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      1. СŒW(xu¨¦)Ó¢ÕZÓ¢ÎÄÕfÕn¸å

        •rég£º2024-09-19 13:24:46 ÒËšg СŒW(xu¨¦)ÕfÕn¸å ÎÒҪͶ¸å




        ¡¡¡¡Ð¡ŒW(xu¨¦)Ó¢ÕZÓ¢ÎÄÕfÕn¸å 1

        ¡¡¡¡First Im glad to be standing here to share my teaching plan. And I really appreciate this opportunity to exchange ideas with all of you.

        ¡¡¡¡¢ñ. Guiding ideology

        ¡¡¡¡New English Curriculum and standards says that, English teaching should take students learning interest, experience of life and cognitive level as the starting point, in order to promote the learning style of experiencing, practicing, participating, cooperating and communicating. Correspondingly, task-based teaching method is strongly recommended.

        ¡¡¡¡¢ò. Analysis of the book

        ¡¡¡¡Im going to talk about Unit 1 of Module 2, Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press Primary English, Book 10. This lesson includes three parts. In section 1, it mainly deals with the dialogue about the e-mail from Lingling, which talks about the dietary habits of English food. The second part of this lesson gives students a chance to practice the sentence structure ¡°What did she have for breakfast/lunch/dinner? She had¡­¡±. And in section 3, it provides a real situation for the Students to practice the pattern.

        ¡¡¡¡¢ó. Analysis of students

        ¡¡¡¡Psychologically, students of this age are very imitative, deeply interested in learning English. They have great curiosity and they are eager to show what they know. Therefore, lively teaching materials and flexible teaching methods are needed in this lesson.

        ¡¡¡¡¢ô. Teaching aims

        ¡¡¡¡Based on New English Curriculum and standards and the analysis of the book and the students, I set the teaching aims of this lesson.

        ¡¡¡¡1. Aims on the knowledge and the abilities

        ¡¡¡¡(1) To enable the students to listen, speak and read the words:

        ¡¡¡¡email ,sandwiches, traditional, delicious

        ¡¡¡¡(2) To enable the Ss to understand and speak:

        ¡¡¡¡What did she have for breakfast/lunch/dinner?

        ¡¡¡¡She had¡­.

        ¡¡¡¡(3) Make sure that Ss can describe dietary habits in real situations.

        ¡¡¡¡2. Procedures and methods

        ¡¡¡¡(1) Using a chant to get students interest

        ¡¡¡¡(2) Doing listening to understand the knowledge

        ¡¡¡¡(3) Practicing the dialogue in various ways to practice the sentence structure.

        ¡¡¡¡(4) Finishing a task by interviewing in order to make sure they can use the sentence structure in real situation

        ¡¡¡¡(5) Doing homework to develop knowledge

        ¡¡¡¡3. Aim on the emotion

        ¡¡¡¡To lead Students to have a good dietary habit

        ¡¡¡¡¢õ. Key-point of this lesson

        ¡¡¡¡To help Students ask and answer the question:

        ¡¡¡¡What did she have for breakfast/lunch/dinner?

        ¡¡¡¡She had¡­.

        ¡¡¡¡¢ö. Difficult point

        ¡¡¡¡To help students describe dietary habits in real situations

        ¡¡¡¡¢÷. Teaching procedures

        ¡¡¡¡Now Ill exchange my idea for teaching procedures.

        ¡¡¡¡Step 1. Warming-up

        ¡¡¡¡Activity 1.

        ¡¡¡¡In order to review the learned knowledge, warm up the class atmosphere and get students attention to study, I adopt Happy Teaching Method. Lets chant together. I will use the computer and overhead projector to make the inputs reasonable and comprehensible. It will also make my teaching lively and interesting.

        ¡¡¡¡Step 2. Presentation

        ¡¡¡¡Activity 1

        ¡¡¡¡Then Ill lead the way. The students will interact with the teacher by playing a guessing game to understand and speak the words. In this activity, some traditional teaching media such as cards and pictures are used to reflect the reality of teaching.

        ¡¡¡¡Activity 2.

        ¡¡¡¡After having a general understanding of the words, students will listen to the tape carefully and answer some questions to have a general idea of the dialogue.

