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      1. 高中英語說課稿

        時間:2024-05-20 13:31:58 高中說課稿 我要投稿






          (一)教材內容分析 本單元的中心話題是“肢體語言”,介紹了肢體語言在世界范圍內的人們生活中所承擔的不同角色及所起的重要作用,其中重點介紹了肢體語言在不同的文化背景下的不同含義及世界通用的肢體語言。本單元的絕大部分內容都圍繞這一中心話題展開的。

          “熱身”(Warming up)部分以五幅不同的面部表情導出本單元的話題之一:面部表情是傳遞某人內心情感的一種方式,使他們能在平時注意自己在與他人交往中注意自身的面部表情。




          “閱讀”(Reading)部分是一篇說明文,它介紹了We use both words and body language to express our thoughts and opinions and to communicate with other people./We can learn a lot about what a person is thinking by watching his or her body language。全文可分為三大部分,各部分的意思是:Part 1 (Para 1): We use both words and body language to express our thoughts and opinions and to communicate with other people. Part 2 (Para 2-3): Just like spoken language, body language varies from culture to culture. Part 3 (Para 4-5): Some gestures seem to be universal.


          “語言學習”(Language study)包括以下兩部分:詞匯部分設計了兩塊內容:1)要求學生運用自己的六個身體部位進行交際,鼓勵學生學著使用動詞-ing形式;2)設計了6個生詞與英語解釋的配對練習,旨在培養(yǎng)學生用英語解釋生詞的習慣及能力;語法項目是有關動詞-ing形式作名詞使用及其在句子中的功用,具體包括四個步驟:1)學會區(qū)分動詞-ing形式在句中的所擔任的成分功能;2)聯(lián)詞成句,旨在幫助學生理解動詞-ing形式在句中充當主語;3)詞組翻譯練習,旨在幫助學生理解動詞-ing形式在句中充當定語及翻譯;4)按要求用動詞-ing形式進行句子改寫,旨在幫助學生理解動詞-ing形式在句中充當賓語或表語。

          “綜合技能”(Integrating skills)設計了一個開放性的寫作任務,要求學生運用6幅看起來毫不相干的圖畫進行寫作,該任務有利于提高學生的創(chuàng)新思維能力。





          I. 動詞-ing形式在句子充當主語、賓語、表語或定語

          II. 交際功能句型: 如何提議和請求及其答語的句型

          III. 重點、難點詞匯詞組

          confused, avoid, go ahead, crazy, get through, tear down, occur

          IV. 常用句型

          Just like spoken language, body language varies from culture to culture.

          There is nothing better than sth./doing sth./to do sth.


          Body Talk (P59-P. 60)


          1. Read the text “Body Talk” and then complete notes about body language.

          1) Generally, we can divide the whole text into three parts:

          Part 1 (Para 1): We use both words and body language to express our thoughts and opinions and to communicate with other people.

          Part 2 (Para 2-3): Just like spoken language, body language varies from culture to culture.

          Part 3 (Para 4-5): Some gestures seem to be universal.

          2) Fill in the table about gestures, countries and their meanings in these countries. (Words in italics can be blank.)


          eye contact some countries a way to show that one is interested

          other countries rude or disrespectful

          a circle with one’s thumb and index finger most countries OK

          Japan money

          France zero

          Brazil rude


          thumbs up the US great or good job

          Nigeria rude

          Germany the number one


          moving the index finger in a circle in front of the ear some countries crazy

          Brazil You have a phone call.


          Retell the text using about 100 words.


          1. Try to use the –ing form to retell the text.

          2. Make use of the notes and table above while retelling.

          3. The possible version below can be used as material for both retelling and dictation.

          One possible version:

          We can communicate with other people by watching his body language besides words. Just like spoken language, body language varies from culture to culture. Take the gesture for OK as an example. The gesture means money in Japan and in France it means zero, while in Brazil and Germany doing so is rude. People in different countries show the same idea in different ways. For example, in many countries, shaking one’s head means “no”, and nodding means “yes”. However, in Bulgaria, parts of Greece, and Iran, the gestures have the opposite meaning. Although there are many different interpretations of our body language, some gestures seem to be universal. Perhaps the smile is the best example. A smile can help us well communicate with others.


          ? Do in Rome as Rome does [as the Romans do].

          [諺]入國問禁, 入鄉(xiāng)隨俗。

          ? Manners make the man.


          ? Good manners are the art of making those people easy with whom we converse. ---Jonathan Swift





          Raising the topic: communicating in body language (Paragraph 1) ? Interpretations of body language in different countries (Paragraphs 2-3) ? Universal body language (Paragraphs 4-5)


          課文以教人們認識最基本的肢體語言“Body Talk”為目的,以簡潔的文字、直接的表達、豐富的實例,向人們展示了無聲的肢體語言在不同的文化背景下的不同意思,并告誡人們在交往中要注意一些肢體語言的應運,同時,也向讀者介紹了一些世界通用的肢體語言,最后,文章著重介紹了微笑的重要功用。


          There is nothing better than sth./doing sth./to do sth. 沒有比做某事更好的了。

          原句:And if we are feeling down or lonely, there is nothing better than to see the smiling face of a good friend.

          e.g. There is nothing better than serving/to serve this great nation of ours.

          There is nothing better than the encouragement of a good friend.


          Warming up Listening (WB)

          Period 1 Period 2

          Listening Speaking

          Pre-reading Language study

          Periods 3-4 Reading Period 5

          Post-reading Grammar


          Period 6


          Teaching Procedure:

          Period 1 Warming up & Listening

          Step 1 Warming up

          1. Brainstorm: the words of emotions/feelings of human beings

          As we know, sorrow and happiness make a life. We, human beings, have all kinds of emotions. Let’s brainstorm emotions we’ve learned so far.

          happy, sad, angry, confused, tired, puzzled, hateful, excited, frightened, embarrassed, depressed, uneasy, thrilled, easy, confident, delighted, kind, curious, etc.

          2. Now let’s look at pictures with different emotions and match each picture with the correct emotion and the correct sentence. Meanwhile, ask students what makes he/she thinks that the person in the picture is feeling a certain way.

          Possible answers:

          Picture 1: Confused; I don’t know what to do.

          Picture 2: Angry; I can’t believe she said that! That is so unfair!

          Picture 3: Sad; I’ve lost my wallet!

          Picture 4: Happy; I got an A in my exam!

          Picture 5: Tired; It’s been a long day. I can’t keep my eyes open.

          3. From one’s facial expression, we can know how he/she is feeling. Besides, we can know how he/she is feeling from his/her gesture, that is to say, the way he/she stands or sits can also tell us how he/she is feeling. Now look at your classmates and tell how they are feeling today by the way they sit or stand.

          Step 2 Listening

          1. Pre-listening

          Just now we see we can learn how one is feeling from both his/her facial expressions and gestures. Look at me. Can you guess what these gestures mean?

          1) shake the head

          2) wave the arms

          3) stand with arms folded

          4) … …

          (Students may not guess all the meanings of these gestures, and then teachers can say “Let’s listen to two short passages and find out what one’s body movements/gestures can tell us.”)

          2. Listening

          1) Listen to Part 1 for the first time and get the students to do the first question of Part 1.

          2) Listen to Part 1 again and do the rest two questions of Part 1.

          3) Listen to Part 2 and do questions of Part 2. If students can’t follow it, listen again.

          3. Post-listening

          Based on what you heard just now and your own experience, discuss with your partner: How can you use your body language to communicate the following ideas?


          1. Make a list of facial expressions and gestures and their meanings we’ve learned today.

          2. Preview the following lesson.

          Period 2 Listening (WB) & Speaking

          Step 1 Listening

          Do the listening practice in the workbook step by step. If the material is too difficult, teachers can give students some difficult sentences first or even give the listening material to students after they listen to the tape twice.

          Step 2 Pre-speaking

          Make some requests and ask/help students to answer and make offers, for example:

          T: Could you give me a hand?

          S: Yes, of course. What can I do for you?

          T: Could you please clean the blackboard for me?

          S: With pleasure.

          T: That’s very nice of you.

          (Teachers can also ask students to open/close the window, turn on the projector and so on.)

          Step 3 Speaking

          1. Language Input

          Just now I asked some students to help me clean the blackboard (open/close the window, turn on the projector and so on.). In fact we’re practicing making requests, offers and responses. Now let’s look at some useful expressions on page 58.

          Useful expressions of making offers and requests

          Can/Shall I help you with that?

          Would you like me to …?

          No, thank you. Thanks for all your help.

          Could you please …?

          Would you like some help?

          Could you give me a hand with this? No, thanks. I can manage it myself.

          Is there anything else I can do for you?

          Could you help me with …?

          That’s very nice of you.

          Do you need some help with that?


          Is there anything else I can do for you? = What else can I do for you?

          We use these two sentences offer help again when we’ve already offered help.

          2. Practice

          Now use these expressions and follow the example to make up some dialogues in the following situations in pairs.

          Then get some pairs to act out the dialogues in front of the class.

