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      1. Interview面試對話

        時(shí)間:2022-11-14 14:56:40 Interview 我要投稿
        • 相關(guān)推薦




          Interview面試對話 篇1

          A:Good morning. can I help you?早上好, 請問有什么事?

          B: My name is Julia Wang. I`ve come for an interview as resquested.我叫朱莉亞·王。我是來面試的。

          A:Oh, yes. Our manager has been expecting you. I`ll let him know you have arrived. Please make yourself comfortable.哦,是的。我們經(jīng)理正在等你。讓我通知他你已經(jīng)到了。請自便。

          B: Thank you.謝謝。

          Dialogues 2

          A: You are Ms. Jilia Wang? I`m Petter Lewis. Sit down,please.你是朱莉亞·王小姐嗎?我是彼得·劉易斯。請坐。

          B:Yes ,thank you. Nice to meet you, Mr.Lewis.是的,謝謝。見到你很高興,劉易斯先生。

          A:Well, why don`t you begin by telling me a little about yourself?先簡要介紹一下你自己吧?

          B:I graduated from Fu Dan University three years ago. My major is international finance.我三年前畢業(yè)復(fù)旦大學(xué)。我的專業(yè)是國際金融。


          A: I`ve looked over your resume, Ms. Liu. It seems that you have a very good education background. Do you have any experience?我已經(jīng)看過你的簡歷了,劉小姐。你的學(xué)歷背景看上去很不錯(cuò)。你有什么工作經(jīng)驗(yàn)嗎?

          B: Yes, I worked at a small import and export firm for one year.有,我在一個(gè)小的進(jìn)出口公司工作了一年。

          A: What made you chooes our company?你為什么要選擇我們的公司?

          B: My former company was too small. I think working in your company would provide me with more opportunities.我以前的`公司太小了。我想,在你們公司工作,我可能會(huì)有更多的機(jī)遇。

          A: Do you have a good command of both written and spoken English?你的英語書寫和口頭表達(dá)能力好嗎?

          B: Yes, I think so. I scored high in the TOEFL test two years ago.我覺得很好。兩年前我在托?荚?yán)锬昧烁叻帧?/p>

          A:Do you mind working overtime?你介意加班嗎?

          B: No, I don`t. Any way, I`m a workaholic.不介意,其實(shí)我本人是個(gè)工作狂。

          A: Thank you for coming. You`ll probably hear from us in two weeks.謝謝你能來。 兩周內(nèi)我們會(huì)通知你的。

          Dialouges 4

          A: Do you have a resume with you?你帶了履歷了嗎?

          B: Yes, here it is.是,在這里。

          A:What kind of work have you done in the past?你以前做過什么工作?

          B: I used to be a receptionist in a state-owned company.我曾是一家國有企業(yè)的前臺(tái)。

          A: What made you quit that job?你為什么要放棄那份工作?

          B: I moved to this district last month and my former working place was too far.我上個(gè)月搬到這個(gè)區(qū)來住了。以前的公司離我家很遠(yuǎn)。

          A: Can you type? And how is your oral English?你會(huì)打字嗎?你的英語口語怎么樣?

          B: Yes, I can. And I am very confident with my oral English.我會(huì)打字。我對我的英語口語很有信心。

          A: Well, when can you start work? 你什么時(shí)候能來上班?

          B: Anytime.隨時(shí)。

          A:Then report for work tomorrow morning at 9.那明天早上9點(diǎn)來報(bào)道。

          B:I will. Thank you very much.好的。非常謝謝。

          Interview面試對話 篇2

          ADid you have any working experience during college?


          BYes, I did some part-time jobs such as English tutor, salesman, and model.


          AWhat did you learn from your part-time jobs?


          BI learned to be patient, professional and gained a lol of experience of direct sales.


          Interview面試對話 篇3

          AHave you found another job yet, Sally?


          BNo, I haven't, but I've seen several interesting advertisements in the paper.


          AWhat kind of job are you looking for?


          BEither something in the hotel business or something to do with travel.


          AYou haven't had any experience in either of those fields.


          BI know. But I'd like to try. Look, here are some advertisements that I've cut out.


          Interview面試對話 篇4

          AI’ve just looked over your resume and I must admit I am quite impressed.


          BThank you. I’ve worked pretty hard to be able to list those accomplishments.


          AYou’ve got plenty of training and experience. I wonder if you could tell me something about your goals. Where do you see yourself ten years from now?


          BTo be honest, I don’t plan in that much detail. My goals tend to be general; I define success according to the job at hand. I see myself advancing as I succeed, but I don’t necessarily dwell on the timing of each step.


          AInteresting! And how do you feel about decision-making? Are you an independent thinker, or do you depend more on your superior for direction?

          有意思! 你對“作決定”有什么看法? 你是個(gè)獨(dú)立思考者,還是更多地依賴上級的指示?

          BThat depends a bit on the problem at hand. There are certain situations in which a manager can give a general directive, and expect his employees to know how to take the initiative on the detail. I am known for taking the initiative, but I believe I also have the discernment to wait for direction when the situation calls for that.


