 20xx, professor Stephen William Hawking passed away. His contribution to inflationary cosmology has forever shifted our understanding of the universe. He wasn’t just a physicist for England, but for all mankind. His death marks the end of an era. He has passed the baton to a new generation of minds, to a new era. The exploration of nature waits for no man. So, are we ready to embrace the new era and new challenges?

          When I was a kid, professor Hawking was known to me as the author of A Brief History of Time. I bought a lot of science books back then, but they were really difficult to understand. Whenever I stumbled, I would turn to my physics teacher for help. We would go through pages and pages of materials together, whether it was middle school stuff or Feynman’s lecture from Caltech, sometimes hours on end. I felt like we were tearing off the mask of nature and staring at the face of god. It was his guidance that encouraged me to study physics today. We’re living in an era in which science is embedded in people’s lives. From teachers who pass on knowledge, to construction workers who build labs; from organizations that provide funding, to scientists who conduct research, we all contribute to science in our own unique ways. We the people say we’re ready.

          On October 5th, 20xx, China finally had its first Nobel Prize in natural science. Ms. Tu Youyou’s work and her receiving the most prestigious science award made us proud. We’re living in an era in which China is building some of the best research projects and institutions worldwide. Just a month ago, Professor Zhang Miman won the UNESCO for Women in Science Award, making her the fifth Chinese recipient of this honor. A week after that, The Economist referred to China as “a continent-sized rapidly growing economy with a culture of scientific inquiry”. Physicist and vice president of the Chinese Academy of Science, Dr. Zhang Jie stated, “China now has the most accurate, sufficient and largest amount of data; China has the highest, fastest and best ability of data analysis. The Chinese government will be strongly pushing for the sharing and utilization of data resources.” We as a country say we’re ready.

          Science is an immortal topic of mankind. We’ve come this far because we’ve learned to work together and let the ideas evolve. The dispute over the completeness of quantum mechanics, for example, was resolved in the 5th Solvay conference, attended by 29 physicists from 10 different countries who have won 15 Nobel Prizes combined. That was almost 100 years ago. Now we’re living in an era in which information is transmitted at the speed of light, in which “International cooperation” is not just a slogan anymore, especially to the scientific community. Chinese Academy of Science now has 47 partners overseas. The International Council for Science now includes 122 national members, 23 scientific associates and 31 scientific unions. The facilities of the European Organization for Nuclear Research, or CERN, are available to over 600 universities and institutes around the globe. We, the world, are more than ready.

          We’re all made of particles that have existed since the beginning of the universe, I’d like to believe those particles traveled through countless eras to create us, so that we, the people, China, and the world, can stand on the shoulders of giants, march into the new era with our head held high, and make people like Professor Hawking proud.


          As a student,we have experienced many exam. In this in,not failure and success. Facing the two completely different results,what should we do?

          In fact,for success,this only represent the past,we should not be proud,people to front,the well now,hold the result,don't make now in the next test defeat. Faced with it,depression is completely unnecessary and draw lessons,to reflect on,still not night,try to start all over again,I believe in the correct understand the reasons,not only will return after success,still can accumulate experience,and know some ways to face setbacks,make oneself become stronger. In a word,whether success or failure,the most important is mentality,put calm,let it go.

          There are many students afraid of exam,that,after this I believe the exam for them,not of fear,but the challenge!


          When I was still a freshman in college, one Scottish professor complained to me about being overcharged at a grocery store. He explained that many business owners in China would assume that white “foreigners” are rich and unable to understand Chinese. My amiable professor, unwilling to start a conflict, would always pay the undue price even though he was only meagerly paid by my university and was able to speak perfect Mandarin.

          As a student of humanities, I’m particularly intrigued by the ramifications of cross-cultural encounters entailed by the new era. We have to bear in mind that whenever we talk about the new era, there is always an old era that keeps haunting us in various ways. Last year I went to the University of Tokyo for a one-year exchange program. Before I left, my grandma seemed quite distraught and apprehensive: she told me to take care of myself as if I was about to go to the battlefield.

