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      1. 小升初的英語復習資料

        時間:2022-06-06 23:11:33 小升初 我要投稿
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          apple蘋果 banana香蕉 pear梨 range橙 watereln西瓜 grape葡萄 eggplant茄子 green beans青豆 tat西紅柿 ptat土豆 peach桃 strawberr草莓 cucuber黃瓜 nin洋蔥 carrt胡蘿卜 cabbage卷心菜



          acet夾克衫 shirt襯衫 T-shirt丅恤衫 sirt短裙子 dress連衣裙 eans牛仔褲 pants長褲 scs襪子 shes鞋子 sweater毛衣 cat上衣 raincat雨衣 shrts短褲 sneaers網(wǎng)球鞋 slippers拖鞋 sandals涼鞋 bts靴子 hat(有沿的)帽子 cap便帽 sunglasses太陽鏡 tie領帶scarf圍巾glves手套trusers褲子clth布


          bie自行車 bus公共汽車 train火車 bat小船 ship輪船 acht快艇 car小汽車 taxi出租車 eep吉普車 van小貨車;面包車 plane/airplane飛機 subwa/undergrund地鐵 tr ccle摩托車

          雜物(ther things): windw窗戶 dr門 des課桌 chair椅子 bed床 cputer計算機 bard寫字板 fan風扇 light燈 teacher’s des講臺 picture圖畫;照片 wall墻壁 flr地板 curtain窗簾 trash bin垃圾箱 clset壁櫥 irrr鏡子 end table床頭柜 ftball/sccer足球 present禮物 walan隨身聽 lap臺燈 phne電話 sfa沙發(fā) shelf書架 fridge冰箱 table桌子 TV電視 air-cnditiner空調 e鑰匙 lc鎖 pht照片 chart圖表 plate盤子 nife刀 fr叉 spn勺子 chpstics筷子 pt鍋 gift禮物 t玩具 dll洋娃娃 ball球 balln氣球 ite風箏 igsaw puzzle拼圖游戲 bx盒子 ubrella傘 zipper拉鏈 vilin小提琴 -溜溜球 nest鳥窩 hle洞 tube管子 tthbrush牙刷 enu菜單 e-card電子卡片 e-ail電子郵件 traffic light交通燈 ne錢 edicine藥


          he家 r房間 bedr臥室 bathr衛(wèi)生間 living r起居室 itchen廚房 classr教室 schl學校 par公園 librar圖書館 pst ffice郵局 plice ffice警察局 hspital醫(yī)院 cinea電影院 bstre書店 far農(nóng)場 z動物園 garden花園 stud書房 plagrund操場 canteen食堂 teacher’s ffice教師辦公室 librar圖書館 g體育館 washr衛(wèi)生間 art r繪畫教室 cputer r計算機教室 usic r音樂教室 TV r電視機房 flat公寓 cpan公司 factr工廠 fruit stand水果攤 pet shp寵物商店 nature par自然公園 thee par主題公園 science useu科學博物館 the Great Wall長城 superaret超市 ban銀行 cuntr國家 village鄉(xiāng)村 cit城市 hetwn家鄉(xiāng) bus stp公交車站


          sprts體育運動 science科學 Mral Educatin思想品德課 Scial Studies社會課 Chinese語文 ath數(shù)學 PE體育課 English英語課

          國家、城市(cuntries &ap; cities):

          China/PRC中國 Aerica/USA美國 U聯(lián)合王國 England英國 Canada/CAN加拿大 Australia澳大利亞 New r紐約 Lndn倫敦 Sdne悉尼 Mscw莫斯科 Cair開羅

          氣象(weather): cld寒冷的 war溫暖的 cl涼爽的 snw下雪的 sunn晴朗的 ht炎熱的 rain下雨的 wind有風的 clud多云的 weather reprt天氣預報


          river河流 lae湖泊 strea河;溪 frest森林 path小道 rad公路 huse房子 bridge橋 building建筑物 rain雨 clud云 sun太陽 untain山 s天空 rainbw彩虹 wind風 air空氣 n月亮


          flwer花 grass草 tree樹 seed種子 sprut苗 plant植物 rse玫瑰 leaf葉子

          星期(wee): Mnda星期一 Tuesda星期二 Wednesda星期三 Thursda星期四 Frida星期五 Saturda星期六 Sunda星期天 weeend周末


          an. (anuar)一月 Feb.(Februar)二月 Mar.(March)三月 April四月 Ma五月 une六月 ul七月 Aug.(August)八月 Sept.(Septeber)九月 Oct.(Octber)十月 Nv.(Nveber)十一月Dec.(Deceber)十二月