          Step 4 Useful Expressions --- Making offers/requests and responses

          In our everyday life, we quite often meet difficulties and have to ask our friends or relatives for help. Of course, sometimes we’ll offer to help others. And in English there're several ways of making offers/requests and responses. Please look at the screen.

          Ways of making offers or requests Ways of replying to others' offers or requests

          Acceptance Refuse

          1.Can/Could/Shall I help you?

          2.Would you like me to …?

          3.Is there anything (else) I can do for you?

          4.Do you want me to …?

          5. What (else) can I do for you?

          6. Let me do/carry/help … (for you)?

          7. Would you like some …?

          8. Do you need some help with …? 1. Thanks. That would be nice/fine.

          2. That’s very kind of you.

          3. Thank you for your help.

          4. Yes, please.

          5. Here, take this/my… 1. No, thanks/thank you. I can manage it myself.

          2. Thank you all the same.

          3. That’s very kind of you, but….

          1. Could you please …?

          2. Could you give me a hand with …?

          3. Could you help me with …? 1. With pleasure.

          2. Yes, of course. 1. I’m sorry, but …

          2. I’d like to …, but ….

          Step 5 Making up dialogues

          Just now we have got through several ways of making offers/requests and responses. Let’s use these sentence structures to make up some dialogues. (Get the students to work in pairs and offer to do the following things for each other.)

          help you with homework

          help you with cooking a meal

          show you how to use the typewriter go and buy some medicine

          do the shopping

          show you to the dining room


          A: Would you like some help?

          B: Yes, please.

          A: Shall I show you how to use this electric typewriter?

          B: Thanks. I haven’t used this one before.

          A: Would you like me to type your composition for you?

          B: No, thanks. I can manage it myself.

          Step 6 Post-speaking

          If time permits, get students to finish the task of talking in the workbook.


          Prepare the task of talking in the workbook.

          Preview the following lesson: Body talk.

          Periods 3-4 Reading

          Step 1 Revision

          Check the homework of making up a dialogue in the workbook.

          Go over the ways of making offers/requests and responses.

          Step 2 Pre-reading

          In the first period of this unit, we’ve learned that we can use our facial expressions and gestures to express ourselves or tell what someone is thinking or feeling by looking at their facial expressions and gestures.

          1. Who can tell us some ways of telling what one is thinking or feeling?

          2. Do people from different parts of the world use different body language? What about people who live in different parts of China?

          3. How do you communicate the following with body language?

          Thank you! No. Yes. I don’t know. Come here!

          Step 3 Reading

          1. Scanning

          Ask students to read the text quickly and find out the main idea/key sentence of each paragraph in pairs.

          Para 1: We use both words and body language to express our thoughts and opinions and to communicate with other people.

          Para 2: Just like spoken language, body language varies from culture to culture.

          (The same gesture has different meanings in different countries.)

          Para 3: People in different countries show the same idea in different ways.

          Para 4: Some gestures seem to be universal.

          Para 5: Perhaps the best example of universally understood body language is the smile.

          *Teachers can also ask students how many parts we can divide the whole text into and what the main idea of each part is.

          Part 1 (Para 1): We use both words and body language to express our thoughts and opinions and to communicate with other people.

          Part 2 (Para 2-3): Just like spoken language, body language varies from culture to culture.

          Part 3 (Para 4-5): Some gestures seem to be universal.

          2. Reading

          This part is designed to help students to get more detailed information of the text.

          1) Read the second part (Para 2-3) more carefully and then fill in the table, using a projector to show the table. (Words in italics can be blank.)


          eye contact some countries a way to show that one is interested

          other countries rude or disrespectful

          a circle with one’s thumb and index finger most countries OK

          Japan Money

          France Zero

          Brazil Rude


          thumbs up the US great or good job

          Nigeria rude

          Germany The number one


          moving the index finger in a circle in front of the ear some countries crazy

          Brazil You have a phone call.

          2) Read the last part (Para 4-5) again and then try to answer some questions:

          1. How can we communicate “I am tired” with the body language? And please act it out?

          2. What does “rubbing one’s stomach” mean?

          3. Why do we say “ the smile is a universally understood body language”?

          3. Reading aloud

          Listen to the tape of the text and make marks where they don’t understand.

          4. Some language points

          Discuss something that students don’t understand.

          Possible notes:

          Step 4 Post-reading

          Get the students to discuss the following questions in pairs or groups of four. Then get one of them to report their results of their discussion to the whole class.

          1. What are some situations where we need to be very careful about our body language and gestures?

          2. How is body language different from spoken language? What do they have in common?

          3. Sometimes we say one thing but our body language says something different. Why does this happen? Can you think of any examples?

          4. Work together in pairs or groups. Complete the chart below.

          Step 5 Discussion/Assessment

          If you go for a job interview, you should be well prepared for what to say and how to answer the interviewer’s possible questions. Besides, what you can do or act during the interview is also very important. In the first three periods of this unit we have learned something about body language. Now suppose you are going for an interview, what shall you pay special attention to?


          1. Preview the following lesson.

          2. Retell the text.

          Period 5 Language study & Grammar

          Step 1 Revision

          Get some students to retell the text.

          Step 2 Language study

          1. Do Exercise 2 on page 61 first, matching the following words about body movements with correct definition.

          2. Go through the instruction of Exercise 1 on page 61 and make sure that students know what to do and then get students to discuss these words in groups of four.

          Then invite some students to tell and act out these gestures.

          Step 3 Grammar

          The –ing form (2): used as a noun

          1. Language input

          Just now we’ve made clear how these parts of our body can be used to “talk” to someone. For example, shaking your fist at someone is a way of saying that you are very angry. (Copy this sentence on the blackboard.) Now please look at the sentence. Do you know what the –ing form “shaking” and “saying” here are used as? They are used as nouns. As we know, as a noun, usually it can be the subject, object or predicative in a sentence. Who can tell me what “shaking” and “saying” play in the sentence? (shaking --- subject; saying --- object)

          Then go through the three sentences in the students’ books.

          Subject In many countries, shaking one’s head means “no” and nodding means “yes”.

          Object We can learn a lot about what a person is thinking by watching his or her body language.

          Predicative A good way of saying “I am full” is rubbing the stomach after a meal.

          Attributive The price of building materials has gone up again.

          2. Practice

          Find the –ing form in the text “Body Talk” and analyze their functions in the sentences.

          3. Drills

          Do Exx. 1-3 on page 61-62 one by one.

          1) The –ing form in this exercise is used as Subject.

          2) The –ing form in this exercise is used as Attributive.

          3) The –ing form in this exercise is used as Object/Predicative.

          4. Consolidation

          Get the students to make out a list of verbs or verb phrases which can be followed by the –ing form or only by the –ing form.

          只能用動名詞作賓語的動詞和詞組:advise, allow, resist, admit, escape, dislike, risk, avoid, forgive, suggest, consider, imagine, understand, delay, mind, appreciate, enjoy, keep, can’t help doing sth., excuse, miss, put off, finish, practise, give up, deny, prevent, v. + prep.詞組, etc.

          動名詞和不定式均可作賓語的動詞:continue, begin, prefer, like, hate, learn, remember, forget, regret, try, mean, etc.

          (This part can also be left as homework.)


          Make out a list of verbs or verb phrases which can be followed by the –ing form or only by the –ing form.

          Period 6 Reading & Writing

          Step 1 Warming up

          The material given in the students’ book is quite difficult. Teachers can first provide students something easy to help students make sure what they should do in this part (integrating skills).

          Look at the following three pictures on the screen. They are in disorder. So please put these pictures in order first, and then say something about each picture. At last, use these pictures to create a story.

          Possible order: 1, 3, 2

          Possible version:

          One day, an old man in rags stood at a street corner, playing the violin to passers-by. He put a cap on the ground in front of him, so that people who liked the music could drop coins into it. Just then, a well-dressed gentleman came over to him. The old man felt very happy when he saw the gentleman put his hand into his pocket. But to the old man’s disappointment, the gentleman took out a flute instead of some money and began playing the flute together with him.

          Step 2 Pre-writing

          Just now we’ve described three pictures and created a story. Do you know how to write a story? Let’s get some tips for writing a story. Turn to page 63.

          Step 3 While-writing

          Work in groups. Look at the six pictures on page 62. Your task is to use the pictures to create a story. You must use all of the pictures in only one story. Then do as follows.

          1 Put the pictures in order based on your story. There is no correct answer to this question, so you must make up your own story. When you have created the story, make sure that all group members know the story.

          2 Now you will act out the story. There are several rules. First of all, each member will have to act at least one part, and you must act out all the pictures in your story. Second, you CANNOT speak when you act out your story. You can only use body language to act out the story. You may make sounds or noises, but you may not say any words.

          3 Act out the story in front of the class. Remember that you may not speak. The other groups will watch you and try to guess the story. The other groups may not say anything when you are acting out your story, but when you have finished they will try to retell your story. You will also watch the other groups and try to guess their stories.

          Step 5 Post-writing

          1 Write a story based on the stories you and your classmates have acted out. You may use your own story or that of another group.

