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      1. 英語六級寫作常用句型

        時間:2023-01-22 10:36:07 英語六級 我要投稿
        • 相關(guān)推薦






          1) They looked both ways before they crossing the street.

          2) I made my decision after talking to Sir Francis.

          3) Despite/In spite of his illness, he was determined to carry out his plan.

          4) Despite/In spite of their intelligence, they aren’t doing well in school.

          5) Despite/In spite of his richness/wealth, he isn’t very happy.

          6) Despite/In spite of his height, he isn’t a very good basketball player.

          7) Without your support, we might succeed in performing our task.

          8) Even with air and water, plants still couldn’t grow on the moon.

          9) Without hard work, you will accomplish nothing.

          10) But for their assistance, he would have found himself in trouble.


          1) They wear layers of clothes even in summer time, with newspapers stuffed between the layers as further protection against bad weather.

          2) With more people helping them, they probably will be able to accomplish the task ahead of time.

          3) With all his savings gone, he started to look for a job.

          4) In the corner there is a table, with one of its legs shorter than the others.

          5) With the job finished, we went to the seaside for a holiday.

          6) With the pace of change quickening, more and more scientists find it hard to keep up with the latest developments even in their own disciplines.

          7) She looked in my face with tears streaming down her cheeks.


          1) She won’t go home until after (taking) the exam.

          2) Because of his bad leg, he couldn’t walk as fast as the others.

          3) We are full aware of the seriousness of the situation.

          4) She hurried back to school for fear of missing too many lessons.

          5) Instead of criticizing Susan for what she has done, we ought to praise her for it.

          6) Instead of going straight home after school, Helen went to work as a waitress in a restaurant.

          7) Instead of going to send the book to Allan by post, I am going to take it to him myself.

          8) Instead of going to New York yesterday to attend his daughter’s wedding, Dr. Wilson flew to Florida for an emergency case.


          1) I love intelligent girls.

          2) At the party, I got to know a professor in his thirties.

          3) I hate to see letters written in pencil.

          4) The substance discovered almost by accident has revolutionized medicine.

          5) Among those taking part in the work, he is probably the most active.


          1) Every one of us left the meeting convinced that the project was feasible.

          2) Peter got home from the three-month-long journey to the Antarctic, looking tired out.

          3) They went hunting for hours, but they returned empty-handed.

          4) He entered the office, still annoyed by the way she spoke to him.

          5) Pressured by school work and encouraged by their peers, teenagers resort to smoking.

          6) Primarily interested in grades and economic success, college students now cheat on exams more frequently.


          1) He sat in front of them, his dusty face masking his age.

          2) Hearing a continual strange noise coming from the next room, her heart beat fast.

          3) The old beggar sat at the corner, tears welling up in his eyes.

          4) Jim continued on his way, the dog jumping about in front of him.

          5) The girl in the snapshot wore a broad smile, her long hair flowing in the breeze.


          1) This is Mr. Black, director of our hospital.

          2) “Leave it to me,” said Peter, the man on duty.

          3) Qinghai Lake, the largest inland body of salt water in China, lies 3195 meters above sea level.

          4) The whole plan was completed within three months, half the usual time.

          5) He read all kinds of books, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign.

          6) Formerly a worker himself, he is now an engineer.

          7) A mother of three children, she has now entered a college again for further education.


          1) It was a cold snowy day and he had no money left for food.

          2) Hurry up or you’ll be late.

          3) It rained heavily last night but I went to the show anyway.

          4) I enjoy classical music, so does she.

          5) He must be ill, for he is absent today.

          6) Some people waste food while others haven’t enough.

          7) She is fat whereas her husband is thin.

          8) She cannot read, neither can she write.



          1) It is quite obvious that they need more help in English.

          2) It is good news that she is still alive.

          3) It doesn’t seem likely that she will come here.

          4) What the children like the best in the zoo are the pandas.

          5) What we are badly in need of is raw material.


          1) It’s a pity that he did not come earlier.

          2) It is a well-known fact that smoking can cause lung cancer.

          3) It is true that I encouraged him, but I didn’t actually help him.

          4) It didn’t seem likely that they would ever keep their promise.

          5) It was hard to understand why Prof. Hardy had singled out Mary for criticism.


          1) Can you tell me what kind of show they are putting on?

          2) I’m wondering if the letter is overweight.

          3) I am thinking how we can improve our study habits.

          4) We are still uncertain whether Henry is the right person for the job.

          5) Peter has always been in good health except that he has a slight headache sometimes.

          6) He suddenly remembered that he had forgotten to take his notebook with him.


          1) I always took it for granted that I was far more intelligent than he was.

          2) We all thought it a pity that you were unable to attend our meeting.

          3) We consider it important that you should mind your manners.

          4) He didn't want it known that he was too ill to go on working.