          spring春 suer夏 fall/autun秋 winter冬


          suth南 nrth北 east東 west西 left 左邊 right右邊


          have a fever發(fā)燒 hurt疼痛 have a cld感冒 have a tthache牙疼 have a headache頭疼 have a sre thrat喉嚨疼


          ne一 tw二 three三 fur四 five五 six六 seven七 eight八 nine九 ten十 eleven十一 twelve十二 thirteen十三 furteen十四 fifteen十五 sixteen十六 seventeen十七 eighteen十八 nineteen十九 twent二十 thirt三十 frt四十 fift五十 sixt六十 sevent七十 eight八十 ninet九十 frt-tw四十二 hundred百 ne/a hundred and thirt-six一百三十六 first第一 secnd第二 third第三 furth第四 fifth第五 eighth第八 ninth第九 twelfth第十二 twentieth第二十 thirtieth第三十 frtieth第四十 fiftieth第五十 sixtieth第六十 seventieth第七十 eightieth第八十 ninetieth第九十 fift-sixth第五十六


          big大的 sall小的 lng長的 tall高的 shrt短的;矮的 ung年輕的 ld舊的;老的 strng健壯的 thin瘦的 active積極活躍的 quiet安靜的 nice好看的 ind和藹親切的 strict嚴格的 sart聰明的 funn滑稽可笑的 tast好吃的 sweet甜的 salt咸的 sur酸的 fresh新鮮的 favurite最喜愛的 clean干凈的 tired疲勞的 excited興奮的 angr生氣的 happ高興的 bred無聊的 sad憂愁的 taller更高的 shrter更矮的 strnger更強壯的 lder年齡更大的 unger更年輕的 bigger更大的 heavier更重的 lnger更長的 thinner更瘦的 saller更小的 gd好的 fine好的 great很好的 heav 重的 new新的 fat胖的 happ快樂的 right對的 hungr饑餓的 cute逗人喜愛的 little小的 lvel可愛的 beautiful漂亮的 clurful色彩鮮艷的 prett漂亮的 cheap便宜的 expensive昂貴的 uic多汁的 tender嫩的 health健康的 ill有病的 helpful有幫助的 high高的 eas簡單的 prud驕傲的 sic有病的 better更好的 higher更高的


          in在……里 n在……上;在……時候 under在……下面 near在……的旁邊 behind在……后邊 next t與……相鄰 ver在……上面 in frnt f在……前面


          I我 we我們 u你;你們 he他 she她 it它 the他(她,它)們 我的 ur 我們的 ur你的;你們的 his他的 her她的


          pla(.ed)玩;踢 swi(swa)游泳 sate滑冰 fl(flew)飛 up跳 wal走 run(ran)跑 clib爬 fight(fught)打架 swing(swung)蕩 eat(ate)吃 sleep(slept)睡覺 lie像,喜歡 have(had)有;吃 turn轉彎 bu(bught)買 tae(t)買;帶 live居住 teach(taught)教 g(went)去 stud(studied)學習 learn學習 sing(sang)唱歌 dance跳舞 rw劃 d(did)做 d hewr做作業(yè) d husewr做家務 watch TV看電視 read(read) bs讀書 c the eals做飯 water the flwers澆花 sweep(swept) the flr掃地 clean the bedr打掃臥室 ae(ade) the bed鋪床 set(set) the table擺飯桌 wash the clthes洗衣服 d the dishes洗碗碟 use a cputer使用計算機 d rning exercises晨練;做廣播操 eat breafast吃早飯 eat dinner吃晚飯 g t schl上學 have English class上英語課 pla sprts進行體育運動 get(gt)up起床 clib untains爬山 g shpping買東西 pla the pian彈鋼琴 visit grandparents看望(外)祖父母 g hiing去遠足 fl ites放風箏 ae a snwan堆雪人 plant trees種樹 draw(drew) pictures畫畫 c dinner做飯 read a b看書 answer the phne接電話 listen t usic聽音樂 clean the r打掃房間 write(wrte) a letter寫信 write an e-ail寫電子郵件 drin(dran) water喝水 tae pictures照相 watch insects觀察昆蟲 pic up leaves采摘樹葉 d an experient做實驗 catch butterflies捉蝴蝶 cunt insects數(shù)昆蟲 cllect insects收集昆蟲 cllect leaves收集樹葉 write a reprt寫報告 pla chess下棋 have a picnic舉行野餐 get t到達 ride(rde) a bie騎自行車 pla the vilin拉小提琴 ae ites制作風箏 cllect staps集郵 eet(et)見面 welce歡迎 than謝謝 lve愛 wr工作 drin(dran)喝 taste嘗 sell聞 feed(fed)喂養(yǎng) shear剪 il擠奶 l看 guess猜 help幫助 pass傳遞 shw展示 use使用 clean打掃 pen打開 clse關上 put放 paint繪畫 tell(tld)告訴 ic踢 bunce反彈 ride(rde)騎 stp(stpped)停 wait等 find(fund)尋找到 drive(drve)駕駛 fld折 send(sent)寄 wash洗 shine照耀 bece變成 feel(felt)感覺到 thin(thught)思考 eet(et)遇見 fall(fell)落下 leave(left)離開 wae(we) up醒來 put n穿上 tae ff脫掉 hang up掛起 wear(wre)穿 g he回家 g t bed上床睡覺 pla cputer gaes玩電腦游戲 pla chess下棋 ept the trash倒垃圾 put awa the clthes收拾衣服 get ff下車 tae a trip去旅行 read a agazine讀雜志 g t the cinea去看電影 g straight向前直走



