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      1. 中石油職稱英語閱讀練習材料精講「含答案」

        時間:2023-01-21 17:51:21 職稱英語 我要投稿
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          Petroleum Geology and Other Sciences 石油地質(zhì)學與其它科學

          1. Petroleum geology is the application of geology(the study of rocks)tothe exploration for and production of oil and gas. Geologyitselfisfirmlybased onchemistry, physics, and biology,involvingthe application of essentially abstract conceptstoobserved data.In the pastthese data werebasically observation and subjective, but they are now increasingly physical andchemical, and therefore more objective. Geology, in general, and petroleum geology, inparticular, still rely on valuejudgementsbasedon experienceand an assessment of validity among thedatapresented.


          2. The application of chemistrytothe study of rocks (geochemistry) has many usesin petroleum geology. Detailed knowledge of themineralogical composition of rocks isimportantat many levels.In theearlystages of explorationcertain generalconclusions as to the distribution and quality of potential reservoircould bemade fromtheirgross lithology. For example, the porosity ofsandstones tends to be faciesrelated,whereasin carbonaterocksthis is generally notso. Detailed knowledge of the mineralogy of reservoirs enables estimates to be made of the rateat whichthey maylose porosity duringburial, and this detailed mineralogical information is essential forthe accurateinterpretation of geophysical well logs through reservoirs. Knowledge of the chemistry of pore fluids and theireffect onthe stability of mineralscan be used topredict whereporositymay be destroyedbycementation,preservedin its originalform, or enhanced by solution of minerals by formation waters.

          2、化學應用到石油地質(zhì)的巖石研究(地球化學)中有許多作用。巖石礦物組分的詳細資料在許多方面(at many levels)很重要。在勘探早期,就潛在儲層的分布和質(zhì)量而言(as tothe distribution and quality of potential reservoir)我們可以從總的巖性(their gross lithology)得出某些通用的結論(certain general conclusions)。例如,砂巖孔隙度一般與“相”(facies)有關,而(whereas)一般在碳酸鹽巖中則并非如此。儲層礦物學的詳細知識可以幫助我們估計出在埋藏過程中(during burial)孔隙度損失的速率。這樣詳細的礦物組分資料對于準確地解釋儲層地球物理測井非常必要。了解孔隙流體的化學組成及其對巖石穩(wěn)定性的影響,有助于預測哪些地區(qū)孔隙度因膠結作用而變差,哪些地區(qū)孔隙度保持不變,哪些地區(qū)孔隙度因地層水的溶蝕作用(solutionof minerals)而提高。

          3. Organic chemistryis involved bothinthe analysis of oil and gas andinthe study of thediagenesisof the plant and animal tissuesin sedimentsandthe wayin whichthe resultantorganic compound, kerogen, generates petroleum.

          3、有機化學(organic chemistry)則可應用于分析原油和天然氣,可用于研究沉積物中植物和動物組織的成巖作用(diagenesis),研究動植物組織轉化為合成有機化合物(課文中沒有相應的英文),揭示(研究)由此而生成的有機化合物干酪根(kerogen)生成石油的方式。

          4. The application of physicstothe study of rocks(geophysics) is very important in petroleum geology.Inits broadestapplication geophysics makes a major contributiontounderstandingthe earth'scrust and, especiallythroughthe application ofmodern platetectonic theory, the genesis andpetroleum potential of sedimentary basins.Morespecially, physical conceptsare requiredto understandfolds, faults, and diapirs, and hence their rolesin petroleum entrapment.

          4、在石油地質(zhì)中,將物理應用到巖石研究(地球物理)中很重要。地球物理的廣泛應用對于了解地殼,尤其是應用了現(xiàn)代板塊構造理論后,對于了解沉積盆地的成因(genesis)和潛在石油資源做出了重要貢獻(make a contribution to)。更為特別的是,在理解褶皺、斷層和底辟以及它們在石油圈閉過程中的作用時需要物理概念。

          5. Modern petroleum exploration is unthinkable withoutthe aid of magnetism, gravity, and seismic surveys in finding potential petroleum traps.Nor couldany findsbe evaluatedeffectivelywithoutgeophysical wirelinewell logsto measurethe lithology, porosity, and petroleum content of a reservoir.