          ASounds good. Everyone is taking about teams these days. Can you describe your role as a member of a sales team?


          BI see myself as an encourager. Of course, sales can be quite competitive and sometimes people in this field have a secret desire for others to fail. In my last job, each representative handled a different region. I developed a system for sharing sales gimmicks that worked. Soon the whole sales team started saving up stories, not just to brag, but to share.


          ASo, your experience is as impressive in practice as it is on paper.


          Interview面試對話 篇5

          A: If we want you to be the tour guides in Zhangjiajie, how will you introduce it to the tourists?

          A:如果我們讓你們兩位做張家界的導(dǎo)游, 你們怎樣把它介紹給游客?

          B: I will introduce the scenery spots briefly, especially Huangqizhai, Xianrenqiao, and Baohufeng. The Huangqizhai is famous for its altitude and the unique folk customs, the Xianrenqiao will make you perceive the wonder of nature, and the Baohufeng is, in my opinion, the most beautiful natural scene.

          B:我會(huì)簡潔介紹一下風(fēng)景點(diǎn),尤其是黃奇 寨、仙人橋和寶湖峰。黃奇寨以它的海 拔高度以及獨(dú)特的民俗風(fēng)情聞名于世, 仙人橋可以讓你領(lǐng)略到大自然的鬼斧神 工,而寶湖峰在我看來是最美麗的自然 風(fēng)光。

          C: First of all, I will introduce the main scenery spots in Zhangjiajie. Then I will call the tourists’ attention by giving a profile of the local history and culture. It is, I think, very important for a better understanding of them on the significance of this tour, for the folk customs and the natural scenery are closely related to each other. If the tourists have known nothing about the local historic state but the isolated scenery only, the scenery in their eyes is just a vague i-dea with no differences with others.

          C:首先,我將介紹張家界的主要風(fēng)景點(diǎn)。 然后,我會(huì)給游客們簡述當(dāng)?shù)氐臍v史和 文化,讓他們體會(huì)。因?yàn)槊袼罪L(fēng)情與自 然風(fēng)光是緊密地聯(lián)系在一起的,所以我 認(rèn)為,這在讓他們體會(huì)到這趟旅行的意 義方面十分重要。如果游客只知道單獨(dú) 景觀,對當(dāng)?shù)貧v史狀況一無所知,那么在 他們眼中的景色不過是空洞的,與其他 景觀沒有什么區(qū)別。

          A: If there is a tourist who complains about your arrangements during the tour, how will you deal with it?

          A:在游覽途中,如果有旅客抱怨你所做的 安排,你會(huì)怎樣處理這個(gè)問題?

          B: It depends. If the things he complains about are not conflicted with the general arrangement and don’t conflict with most of the tourists, I will try to satisfy him, and get some experience from it. But if not, I will point out the problem of changing to him. If his complaint is echoed by most of the tourists, I will think twice about the arrangement and try to improve it to satisfy all the members.

          B:這要依據(jù)情況來定。如果他所抱怨的事 情與總的安排以及大多數(shù)的旅客無沖 突,我會(huì)努力滿足他并從中學(xué)到經(jīng)驗(yàn)。 如果與此相反,我會(huì)指出改變計(jì)劃所帶 來的問題。如果他的抱怨也是大多數(shù)游 客的意見,我會(huì)重新審視我的安排并盡 量滿足所有的成員。

          C: First of all, before the tour, I will discuss with the tourists about my arrangement. Although they are not familiar with the scenery here, they come with different imaginations and hopes for the beauty of nature. I will never impose my view upon their. So I make the arrangements carefully after I listen to them. Second, if this happens during the tour, I will also learn the reasons for their complaint and try to satisfy them.

          C:首先,在旅游前,我會(huì)與游客討論我的.日 程安排。盡管他們對這里的風(fēng)光不熟 悉,但他們來這里都是帶著對自然美景 的想象和憧憬。我不會(huì)把我的觀點(diǎn)強(qiáng)加 給他們的。在聽取了他們的意見后我會(huì) 仔細(xì)地做出安排。其次,如果在旅途中 有這種情況發(fā)生,同樣,我將弄清楚他們 抱怨的理由并盡量滿足他們。

          A: Well, you seem to have all the practical experience to handle these circumstances. We will accept you for a three-month period of probation.

          A:這樣看來,你們似乎具有實(shí)際的經(jīng)驗(yàn)來 處理這些狀況,我們接受你們先進(jìn)行三 個(gè)月的試用期。

          B: Thank you. I'll do my best.


          C: Thank you.


          Interview面試對話 篇6

          A: Hello, I am Taylor Pan. Nice to have you here.


          B: I am very pleased to meet you. I am Hu yao.


          A: So you are from the same city as I am. How you would like to come and work here?

          A:嗨!這么說我們還是同鄉(xiāng)。你怎么想到 這兒工作的?