          Unit 4:he r schl classr dr chair bed des windw

          Unit 5:bread egg il water rice beef chicen fish

          Unit 6:sister brther father ther farer driver nurse dctr


          Unit 1:cputer bard fans light teacher’s des picture flr wall

          This is cputer. That is ur cputer. Is this a teacher’s des? es, it is.

          Unit 2: ne tw three fur five six seven eight nine ten

          English P.E. usic ath Chinese

          What tie is it? It’s tw ’clc.. It’s 9:45. It’s tie fr ath class.

          Unit 3: red blue ellw green white sirt shirt acet dress

          Is this ur T-shirt? N, it’s nt. What clur is it? It’s white.

          Unit 4:eans pants scs shes sunn war cld snw

          It’s war tda. Let’s pla ftball. It’s cl. Is it cld?

          Unit 5:big sall lng shrt nice apple banana pear watereln

          Hw uch is it? It’s ten uan. Hw uch are the? The’re three uan.

          Unit 6:cat rabbit pig duc dg eleven twelve fifteen thirteen twent

          Are the ducs? N, the aren’t. Hw an hrses are there? Twelve.


          Unit 1: ung funn tall strng ind ld shrt thin sart active strict quiet

          Wh’s ur English teacher? Mr Carter. What’s he lie? He’s tall and strng.

          Is she quite? N, she isn’t. She’s ver active. Is she strict? es, she is, but she’s ver ind.

          Unit 2: Mnda (Mn.) Tuesda (Tue.) Wednesda (Wed.) Thursda (Thu.) Frida (Fri.)

          Saturda (Sat.) Sunda (Sun.) da have d hewr watch TV read bs

          What da is it tda? It’s Wednesda. We have English, ath and science n Thursdas.

          What d u have n Thursda? What d u d n Saturdas? I watch TV n Saturdas.

          Unit 3: eggplant fish green beans tfu ptat tat lunch tast sweet sur fresh salt favurtie fruit grape

          What d u have fr lunch n Mndas? We have tates, tfu and fish.

          What’s ur favurite fruit? I lie apples. The’re sweet.

          I lie fruit. But I dn’t lie grapes. The’re sur.

          Unit 4: c the eals water the flwers sweep the flr clean the bedr ae the bed set the table wash the clthes d the dishes use a cputer

          What can u d? I can sweep the flr. I can c the eals. I can water the flwers.

          Can u ae the bed? N, I can’t. Can u use a cputer? es, I can.

          Unit 5: curtain trash bin clset irrr end table bedr itchen bathr living r clthes in n under near ver behind

          The trash bin is behind the dr.

          There are tw bedrs, a itchen, a bathr and a living r.

          There is a irrr, a bed and a big clset. The clset is near the table. Man clthes are in the clset.

          Unit 6: untain river flwer grass lae frest path par huse bridge

          tree rad building an

          Is there a frest in the par? es, there is. Is there a river? N, there isn’t.


          Unit 1: d rning exercises eat breafast have English class pla sprts eat dinner

          get up clib untains g shpping pla the pian visit grandparents g hiing usuall ften seties

          When d u eat dinner? I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.

          When d u get up? I usuall get up at 12:00 at nn.

          What d u d n the weeend? Usuall I watch TV and g shpping. Seties I visit grandparents.

