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      1. 簡愛中英文經典語錄

        時間:2024-10-18 13:15:36 智聰 簡愛經典語錄 我要投稿




          簡愛中英文經典語錄 1

          1、Miracles happen every day. 古跡每天都在產生。

          2、Rochester:I love you.I love you!羅切斯特:我愛你。我愛你!

          3、It made me look like a duck in water.它讓我如魚得水。

          4、Jenny and I was like peas and carrots.我和珍妮形影相隨。

          5、You think wrong! 你想錯了!

          6、Stupid is as stupid does.蠢人做蠢事(天公疼核)。

          7、Have you given any thought to your future?你有沒無為未來打算過呢。

          8、I must leave you.Jane:Let me go, sir.我必須離開你。簡:讓我走, 先生。

          9、I was messed up for a long time.這些年我一塌糊涂。

          10、You just stay away from me please.求你離開我。

          11、Life is too short, can not be used vengeful build hate.人生苦短, 不能用來記仇構建恨。

          12、I have as much soul as you, -- and full as much heart! 我和你一樣有靈魂, 一樣多的感情。

          13、Death is just a part of life, something were all destined to do.去世亡是生命的一部門, 是我們注定要做的一件事。

          14、Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? 你以為我窮、卑微、普通、渺小, 就沒有靈魂沒有感情了嗎?

          15、If you are ever in trouble, dont try to be brave, just run, just run away.你若遇上貧苦, 不要逞強, 你就跑, 遠遠跑開。

          16、I dont know if we each have a destiny, or if were all just floating around accidentally―like on a breeze.我不懂我們能否有著各自的運氣, 還是只是隨處隨風飄蕩。

          17、Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what youre gonna get.生命就像一盒巧克力, 結果每每出人意料。

          18、You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright.你知道, 有些鳥兒是注定不會被關住的, 他們的羽毛太美麗了。

          19、After Jane finds out Mr.Rochester has an insane wife.簡發(fā)現(xiàn)后羅切斯特先生有個精神失常的妻子。

          20、You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright.你知道, 有些鳥兒是注定不會被關在樊籠里的, 它們的每一片羽毛都閃耀著自由的光輝。

          21、There is something inside , that they cant get to , that they cant touch.Thats yours.那是一種內在的東西, 他們抵達不了, 也無法觸及的, 那是你的。

          22、Why did you say that to me? To punish me a little longer? Jane, Ive been though! For the first time I have found what I can truly love.Dont take if away from me.你為什么說我?要長一點懲罰我?簡, 我已經受夠了!這是第一次, 我發(fā)現(xiàn)我可以真正的愛。不要拿, 如果離我而去。

          23、I think the bird flies but the sea birds fly, is that no courage of the sea, years later I discovered, not the bird flies past, but not the other side of the sea, and had no waiting我以為小鳥飛不過滄海, 是以為小鳥沒有飛過滄海的勇氣, 十年以后我才發(fā)現(xiàn), 不是小鳥飛不過去, 而是滄海的那一頭, 早已沒有了等待。

          24、If god had gifted me with wealth and beauty, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me as it is now for me to leave you.如果上帝賜予我財富和美貌, 我應該做它作為你難以離開我, 就像現(xiàn)在我難于離開你。

          25、And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you.如果上帝賦予我美貌和財富, 我一定要使你難以離開我 , 就像現(xiàn)在我難以離開你。

          26、Hope is a good thing and maybe the best of things.And no good thing ever dies.希望是一個好東西, 也許是最好的東西。而且沒有好東西會消逝。

          27、Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance.世界上全部的生命都在微妙的平衡中生活。

          28、There is something inside , that they cant get to , that they cant touch.Thats yours.有一種內在的東西, 他們到達不了, 他們不能碰。這是你的。

          29、1Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance.世界上全部的生命都在微妙的平衡中生活。

          30、Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and littele, I am soulless and heartless?You think wrong!-I have as much soul as you-and full as much heart!難道就因為我一貧如洗, 默默無聞, 長相平庸, 個子瘦小, 就沒有靈魂, 沒有心腸了——你想錯了, 我的心靈跟你一樣豐富, 我的心胸一樣充實!