          But we Chinese are not the only ones infested by outdated misconceptions. When I was bidding farewell to my American professor at an academic writing class in Japan, she stopped me and asked me, “Are you really from China?” At first I thought she was pointing at my handsomeness, asking me whether I had been to Korea for plastic surgery. Well, clearly this is another stereotype that we should get rid of. But to my disappointment, she was actually referring to my English skills. “I’ve never met any Chinese student who can talk and write like you do,” She said, “You must have been stayed in the States for some time, haven’t you?” It does seem that even a specialist in linguistics can’t escape the illusion built up by the last generation of Chinese students: gauche and diffident, unable to articulate themselves in English.

          Nevertheless, such stereotypes are becoming a thing of the past. When professors around the globe meet with an increasing number of students from China with both language proficiency and academic competence, well-qualified students will no longer be a surprise. Moreover, with more people going abroad and enjoying firsthand encounters with different cultures, people like my grandma will no longer be subject to the fossilized, antiquated narrative of the past. The interesting thing is, after I told my grandma my experiences in Japan, how clean, safe and beautiful their cities are and how nice, polite and considerate their people are, she gladly removed Japan from the list of least-want-to-visit foreign countries and put it instead to the most-want-to-visit one.

          Even the shop owner near my campus is now repenting for his peccadillo. When gradually more international purchasers become his patrons, he would no longer treat them differently. And he would even occasionally call out for them, yelling “come, come,” “cheap, cheap,” “thanks thanks” with a very strong Chinese accent. Meanwhile, my Scottish professor has now equipped himself with Wechat and Alipay, assimilating seamlessly into the local life here.

          The old era is like a cocoon, protecting us from possible dangers outside and providing us with warmth and comfort. However, an overreliance on memories and experiences of a long-gone past can also hinder us from genuine, meaningful interactions for the future, just as the cocoon can also serve as a wall to bar us from the beautiful world outside. But in order to make a brand-new attire or to build a modern silk road, we have to plunge the cocoons into hot water and obtain the silk despite the pain. So ladies and gentlemen, don’t be trapped by the old era. Transcend it, and embrace the new one.

          Thank you.


          someone said “we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of abook, whose pages are infinite”. i don’t know who wrote these words, but i’vealways liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want it tobe. we are all in the position of the farmers. if we plant a good seed ,we reapa good harvest. if we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all.

          we are young. “how to spend the youth?” it is a meaningful question. toanswer it, first i have to ask “what do you understand by the word youth?” youthis not a time of life, it’s a state of mind. it’s not a matter of rosy cheeks,red lips or supple knees. it’s the matter of the will. it’s the freshness of thedeep spring of life.

          a poet said “to see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wildflower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour. severaldays ago, i had a chance to listen to a lecture. i learnt a lot there. i’d liketo share it with all of you. let’s show our right palms. we can see three linesthat show how our love.career and life is. i have a short line of life. whatabout yours? i wondered whether we could see our future in this way. well, let’smake a fist. where is our future? where is our love, career, and life? tellme.yeah, it is in our hands. it is held in ourselves.

          we all want the future to be better than the past. but the future can gobetter itself. don’t cry because it is over, smile because it happened. from thepast, we’ve learnt that the life is tough, but we are tougher. we’ve learnt thatwe can’t choose how we feel, but we can choose what about it. failure doesn’tmean you don’t have it, it does mean you should do it in a different way.failure doesn’t mean you should give up, it does mean you must try harder.

          as what i said at the beginning, “we are reading the first verse of thefirst chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite”. the past has gone. nothingwe do will change it. but the future is in front of us. believe that what wegive to the world, the world will give to us. and from today on, let’s be theowners of ourselves, and speak out “we are the world, we are the future.”


          Today the topic of my impromtu speech is that when it is dark enough, you can see the stars. I can’t agree with this saying more. In my opinion, Darkness is about the frustrations. “enough” is about the effort and the “stars” are the hopes, dreams or success. So this saying teaches me three things: making my objective and direction clear, being prepared for wrestling with frustrations and difficulties and importantly, keeping in faith. So, I have three points to support my opinion.