          2 When students have finished writing, let students check the story with each other. If possible, choose some students’ stories and correct them together with the whole class, using a projector.


          Write your story in your exercise books.


          Interview techniques/Body signals







          本課設計以“Travelling Abroad”為課堂教學材料,以學生現(xiàn)實生活為出發(fā)點和歸宿點,旨在培養(yǎng)學生閱讀能力及其發(fā)展學生的語言實際運用能力。結合課本內容和學生實際,閱讀教學采用整體教學模式,主要以任務推動學習,以任務貫穿學習,充分利用課文提供的語言材料,結合高考題型,幫助學生理解課文大意和篇章結構,有意識地讓學生在一系列的教學活動中熟悉高考題型,掌握應試技巧。討論部分為學生營造民主開放的課堂氛圍,讓學生學會運用所學知識來談談出國留學的好處及可能遇到的困難。本節(jié)課各個環(huán)節(jié)由易到難,由淺入深,環(huán)環(huán)相扣,層層遞進,由知識輸入到語言知識和思想的輸出,多渠道、多方位訓練學生的閱讀技能,提高學生的語言運用能力。






          2. 教學難點




          Step1. Leading- in

          Purpose: To Lead Ss to the topic of this unit.

          Ask Ss some related questions.

          1.What would you like to do if you had a chance to go abroad?

          2.Can you imagine the life of studying abroad?

          Step2. Warming Up

          Purpose: To introduce the topic of this unit to Ss by watching a video.

          Show a video about the life of studying abroad and then ask the students:

          1. Would you like to study abroad?

          2. What difficulties will you meet during studying?


          Traveling abroad is very popular now. It doesn’t only include the visit to places if interests but also includes studying abroad. Before going there ,we’d better make full preparations : to collect as much information about the place as possible; to take enough money with you; tell all you relatives your cell phone number; call the travel agency for advice;… Also traveling abroad has its advantages and disadvantages.

          Step3. Prediction

          Purpose: To help Ss to guess the main idea about the text by the given information.

          Ask Ss to predict the content of the text as to inspire their imagination and predicting ability.

          Where can we find this article?

          A. From a novel B. From a fairy tale

          C. From sports news D. From education news

          Step4. Fast reading

          Purpose: To get the gist of the passage.


          Match the main idea with each paragraph.

          Para.1 A. More about Xie Lei will be introduced.

          Para.1 B. XieLei met some difficulties in London.

          Para.1 C. General introduction about Xie Lei.

          Para.1 D. Xie Lei left for London.

          Para.1 E. Benefits of living with a host family.

          Para.1 F. Benefits of the preparation course.

          Para.1 G. Xie Lei has got used to the life in England.


          Choose the best answers.

          1. Xie Lei’s purpose of going to ____ is ___.

          A. Canada, for a travelling

          B. the USA, for seeing her friends

          C. England, for a business qualification

          D. China, for finding a new job

          2. Who does Xie Lei board with in England?

          A. Her classmates B. Herself

          C. A host family D. Her family

          3. Xie Lei got an E for her first essay because ____ .

          A. the tutor didn’t like Chinese student

          B. the tutor thought the essay was bad-written

          C. the essay is a summary of an article

          D. Xie Lei didn’t finish it .

          4. We can learn from the passage Xie Lei is ____.

          A. timid(膽小的) B. Determined C. shy D. honest.

          5. What is the author's attitude towards Xie Lei's future?

          A. positive B. negative

          C. indifferent D. paradoxical(矛盾的)



          Ask the students to find out the benefits Xie Lei gets and the difficulties she met from the text.


          1. of doing a preparation course :

          1) to get used to a whole new ____ __ _____.

          2) to learn how to get used to the _______ ________ of a

          Western university.

          2. of living with a host family:

          1) to learn more about the ____ _______.

          2) to ask them for____ to explain things she didn’t _____.

          3. of having a tutor

          1). to explain about why you cannot ______ other people’s words without ______them.

          2). to encourage her to ____her own ideas and _________ the authors she had read.


          1. at the university

          1). learning to read widely and _______ the texts.

          2). expressing one’s own _______ with reasons.

          2. of a new way of life

          1). finding a _______ between study and a ______ ____.

          2). _______ new friends.

          Step6. Post reading

          Purpose: To sum up the text.

          Ask the students to fill in the blanks according to the passage.

          Xie Lei _____ (board) a plane for London six months ago to complete ____ business qualification. She is now halfway through the _______ (prepare) year. At the beginning, she had to learn almost everything again. She lives with a host family, ___ gives her the chance ____ (learn) more about the culture.

          She wrote her first essay to her tutor, ____ she only got an E. Now she has got used ___ the life and she feels much more at home and is going to join a few university clubs in order to have a balance _____study and a social life. We ______(sincere) wish Xie lei all the best with her enterprise.

          Step7. Discussion

          Purpose: To broaden the topic of this unit in the form of discussion.

          1) Ask the students to work in groups of two, and choose one of the topics to discuss:

          “What benefits can we get from studying abroad?”

          “What difficulties will we come across while studying abroad?”

          2)Possible answers:


          It will be easier to learn a foreign language.

          It is fun to live in a new country.

          We will have many new experiences.



          It would be difficult for us to communicate with the foreign people at first.

          We can’t understand the language very well, so it’s difficult for us to do everything even some simple things.


          Step8. Assignment







          Unit5 Traveling abroad


          Main idea:

          Para.1 Xie Lei left for London.

          Para.2 Introduction about Xie Lei.

          Para.3 XieLei met some difficulties in London.

          Para.4 Benefits of living with a host family.

          Para.5 Benefits of the preparation course

          Para.6 Xie Lei has got used to the life in England.

          Para.7 More about XieLei will be introduced


          Teaching Plan Interpretation

          Good morning,everyone. It’s my great honor to stand here and interpret my teaching. The teaching plan I am going to talk about is from Senior English for China Student’s Book 1A, Unit 8 Sports. I’ll explain how to teach and why to do so from the following 6 parts: The analysis of the teaching material, the teaching methods, the studying ways, the teaching procedure,Layout of the Bb and the anticipation.

          Part I The analysis of the teaching material.

          First, let me talk about the teaching material. My understanding of the teaching material includes 3 parts: the status and the function, teaching objectives, the important and difficult points.

          Function and status: The title of this unit is Sports,which maybe a topic that students are interested in. And the type of my lesson is speaking and listening. It is used to clean up the obstacles of background and language for the rest of the unit,such as reading. And another function is to inspire the students’ interset of sports,and inspire them to do some sports everyday to keep healthy. If the students want to know more about Sports or Olympic Games,they have to come to the text and lesson to learn more. So these are fit for the New Curriculum of English: To enforce the motivation of studying English.

          That’s all for the Function and status. According to the teaching material and the New Curriculum of English, in order to fulfill the learning task of this period, I establish the following objectives:

          Teaching Objectives: By the end of the lesson,students should be able to:

          1. Knowledge objectives : Learn some vocabulary of sports and the structure of asking and answering questions about interests and hobbies.

          2. Ability objectives : Learn how to use these words in speaking. I’ll design task to fulfil this objectives.

          3. Moral objectives : Get to know some information about Sports and Olympic Games. Inspire the interest in sports.

          Well, so much for the teaching objectives, let's come to deal with the important points and the difficult points. According to the type of my lesson is speaking and listening,the important points are the vocabulary of sports,the structure of asking and answering questions about interests and hobbies. As to the difficult points, it is the structure of asking and answering questions about interests and hobbies.

          Part II Teaching Methods

          Now let’s focus on the ways of teaching and learning. Generally speaking, I adopt TBLT in my class. As for learning, students should not only know the vocabulary,how to pronounce,how to spell them,but also learn how to use them in communication. So I use the TBLT ,when it comes to the dialogue,this method will let the students know how to use them in real life.

          Teaching strategies or techniques: imitation, repetition, inductive method,demonstration

          Teaching model: the 3-P model,that is Presentation,Practice and Production. I will show how this model make effort in the teaching procedure.

          Part III Studying ways

          This unit is about Sports. It closely connects to the students’ life,so most students will be interested in it a lot.

          In this period,I use direct ways and use translation ways to list the vocabulary. The students will learn to how to pronounce and how to use the vocabulary. And other ways I will also show you in the Teaching Procedure.

          Part IV Teaching Procedure

          Here comes the most important part, the teaching procedure. I will use the 3-P Model: Step 1 : Presentation: The vocabulary of sports;Step 2 : Practice: Ask and answer;Step 3 : Production: (1)Listening exercise;(2)Information of Olypmic Games.

          Warm-up (3 minutes)

          Now let’s come to the first step warm up. I will spend 3 mins on it.

          I will ask Ss three questions. First,I will ask “What will we have this week/month?”,the Ss will answer me “Sports Day”. Then I will ask “What sports items will you take part in?”,Ss will name some sports name. I will choose some of them to write on the blackboard and ask some difficult sports name,such as shot,long distance race and put them on the blackboard. After this,I will ask “What other sports (sports meeting,Olymic Games,ball games)do you know?” and list them on the blackboard.

