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      1. 面試經(jīng)驗:如何描述失業(yè)的經(jīng)歷

        時間:2021-02-10 15:33:55 求職英語 我要投稿


        if you have been fired, you may be afraid that your past will come back to haunt you in your next job interview. after all, you want to impress a potential new employer, and letting them know about a major failure isn‘t that impressive. but getting fired is not automatically a deal breaker.失敗的經(jīng)驗往往可以激勵一個人走向成功,世界上很多成功的職業(yè)者已經(jīng)證明了這一點。
        so just how do you handle questions about your past? here are a few strategies to try that might keep you on the "a list" when the interview is over.
        1. plan ahead to answer the question.
        既然已經(jīng)預料到是個棘手的問題,就更要提前準備好怎樣回答。the best thing you can do is to get ready to answer questions about your experience. prepare in advance by thinking about your negative work experience. why were you fired? what did you learn from the experience? what did you do right, and what did you do wrong? try to look at the situation objectively and from the employer‘s point of view, as well as your own.總是對被解雇耿耿于懷,你就不能在面試的`時候冷靜客觀地回答這個問題。而你的情緒變化,人力專家是會看出來的。
        2. don‘t volunteer the information.
        盡管在面試的時候實事求是非常重要,但是如果沒有必要,你大可不必將失業(yè)經(jīng)歷告知招聘人員。it is acceptable - and advisable - to package the truth in a way that is most favorable to you.
        for example, you can say you "left the company" or briefly mention that job and move on to your next position and what you accomplished there. keep in mind, however, that this tactic does not work in all situations. it works best if the firing was several jobs ago and you have more relevant job experience to discuss.
        3. explain the situation briefly, then focus on the positive.
        如果你實在無法避開這個問題的話,你就得簡要的解釋一下。for example: "our company went through a great deal of change in the time that i was employed, as did my department. unfortunately, my new supervisor was in need of skills i did not possess at that time."
        once you have explained why you were let go, then it‘s time to move to the positive. for example: "since that time i have continuously updated my skills to make myself a well-rounded contributor. i have taken additional computer classes, become involved with the industry‘s trade association, and feel that this job experience made me a better candidate in the long run."重點是要指出你在失業(yè)的經(jīng)驗中學到了什么。你在哪些方面提高了自己。this means learning from the past, but thinking about the future.4. stay positive, no matter what.你被解雇可能是因為老板自身問題,也可能是被同事中傷。even if you got the short end of the stick , it is your job in the interview to stay positive and professional.詆毀以前的公司和領導是非常不可取的。again, if you are asked about your former boss and have nothing good to say, bite your tongue for a minute and focus on your work and what you learned from the situation.要記。好嬖嚳刹皇悄惆l(fā)泄對糟糕經(jīng)歷不滿的時候!














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