          First, we should make our objective and direction clear before we set out. We can’t see the stars during the day time. Is it because that there are no stars here? Of cause not. The stars are over there in the sky all the time. We can’t see them because they are hidden behind the sunlignt. So, we shouldnot waste our time. Rather, we should turn to the night to find our stars. So before we set out for our dreams. It’s very important to know what exactly we want and which direction to go to find it.

          Second, we should be prepared for wresting with frustrations and difficulties. We can’t expect that the way to our objective are smooth and easy. In the darkness, we may feel cold, lonely and be afraid of some unexpected frustrations, just as on the way to our dreams and success. But, only in darkness could we see the stars. Similarly, only by experiencing harships and setbacks can we be clear about our goals and objectives. So, we should be not afraid of the difficulties we have to experience. Rather, we should hold a positive attitude to fully prepared for them.

          The last but not the least point is that we should keep in faith and don’t give up. Sometime we may feel disappointed after having been working hard for such a long time but still can’t reach our dreams. But, we shouldn’t give up and instead we should just keep in faith. May be our efforts are not enough. We need to work hard and keep waiting for a little bit longer, and we will see the hope soon.

          To conclude, if we choose the stars, we should be aware that we choose the darkness, too. if we want to enjoy the stars, make every efforts we can to defeat our fear to the darkness and keep in faith on ourselves. In the end, we will surly see our own stars.


          Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Today I would like to begin with a story.

          Yes, that's a memorable scene in one of my favorite movies, called Gorillas in the Mist, based on a true story of Mrs. Dian Fossey, who spent most of bet lifetime in Rwanda to protect the ecoenvironment there until the very end of her life.

          To me, the movie not only presents an unforgettable scene but also acts as a 6) timeless reminder that we should not develop the tourist industry at the cost of our ecoenvironment.

          All these 7) appalling(令人震驚的) facts have brought us to the realization that we can no longer stand by and do nothing, because the very thought of it has been 8) eroding(侵蝕) our resources. Encouragingly, the explosive growth of global travel has put tourism again in the spotlight, which is why the United Nations has made 20xx the year of ecotourism, for the first time to bring to the world's attention the benefits of tourism, but also its capacity to destroy our ecoenvironment.

          Now every year, many local ecoenvironmental protection organizations an: receiving donations--big notes, small notes or even coins--from housewives, 9) plumbers(水管工人), ambulance drivers, salesmen, teachers, children and 10) invalids(殘疾人), Some of them can not afford to send the money but they do. These are the ones who drive the cabs, who nurse in hospitals, who are suffering from ecological damage in their neighborhood. Why? Because they care. Because they still want their Mother Nature back. Because they know it still belongs to them.

          This kind of feeling that I have, ladies and gentlemen, is when it feels like it, smells like it, and looks like it, it's all coming from a scene to remember, a scene to recall and to cherish.

          The other night, as l saw the moon linger over the land and before it was sent into the invisible, my mind was filled with songs. I found myself humming softly, not to the music, but to some- thing else, someplace else. a place remembered, a place untouched, a field of grass where no one seem to have been except the deer.

          And all those unforgettable scenes strengthened the feeling that it's lime for us to do something, for our own and our coming generation.

          Once again, I have come to think of Mrs. Dian Fossey be- cause it's with her spirit, passion, courage and strong sense of our ecoenvironment that we are taking our next step into the world.

          And no matter who we are, what we do and where we go, in our mind, there's always a scene to remember, a scene worth our effort to protect it and fight for it.

          Thank you very much.


          My grandpa was among the first group of English teachers sent to Australia by the Chinese government in the 1980s, when our country first opened its door. Off the plane, a hospitable Australian taxi driver asked him, “Where are you going today?” “Where to die?” My grandpa was shocked. With very limited access to authentic English, he had no idea of the Australian pronunciation for the word “today”.