          31、Do you think I can stay to become nothing to you? Do you think I am an automaton?A machine without feelings? and can bear to have my morsel of bread snatched from my lips, and my drop of living water dashed from my cup?你以為我會留下來甘愿做沒事吧?你以為我是一架機器?一個沒有感情的機器?并能容忍別人把一口面包從我嘴里搶走, 把一滴活水從我杯子里潑掉?

          32、I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh; it is my spirit that addresses your spirit;just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at Gods feet, equal, -- as we are! 我不在用世俗老套的東西跟你說話, 也不是用我的肉體跟你說話, 是我的靈魂在向你的靈魂呼喚, 就如同你跟我經過墳墓, 同樣站在上帝面前, 就像現(xiàn)在的我們!

          33、So come out at last.You shut yourself in your room and grieve alone.Not one word of reproach.Nothing.Is that to be my punishment? I didnt mean to wound you like this.Do you believe that?I wouldnt hurt you not for the world。What was I to do? Confess everything I might as well have lost my life.所以終于出來了。你把自己關在房間里一個人傷心。沒有責備, 沒有一個字是說對我的.懲罰?我不是故意傷害你這樣的。你相信嗎?我不會傷害你, 不是針對世界各地是我做的?坦白一切我可能也失去了我的生活。

          34、Why do you confide in me like this? What are you and she to me? You think that because Im poor and plain, Ihave no feelings? I promise you, if God had gifted me with wealth and beauty, I would make it as hard for you to leave me now as it is for me to leave you.But He did not.But my spirit can address yours, as if both have passed through the grave and stood before heaven equal。你為什么對我講嗎?什么是你和她對我?你以為我窮, 不好看, 就沒有感情嗎?我答應你, 如果上帝賜予我財富和美貌, 我會讓它作為您難以離開我, 現(xiàn)在, 因為它是我離開你。但他沒有。但我的靈魂能夠同您, 仿佛我們都經過了墳墓, 平等的天堂之前站了起來。

          35、So come out at last.You shut yourself in your room and grieve alone.Not one word of reproach.Nothing.Is that to be my punishment? I didnt mean to wound you like this.Do you believe that?I wouldnt hurt you not for the world。What was I to do? Confess everything I might as well have lost my life.總算出來了。你把自己關在房間里一個人傷心。一句責難的話也沒有。什么都沒有。這就是對我的懲罰?我不是有心要這樣傷你, 你相信嗎?我無論如何也不會傷害你, 我怎么辦?都對你說了我就會失去你, 那我還不如去死。

          36、Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!I have as much soul as you, and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you.你以為, 因為我窮, 默默無聞, 長相, 矮小, 我就沒有靈魂沒有心嗎?你想錯了!我有一樣有靈魂, 你和全盡可能多的心臟!如果上帝賜予我一點姿色和充足的財富, 我應該做它作為你難以離開我, 就像現(xiàn)在我難于離開你。

          37、I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh;it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at Gods feet, equal, as we are!我不是通過自定義常規(guī), 甚至, 也不是血肉之軀的你說話, 現(xiàn)在, 它是我的靈魂同你的靈魂;就好像既通過墳墓已經過去了, 我們站在上帝腳下, 彼此平等, 因為我們!

          38、Why you want to tell me that! She told you that has nothing to do with me.Do you think Im poor, not good-looking, without feelings? I will, if god had gifted me with wealth and beauty, I must make you to leave me as it is now for me to leave you! God did not so.Our spirit is same, just like you with my grave, will equally by standing in front of god!你為什么要告訴我!她跟你有沒有關系我。你以為我窮, 不好看, 沒有感情?我會, 如果上帝賜予我財富和美貌, 我一定會讓你離開我, 因為它現(xiàn)在是我離開你!上帝沒有這樣。我們的精神是一樣的, 只是同樣喜歡你和我的墳墓, 將站在上帝的面前!