          B: Perhaps just like you. I am used to and sort off tired of the inactiveness and routine like work and life deep inland. You know, the coastal places offer more chances for challenges and liveliness.

          B:也許正和您相同。內(nèi)陸城市的工作和生 活都較死氣沉沉、機(jī)械、呆板,而沿海城 市有更多讓你活躍和接受挑戰(zhàn)的機(jī)會(huì)。

          A: But do you also know that work here is exhausting and life here is sometimes messy?

          A:可是你知不知道這兒的工作更讓你筋疲 力盡,生活有時(shí)也是一團(tuán)糟。

          B: I know. But I prefer the chances for knowing more different people from different walks of life and different places. I may also have chances to show the tourists around different places of interest.

          B:我知道。但我看重這兒的機(jī)會(huì),可以接 觸更多來自不同地域和行業(yè)的各種人 士,也可以有機(jī)會(huì)帶游客到各個(gè)名勝之 地。

          A: What have you done in the past as a tour guide?


          B: As you might see in my application letter. I worked with Star Workers travel Service on a three-year contract after graduation from a tourist school. When I showed my clients around in the city—I just did that, I mean I never went beyond the city limits. When I did that, I enjoyed my time with them. And I tried my best to be most helpful to them and place them and make them enjoy their time-because I learned in school and at work to be quite a “ lingual”. I mean I am able to speak with them in their tongue—besides the local tongue, Mandarin, Cantonese, English and a little bit Japanese.

          B:正如我求職信所言,從旅游學(xué)校畢業(yè)之 后,我與星光旅行社簽訂了 3年的合同 做導(dǎo)游。我?guī)в慰驮谑袃?nèi)旅游時(shí)——我 只在市內(nèi),也就是說我從沒出過市。我 跟他們過得很愉快。我也盡了最大努力 幫助他們,滿足他們,使他們過得愉 快一因?yàn)樵趯W(xué)校時(shí)和在后來工作中, 我學(xué)會(huì)了當(dāng)一個(gè)“語言家”,我指的是,我 用他們的話跟他們交談——除了當(dāng)?shù)卣Z 方言,我會(huì)普通話、廣東話、英語,還有一 點(diǎn)日語。

          A: Hm, you are amazing. Do you think your clients sometimes asked too much of you or troubled you?

          A:嗯,你簡直是個(gè)奇才。你有沒有認(rèn)為你 的旅客有時(shí)要求過分或難為你?

          B: Yes, sometimes they did. But I had my way to get around. Like I would get them to understand tour guiding and respect tour guides. You know, you can always find a way to deal with it?

          B:是的,有時(shí)他們較過分,但我有我的處理 辦法。比如,我要讓他們充分理解導(dǎo)游 工作,尊重導(dǎo)游人員。你總是能找到方 法加以解決的。

          A: Well, do you know what is with our agency?


          B: Er. I just referred to your agency. You take all sorts of people, you show them wherever they want to be showed, that is, you are very flexible. And you have a large network, internal and external. And you have professional management, which means you accept only professional guides and you expect from them professional work. Of course you also pay them “professional” money, considerably high.

          B:我已了解過你們旅行社的情況。你們不 限接待各種游客,他們想去哪里,你們都 帶他們?nèi)。也就是說,你們很靈活而且 有一個(gè)宏大的網(wǎng)絡(luò),內(nèi)部和外部都有。 你們還有專業(yè)性質(zhì)的管理,也就是說,你 們要求你們的導(dǎo)游專業(yè)化,當(dāng)然,你們所 付的薪水也是“專業(yè)化的”,相當(dāng)高。

          A: Then what do you think about tips or souvenirs from your clients and kick backs or commissions from the people whose clients you are?

          A:那么,你的客人給你小費(fèi)或紀(jì)念禮品或 者你帶客人買東西什么的,從賣方得到 回扣或者傭金,你對這些怎么看?

          B: Well, professionals should be professionals. Souvenirs are OK, but not kick backs. After all, you need to save your clients* money, too, because you want them to come back to you next time or get their friends to come to you.

          B:呃,專業(yè)人員畢竟應(yīng)該是專業(yè)人員。紀(jì) 念品可以接受,但回扣不行。說到底,你 也得為你的客人節(jié)約用錢,因?yàn)槟阈枰?他們做你的`回頭客或是介紹他們的朋友 作你的客人。

          A: Come on, Mr. Hu, my compatriot. You are a genius, I’m convinced. I wish I could say you are recruited right now. I will give you my favor when we consider you. Thank you for coming. Wish you good luck.

          A:嗨,胡先生,我的同鄉(xiāng)。你簡直讓我認(rèn)為 你是個(gè)天才。但愿我現(xiàn)在就能對你說, 你被錄用了。我們考慮你的時(shí)候,我會(huì) 向著你的。謝謝你來面試。祝你好運(yùn)。

          B: Thank you for your time and favor with me. Good-bye.

          B:謝謝您花了這么多時(shí)間,謝謝關(guān)照。再 見。


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