иxµij}}ƫõڿǰWg~Rr҂ֻھr}еČWg~RMһHH"JR~"Ŀ f@ӁeһČWg~RԱCԇrPWg~RXһ
@Wg~Rֻ""Ϳ磺Among the species of seabirds that use the windswept cliffs of the Atlantic coast of Canada in the summer to mate, lay eggs, and rear their young are common murres, Atlantic puffins, black-legged kittiwakes, and northern gannets.
"common murres", "Atlantic puffins", "black-legged kittiwakes", "northern gannets"҂İČWg~R҂ֻҪxһЩBͿȻĸsքe"C" "A" "BK""N"ӛ֮P}r磺
According to the passage, which of the following birds conceal their nest?
(A) Bonaparte's gulls
(B) Atlantic puffins
(C) Kittiwake gulls
(D) Northern gannets
BCDxֱӌ"A" "BK""N"
1. Further burial and slow cementation - a process by which crystals become bound together in a mosaic of intergrown ice crystals - finally produce solid glacial ice
2. The moon may be divided into two major terrains: the Maria (dark lowlands) and the Terrace (bright highlands)
@һMaria(º)Terrace()PČWg~R̖֮еIJ@M˽ԓµһ}ĿAll of the following are true of the Maria EXCEPT:
(A) They have small craters
(B) They have been analyzed by astronomers
(C) They have a rough texture
(D) They tend to be darker than the terrace