          These questions can be used to educe the vocabulary of sports and make preparation for the rest speaking and listening activities.

          Step 1 : Presentation

          The vocabulary of sports (5 minutes)

          Just in last step,I have already listed the words on the blackboard. So in this step,I just ask the Ss to repeat after me to learn how to pronounce and learn these words by heart. I will use word categories in order to teach them how to use generalization to learn words. It will take 7 minutes.

          Step 2 : Practice

          Ask and answer

          It is the most important part in this period. I will put 14 minutes on it.

          I will ask Ss “Do you like sports?” and “What’s your favourite sports?”. The Ss may give me some sports name. Then I will put the fisrt structure on the blackboard. Then I will say if there are two sports,I want to know what is your favourite one,what should I say. Then it can educe the second structure. After learning these two strucures,I will give some key words for Ss to replace and practise. It is the task I design for them to use the useful expression to communicate. Then I will ask then open the book to learn other useful expressions on P52 and use all these expression to finish the task. At last,I will ask some groups to make some presentation. It is also include the PPP in this step.

          This step not only strengthen the new words,but also train the Ss to talk about sports,hobbies and interstings in real life and develp their speaking ability. It also enrich the language,including words and expressions about sports,hobbies and interstings and make Ss have a better understanding of others.

          Step 3 : Production

          (1) Listening exercise (10 minutes)

          Listen to the material and finish the exercise on P51 and give the answers. The listening material include three sports reports: NBA,basketball game and table-tennis game. In this part,Ss have to listen to the tape and catch the key information,such as sports items,scores and results. Through this exercise,Ss can get more information of sports and be inspired interests in sports,train and develop the listening skills,learn and review the description of sports.

          (2) Information of Olympic Games (5 minutes)

          Ss get information of Olympic Games by the exercise on P50-51. And then I will give some other information about Olympic Games.

          End of Lesson Summary: (2 minutes)

          Review the vocabulary of sports and the structure of ask and answer questions about interests and hobbies to enforce Ss’ memories.

          Assignments: (1 minute)

          1. Learn the new words of this unit by heart and try to use them.

          2. Finish the listening exercise on Page 127.

          3. Use the words and expressions to finish talking exercise on Page 127.

          4. Preview the text.

          Part V Layout design

          On the left part,I will list the some of the vocabulary of sports. On the middle I will list the useful expressions.

          Unit 8 Sports

          1. track and field

          relay race What’s your favourite …?(book,food,music)

          long distance race I like … best. / … is my favourite ….


          2. Olympic Games items Which do you like, … or … ?

          diving I prefer … to …


          gymnastics Which…do you like best?

          weightlifting Which do you prefer,…or…?


          3. Ball games What about…?

          badminton Are you interesting in…?

          baseball I’d rather…than….

          softball Yes,very much. / No,not really.

          Part VI Anticipation

          This unit is talking about sports. It is close to Ss’ life,so Ss will be interested in it and will be active to answer and cooperate. It will be easy to enduce new words. The Ss will be also curious to know other classmates’ hobbies and interests,so it will be also smoothly to enduce the structure of asking and answering the hobbies and interests and Ss will be happy to do practice with the knowledge they have learned. The knowledge and ability aims will also be fulfiled. And then,the emotional aim can be fulfiled by giving information of Olympic Games which they are interested in.

          That’s all for my interpretation. Thank you for your attention.




          今天我要說的是冀教版八年級下冊第五單元:Go with Transportation 第37課:Flying Donuts。本單元講述了一些有關交通發(fā)展的歷史事件和相關故事,在復習以前所學的有關交通的詞匯和短語的基礎上又擴展了一些生詞、習語和日常用語。第37課的課文通過介紹Danny想象中的一種新的交通工具,引導學生充分發(fā)揮想象力、創(chuàng)造力,設想未來的交通工具,并用英語表達出來,從而激發(fā)學生的創(chuàng)造力和表現(xiàn)欲,使他們從中得到學習的快樂。



          (1) 學習單詞fuel, coal, oil … 。

          (2) 學習、掌握短語和句型think of認為,想起;at the front of 在……的前面 with用…;










          重點:本課詞組和句型think of/about /out ;with的多種用法;What do the donuts do? Will Danny’s invention really work?












         。1) 學習本課生詞,了解課文大意。

          (2) 找出重點短語和句子。





          bicycle, train, rocket, car, boat, plane……






          對課文中的關鍵詞句如:What do donuts do? think of/out/over, with, make sb. do sth……等重點講解,舉例加以說明。為了更好地調動學生的積極性,要求學生運用這些詞語造句,訓練學生寫的技能,使學生處于積極思維的狀態(tài)之中,全方位、多角度培養(yǎng)學生運用英語的能力。









          good morning, interviewers

          part one. analysis of teaching material

          here i will analyze this part from 3 points:

          the first point is “status and functions”

          this unit is unit__in term_ _taken from new standard english book and my lecture is the reading part of it. by learning this passage, the students can master some language points and reading skills.

          the second point is “teaching aims”

          firstly, knowledge aims: the students should understand all the key words and


          secondly, ability aim is to improve the students’ ability of getting the main idea and detailed information of this passage.

          thirdly, emotional aims: to enable the students to develop good manners of


          the third point is “importance and difficulties. the important points are to master usage of key words and phrases such as__________. the difficult points mainly focus on how to develop the students’ reading ability.

          part two. analysis of the learners

          as senior high school students, most of them are very shy and they seldom

          participate in class activities. so in order to activate my students, i will adopt some

          part three. teaching & learning approaches

          part four. teaching procedures

          in order to arrange my teaching procedures systematically and logically, i will divide my teaching procedures into 5 steps.

          step one is “warming up”

          at beginning, i will play an english song for my students because it can not only help them relax, but can also bring them into an english atmosphere.

          step two is “l(fā)eading-in”

          i will have a free talk with my students about__________________________________________________, thus leading my

          students to the topic we’re going to learn.

          step three is “reading” it will cost 20 min

          first. class work

          skimming: here i will ask my students to read the passage quickly and loudly, and then give them some t or f questions to see if they have a general understanding of this passage. they will answer it together.

          second. group work

          scanning: here my students should read the passage very carefully and silently, and work in groups to discuss the following questions. by doing this, i can check whether my students have a detailed understanding of this passage.

          third. pair work

          learning language points: ask students to work in pairs and pick out the important sentences, and then introduce to others, of course showing the reasons why your pairs choose. i will do example, such as________________________ (板)because this sentence has a important phrase or sentence structure.

          fourth individual work

          consolidation: here i will show my students a short passage with key words and phrases missing.of course, those words or phrase is taken from this passage we have learnt today. and then ask some students to retell the passage by filling the blanks, finishing them by individual.

          part five. blackboard design

          in order to make the blackboard design clearly and neatly, i write the sentence on the left. then i show the sentence structure and example on the right. in the middle, i will use an arrow symbol to connect.

          in a word, the whole teaching plan is based on tasks and cooperation which are design from easy to difficult. the students is a agent, the teacher just is a organizer.

          well, that’s all for my presentation, i appreciate your attention very much!





          本模塊內容為英國古典文學中的狄更斯作品及其生平。本節(jié)課是一節(jié)文學閱讀欣賞課,課文節(jié)選自《霧都孤兒》的片斷“Oliver asks for more”,反映了主人公Oliver生活的是一個貧富懸殊,充滿壓迫的不公平的社會。通過學習本課,學生能夠了解文學常識,掌握語言技能,對狄更斯的文學作品有了初步的認識,為本單元后面的學習也做了鋪墊。




















          2. 以學生為主體,利用學案導學,借助任務型教學法、情景教學法、問答法、小組合作法、自主探究法開展教學活動,完成教學任務。




          1. Q: Which novel did you catch when you watch the video? And do you know other works written by Charles Dickens?

          A: David Copperfield, A tale of two cities, Great expectations, Oliver Twist…

          2. Q: What kind of the novel did Dickens usually write?


          最后圖像停頓在截取的電影片段也就是課文中 “Oliver ask for more” 的幾幅圖片上,每張圖片配合描述性的句子,設置教學任務:對劃線詞語進行快速猜測詞義練習。

          1. Charles Dickens is one of England’s most famous novelists.

          2. He wrote about the life of poor Oliver Twist, who is an orphan without parents.

          3. He lived in the workhouse, and the boys had excellent appetite, hungry and misery.

          4. Oliver was chosen to ask the warden for more to eat.



          What do you think he is saying to the man and what will happen next?



          Ask students to skim the whole text and choose the best summary of the passage on P30Activity1 and divide the passage into three parts.

          P1 ←— Being hungry

          P2-P3←—Being chosen

          P4-P13←—Being locked

          【設計意圖】這一環(huán)節(jié)采取小組活動的方式快速限時閱讀, 設置的幾個概括文章大意類問題,概括文章大意和各段落大意。把閱讀課文作為整體來處理,搜集高頻詞匯和關鍵詞。檢查學生對課文中的事實的表層理解,養(yǎng)成良好的閱讀習慣,提高閱讀技能。



          1. What are the two main elements of a novel? A: Character, plot

          2. What should be based on when we divide the passage into parts?

          A: The change of the plot; The change of time; the change of the scene….