        ¡¡¡¡Step 3. Practice

        ¡¡¡¡In the third step of the teaching procedure, students will practice the dialogue in various ways to internalize English language and cultivate learning strategies of cooperating and learning by themselves. Communicative teaching method is used here to develop students ability of using language.

        ¡¡¡¡Activity 1

        ¡¡¡¡To internalize the language by reading after the tape and group leaders and reading in pairs

        ¡¡¡¡Activity 2

        ¡¡¡¡To consolidate language by acting out the dialogue

        ¡¡¡¡Activity 3

        ¡¡¡¡To practice the language by making sentences and communicating in pairs

        ¡¡¡¡Students will accomplish the task in groups. They work as a team to communicate in English. This kind of learning method can foster students consciousness of good cooperation and proper competition.

        ¡¡¡¡Step 4 Production

        ¡¡¡¡In this step, I organize students do an interview. In this step, I let everyone take part in the activity. In this relatively real situation, there is a larger space of thinking and imaging for students. Task-based teaching method is used here to develop Students ability of communication and their ability of co-operation will be well trained. New English Curriculum and instructional standards says that students are the real master of this lesson. They are English learner and real master. So the teacher should act as a guider, organizer and cooperator. I will let the Students learn in real situations.

        ¡¡¡¡Step 5 Assessment

        ¡¡¡¡In order to encourage students and show the variability of assessment ways, I put ¡°good, great, super, excellent¡± in my teaching, and give them assessment according to their performance. According to the self-assessment, assessment among groups and the teachers assessment, the first three groups are going to be praised for stickers. For other groups, I will also encourage them orally to feel the happiness of success and have more confidence to learn English.

        ¡¡¡¡Step 6 Reflection

        ¡¡¡¡To consolidate the learned knowledge and prepare for new one, and gain the learning strategies of cooperating and learning by themselves, I design the homework as follows:

        ¡¡¡¡1. Listen and recite the dialogue.

        ¡¡¡¡2. Design a list of English dietary

        ¡¡¡¡3. Prepare for Unit 2 of Module 2

        ¡¡¡¡Step 7 Reflection

        ¡¡¡¡This plan is made according to the New English Curriculum and standards. The first successful point is adopting task-based teaching method to develop students abilities of applying English in real life and build up their confidence. The second successful point is using traditional teaching media (cards and pictures) to connect with the modern teaching ideas.

        ¡¡¡¡I will change my teaching plan according to the students performance to achieve the best effects. Thank you!

        ¡¡¡¡Ð¡ŒW(xu¨¦)Ó¢ÕZÓ¢ÎÄÕfÕn¸å 2

        ¡¡¡¡Lesson Plan Presentation

        ¡¡¡¡Hello, everyone. It is my honor to present my lesson plan here. Today, Im going to present the third period of the Unit two from this book, NSEFC book3. The type of this lesson is reading for writing. The reading material for today follows the intensive reading and is the second part of the whole story, Come and Eat Here. It mainly talks about that Wang Pengwei and Yong Hui cooperated with each other while running restaurants. As a result, their food becomes healthier. The writing task in the text book is to write an advertisement for a restaurant. This period is important for Ss to consolidate words and expressions newly learnt and compose a passage as a production.

        ¡¡¡¡As for Ss, I think they have talked so much about the topic in the former periods such as warming-up, pre-reading and comprehending that their general knowledge for the topic has been fully activated. Also, they have learned the relative words, expression and the first part of the story. These can facilitate the students to comprehend the reading passage. Besides, as the Ss are in grade one for the second semester, they are skillful enough to get the information from reading. They are cooperative to gather information through discussions. However, as Ss learn English as a foreign language, they may compose their writing without proper cohesion and coherence.