          What abut u? I ften pla ftball. Seties I g hiing.

          Unit 2: spring suer fall winter seasn which best swi fl ites sleep sate

          ae a snwan plant trees wh because

          Which seasn d u lie best? I lie winter best. Suer is gd, but fall is favurite seasn.

          Wh d u lie suer? Because I can swi in the lae.

          Wh d u lie winter? Because I can sleep a lng tie.

          Unit 3: anuar (an.) Februar (Feb.) March (Mar.) April (Apr.) Ma une ul August (Aug.) Septeber (Sept.) Octber (Oct.) Nveber (Nv.) Deceber (Dec.) birthda uncle her date

          When is ur birthda? It’s in Ma. M birthda is in une. Uncle Bill’s birthda is in une, t.

          Is her birthda in une? es. What’s the date? une 9th .

          Unit 4: draw pictures c dinner read a b answer the phne stud

          listen t usic clean the r write a letter write an e-ail grandpa

          Hi, hn. This is Zhang Peng.

          What are u ding? I’ ding the dishes. I’ reading a b. Grandpa is writing a letter.

          Brther is ding hewr. M is cing dinner in the itchen. He’s writing an e-ail in the stud.

          Unit 5: fl up wal run swi angar sleep clib fight swing drin water

          What is it ding? It’s eating bananas. What is she ding? She’s uping.

          What are the ding? The’re swiing. The’re clibing trees.

          Unit 6: tae pictures watch insects pic up leaves d an experient catch butterflies cunt insects cllect leaves write a reprt pla chess have a picnic hne

          Are u eating lunch? N, we aren’t. Are the eating the hne? es, the are.

          Is he plaing chess? es, he is. Is she cunting insects? N, she isn’t.


          Unit 1: n ft b bie b bus b train b plane b ship g t schl

          traffic light traffic rule get t stp wait

          Hw d u g t schl, Sarah? Usuall I g t schl n ft. Seties I g b bie.

          Hw can I get t Zhngshan Par? u can g b the N.15 bus.

          Unit 2: librar hspital cinea bstre where please pst ffice next t

          turn right turn left g straight then

          Where is the cinea, please? It’s next t the hspital. Turn left at the cinea, then g straight. It’s n the left.

          Unit 3: next wee this rning this afternn this evening cic b

          pst card newspaper bu

          What are u ging t d n the weeend? I’ ging t visit grandparents this weeend.

          Where are u ging this afternn? I’ ging t the bstre.

          What are u ging t bu? I a ging t bu a cic b.

          Unit 4: hbb dive live teaches watches ges des desn’t=des nt

          ride a bie pla the vilin ae ites cllect staps

          What’s ur hbb? I lie cllecting staps. He lies cllecting staps, t.

          Des she teach English? N, she desn’t. Des she teach u ath? es, she des.

          Unit 5: singer writer actr actress artist TV reprter engineer

          accuntant plicean cleaner salespersn wr

          What des ur ther d? She is a TV reprter.

          Where des she wr? She wrs in a schl.

          Hw des she g t wr? She ges t wr b bus.

          Unit 6: rain clud sun strea ce fr seed sil sprut plant shuld then

          Where des the rain ce fr? It ces fr the cluds.

          Hw d u d that? What shuld u d then?


          Unit 1: taller shrter strnger lder unger bigger heavier lnger thinner saller

          Hw tall are u? I’ 164 c tall. u’re shrter than e. u’re 4 c taller than e.

          Hw heav are u? I’ 48 g. I’ thinner and shrter than u

          Unit 2: have a fever have a cld have a tthache have a headache have a sre thrat

          hurt atter sre nse tired excited angr happ bred sad

          What’s the atter? M thrat is sre. M nse hurts.

          Hw are u, Liu un? u l s happ. Hw are u, Sarah? u l sad tda.

          Unit 3: watch-watched wash-washed clean-cleaned pla-plaed visit-visited d-did

          g-went read – read last weeend went fishing went hiing

          What did u d last weeend? I plaed ftball.

          Did u read bs? es, I did. / N, I didn’t.

          Unit 4: learn Chinese-learned Chinese sing – sang dance – danced eat gd fd – ate gd fd

          tae pictures – t pictures clib a untain – clibed a untain get t – gt t

          rw a bat – rwed a bat see elephants – saw elephants went siing went ice-sating

          bu presents – bught presents have – had

          Where did u g n ur hlida? I went t Xiniang.

          Hw did u g there? I went b train.













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