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      1. 外貿(mào)英語對話之專利注冊

        時間:2021-01-15 18:37:47 Negotiation 我要投稿




          Part One

          G: I heard a new patent law was issued recently. Is it true?

          喬治:聽說最近頒布了一頂新的專利法, 是真的嗎?

          W: Yes, it is true. With the economic and social development, our law system will be more and more comprehensive.

          王:是真的。隨著經(jīng)濟和社會的發(fā)展, 我們的法律會越來越全面。

          G: What is the purpose of issuing the new patent law? What function does it have?

          喬治:頒布新的專利法的目的是什么呢? 它起到了什么作用?

          W: The basic purpose of the regulation is to protect and encourage invention and innovation, promote the progress of science and technology and economic and social development. Specifically, the patent can not only bring the inventor pecuniary interests, but also can improve the competitiveness of enterprises, introduce advanced technology, improve the social status and so on,

          王:這一法規(guī)的基本目的是保護和鼓勵 發(fā)明創(chuàng)新,促進科技進步和經(jīng)濟社 會發(fā)展。具體來說,專利不僅可以 為專利發(fā)明人帶來金錢上的利益, 而且還能提高企業(yè)的競爭力,引進 先進技術(shù),提高社會地位等。

          G: Does the new patent law mean that foreigners are entitled to apply for a patent in your country?

          喬治:專利法的頒布是不是意味著外國人 也可以在你們國內(nèi)申請專利呢?

          W: That's for sure. But they usually need a patent agency as the agent.

          王:那是當然。但一般需要一個專利機 構(gòu)作為代理人。

          G: What is the general procedure of the application for patent?


          W: The applicant needs to write and submit the relevant documentation of application for a patent, pay the application fee. If he gains the approval of state intellectual property office, it means he did it successfully. Otherwise, he needs to apply again.

          王:要撰寫和提交專利申請的相關(guān)文 件、繳納申請費。若獲得國家知識 產(chǎn)權(quán)局的通過,即注冊成功。否則 需要重新申請。

          G: How long does a patent for an invention last?

          喬治:那么一般一頂專利的期限是多長時 間啊?

          W: Five years. Five years later it automatically expires if there is no new application.

          王:5年。若沒有重新申請,五年后自動 失效。

          G: Can the patent be transferred to other people?


          W: Yes. It will do if the two sides sign a transfer contract.

          王:可以的。雙方簽訂一份轉(zhuǎn)讓合同就 可以了。

          G: I understand. Thank you for explaining to me patiently.


          W: It is my pleasure.


          Part Two

          J: Hello. I'd like to apply for a patent.


          L: Hello. Do you know the rights and obligations of a patentee?


          J: Yes,I do. The owner of a patent enjoys the exclusive right to develop this product. No one else has the privilege to enjoy the patent without the owner's authorization. The obligation is to pay patent application fee every year.

          知道。專利所有人享有開發(fā)這一產(chǎn)品的專一 權(quán)利。未經(jīng)授權(quán),任何人不得享用該專利。義務(wù)就是每年都要繳納專利申請費。

          L: You are right. The right is exclusive. May I ask what kind of patent do you want to apply, inventions, utility model, or visual design?

          是的,權(quán)利是獨一的、排外的`。請問你要申 請的是哪一種類型的專利呢,發(fā)明、實用新型還是外觀設(shè)計?

          J:I think this should belong to invention. Our company invented a new natural cosmetics, natural hall brand.

          我想這應(yīng)該屬于發(fā)明吧。我們公司發(fā)明了一 種新的天然化牧品,自然堂牌的。

          L: I am sorry to tell you that you don't qualify for a patent. We already have this brand of cosmetics.

          很抱歉,我覺得這不具備申請專利的條件。 我們已經(jīng)有這個牌子的化妝品了。

          J: It should not be like this. But I suppose the composition of our product and yours should not be the same. Because it is entirely our independent research and development, it's our own product.

          不是吧?但我想我們產(chǎn)品絕對和你們的成分是不一樣的。因為我們完全是自主研發(fā),是 我們自己的產(chǎn)品。

          L: If It is true, I suggest you had better change the name. And maybe you can gain the approval.

          如果確實是這樣的話,那你們最好改一下名 字,也許會通過審批。

          J: OK, we will think a new name out. What conditions does It need to apply for a patent?


          L:A patent should possess the characteristic of novelty, advancement and practicability. The stuff you need to prepare includes application, specification, illustration for specification, oath or statement. And the most important is specification.

          一項專利發(fā)明應(yīng)該具備新穎性、先進性和實 用性。你們需要準備的材料有申請書、說明 書、說明書附圖、宣誓或聲明書。其中最重 要的是說明書。

          J:I understand. Thank you for your guidance.I will apply again after I get all the needed materials ready, OK?

          我知道了。謝謝你的指導。我把材料備齊了 再來申請,好嗎?

          L:No problem. But you had better hurry up.


          J:OK. We will be as soon as possible.













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