         。ㄋ模 精讀課文,鞏固升華

          Read the passage again and answer the questions:

          1) Why did the bowls never need washing?

          2) What would the tall boy do if he still didn’t have another bowl of soup?

          3) Why did the boys choose one boy to ask for more food?

          4) How did they choose the representative to ask for more food?

          5) When Oliver went to ask for more food, what did the warden do?

          6) What was Oliver’s final result for asking for more food?



          Task : Make a dialogue with your partner, the scene from para.3 to para.6.小組成員中可以選用表演能力較好的同學演"warden"和"Oliver",選用一個口語較好的同學做解說員,另外可以根據(jù)同學們的個人特點充當兩個“helpers”和幾個Oliver的"companions".




          1. What’s the writing purpose of the story?

          Key words: reveal…; show great sympathy to…

          2.Compared with Oliver’s life, what do you think of yours? What should you do?




          If you were Dickens, what would be the ending of this novel?





          Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Standing here, I am very happy and excited. It’s my great honor to be here interpreting my teaching plan. My teaching plan is divided into 5 parts. Ok, let’s come to Part 1.

          Part 1 Teaching Material

          The topic of my lesson is ____________________. It is taken from New Senior English for China Students’ Book___ Unit____.. This is a reading lesson. It plays a very important part in this book. Such a lesson is related to Ss’ daily life, so it is important to raise Ss’ learning interests and it is also helpful to improve Ss’ society sense. It can improve Ss to attain “four skills” request of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Therefore this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material. By studying this lesson, we’ll enable students to know_____________________ and develop the interest in English

          Part 2 Teaching Aims:通過閱讀不僅能夠吸收積累,強化鞏固語言知識,而且能夠培養(yǎng)閱讀技巧,提高閱能力,擴大知識面。

          1.Knowledge object (語言目標:語音,詞匯,語法,功能,話題)

          To request Ss to master the usage of the important words and phrases:

          2.Ability object (技能目標:聽,說,讀,寫)

          (1) To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing, promote their ability of self-study and guide Ss to set up effective studying strategies.

          3.Emotion objects (情感目標:興趣,自信,合作,愛國,國際視野)

          To increase Ss’ interest in learning English, set up their self-confidence and improve their ability of cooperation.

          Part 3 the Important and Difficult Points

          The important point is to learn the main idea of the reading materials. In this part, I often choose 3 materials, two in the textbook and one in the workbook, but just focus on one reading.

          The difficult point is to learn the reading methods and difficult sentences.

          Part 4 Teaching Methods

          To achieve these teaching aims, I will use individual work, pair work, group work and class work.

          Part 5 Teaching Procedure

          Step 1. Lead- in

          In this step, I will prepare something interesting for the Ss. According to this reading, will ask Ss questions _____________________________________________.

          This is to arouse Ss’ attention about the topic. (cost about _3_ mins)

          Step 2. Pre-reading

          Let Ss work in pairs and discuss/ predict the questions ____________________________________________, which can check how much they have known about this topic. (costs about _2_ mins)

          Step 3. While-reading ( 3 tasks )

          Task 1. Skimming: to ask Ss to read the passage fast and find out the topic sentence of each paragraph. During this part, we can promote their skimming ability. ( costs about _5_ mins )

          Para 1 ___________________

          Para 2 ___________________

          Para 3 ___________________

          Task 2. Scanning:

          In this part, I will ask them to do some detailed questions, such as blank-filling and T or F questions. This

          step can strengthen their understanding of this passage and scanning ability. (costs about _10_ mins ) Task 3: Listening

          Read the passage by following the tape. While you are reading, pay attention to the pronunciation of the words.(costs about _10_ mins )

          Step 4. Post-reading

          Task 1. tell the difference between:

          Task 2: What’s the best title of this passage? First ask them to discuss, them give them fours choices to choose from.

          Task 3: Ask Ss to use their own words to retell the story in pairs and then present in front of the class Task 4: Discussion: divide the Ss into several groups and ask them to discuss the question __________________________________________________.

          This part can develop Ss’ abilities of communication and cooperation, arouse the Ss’ interest in English learning and request Ss to express their ideas freely as well. (costs about _10_ mins ) Task 3.

          Step 5. Homework

          Task 1. remember all the new words and phrases in the reading passage.

          Task 2: Write a summary of the reading passage using the new words.

          Task 3. write a short passage about _________________.

          Purpose of my design: Homework is so important and necessary for to master the knowledge they learned after class. It will check whether the Ss achieve the teaching aims.

          That’s all for my teaching plan. Thank you a lot for listening.

          Blackboard design:

          Important words and expressions.

          Topic sentence of each paragraph:

          Para 1:

          Para 2:

          Para 3:

          Homework: write a short passage


          一. 總述




          二. 說教材

          1. 教材的地位和作用


          2. 教材重點的確立

          重點為-----熱身 熱身一向是容易被忽略的部分,但我卻有著不同的觀點①引入本單元知識,帶學生進入一個豐富多彩的體育世界。②介紹有關體育的基礎知識,激發(fā)學生對體育的興趣方面也起著重要的作用。從而提高學生對本單元知識學習的興趣③引入大量本單元有關體育的新單詞,為后面聽說讀寫個方面奠定良好的基礎(配課件圖——根基最重要)總之,是要通過以激活學生已有的相關背景知識,補充必要和新的背景知識,以啟發(fā)學生對話題的思考,同時,還為學生歸納和總結已有的語言知識,并為其預測,了解和討論話題做了鋪墊。

          3. 教材難點的確立


          聽力歷來都是英語學習者很難突破的瓶頸 原因:發(fā)音部位和技巧的不同;歷史文化背景的不同;詞匯量的限制;練習機會較少

          本課:體育賽事新聞 原因:語速較快;個人興趣影響(背景知識的限制)

          4. 通過本課教材要達到的教學目標(與新課標結合





          三. 說教學

          1. 學法的指導






          2. 教學方法的選擇及運用







         、 兩點:將課本的知識點與師生的興趣點緊密結合














         、 一線:就是讓體育和奧運的主線始終貫穿與課堂之上,聽說讀寫都以運動和奧運為主軸。做到由景生情,以情帶義(解釋)。這樣即突出了教材的連貫性,也創(chuàng)造了層層遞進的條件,使學生對此方面的知識更系統(tǒng),更完整,此外還有利于培養(yǎng)學生熱愛運動和積極從事體育鍛煉的熱情。

         、 四個方面:聽,說,讀,寫

          從個體來看: 聽、說、讀、寫是語言學習不可缺少的四個方面,每一個各體在教學的過程中都必須涉及到。所以在本課之中,我盡力使學生在四個方面都有所練習,但由于本課是一節(jié)聽說課,那么在四個方面要有側重,以聽說為主,讀寫為輔。














          1. 體現(xiàn)三部分內容的自然過渡



          Good morning, dear judges! I’m quite happy to share my teaching planning with all of you here. My name is Yu Xueming from No.1 High School of Wuhu County, Anhui Province. The topic I’m going to talk about is “Inversion”. What I will talk about includes 6 parts as follows:


          Part One: Analysis of the teaching material and learning condition.

          Part Two: Teaching objectives.

          Part Three: Teaching key points and difficult points.

          Part Four: Teaching methods and teaching aids.

          Part Five: My teaching procedures.

          Part Six: My blackboard design.

          Now, let me tell you one by one in details .First, part one, the teaching material and learning conditions. The selected teaching material is taken from the grammar section of Module 8 Unit 3 of Advance with English. It focuses on the different grammar rules of partial and complete Inversion, which is one of the difficult and important parts in English grammar. On the other hand, in my students’ previous studying, they have touched some inverted inversions, such as, “there be” sentence pattern, but they don’t have a good knowledge of it.

          According to the analysis of the teaching material and learning condition, the following objectives are to be achieved. Firstly, language objective, many students are able to use 6 cases of partial inversion and 3 of complete inversion. Secondly, skill objective, apart from the basic skills of language, this class, I will focus my students’ attention on summarizing, for example, to summarize the grammar rules from examples. Thirdly, ability objective, the teaching material offers a chance for my students to learn how to participate in the activities actively and cooperatively, for example, in the activities of group learning.

          As we all know, it is important and necessary for teachers to provide students’ language learning situations in grammar learning, which is intended to help my students understand the grammar rules better in real situations. That is the key and difficult teaching point.

          Well, in order to achieve the teaching objectives mentioned above, I will use the task-based method, group learning method and situational method as the main teaching methods. With these teaching methods, I will try my best to encourage my students to learn or use more effectively. Furthermore, I need some teaching aids to help me, like multi-media and a projector.