          My mom was much luckier in the 1990s when she went to college. She had recorded tapes of BBC and VOA news to listen to. When she stepped on the soil of England, she was much more confident. The first day after arrival, hungry and tired after a long flight, and with a Chinese stomach longing for hot food and drink, her only wish was to have a big breakfast. The British waitress approached her asked with a British accent completely comprehensible to her well trained ear, “Madam, would you like a Continental breakfast or an English breakfast?” Well, the European continent is much bigger than England, so must be the breakfast. She responded: “Continental Breakfast, please.” The waitress took the order and Mom was very satisfied about herself until she discovered the tiny breakfast of cold milk and iced juice, instead of fried bacon and also fried sausages.

          I went to an American university for a summer program last year. After watching a movie, I decided to take a bus back to my apartment. However the bus didn’t arrive as scheduled. After waiting for about 20 minutes in the darkness, I was very uneasy and also scared. I stood there, staring into the direction which the bus should come from. But there was no bus but a street singer singing some unknown songs with his noisy guitar. The wind brought a feeling of chill, and as more and more stores closed and fewer and fewer people passed by, I couldn’t help shivering in the cold darkness. Suddenly, a piece of familiar music flowed into my ear. It was the best-known Chinese folk song: the Jasmine Flower! He was playing the Jasmine Flower with his guitar. Automatically, I tuned my Chinese ears to the familiar and nostalgic melody, with my heart warmed and my eyes wet. He played that music again and again until the bus came and I went aboard .

          From strangeness, misunderstanding to cross cultural resonance, it takes three generations. The driving force behind the change is globalization, which offers opportunities for cultures to meet, to break down barriers between countries, and to bring peoples together. When the Chinese folk song played by an American street singer got me through coldness and fear, I also came to realize that intimate connection brought about by globalization and also cross cultural resonance can also help the world get through difficulties and disputes.

          Ladies and gentlemen, if you would ask me whether globalization is enough, I will definitely say “no”. Globalization is a powerful force available to us, enabling people to communicate, to help, and to warm, just like what the American street singer did to me at that cold and dark night.


          Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen,

          By the time we are born onto this land, our own Chinese story begins. Only when we put our stories together, can we discover something new.

          My mom was among the first generation in China to pick up a dual major, trade together with English. Her mom, my grandma, was a professor at the same college. And now, I am following my family’s footsteps, at the same university. I want to accomplish a dream that has been passed on for three generations.

          When grandma entered college, she was in the age of prime, but education wasn’t. It was an age when China had a literacy of merely over 50 percent; it was an age when one out of eight got enrolled by a university or college; it was an age when even the top-class universities in China were not recognized by the world. It was with the aspiration of changing education for the better that my grandma became a teacher, in pursuit of teaching students at home and learning more about the abroad.

          When my mother crossed the threshold of higher education into college, she was experiencing the tides of the Reform and Opening-up. It was an age when China was ready to embrace the world. With the demand for English talents staying high, she brought her talents to the field of international trade, with the hope of broadening her horizon and telling her international clients a Chinese story.

          30 years later, it is already a new era when I step into the classroom where my mom and my grandma studied. The ambience in the renovated classroom is urging me to embark on a new journey; yet on the bookshelf, the books passed on since my grandma’s age is reminding me of a dream that has never changed: becoming a language scholar with a global vision, and be a good narrator of the Chinese story.

          I took out my grandma’s notebook, which was already old and gray, trying to learn something new from the past. On the frontpage, wrote one of the earliest Chinese stories, taken from the Great Learning: “If you can do something new, then let it happen every day. With perseverance, every day becomes a new day.”

          It was the moment when I realized that there has been something unchanged in the new era: that is always equipping ourselves with the new ideas and keep in pace with the time which never waits. Only by bearing this virtue in our minds that has inherited by the Chinese people for 5,000 years, can we gain both the confidence and the competence in telling a good Chinese story to all.

          Tell the Chinese story to the Chinese people, for a new China with cultural confidence; tell the Chinese story to every global citizen, and together we build a community of prosperity, peace, and a shared future. The story of my mom, my grandma and myself will always remind me of the mission of a language learner.

          I’m now crossing the threshold into a New Era, and now I fell I am ready to tell a new Chinese story to new audience. Thank you very much!













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