          5) I regard it important that every one of you should finish your homework on time.

          6) He took it for granted that his father would come to his help if he got into trouble.

          7) We thought it highly probable that he might change his mind at the last minute.

          8) I think it likely that the train will be delayed by the dense fog.

          9) The doctor thinks it advisable that you should stop smoking.


          1) Could you show me what you have written?

          2) This is what we should always keep in mind.

          3) What they saw in China made a deep impression on them.

          4) We must not put off till tomorrow what we can do today.


          1) Nothing could hide the fact that he is growing old.

          2) The fact that he works hard does not necessarily mean that he is a competent leader.

          3) I have a complacent feeling that I’m highly intelligent.

          4) The explanation that he didn’t see the notice is unsatisfactory./ The explanation is unsatisfactory that he didn’t see the notice.

          5) Most of us don’t agree with his view that there is no advantage in introducing the new method.

          6) The news soon spread throughout the country that he won the first gold medal at the 23rd Olympic Games.

          7) His suggestion that intelligence is a relative matter is not universally accepted./His suggestion is not universally accepted that intelligence is a relative matter.

          8) He seconded my motion that the vote be postponed.

          9) The fear that he might not be able to finish the work disturbed him greatly./ The fear disturbed him greatly that he might not be able to finish the work.

          10) We expressed a hope that Mr. and Mrs. Morrison would come and visit China again.

          11) I’ve come from Mr. Lin with a message that he won’t be able to see you this afternoon.

          12) There can be no doubt that Suzy is the right person for the job.


          1) I went to visit the American author who wrote a number of books about China.

          2) I ate the soup my aunt prepared.

          3) I have an arrangement with my bank, by which they let me use their money and repay them next month.

          4) He sent her a letter, in which he said that he was sorry for what he had done to her.

          5) Mr. Brown, who just came from Britain yesterday, will teach us accounting this term.

          6) She is going to spend the winter holidays in Hainan, where she has some relatives.

          7) The United States is known for its supermarkets, where huge quantities of all kinds of food and household articles are sold.

          8) The story happened in late 19th century, when China is suffering from the invasion of western powers.


          1) Now that you’ve bought a new car, what are you going to do with the old one?

          2) We’d better take the telescope with us in case it is needed.

          3) We must hurry off, lest we should miss the bus.

          4) The problem so very complicated that it took us nearly two weeks to solve it.

          5) The aircraft was flying at such a high altitude that we could hardly see it.

          6) I’ll lend you my computer on condition that you keep it in good shape.

          7) You can go out as long as you promise to be back before 11 at night.

          8) I remember the whole thing as if it happened yesterday.

          9) However hard he tried, he could not do the job satisfactorily.

          10) Whether it takes an hour or even a whole day, I shall find out the answer.



          1) Never have I been to Europe.

          2) Hardly had he eaten anything when the dinner was over.

          3) Scarcely had she fallen asleep when a knock at the door awakened her.

          4) No sooner had Anne arrived than she fell ill.

          5) Little does she care about what others say about her.


          1) Richard can speak Japanese. So can his sister.

          2) Copper is a good conductor. So are many other metals.

          3) Paul could not dance. Nor could he sing.

          4) The husband was not hospitable to the visitor. Nor was the wife.


          1) So excited was he that he could not go to sleep.

          2) So forcefully did he speak at the meeting that everyone present was convinced.

          3) So hard did he work that he obtained his Ph. D. degree one year ahead of schedule.


          1) Only once did his father call his name.

          2) Only then did the doctor realize that his patient needed surgery.

          3) Only when you adjust down your price can we conclude the business.


          1) Sitting in front of the counter was the young father who wished to purchase a life insurance policy and agreed to pay a sum of $200 per year for 40 years.

          2) More important is the question of how to face the possibilities of illness, injury, death and financial loss.

          3) Among them are the writing of a dictionary involves a number of tasks. The reading of literature, the copying of words on cards, the sorting of the cards and the writing of definitions.


          1) Joe’s father was seen to return after dark.

          2) You are not allowed to smoke in the laboratory.

          3) Effective measures should be taken to stop various forms of pollution.

          4) When she was in Shanghai, the actress was heard to say she had long thought of the city as her second home.

          5) The young man was seen to enter the building next to the bank.

          6) After the minister of education had finished speaking at the press conference, he was made to answer all sorts of questions.

          7) I don’t think Tom can be made to do what he dislikes.

          8) The wind was heard to roar through the trees.

          9) What should be done in a case like this?


          1) It was Jefferson who wrote the Declaration of Independence.

          2) It is with genuine feeling that the author praises all that is progressive.

          3) It was because the water had risen that we could not cross the river.

          4) It was Jim, a heartless fellow, who was heard shouting at his mother in the dead of night.

          5) It was not until I told her that Mrs. Williams knew anything about it.












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