          Now come my teaching procedures, which consist of six steps. I mainly talk about this part. But before talking about this, I want to share what I am going to do before class, five minutes before class, I will ask my students to watch a micro class about the elements of sentences, which I think is quite necessary and helpful for learning Inversion. By doing this, I can prepare them for the coming lesson.

          Ok, let’s come to the first step of my teaching procedures. I will share an interesting story with my students and purposely introduce the target language, and then explain the differences between natural order and inverted order as well as the types of inversion. The topic is to attract my students’ attention and lead in the topic in a more vivid and direct way.

          Step2. Presentation

          In this step, I will share a story with my students about an American shooting athlete named Emmons. Some inverted sentences are included in this story. My students are required to find them out. In this way, they can have a better understanding of partial inversion and complete inversion through some typical examples.

          Step3. Group learning to summarize

          First, I will divide my students into several groups and each group consists of seven students and ask them to discuss in groups and summarize the rules of Inversion with the help of learning paper, after that, representatives from groups will report their summary to the whole class. At the same time, other groups can express their different opinions, if necessary, the teacher can give them a hand. I design like this in order to arouse their activeness and try my best to make the students the center of the class.

          Step4. Practice

          In this stage, I design two activities. Activity one is group competition.

          Volunteers from groups can choose one from 1 to 9 with different levels, questions from 1 to 3 belong to level A with one point, questions from 4 to 6 are level B with 2 points, and the rest are the most difficult deserving 3 points, at last we will work out which group is the winner.

          Activity two is making up a story. Several pictures will be shown to my students, and they are required to make up a story by using inverted sentences, of course, some key words and phrases will be given to help them if needed, some groups will report their writings through a projector.

          Through these two activities, I can help them learn more actively and more efficiently, furthermore, both of the two activities can be used as a means to develope my students’ abilities of creative thinking and a train for their writing skills.

          Step5. Summary

          I will summarize the class with a short video. It is a dialogue between a wife and her husband, and they are talking about losing weight in a humorous way, many inverted sentences are used in the dialogue. I design like this because I feel it is more amazing and interesting to consolidate this lesson.

          Now, it is my homework. I will ask them to remember the rules correctly and finish the exercise in their learning paper, which is intended to use inversion correctly and put what they have learned into practice.

          Dear judges, at last I want to share my blackboard design with you. I will write the title in the upper of middle, the key words and phrases in a clear order and set a competition area among groups. As you can see, my blackboard design is easy and clear in order to let my students learn more effectively.

          To sum up, in the teaching process, I follow the students-centered teaching principle and I will try my best to get most of my students involved in my class. I’m just a guider and sometimes a helper of my students in classroom teaching activities and my students are the real communicators of the languageou. This is my teaching planning presentation. Thank you for your attention.









          Step ⅠLead-in

          Show students different kinds of paintings and ask them to guess the type of the paintings. (通過多媒體播放不同種類的圖片及不同名作家的作品引起學生對繪畫的興趣) Step ⅡWarming Up

          At first, ask the students to match some new words with the correct English meanings. Show them on the screen.At last, check the answers with the whole class.

          A B

          a. realistic 1. accurate, minute

          b. abstract 2. state or fact of existing

          c. existence 3. being in thought but having a physical or practical existence d. detailed 4. lifelike, true to life

          e. religious 5. classical, of old beliefs

          f. traditional 6. sincere to believe in a god or gods

          Key: a-4, b-3, c-2, d-1, e-6, f-5

          (通過對文章重點詞匯的聯(lián)系讓學生閱讀文章是更容易并且加深對這些重點詞匯的理解) Step Ⅲ Pre-reading

          Show students some pictures of the different ages,let them summary the order of the paintings Middle Ages, from 5th to 15th century → The Renaissance,from 15th to 16 century→

          Impressionism,late 19th to early 20 century → Modern Art,from 20th to today


          Step Ⅳ Reading

          Task 1 Scanning

          Show some questions on the screen.

          1. What were the artists interested in from 5th to 15th century AD?

          2. How did Masaccio paint his paintings?

          3. Why did the impressionists have to paint quickly?


          Task 2 Skimming

          Let the students read the passage again and get the main idea of it. Then complete the following chart on their own. And check the answers with the whole class.

          Show the chart with blanks on the screen. A few minutes later, check the answers.


          Step Ⅴ Comprehending

          Let the students read the passage again and tell whether the statements True or False according to the text.

          1. Western art has changed very little over the last seventeen centuries. F

          2. Painters in the Middle Ages did not use perspective. T

          3. Impressionists painted landscapes. T

          4. You cannot recognize any object in abstract modern art. F

          5. In the Renaissance most artists painted indoors. T



          Middle Ages, from 5th to 15th century……

          The Renaissance,from 15th to 16 century……

          Impressionism,late 19th to early 20 century……

          Modern Art,from 20th to today……





          班上的學生剛從初三升入高一的學習時,由于進行全英教學,有些學生還不是很適應,特別是從鎮(zhèn)、農(nóng)村考上來的學生,在聽說方面有比較大的困難。由于初高中對學生的要求不同,學生普遍的問題是詞匯量比較少,用中文思維,不知如何用英語表達等,但學生對英語學習的熱情還是比較高漲,興趣較濃。學生對本課時的話題No Drugs有所了解,在前一課的Reading and vocabulary中對吸毒及其危害的詞匯接觸了一些,但還是比較有限。因此在教此課前布置學生通過媒體網(wǎng)絡上了解相關的背景信息。在課堂教學中,努力激發(fā)學生參與教學活動的熱情,積極思考,相互討論,共同協(xié)作。


          本課時所教的是外研版高一上學期使用的必修⑵Module2中的Listening and vocabulary和speaking部分的內容,是本模塊的第三課時。要求通過聽的活動了解和學習有關吸毒和犯罪的詞匯,培養(yǎng)表達結果,作總結邏輯思維能力和獲取信息的能力。Speaking討論抽煙帶來的危害,為了與聽力部分的內容銜接,我對Speaking中的話題作個修改,把討論吸煙的危害改編成毒品的危害。在這節(jié)聽說課之前,學生學習了Reading and vocabulary,通過閱讀文章,已經(jīng)掌握了部分抽煙、吸毒及其危害的詞匯,本課時由復習舊課入手,引入新課的新詞匯,并以聽說為主線,對吸毒這一主題進行延伸和拓展。






          學習策略方面:通過組織學生預測問題、聽辯問題,培養(yǎng)抓住和辨別信息要點的`能力。通過拓展討論問題,培養(yǎng)學生獨立思考,自主學習的能力。以individual work,pair work,group work等形式加強合作學習,從網(wǎng)上或其它媒體了解吸毒危害,學會分析、歸納。





          I Organization for class II Teaching of the new lesson Part one:Listening and Vocabulary Task1:學習新單詞,掃除部分聽力障礙

          Step1:做Activity1,復習Reading and Vocabulary中有關Adam Rouse的內容,從而學習新單詞,通過師生的問答方式引入。

          T:What did Adam Rouse do when he didn’t have money to pay for his addiction?S:He broke into a house to steal、T:We call it burglary、So was it legal or illegal?S:Of course it was illegal、T:Sometimes some other addicts will not only break into people’s houses to steal,but also in small shops or shopping centers we call it shoplifting、T:Do you think that burglary or shoplifting are good behavior,good for society and people?S、Of course not、T:They break the law when they do it、It is a crime and we call those people who break the law criminals。



          l、______ are the large places where you can buy things。

          2、It is _____ to take drug as it is against the law。

          3、______ are people who break the law。

          4、_______ is the crime of stealing from a shop。

          5、_______ is the crime of stealing from a house。

          6、______ centers can help people to stop taking drugs。


          Step3:設疑、導讀、預測:T:According to the given vocabulary,can you guess what the listening material is about?(啟發(fā)學生的想象思維)T:Go through the questions in Activity 2 and predict the answers。(讓學生討論,培養(yǎng)學生的預測能力)

          Step4:導聽、釋題、聽辯交流:T:For the 1st time,listen and try to get the answers to the 5 questions in Activity 2、Require that students should write down some related information、Questions:

          1、Is the woman in the studio a police officer?

          2、Is she sure about the number of people who steal to pay for drugs?

          3、Do drug users only steal from shops?

          4、Do all drug users attend treatment centers?

          5、Are most drug users young men?(在教師的引導下,學生開始聽錄音)(針對聽力練習的具體任務、目標)

          T:For the 2nd time,listen and try to fill in the form below、name of the interviewee job of the woman number of the people who use illegal drugs in Britain number of the people who break the law to pay for drugs number of the addicts who go to treatment centers crimes they commit After listening,check the answers。(在教師的指導下,學生邊聽錄音斬作摘記,養(yǎng)成邊聽邊記邊理解的良好習慣)

          Step 5:瀏覽原文,檢查核對,掃除疑問。

          再播放一次錄音,把錄音材料編成完形填空的形式,讓學生復習,核對檢查所聽內容)(individual work ———— pair work)I==Interviewer P===Professor

          I:Good evening,and welcome to the show、With me in the studio is Professor Marion Smith,who is an expert on the ___________ between ________ and ________、Good evening,Professor Smith。

          P:Good evening。

          I:First of all,how many people use _________ drugs in Britain?

