You need to give a representation for a conference, but you want to change the topic of a conference to be held next month.
Write a letter to the manager of the conference
In your letter:
l Explain why you want to change the topic
l What the topic will be about
l What equipment is needed for the representation
Sample answer:
Dear sir or Madam,
I am writing to ask if there is any possibility that I could change the topic for the academic conference to be held next month.
My name is James Nolan, junior faculty member of Cultural Studies. I have been planning and preparing the topic “The Representation of Female Gaze in the movie The Full Monty” for two weeks, which I firmly believe is a necessary counterpoint to Male Gaze that has been criticized by feminism for a long time. However, the other day headmaster called and thought it could be inappropriate since the conference would be recorded and uploaded online for a larger potential audience’s references, and the main characters in the film are “strippers”, which may cause unnecessary troubles.
Therefore, I believe it would be better to change the topic to “Psychoanalysis and Manipulated Subject in Inception”, which I have planned to talk about at the next conference. Inception has a large audience and devoted fans around the world, which I believe would be easier to strike a chord with them.
As for the equipment, it would be great if a group of 4 musicians are provided because music deepens the experience and make more emotional resonance.
Your earliest response would be highly appreciated.
Yours sincerely