現代信息技術的快速發展使多媒體教學成為推動素質教育實施的重要手段,是推動中學英語教學改革的途徑之一。但很多地區、很多學校,尤其是廣大農村中學受諸多因素的影響,多媒體教學也只是在公開課、優課評比或展示課中才曇花一現。更多的教學仍然是教師常態下的“一支粉筆馳騁講壇”。有幸學習了成尚榮老師的一句話:“一個真正具有大智慧的老師,應在其樸素、自然的教學中流露出自己新課程的理念,這樣的教育才是深刻的、大氣的!辈痪们埃覅⒓恿艘淮慰h級優課評比,在準備教學模式之前,我根據慣例,精心查閱了大量素材,制作了精美的教學課件,大有“萬事俱備,只欠東風”之勢。然而在進入課堂前 20分鐘,全校供電中斷。教研員立即通知我們上“常態”下的特色課。經過短促的準備,我抱著“讓學生動起來”的目的,進行了課堂教學。
一、 Free talk(由原本準備的觀看豐富多彩的學校生活改為師生交流)
T:Boys and girls, have you ever heard the song Childhood?
T:Yes, it’s a song about our school life(直接引入教學內容).Maybe some of you don’t know it, now, I’ll sing it for you all.(我唱的“童年 ”歌聲不算優美,但節奏明快,自然親切,學生鼓起熱烈的掌聲。)
S:Great, sounds sweet!
二、 Presentation(原本由圖片帶進的生詞在對話中一次呈現)
Step One
T:Thanks. It’s an old song about my school life. It’s unforgettable,you know.Of course, it is not the same as yours today. For example, we didn’t have MP4, we didn’t have computers, we didn’t have a library, we don’t have enough monery to buy snacks.We didn’t need to spend a lot of time doing homework...(句型貼近課文,自然呈現 生詞library,spend, snacks...)
Step Two
T: I guess that all of you must want to know what my school life was like,right?
T: OK, I will give you the chance. Now prepare for five minutes,discuss with your partner:what do you want to know about my schoole life?(學生一下子活躍起來,他們有那么的問題想問我。)
S-T ask and answer(5分鐘后)
T: Are you ready?
Ss: Yes.
T:Good, the more you ask me, the more stars you will get. Let’s go!( 激勵機制在課堂上已成為教師調動學生學習興趣的重要手段。在沒有多媒體的情況下,我把學生分成六小組,通過紅色粉筆畫星星的方法激勵他們投入到自主學習中去。)
1. Is your school big?
2. What’s the name of your school?
3. Do you have a good friend ?Boy or girl?(調皮的問題引起學生善意的笑聲)
4. Who’s your English teacher?
5. When do you go to school in the morning?
6. How many lessons do you have a day?
7. What do you do after class?
8. Do you like football?(這是一男生的問題,我用自己在電視上所了解的足球知識和一些足球明星和他進行了交流,他對我的答案很滿意。)
9. What subject do you hate?(我不喜歡數學課,我告訴學生我的數學不是很好,但我們那時老師不太嚴格,也不經常考試,學生流露出羨慕和向往。)
10. Where do you have lunch?(我告訴他們我們那時候不住校,一天三頓都得回家,又引起了學生的一片噓聲)
三、 Reading
Step one: Fast reading
T:Comparing with my school life,yours are more colourfoul and lively.You have a lot to do,I guess?
T:You have computers, you have walkmans, most of you have your own fans,such as film stars,sport stars,even your superstar. So now it’s your turn to tell me more about your school life today. Who would like to tell me more?
T:Come on ,boys and girls. To tell me more and better,we will first have a look at the passage on page 24. I believe you can find some details and information.
Ss: Begin to read the passage quickly.(2分鐘)
T:Now, who will be the first one to tell me more? S:Let me try.
T:Which class are you in?
S:I am in Class One Grade Seven.
T:Is your clss big?
S:Yes. My classroom is big and clean.
T:Are your classmates nice ?
S:Yes, they’re all friendly and nice.
評析:師生圍繞教學內容展開問答。在這部分教師所設計的問題都是一些簡單的Yes or No quesitons. 創設寬松的對話情境有助于從各個層面了解學生的掌握情況,關注每個學生的差異,讓學生在體驗角色的同時完成了自我構建,進而張揚個性。
四、 Task and summary
T: Boys and girls ,I would like to say that I am very pleased with your action today.’
Now,let’s see which group have got the most stars.
Ss:Group three! Yeah!
T:After learning this article, I hope you have a good idea about your school life.But just as we know, we have a lot of homework to do everyday, and we don’t have enough time for our hobbies, such as playing computers,watching TV, listening to pop songs, the only thing we must do is :listen to your techers,have classed, right?
T:That’s boring. I told you all about my school life, you have also told me about your school life, but what will our school life be in the near future? Can you imagine: What is your ideal school life?
Ss: Discuss in groups excitedly.
五、 Homework
T: Boys and girls , I think it is the most interesting class I have even had. I wish every one of you can have a good time in school. Ok, after school, write down what you have told me about your ideal school life ,let me see who writes the best. Now,bey-bey.
Ss:Bye bye.
反思:“文滅質,博溺心 ”。誠然,計算機多媒體技術作為現代教學工具,表現出其強大的活力,具有直觀性、交互性等特點。它的優點是不容否認的。但不管是采用哪種教學方式、哪種教學手段,教學的目的就一個:讓學生學會主動學習,讓學生動起來。課堂響起了原聲態的歌曲,黑板上也出現了久違的簡筆畫。學生能夠積極的參與到你的教學中來,大膽表現自己,這就是一堂成功的英語課!沒有多媒體的英語課堂同樣也能夠精彩起來!
發揮多媒體優勢 優化英語課堂教學11-14
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