          P:Possibly four million people。

          I:Really?Four million?


          I:How many of them ________________ in order to pay for their drugs?

          P:It’s possible that a hundred thousand people ______ in order to pay for their ___________。

          I:A hundred thousand?!That’s incredible、And what kinds of __________ do they commit?

          P:Mainly _________————— in other words,stealing from shops———— and __________、Stealing from houses。

          I:I see。

          P:And there’s another problem、Drug users get into trouble with the police for other reasons as well。

          I:What kinds of reasons?

          P:Well。,you often see drug users in public places,———_______________,railway stations,for example————— and some of the them behave so badly that members of the public _______________、Some people feel so _______ when they see drug users that they call the police anyway。

          I:This is a really bad problem,isn’t it?

          P:Absolutely,but the good news is that drug users who go to ______________ usually stop their ______________ activities。

          I:How many addicts go to treatment centers?

          P:Last year,about 30,000 people went to drug treatment centers。

          I:Thirty thousand?That’s amazing。

          P:Yes,there are such a lot of people that there isn’t time ________________。

          I:What kind of people are they?

          P:Well,the majority are young people in their twenties、And about 75 percent of the young people are men。

          I:And do all these people live in cities?

          P:Oh no、The ___________ of drug users in society is the same in cities and in the countryside、But they all have something in common。

          I:What is that?

          P:Drug users are more likely to ________________ at school。

          I:Professor Marison Smith,thank you very much。

          P:Thank you。(發(fā)放錄音材料,讓學生核對檢查所聽內容)

          Step 6:給關鍵詞,概括大意The connection between crime and drug addiction The illegal drug use—————the result The public ‘s attitude towards drug users The way to help drug users T:Suppose you are the interview,after you finish your interview with the professor,you realize that you still have got 2—3 minutes to end your program,now you are required to give a summary of your interview and call on the people to say no to drugs、(Ask students to discuss with his group members first and later check。)Part II Speaking在學生完成聽力的基礎上,適當對聽力材料進行拓展,通過提問引出相關的話題,讓學生分組的討論。




          1、Has anyone been to your school to talk about the danger of drugs?What are the dangers of using drugs?(to the drug addicts themselves,to the family and the society)

          2、What do you think of those drug addicts?What is your attitude to those drug users?

          3、What do you think are the reasons for those people to become drug addicts?What can the society do to help them?

          Step8:學生分組討論、自由討談,由每組的group leader負責記錄信息,組織活動。



          1、口語練習(組成一個interview)group work。

          Suppose you are going to have a program to make people realize the danger of taking drugs and you are going to interview the following people————a drug addict,a police officer,a clerk in the treatment centre、Give the proper questions to each of them and make them interested in your topic、And of course the interviewee please be co—operative and give the proper answer、The whole team should try to make the interview go smoothly、The interview A police officer A drug addict A clerk in the treatment centre

          2、作文:My idea about drugs。

          3、Evaluation about your performance in class、Make your marks out of ten 1、How attentive were you?2、How much did you contribute to the lesson?3、How much did you learn?

          4、How much did you co—operate with your group members?30———40 very good 20—30 ok below 20 not very well and need improving




          Good morning, everyone! I’m glad to be here to give my lesson plan presentation. The lesson plan I am going to talk about is the reading part of Unit 4 Wildlife Protection in the book NSEFC BOOK1. Now I’ll explain my lesson plan from the following aspects——analysis of teaching material, learning condition, teaching objectives, important and difficult points, teaching methods, teaching procure and blackboard design.

          Analysis of teaching material and learning condition

          First, let’s come to the analysis of teaching material. The reading material is entitled How Daisy Learned to Help Wildlife. It talks about how Daisy learned the importance of wildlife protection through her communication with some animals in her dream. It is closely connected with this unit’s topic——the importance of wildlife protection. The passage is clearly organized by Daisy’s 3 trips in which she communicates with several endangered animals, and there are not so much new words in this passage

          Now let’s move on to the analysis of learning condition, students must be very familiar with the topic and interested in all kinds of animals. Students have acquired the basic reading skills, such as skimming, scanning, etc to deal with different reading tasks, and they can do some discussion in English. However, they are not familiar with the organization WWF mentioned in the passage, not clear with the author’s purposes of writing some sentences, and they may find it difficult to deal with some real problems by themselves concerning with wildlife protection.

          Teaching objectives

          Based on the analyses of the teaching material and the learning condition, I will show you the teaching objectives.

          (1) Language Skills:

          1. Students can get the needed information about Daisy’s trip by applying different reading skills.

          2. Students can summarize the main ideas of each paragraph through skimming.

          3. Students can analyze the author’s purpose of writing sentences like “No rainforest, no animals, no drugs” and “And there are always WWF.”

          (2) Language Knowledge:

          1. Students can know more about why some animals are in danger and how to protect them.

          2. Students can know how to use the new words, such as mercy, importance, contain, etc.

          (3) Affective objectives:Students can realize the importance of wildlife protection.

          (4) Culture awareness:Students can know something about the organization WWF.

          (5) Learning strategy:

          1. Students can improve their communication strategy by discussing with classmates about protecting animals.

          2. Students can refer to the Internet to know more about wildlife protection.

          Key point and difficult points:

          Key points:

          (1) Students can improve their reading skills, such as summarizing, skimming, scanning, etc.

         。2)Students can get the main idea of the passage.

          (3) Students can know how to use the new words in the passage.

          Difficult Points:

          1. Students can summarize the main ideas of each paragraph.

          2. Students can get the implied meaning of some sentences in the passage.

          Teaching methods

          As for teaching methods, I’ll follow the interactive model to deal with the reading material and communicative approach to put what the students have learned into use.

          Teaching procedure:

          Then I’ll talk about the most important part of my presentation——teaching procedure.


          The first step is warming-up. It will cost 3 minutes. First, I’ll show my students a short clip of video about the endangered wildlife. Then, I’ll ask the students to name the endangered animals in it together with me and list more. This step is aimed to arise the students’ interest and get the students familiar with the topic——wildlife.


          The second step is pre-reading. It will cost about 5 minutes with 2 activities. In the first activity, I’ll introduce something about the organization WWF to the students. The second activity is to ask students to give their reasons to the question “Why are some animals in danger?”. The purpose of these activities is to let students have the background knowledge of the passage and get interested in reading the passage. And it is also in this step some new words like fur, protect, affect will be taught.


          The third step is while-reading. It consists of 3 activities which will be finished in 20 minutes.

          The first activity is skimming. It will cost about 5 minutes. I’ll ask the students to skim the passage and work out the main ideas of each paragraph by themselves. It is the difficult point for the students, so I’ll give them hints such as key words or some answers to choose when necessary to help them to do the summarization. The purpose is the improve students’ reading ability——skimming and let them get the main ideas of the passage.

          The second activity is scanning. It will cost about 3 minutes. I’ll ask the students to read fast and do some True or False questions. The purpose of it is to get students know the detailed information about Daisy’s trip and wildlife protection and improve their scanning ability.

          The third activity is close reading. It will cost about 12 minutes. Students will be asked to read the passage paragraph by paragraph and fill in the form the needed information——name of the animals in Daisy’s trips, their situation, and result. Then I’ll ask the students questions: “What does the author want to tell us from the first paragraph?”, “How the government help protect the elephants?”, and “How do you understand the sentences ‘No rainforest, no animals, no drugs.’ and ‘a(chǎn)nd there was always WWF.’?”. These 3 questions involve some implied meanings which may be difficult for students to work out, so I’ll give some key words as hints for them or ask some other related questions to guide them to work out the answers. The purpose of this activity is to make the students fully understand the reading material and try to analyze the author’s purpose of writing some sentences. And in these 3 activities, I can also teach students some new words like carpet, respond, powerful, etc.


          The fourth step is post-reading. It will cost about 10 minutes. I’ll ask the students to form groups of 4 and do the discussion based on the questions on page 27, and they can refer to the reading material to work out these answers. After the discussion, I’ll ask some students to report their answers, especially how to protect the endangered animals.


          The last step is homework. It will take about 2 minutes. The homework is to write a short passage entitled “How to Protect Wildlife”. They can surf the internet and try to find more ways about wildlife protection.

          Well, this is the blackboard design. In the middle, it’s the form for students to fill in, and on the 2 sides, there are the new words in the passage. Some of them, as I’ve mentioned, are taught in pre-reading. Most of them is taught in third-step while-reading.

          That’s all for my lesson plan presentation. Thank you for your attention. Thank you!

