- P]
1. It's cool! ܺ, ܰ!
Cool @ӢǑV֮һ, SrSض ˼f@. ͨжN˼ҕf cool! ȵһ, fһe, , "I am going to college this year." Ϳf "Cool!" ˼f, "I just bought a brand new car." ߀f "Cool!" ֻ֮ҪǺ, 㶼f cool!
һϕf cool DŽeˆij˛], f, e˾͕f cool. eˆ "Did you make one copy for me?" f, "Yes." ͕Ȼf "Cool." ˼҆, "Did you go to watch the football game yesterday?" f, "Yes." ˼Ҳf "Cool!" ֮, cool @ǟoڵ, ʲô, f cool ʛ]e.
2. It is neat! ̫
҂@f, neatcoolı^, cool ߀ cool һcľ neat, efWٌWʮ, @N cool Dz, f neat! ĸNһc. ˼f, "I've been to Europe several times." @Nܰlһϵ, Ҳf neat! Neat @ֲՓ÷Ϻͳ̶Ϻ cool @ֿfDz, ͬӶDZFe˵һN϶Jͬ. f "I've taken piano lessens for ten years." (ѽWʮ.) @rͿԽ, "Neat!" "Cool!" (Dz!) ʾľ֮. , neat cool ҲС桹˼.桹r@ɂֳ stuff @B, ʾһЩֺܰ.e˵עͿf, "Check out those neat stuff!" (@ЩܰĖ|.) @ neat @| (stuff) ֵһ.ͬӵҲf, cool stuff, , "I've just bought some cool stuff." (҄IһЩܰĖ|.)
3. It is righteous! !
@ cool , һo neat , Ǿֻ@, fhһܻ, ͿԸf, "It's righteous!" @Uõ, X.
4. It's good. ܺ.
فBһMҲdzõ~.Good cool , ʲôrͿÓڶ, "It's good!" , ˼f, "I just got an A from that course." Ϳp赭f "It's good." һe˸㆖Õr, "How are you doing?" ͨ҂ش, "I am good" "I am doing good." @ǎÿ춼õČԒ֮һ.
good for you good to hear @NҲܳҊ, e˸fҪϴW, fQĬFÿҪ\һСr, Ϳf, "Good for you." "Good to hear."
5. That's great. ̫.
Great @fܰ˼. Ҳ@ good ı^, ǂõһ A ˓QŮԒ, ҿܾ͕f "That's great!" @ӄe ܾ͕һc. ͬӵ, e˸㆖, ҪXúܲeԒ, Ϳf "I am great!" ^Ҫע, f "That's great!" rЕrfԒ! Wdr, ͻȻA, @rҲf, "That's great!". DZͬWvҪnȥ, YͻȻfҪԇ, ܲ@ôҲf, "That's great!" (ǰ!) ҂ҲкƵ÷, Դґԓ̫ӠҲfԒ?
6. That's wonderful. ̫
Wonderful Ҫ great ߀ҪٸһЩ. f@ "A" ˲ǂü, ЎĘԒ, ԇԇ@! "That's wonderful!" DzǺ? ȻҪe˸㆖, ش "I am wonderful." ǾͱʾǺܲe!
ڏV һΌԒ, ˆ, "How are you today?" , "I am just good." ˲̫M, "Just good?" ˾Ŀڴ, "I am great." ]뵽߀DzM, "Just great?" ˲f, "I am wonderful." @r˲M, ]^mȥ. @ҿԺؿ good, great wonderful ֮g̶ϵPϵ.
7. That's incredible. y.
Incredible good @һϵ~˰. õ incredible @, ͱʾ@|Ǻõӡ. 焂 "A" üֻһ A, WÿTn A, (straight A's) ܾҪf "That's incredible." ֱȷfһҺܰIJ͏dͳ, Ҳ@, "The food was incredible!" ^עһ, e˸㆖Dzܴf "I am incredible." ! ߀һ fabulous Փ˼Ϻ÷ϸ terrific ʮֵؽӽ, Áݡdzġ. 㿴ĺѽɫO, f, "You look terrific today!" "You look fabulous today!" (쿴ܰ!)
8. She is pretty. Ư.
Pretty Ưr, beautiful ̶ϲ, ҪȵԒ, beautiful ߀DZ pretty ߀Ҫ beautiful һc. ߀һN÷ǮِоɵıFr, Ϳf, Oh! That's pretty. Dzf, That's beautiful, Dzc?
9. The house is gorgeous! @ӺƯ.
Gorgeous ҲÁݡƯ. ϴȥ^~sĴ^, ҹ䵽һȫͮչʾdr, ߅鲻Խغһ, "Gorgeous." ֪@طжƯ, СҲ鲻Խfһ "Gorgeous." ֻ^@Ҳǿʲôͮ, ǿһλ|ĽlŮ. mȻ pretty/beautiful ҲƯ, ڳ̶ gorgeous beautiful pretty ߀ҪƯһc. ڑ҂ҕrQҪ pretty/beautiful gorgeous. СŮԒ҂Ϳf, "She's pretty." ǴŮԒͿf "She's gorgeous." gorgeous ɲŮ! Ҳ gorgeous е. , "Her brother is gorgeous. We all like him." (ĸLúܺÿ, ҂ϲg.) СŮ pretty, Ů gorgeous. ǡŮҪôf? Ӣһ۽ drop-dead gorgeous. ˼f@NŮ㿴֮, @G赹. (drop-dead ԭǵȥ, p_һ, , @赹^һc.) λJRʲô drop-dead gorgeous Ů, Ʉeӛڻ赹ǰ֪ͨСһ.
10. It is a terrific game. һܰıِ.
Terrific ֵ鵽пֲ, µ˼, ]@ցµ˼, , ָܰĖ|. @ֵĵȼŸ wonderful . eˆ, "Have you been seen the movie?" Դf, "Yes, that's a terrific one."
11. That's awesome.̫.
Awesome terrific һ, ֵﶼпµ˼, Ǯ ef@֕r, ٷ֮پֻкܰ˼.ֻͨv awesome һ, eˆ, XҵļҲõ, ͿԴf. "Awesome!" ˼҆, "How do you think of that game?" Ҳf awesome! ʾLjِǺܾ.ӛÿȥِr, ÿTоɱFr, \ӈĻ͕ AWESOME @ׂ. ´㿴eҲвeıFr, Ҳf "Awesome." עһ, terrific, awesome һ excellent ϶ǿԻQʹõ. ճ\, wonderful, terrific, fabulous, awesome һ excellent ϶ǿԻQʹõ.ĚWλ, eˆ, "How's your trip?" (óΰ?) @rxкܶN. 㲻Իش, "Wonderful!""Terrific!" "Fabulous!" ߀Իش, "Awesome!" "Excellent!" @ֲׂՓxϺͳ̶϶.
и Zԇ07-01