          5、利用現(xiàn)代石油勘探手段尋找潛在的石油圈閉時,如果沒有地磁、重力和地震勘探(seismic survey),是不可想象的(unthinkable)。同樣,如果沒有地球物理電纜測井測量巖性、孔隙度和儲層中石油的含量,對任何發(fā)現(xiàn)的圈閉也不可能做到有效評價。

          6. Biology is applied to geologyin several ways,notablythroughthe study of fossils (paleontology), and isespecially significant in establishing biostratigraphic zones for regional stratigraphical correlation. The shift in emphasis fromthe use ofmacrofossilstomicrofossilsfor zonation,causedby oil exploration, has already been noted. Ecology, the study of therelationshipbetween livingorganisms and their environment, is also important in petroleum geology. Carbonatesediments,in general, and reefs,in particular, can only bestudiedprofitably with the aid of a detailedknowledge of the ecology ofmodernmarine fauna and flora. Biology, and especially biochemistry, is important in studying thetransformationof plant and animal tissuesintokerogenduringburial and the generation of oil or gasthatmaybe caused by this transformation.

          6、生物學可以從幾個方面應用于(be applied to)地質(zhì)學,較為明顯(notably)的是用于化石研究(古生物學),同時,生物學對區(qū)域地層對比(regional stratigraphicalcorrelation)和建立生物層序地層帶(establishingbiostratigraphic zones)具有極為重要的意義。由石油勘探引起的(caused by oil exploration)劃帶重點化石已經(jīng)顯然由大化石轉移到微體化石。生態(tài)學,即研究生物與其環(huán)境之間關系的科學,在石油地質(zhì)中也很重要。總體而言,碳酸鹽巖沉積物,特別是生物礁,只有在現(xiàn)代海洋動物群落和植物群落生態(tài)學詳細資料的幫助下才能獲得有益的研究成果(開展有益地研究)。生物學,尤其是生物化學,對于埋藏過程中動植物組織轉化為干酪根并由此生成石油和天然氣的研究很重要。

          7. Geologists, in contrast to some non-geologists,believe that knowledge of the concepts of geology canhelp to findpetroleum and, furthermore, often think thatpetroleum geologyandpetroleumexplorationare synonyms,whichthey are not. Theoriesthatpetroleum is not formedby the transformation oforganic matter in sediments have alreadybeen noted and are examinedinmoredetail. If the petroleumgeologists' view of oil generation and migration are not accepted, then presentexploration methods would need extensive modification.

          7、地質(zhì)學家相對于(in contrast to)非地質(zhì)學家(如下面提到的勘探學家)來說,更相信了解地質(zhì)概念有助于(help to)尋找石油。而且(furthermore),常常認為石油地質(zhì)和石油勘探是同義詞(synonym),而實際上并非如此。石油并不是由沉積物中的有機物轉化而來的理論已經(jīng)引起人們的關注,并在許多細節(jié)問題上(in more detail)得以證實。如果石油地質(zhì)學者關于油氣生成和運移的觀點不被接受,那么目前的勘探方法需要大幅度改變。

          8. Some petroleumexplorationists still do not admit to a need forgeologiststo aidthem intheir search. In 1982 asuccessful oil finder from Midland, Texas, admitted tonot usinggeologistsbecausewhenhis competitors hired them,allit didwas to increase their costs per barrel of oil found. The SouthAfrican State Oil Company (SOEKOR) is under a statutory obligation imposedby itsgovernmentto put tothe test every claimtoan oil-finding method,be ita dowsing orsomesophisticated scientific technique. These examples are not isolated cases, and it has been arguedthatoil maybetterbe found by random drillingthanby the appliance of scientificprinciples.

          8、一些石油勘探學家(explorationists)仍然不承認(admit to + n. or doing)在找油過程中需要地質(zhì)學家的幫助。1982年,一位來自德州米德蘭油田的發(fā)現(xiàn)者聲稱沒有雇傭地質(zhì)學家。他的對手雇傭(hire)了地質(zhì)學家,這樣做的結果(all it did)只是增加了每桶原油的成本。南非國家石油公司在政府法律強行規(guī)定下(under a statutory obligation imposed by its government),對每種發(fā)現(xiàn)石油的方法(尋找礦藏和水源機械方法或復雜的科學方法)必須進行測驗。上述事例并非是獨一無二的,它說明(it has been argued that)尋找石油可能的較好方法是隨機鉆探(random drilling),而不是應用科學原理。


          1. Petroleumgeology is the application of geology (the study of rocks) _____the exploration_____and production of oil and gas.

