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      1. 國際代理采購合同

        時間:2020-10-23 08:53:57 采購合同 我要投稿





          This agreement is made and entered into by and between the parties concerned on 20xx/07/20(Dateon the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows:

          1. 協(xié)議雙方


          Party A:








          Ltd  Party B: “SIRIUS-AVTOCOM” Ltd

          地址:Ukraine, 61002, Kharkov, Karazina street , №6, fl.4.

          Add: Ukraine, 61002, Kharkov, Karazina street , №6, fl.4.


          Tel: 0038-057-7199771


          Fax: 0038-057-7199772

          Mr. Bezverhiy Sergii 0038-066-7225495

          2. 委任



          Party A hereby appoints Party B as its Exclusive Agent to solicit orders for the commodity stipulate in Article 3 from customers in the territory stipulated in Article 4, and Party B accepts and assumes such appointment.

          3. 代理商品


          BRAKE LINING for Russian heavy trucks

          4. 代理區(qū)域


          僅限于 烏克蘭

          In Ukraine only.

          5. 最低業(yè)務量

          Minimum turnover


          Party B shall undertake to solicit orders for the above commodity from customers in the above territory during the effective period of this agreement for not less than USD 100,000.

          6. 價格與支付

          Price and Payment


          The price for each individual transaction shall be fixed through negotiations between Party B and the buyer, and subject to Party A's final confirmation.

          7. 獨家代理權

          Exclusive Right


          In consideration of the exclusive rights granted herein:

          - Party A shall not, directly or indirectly, sell or export the commodity stipulated in Article 3 to customers in territory stipulated in Article 4 through channels other than Party B;


          Party B shall not sell, distribute or promote the sales of any products competitive with or similar to the above commodity in territory stipulated in Article 4 and shall not solicit or accept orders for the purpose of selling them outside territory stipulated in Article 4.  -

          Party A shall refer to Party B any enquiries or orders for the commodity in question received by Party A from other firms from territory stipulated in Article 4 during the validity of this agreement.

          8. 商情報告

          Market Report

          為使甲方充分了解現(xiàn)行市場情況,乙方承擔至少每季度一次或在必要時隨時向甲方提供市場報告, 內容包括與本協(xié)議代理商品的進口與銷售有關的地方規(guī)章的變動、當?shù)厥袌霭l(fā)展趨勢以及買方對甲方按協(xié)議供應的貨物的品質、包裝、價格等方面的意見。乙方還承擔向甲方提供其他供應商類似商品的報價和廣告資料。

          In order to keep Party A well informed of the prevailing market conditions, Party B should undertake to supply Party A, at least once a quarter or at any time when necessary, with market reports concerning changes of the local regulations in connection with the import and sales of the commodity covered by this agreement, local market tendency and the buyer's comments on quality, packing, price, etc. of the goods supplied by Party A under this agreement.

          Party B shall also supply party A with quotations and advertising materials on similar products of other suppliers.

          (window.cproArray = window.cproArray || []).push({ id: "u3054369" });

          9. 協(xié)議有效期

          Validity of Agreement

          本協(xié)議經(jīng)有關雙方如期簽署后生效,有效期為 1 年,從 20xx 年 7 月23 日至2013 年07月23日。 除非作出相反通知,本協(xié)議期滿后將延長  12  個月。

          This agreement, when duly signed by the both parties concerned, shall remain effect from   July-23-20xx   to December-31-2013 , and it shall be extended for another   12   months upon expiration unless notice in writing is given to the contrary.

          In case if Party B executes the obligations under this agreement, she has a primary right on the extension of this agreement.

          10. 協(xié)議的'終止



          During the validity of this agreement, if either of the two parties is found to have violated the stipulations herein, the other party has the right to terminate this agreement.

          11. 不可抗力

          Force Majeure

          由于水災、火災、地震、干旱、戰(zhàn)爭或協(xié)議一方無法預見、控制、避免和克服的其他事件導致不能或暫時不能全部或部分履行本協(xié)議,該方不負責任。但是,受不可抗力事件影響的一方須盡快將發(fā)生的事件通知另一方,并在不可抗力事件發(fā)生15天內將有關機構出具的不可抗力事件的證明寄交對方。                Either party shall not be responsible for failure or delay to perform all or any part of this agreement due to flood, fire, earthquake, draught, war or any other events which could not be predicted, controlled, avoided or overcome by the relative party.  However, the party affected by the event of Force Majeure shall inform the other party of its occurrence in writing as soon as possible and thereafter send a certificate of the event issued by the relevant authorities to the other party within 15 days after its occurrence.

          12. 仲裁



          Any dispute arising from or in connection with this contract shall be submitted to China

          International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, South China Sub-Commission for arbitration, which shall be conducted in accordance with the Commission's arbitration rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.

          甲方: ________________(簽字)                  乙方:______________________   (簽字)

          Party A:_______________(Signature)  Party B: ____________________    (Signature)













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