          簡愛中英文經典語錄 2

          1. “你以為我貧窮、低微、不美、緲小,我就沒有靈魂,沒有心嗎?你想錯了,我和你有一樣多的靈魂,一樣充實的心!

          “Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong! — I have as much soul as you — and full as much heart!”

          2. “我越是孤獨,越是沒有朋友,越是沒有支持,我就得越尊重我自己!

          “I am lonelier and more friendless and more unsustained than ever before, but I must respect myself.”

          3. “我不是根據習俗、常規(guī),甚至也不是血肉之軀同你說話,而是我的靈魂同你的靈魂在對話,就仿佛我們兩人穿過墳墓,站在上帝腳下,彼此平等——本來就如此!”

          “I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh: it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at Gods feet, equal — as we are!”

          4. “如果上帝賦予我財富和美貌,我會讓你難于離開我,就像我現(xiàn)在難于離開你一樣?缮系蹧]有這樣安排。但我們的精神是平等的。就如你我走過墳墓,平等地站在上帝面前!

          “If God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. But God did not bestow such gifts. Yet our spirits are equal. As we pass through the grave and stand at Gods feet, equal as we are.”

          5. “能被你的同伴們所愛,并感覺到自己的到來能給他們增添一份愉悅,再沒有什么快樂能與此相比了!

          “There is no happiness like that of being loved by your fellow creatures, and feeling that your presence is an addition to their comfort.”

          6. “愛是一場博弈,必須保持永遠與對方不分伯仲、勢均力敵,才能長此以往地相依相息。因為過強的對手讓人疲憊,太弱的對手令人厭倦。”

          “Love is a game in which one always plays fairly, maintaining an equal footing with ones opponent at all times in order to enjoy a lasting relationship. For a too-strong opponent is tiring, while a too-weak one is boring.”

          7. “生命太短暫了,不應該用來記恨。人生在世,誰都會有錯誤,但我們很快會死去。我們的罪過將會隨我們的身體一起消失,只留下精神的火花。這就是我從來不想報復,從來不認為生活不公平的原因。我平靜的生活,等待末日的降臨!

          “Life is too short to be spent in hatred and revenge. Life is too short to be spent in anger and resentment. Life is too short to be spent in regret and remorse. Life is too short to be spent in bitterness and envy. Life is too short to be spent in unhappiness and sorrow. Life is too short to be spent in pain and suffering. Life is too short to be spent in loneliness and isolation. Life is too short to be spent in fear and anxiety. Life is too short to be spent in self-pity and despair. Life is too short to be spent in anger and frustration. Life is too short to be spent in disappointment and discouragement. Life is too short to be spent in worry and stress. Life is too short to be spent in hatred and revenge. Let us forgive each other and live in peace and harmony.”

          8. “我渴望自己具有超越那極限的視力,以便使我的目光抵達繁華的世界,抵達那些我曾有所聞,卻從未目睹過的生機勃勃的城鎮(zhèn)和地區(qū)!

          “I am eager to have superhuman vision so that my eyes can reach the prosperous world and those vibrant towns and regions that I have heard of but never seen.”

          9. “真正的世界無限廣闊,一個充滿希望與憂煩,刺激與興奮的天地等待著那些有膽識的人,去冒各種風險,追求人生的真諦!

          “The real world is unlimited. A world full of hope and worry, excitement and stimulation awaits those who are courageous enough to take risks and pursue the true meaning of life.”

          10. “人們總得有行動,即使找不到行動也得創(chuàng)造行動!

          “One must act, and if one cannot find action, one must create it.”

          11. “對心靈如水,既柔順又穩(wěn)重,既馴服又堅強,可彎而不可折的人,我會永遠溫柔和真誠!

          “To those whose hearts are as gentle as water, yet steady and firm, tame yet strong, bendable but not breakable, I will always be gentle and sincere.”