          A for/of B to/for C of/for D to/of

          2. Geologyitself is firmly based on chemistry, physics, and biology, _____the applicationof essentially abstract concepts _____observed data.

          A involved/of Binvolves/for Cinvolving/ to D involving/for

          3. Geology, in general, and petroleum geology,in particular, still _____value judgements based on experience and anassessment of validity among the data _____.

          Arely on/presented B rely on/presenting C reply on/presented D reply on/present

          4. Detailed knowledge of the mineralogical_____ of rocks is important at many levels.

          A compose B comprehension C composition D complication

          5. In the early stages of exploration certaingeneral conclusionsas tothe distribution and quality of potentialreservoir could be made from their_____ lithology.

          A grow B groove C grocery D gross

          6. For example, the porosity of sandstonestends to_____, whereas in carbonate rocks this is generally not so.

          A be facies related B relatedfacies C be facial related D being related facies

          7. Detailed knowledge of the mineralogy ofreservoirs enables estimates ____ the rate ___ which they may lose porosityduring burial, and this detailed mineralogical information isessentialforthe accurateinterpretationof geophysical well logs through reservoirs.

          A be made of/ at B to make/ for C to be made of/at D being made/to

          8. Knowledge of the chemistry of pore fluidsand their effect on the stability of minerals can be used to predict _____ porositymay be destroyed by cementation,preservedin its original form, orenhancedbysolutionof minerals by formation waters.

          A what B where C how D which

          9. Organic chemistry is both involved theanalysis of oil and gas and in the study of the diagenesis of the plant andanimal tissues in sediments and the way in whichthe resultantorganic____, kerogen, generates petroleum.

          A compose B campus C complicate D compound

          10. In its broadest application geophysics makes amajor_____ to _____the earth's crust and especially through the application ofmodem plate tectonic theory, the genesis and petroleum potential of sedimentarybasins.

          A contribute/ understanding B contribution/understand

          C contribution/ understanding D contribute/understand

          11. Modern petroleum exploration is unthinkable______the aid of magnetism, gravity, and seismic surveys in finding potentialpetroleum traps.

          A at B with C for D without

          12. Biology is applied to geology in several ways,notably through the study of fossils (paleontology), and is especiallysignificant in ____ biostratigraphic zones for regional stratigraphicalcorrelation.

          A established B establishment C establishing D establish

          13. The shift on emphasisfromthe use ofmacrofossilstomicrofossils for zonation, ____ oil exploration, hasalready been noted.

          A causing B because C caused D causedby

          14. Carbonate sediments, in general, and reels, inparticular, can only be studied _____ with the aid of a detailed knowledge ofthe ecology of modern marine fauna and flora.

          A profitably B profit C profitable D benefit

          15. Biology, and especially biochemistry,isimportant in studying the transformation of plant and animal tissues intokerogenduring burial and the ______ of oil or gas that may be caused by thistransformation.

          A generator Bgenerate C generation D creation

          16. Geologists, ________ some nongeologists,believe that knowledge of the concepts of geology can help to find petroleumand, furthermore, often think that petroleum geology and petroleum explorationare synonyms, _____they are not.

          A in contrast to/ which B comparedto/who

          C in contrast with/which D comparing to/ which

          17. Theories _____petroleum is not formed by thetransformation of organic matter in sediments ______noted and are examined inmore detail.

          A that/has already been B that/havealready been

          C which/are already D what/ are

          18. If the petroleum geologists' view of oilgeneration and migration are not accepted, then present exploration methodswould need extensive _____.

          A modify B modification C complication Dapplication

          19. In 1982 asuccessful oil finder from Midland, Texas, admitted to not using geologistsbecause _____his competitors hired them, all it did was to increase their costsper barrel of oil ____.

          A of/ find B while/ founded C when, found D though/ finding

          20. The South African State Oil Company (SOEKOR)is under a statutory obligationimposed byits government to put to thetest every claim to an oil-finding method, ___ a dowsing or some sophisticatedscientific technique.

          Abe it B it maybe C being it D it being

          答案:1B 2C 3A 4C 5D 6A 7C 8B 9D 10C 11D 12C 13D 14A 15C 16A 17B 18B 19C 20A












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