          Unit 4 How Daisy Learned to Help Wildlife

          protect Animal Situation Result carpet

          fur Para 1 antelope being hunt decrease powerful

          affect Para 2 respond

          in relief Para 3 importance

          mosquitoes appreciate






          本單元以世界性的體育盛會──Olympic Games 為話題,旨在通過本單元的教學,使學生了解奧運會的起源、宗旨、比賽項目以及古現(xiàn)代奧運會的異同。本節(jié)課為本單元的第一節(jié)課,上課前已經(jīng)交代學生對本單元的詞匯、單詞進行預習,交代他們尋找一些有關奧運會的知識,讓他們?yōu)閷W習本單元作好心理準備。


          讓學生學會用英語表達自己的興趣愛好,以及如何向別人推薦某一種愛好,同時培養(yǎng)學生對體育運動的愛好。能用英語就奧運會的基礎知識進行互相問答,并能簡述奧運會的基礎知識,例如一些體育項目名稱和舉行奧運會的年限。 (在課件里我已經(jīng)為學生準備了一些簡單的'體育項目名稱)結合高一學生實際和教材內容,我把本課時內容分為語言知識、語言技能、學習策略、情感態(tài)度、文化意識五個方面制定相應教學目標:


          雙基詞匯:學習掌握一些有關奧運會的詞匯,如:compete, medal,competitor, Greece, Greek, athlete, stadium,gymnasium等。掌握文中涉及的其他一些詞匯,如: honest, host magical,interview,admit, a set of, as well as等。


          When and where will the next Olympic Games be held?

          I have come to your time...that in 2004…they were held in myhometown of Athens.

          All countries can take part if their athletes reach the standard to be admitted to the games.

          It is just as much a competition among countries to host the Olympics as to win an Olympic medal.

          表達自己的興趣愛好以及如何向別人推薦某一種愛好的結構句式,如:What are your hobbies?

          How do you become good at them?

          I think/don’t think that…

          I agree/don’t agree that…etc.


          When and where will the next Olympic Games be held?

          The 2008 Olympic Games will be held in China.




          讀:通過Scanning, careful reading, generalization, inference等閱讀微技能訓練,獲取關于奧運會的信息,處理信息,運用信息進行推理、判斷的能力。














          Period 1: Reading (Warming, Pre-reading, Reading, Comprehending )

          Period2:Grammar(Learning about Language, Workbook中的Using Words and Expressions和Using Structures)

          Period 3: Extensive(Using Language中的Reading和Workbook中的Reading)

          Period 4: Listening(Using Language中的Listening和Workbook中的Listening)

          Period 5: Speaking(Speaking, Speaking Task和Talking)

          Period 6: Writing(Writing和Workbook中的Writing Task和Project)


          Period 1 Warming up, Pre-reading, Reading and Comprehending

          Step 1. Pre-task

          Activity 1. Warming up (6 minutes)

          1、師生互動:教師展示一些中國體育健兒在28屆雅典奧運會上奪冠的精彩畫面,提出一些問題,如 Who can tell me what it is about? Can you describe what you have seen? Do you know some details

          about the Olympic Games? What do the Olympic rings mean?

          What’s the motto of Olympic Games?

          引出本單元的話題---奧運會。在此過程中展示一些學生熟悉并喜歡的體育明星及體育運動的畫面,從視覺上激發(fā)學生對本話題的興趣,并為過渡到Warming up部分做準備。

          2.小組活動:學生兩人一組進行問答Warming up(P9)里的問題。教師給出答案和各題分值,讓學生自我評分,了解自己對奧運會的熟悉程度。在活動過程中,教師適時教授新詞匯,激發(fā)學生的求知欲望,從而將學生引向課文的學習。

          Activity2.Pre-reading (5 minutes)

          1.師生互動:在教學過程中,教師出示北京風光、2008奧林匹克體育場等一些圖片,然后提出問題:When and where will the next Olympic Games be held?緊接著引向 Pre-reading的教學。


          Step 2. Task-cycle

          Activity 1. Listening and fast reading (4 minutes)


          It tells us the differences and similarities about the ancient and modern Olympics.

          2.班級活動:學生發(fā)言,校對完善對文章大意的把握,為detail reading作鋪墊。

          Activity 2. Read the text carefully again and fill in

          the chart (10 minutes)

          1.個人活動: 認真閱讀課文,找出古現(xiàn)代奧運會的異同。



          Activity 3. Know more about the Olympic Games (3 minutes)


          Activity 4. The analysis of the passage (9 minutes)

          班級活動:幫助學生總結歸納課文中出現(xiàn)的重要詞匯、短語和句子,如:take part in, a set of, as well as, compete with, compete for, be admitted as, relate to, be related to When and where will the next Olympic Games be held?

          I have come to your time...that in 2004. They are to be held in my hometown of Athens.


          Step 3. Post-task

          Activity 1. Discussion (5 minutes)



          Activity2. Talk show (3 minutes)


          Homework: 借助課文中的關鍵句子,用第一人稱復述課文。


         。≒art 1)

         。≒art 2)

          take part in

          a set of

          as well as

          compete with,compete for

          be admitted as

          relate to

          be related to

          When and where will the next Olympic Games be held?

          I have come to your time...that in 2004…they are to be held in my hometown of Athens.


          school sport meet the Asian Games the Olympic games the World Cup etc

          ball games:volleyball , basket ball , football , table tennis , tennis , golf ,badminton ,bowling ,baseball , American football , ice hockey , etc

          Events of sports track and field : relay race , long jump , high jump , pole jump , discus , shot , javelin etc

          gymnastic : rings , double bars , high and low bars , horse , free exercise

          swimming ,shooting ,skiing ,ice sports , diving ,etc






          學生要掌握以下新詞和新短語:Words: wildlife, protection, wild, decrease, loss, reserve, hunt, zone, carpet, respond, distant, fur, relief, laughter, mercy, certain, importance, rub, mosquito, insect, contain, powerful, affect, attention, appreciate, succeed.Phrases: die out, in peace, in danger of, in relief, burst into laughter, protect…from, pay attention to.除此之外,他們能學會討論瀕臨滅絕的動物和野生動物保護。












          第二個步驟是pre-reading。我會問他們以下問題:1. What other endangered animals do you know in other countries?2. Why are they in danger of disappearing?我會要求學生與搭檔合作,列出其他要瀕臨滅絕的動物。通過此活動,他們對野生動物的知識有所增加并且能意識到它們所面臨的數(shù)量減少的嚴重性。這個步驟將在5分鐘內完成。


          Animal she met Place she went First visit Second visit Third visit


          Paragraph Main idea Animal Situation Result 1 2 3 and 4


          1.Why has the antelope in Tibet become an endangered species?

          2. Why are elephant numbers increasing in Zimbabwe?

          3. How does the government of Zimbabwe help protect wild animals?

          4. Why is it important to protect the rainforest?

          5. What must be done if wildlife protection is to succeed?










          閱資料,他們知道了河流的特點和流向,沿途所要經(jīng)過的地形等等,增長了地理方面的知識,開闊了視野。通過閱讀, 教師要讓學生學到一些有關地理的單詞和短語,訓練他們的閱讀技巧,還要讓他們做好懂得如何做好旅行前的準備工作,例如選擇自己感興趣的旅行地點,確定旅游路線,通過查地圖等了解沿途的相關信息。這課時主要側重于閱讀能力的培養(yǎng),教給學生多種靈活多變的閱讀方法。引導學生開展任務型閱讀,以任務為依托,激發(fā)學生參與主體,從篇章中準確、高效地獲取知識與信息。 體裁:旅行日記

          3、學生分析:學生已經(jīng)學了warming-up與部分單詞,并且預習了這篇課文,上課會比較輕松,理解也比較容易。 4、教學目的要求:

         、僬Z言知識:理解與旅游有關的知識并掌握文中的詞匯短語。 ②語言技能:培養(yǎng)閱讀策略(跳讀、查讀、略讀與歸納能力);了解旅游常識;學會如何寫旅行日志。







          1、教學方法與手段:任務型教學法,合作式教學與討論結合,設計循序漸進的活動,確保課堂的整體性、互動性、趣味性和交際性。 2、教學輔助:多媒體(圖片、視頻、音頻) 三、教學過程 1、Lead-in 導入



          2、Pre-reading 讀前活動


         、铺岢鰞蓚關于湄公河的背景問題,并展示湄公河的地圖。 3、While-reading 讀中活動 ⑴快速閱讀

         、俨シ耪n文錄音,要求學生聽錄音時找出每段的大意。 ⑵細節(jié)閱讀

          1.給出4個陳述句讓學生判斷正誤并予以糾正。培養(yǎng)學生發(fā)現(xiàn) 判斷 處理獲取信息的能力。

          2.結合課文,完成表格填空。分析人物的性格,這對培養(yǎng)學生閱讀中推理和歸納能力非常重要,同時,我討論分析王薇的人物性格做了鋪墊。 4、Post-reading 讀后活動




          5. 總結:內容總結與方法總結 通過歸納知識點,使得學生獲得一定的成就感。

          6、Homework 家庭作業(yè)

          通過設計和轉換角色 ,讓學生作為一名記者去采訪王薇或者是王坤,用英語寫一篇對話,有利于提高學生的寫作能力和水平。而找出文章中的難句的目的是為了下節(jié)課的語言學習奠定基礎。







        高中英語《Body Language》說課稿12-10





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