          12. “耐心忍受只有自己感到的痛苦,遠比草率行動,產生連累親朋的惡果要好,更何況《圣經》上囑咐我們要以德報怨。”

          “Patiently enduring pain that only one feels is far better than acting rashly and causing consequences that implicate relatives and friends. Moreover, the Bible instructs us to repay evil with good.”

          13. “假如刮一陣風或滴幾滴雨就阻止我去做這些輕而易舉的事情,這樣的懶惰還能為我給自己規(guī)劃的未來作什么準備呢?”

          “If a gust of wind or a few drops of rain can prevent me from doing these easy things, what preparation can such laziness make for the future I have planned for myself?”

          14. “暴力不是消除仇恨的最好辦法——同樣,報復也絕對醫(yī)治不了傷害!

          “Violence is not the best way to eliminate hatred. Similarly, revenge can never heal injury.”

          15. “我貧窮,卑微,不美麗,但當我們的靈魂穿過墳墓來到上帝面前時,我們都是平等的.!

          “I am poor, humble, and not beautiful. But when our souls pass through the grave and come before God, we are all equal.”

          16. “即使整個世界恨你,并且相信你很壞,只要你自己問心無愧,知道你是清白的,你就不會沒有朋友!

          “Even if the whole world hates you and believes you are bad, as long as you have a clear conscience and know that you are innocent, you will not be without friends.”

          17. “沒有判斷力的感情的確淡而無味,但未經感情處理的判斷力又太苦澀、太粗糙,讓人無法下咽!

          “Feeling without judgment is indeed flat and tasteless. But judgment without feeling is too bitter and rough to be swallowed.”

          18. “第一次報復人,我嘗到了滋味,像喝酒似的。剛一喝,芬芳甘醇,過后卻滿嘴苦澀。”

          “The first time I took revenge, I tasted it. It was like drinking wine. At first sip, it was fragrant and mellow. But later, it left a bitter taste in my mouth.”

          19. “誰說現(xiàn)在是冬天呢?當你在我身旁時,我感到百花齊放,鳥唱蟬鳴!

          “Who says it is winter now? When you are by my side, I feel a hundred flowers blooming and birds singing and cicadas chirping.”

          20. “我生活的一個階段今晚就要結束,明天將開始一個新的階段!

          “A stage of my life will end tonight, and a new stage will begin tomorrow.”

          21. “生命對我來說,太短暫了,不能用來懷恨記仇。在這世上,肯定人人都有一身的過錯。但我相信,很快就會有一天,我們擺脫了腐朽的軀殼,也就擺脫了這些罪過。墮落和罪過會隨著這個累贅的血肉之軀一起離開我們,只留下精神的火花——生命和思想的本源,它像當初離開上帝使萬物具有生命的時候那么純潔。它從哪里來還回到哪里去,也許又會被傳遞給比人類更高級的生物,也許會經過各個榮耀的階段,從照亮人類的蒼白靈魂,到照亮最高級的六翼天使。相反它決不會允許從人類墜落到魔鬼,是吧?是的,我不相信會這樣。我持有另一種信條,這種信條沒有人教過我,我也很少提起,但我為此感到愉快,我對它堅信不渝,因為它給所有的人都帶來了希望。它使永恒成為一種安息,一個宏大的家,而并非恐懼和深淵。此外,有了這個信條,我能夠清楚地分辨罪犯和他的罪孽,我可以真誠地寬恕前者,而對后者無比憎惡,有了這個信條,復仇永不會使我操心,墜落不會讓我感到過份深惡痛絕,不公平不會把我完全壓倒,我平靜地生活,期待著末日!

          “Life is too short for me to bear grudges. In this world, surely everyone has his faults. But I believe that soon there will come a day when we cast off our corruptible bodies and thus be rid of these sins. Depravity and sin will leave us along with this cumbersome flesh, leaving only the spark of spirit—the source of life and thought, as pure as when it left God to give life to all things. It returns whence it came. Perhaps it will be passed on to beings higher than man. Perhaps it will pass through various glorious stages, from illuminating the pale souls of men to illuminating the highest seraphim. On the contrary, it will never allow man to fall into the devil, will it? Yes, I do not believe it will. I hold another creed, a creed that no one has taught me and that I seldom mention, but I am happy for it and I firmly believe in it because it brings hope to all. It makes eternity a rest, a great home, not a fear and an abyss. Moreover, with this creed, I can clearly distinguish the criminal from his sin. I can sincerely forgive the former and have an intense hatred for the latter. With this creed, revenge will never trouble me, and falling will not make me feel overly disgusted. Injustice will not completely overwhelm me. I live in peace and look forward to the end.”

          22. “你以為我會無足輕重的留在這里嗎?你以為我是一架沒有感情的機器人嗎?你以為我貧窮、低微、不美、緲小,我就沒有靈魂,沒有心嗎?你想錯了,我和你有一樣多的靈魂,一樣充實的心。如果上帝賜予我一點美,許多錢,我就要你難以離開我,就象我現(xiàn)在難以離開你一樣。我現(xiàn)在不是以社會生活和習俗的準則和你說話,而是我的心靈同你的心靈講話!

          “Do you think I can stay here unimportant? Do you think I am an emotionless robot? Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You are wrong. I have as much soul as you and a heart just as full. If God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. I am not speaking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh: it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at Gods feet, equal — as we are!”

          23. “當我無緣無故挨打時,我們應該狠狠的回擊!”

          “When we are beaten for no reason, we should hit back hard!”

          24. “要自愛,不要把你全身心的愛,靈魂和力量,作為禮物慷慨給予,浪費在不需要和受輕視的地方。”

          “Love yourself. Dont give your whole love, soul and strength as a gift and waste it in places where it is not needed and despised.”

          25. “如果別人不愛我,我寧愿死去而不愿活著——我受不了孤獨和被人憎惡!

          “If others do not love me, I would rather die than live. I cannot bear loneliness and being hated.”

          26. “被命運所拋棄的人,總是被他的朋友們遺忘!

          “Those who are abandoned by fate are always forgotten by their friends.”

          27. “既然審判已無法回避,就只得硬著頭皮去忍受了。”

          “Since judgment cannot be avoided, one has to endure it with a stiff upper lip.”

          28. “成熟的人不問過去,聰明的人不問現(xiàn)在,豁達的人不問未來!

          “A mature person does not ask about the past. A wise person does not ask about the present. An open-minded person does not ask about the future.”

          29. “我準備你熱淚如雨,只不過希望它落在我的胸膛!”

          “I am ready for your tears to fall like rain, only hoping that they will fall on my chest!”

          30. “人的天性就是這樣的不完美!即使是最明亮的行星也有這類黑斑,而斯卡查德小姐這樣的眼睛只能看到細微的缺陷,卻對星球的萬丈光芒視而不見。”

          “Such is the imperfection of human nature! Even the brightest planets have such dark spots. And eyes like Miss Scatcherds can only see minor flaws but are blind to the radiant light of the planet.”

          31. “荒涼不堪巖石嶙峋的邊界之內,仿佛是囚禁地,是放逐的極限!

          “Within the desolate and rugged boundaries, it seems like a prison, the limit of exile.”

          32. “我會帶著不倦的溫柔體貼,在你身邊走動,盡管你不會對我報之以微笑;我會永不厭膩的盯著你的眼睛,盡管那雙眼睛已不再射出一縷確認我的光芒!

          “I will walk around you with tireless tenderness. Although you will not smile at me, I will never tire of staring into your eyes. Although those eyes no longer emit a ray of light confirming me.”

          33. “沒有污點未經感染的記憶必定是一大珍寶,是身心愉快的永不枯竭的源泉!

          “A memory without stains and free from infection must be a great treasure, an inexhaustible source of physical and mental pleasure.”

          34. “當饑餓像猛禽—樣嘴爪俱下抓住我時、孤獨也不成其孤獨,歇息也談不上歇息了。”

          “When hunger seizes me like a raptor with beak and claws, loneliness is no longer loneliness, and rest is not rest either.”

          35. “不一味沉溺于怨恨,敘述時所摻雜的刻薄與惱恨比往日少得多,而且態(tài)度收斂,內容簡明,聽來更可信!

          “Not blindly indulging in resentment. When narrating, there is much less acrimony and resentment than in the past. Moreover, the attitude is restrained and the content is concise, making it sound more credible.”

          36. “理智穩(wěn)坐不動,緊握韁繩,不讓情感掙脫,將自己帶入荒蕪的深淵。激情會像異教徒那樣狂怒的傾瀉,欲望會耽于虛無縹緲的幻想,但是判斷在每次爭執(zhí)中任然有決定權,在每一決策中掌握著生死攸關的一票?耧L,地震和水災雖然都會降臨,但我將聽從那依然細微的聲音的指引,因為是它解釋了良心的命令!

          “Reason sits still and holds the reins tightly, not allowing emotion to break free and lead itself into the desolate abyss. Passion will pour out like a pagan in fury. Desire will indulge in illusory fantasies. But judgment still has the right to decide in every dispute and holds the crucial vote in every decision. Although storms, earthquakes and floods will all come, I will obey the guidance of that still faint voice because it interprets the command of conscience.”

          37. “你這個美麗可愛的小鳥,你要把我的心銜到什么地方去呢?”

          “You beautiful and lovely little bird, where are you going to take my heart?”

          38. “我放棄了祈禱,設想了一個更謙卑的祈求,祈求變化,祈求刺激。”

          “I gave up praying and conceived a more humble prayer, praying for change and excitement.”

          39. “悔恨是生活的毒藥!

          “Regret is the poison of life.”

          40. “鼓足勇氣準備面對最壞的結局,它終于來了!

          “Summoning up courage to prepare for the worst outcome, it finally came.”

          41. “即便是對我這樣的人來說,生活中也畢竟還有幾縷陽光呢!

          “Even for someone like me, there are still a few rays of sunshine in life after all.”

          42. “據說天才總有很強的自我意識。”

          “It is said that geniuses always have a strong sense of self.”

          43. “生命太短暫了,沒時間恨一個人那么久!

          “Life is too short to hate someone for so long.”

          44. “忘掉夢幻中的災禍,單想現(xiàn)實中的幸福吧!”

          “Forget the disasters in dreams and only think about the happiness in reality!”

          45. “詩和天才不僅活著,而且統(tǒng)治著世界,拯救著世界。”

          “Poetry and genius not only live but also rule the world and save the world.”

          46. “生命對我來說,太短暫了,不能用來懷恨記仇!

          “Life is too short for me to bear grudges.”

          47. “雖說我是孩子,卻不愿當做空頁接受你!

          “Although I am a child, I do not want to accept you as a blank page.”

          48. “最能克服仇恨的并不是暴力,最能醫(yī)治創(chuàng)傷的也不是報復!

          “The thing that overcomes hatred the most is not violence. The thing that heals wounds the most is not revenge.”

          49. “真正的友誼不是一株瓜蔓,會在一夜之間躥起來,一天之內枯萎下去。”

          “True friendship is not a vine that shoots up overnight and withers in a day.”

          50. “人的天性就是這樣的不完美!即使是最明亮的行星也有這類黑斑,而斯卡查德小姐這樣的眼睛只能看到細微的缺陷,卻對星球的萬丈光芒視而不見。”

          “Such is the imperfection of human nature! Even the brightest planets have such dark spots. And eyes like Miss Scatcherds can only see minor flaws but are blind to the radiant light of the planet.”

          51. “沒有理智的感情固然淡而無味,但缺乏感情的理智也太艱澀粗糙,真是讓人難以下咽!

          “Feeling without reason is indeed flat and tasteless. But reason without feeling is too harsh and rough. It is really hard to swallow.”

          52. “我知道我必須隱藏我的感情,我必須把希望的火焰撲滅,我必須牢牢記住他不可能十分喜歡我,我必須不斷地重復












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