        ¡¡¡¡Ok, now Id like to talk something about the theoretical basis of my teaching. Writing actually is a complicated process. Different people have different understandings of writing and have varieties of methods to teach writing. McKenzie and Tompkins promote the process-focused approach. Based on interactive theory, they pay special attention to the steps of writing and believe that writing is an interactive activity between Ss and Ss, between Ss and teachers. The ideas can also be found in New English Curriculum. It stresses that teachers should focus on process of Ss learning, let Ss cooperate and feel the sense of success and develop Ss comprehensive language competence. The center of the class should be Ss, not the teacher. Task-based-learning and cooperative learning will be highly favored. Therefore, in the lesson, I will adopt a teaching mode-three-stage and seven ¨Cstep--reading for writing put forward by Professor Luo Xiaojie. The three stages are reading, speaking and writing, and the seven steps are lead-in, pre-reading, while-reading, post-reading, writing preparation, writing draft and writing assessment and revision. So, accordingly, I will have the following rearrangement of teaching material. In order to make the lesson go through naturally, I design some speaking activities after the reading stage. There is a discussion of a balanced menu as the lessons transition from reading to writing. It needs particular tone and structure. It is difficult for Ss to complete the task. Therefore the writing task is changed into the introduction of a restaurant. The topic of the reading material is through the whole lesson.

        ¡¡¡¡According to the analysis of the teaching material, the learning condition, and the theory of teaching reading, I set the following learning objectives:

        ¡¡¡¡Firstly, language skills By the end of the class, students can

        ¡¡¡¡1) predict the content according to the title and the picture.

        ¡¡¡¡2) find out specific information about Wang Pengweis and Yong Huis restaurants by scanning.

        ¡¡¡¡3) write an introduction of a restaurant in proper sentence patterns, using some advanced expressions and connective words.

        ¡¡¡¡Secondly, linguistic knowledge Students can

        ¡¡¡¡1) use some learned sentence patterns in their composition such as nothing could be better than, etc.

        ¡¡¡¡2) use the proper adjectives to describe food such as, energy-giving, delicious, etc.

        ¡¡¡¡Thirdly, affects Students can

        ¡¡¡¡1) be aware that eating healthy food benefits our health a lot.

        ¡¡¡¡2) know the importance of a good eating habit.

        ¡¡¡¡Fourthly, cultural awareness students can know the differences between Chinese and American eating-habits.

        ¡¡¡¡Lastly, Learning strategy students can communicate actively with their partners in working out a balanced menu and in the process of assessment and revision.

        ¡¡¡¡In order to achieve the learning objectives, several activities are designed for the seven steps. The teaching procedures are as followed:

        ¡¡¡¡In the first step, lead-in, I designed two activities which will cost about 3mins. Activity one is a memory test. I will ask ss to review the first part of the story and come up with the foods served in Wang Pengweis and Yong Huis restaurants without referring to the textbooks. The second one requires ss to discuss the weakness and strength of WangPengweis and Yonghuis menus. These two activities aim to introduce the topic as well as arouse Ss interest. Ss will feel eager to know more about the story. This curiosity also helps ss predict.

        ¡¡¡¡The second step is predicting. It needs 2mins. I will ask the ss to read the title and have a quick look at the picture. They will try to guess what will happen to Wang Pengwei and Yong Hui and what will be the result of their competition. Ss will come up with various answers while predicting and their interest to read the passage will be aroused in order to check whether their predictions are right.

        ¡¡¡¡The third step is while reading. Ss read quickly to get some specific information about Wang Pengs and Yong Huis restaurants and their menus and have a deeper understanding of the importance of cooperation. It takes altogether 5mins for Ss to scan the passage and answer four questions. And this activity also helps Ss know something about the writing topic, that is, a balanced menu.

        ¡¡¡¡Next one, we will talk about step four-post reading. I will need 4mins here. I will ask ss to discuss in groups of four. The situation is: after Wang Pengwei and Yong Hui got married, they opened a new restaurant. Ss need work out a balanced menu for them. They will focus on what food they suggest and the features of the food. I will present two examples for Ss, like raw vegetables contain little fat. Ss can express their ideas about food clearly and finish the task of making a balanced menu through cooperation. Whats more, this activity helps Ss be mentally prepared for the writing task.

        ¡¡¡¡With the results of the discussion, we will ask the groups representatives to report their menus. I will show Ss a model. It can provide ss an opportunity to practice making sentences with the newly learnt words and expressions in a logical way based on the topic, healthy food. It needs 4mins. This is an activity of the fifth step-preparation for writing. There is another 7min activity in this step, blank filling. I will tell ss that there is a new restaurant near my home. Do you want to know something about it? Then I will provide Ss with a passage. The passage is an introduction of a restaurant. I will ask them to pay attention to the connective words and phrases they are going to fill in. these words and expressions are very important for writing. The activity can let Ss know how to write the introduction of a restaurant. Besides, some connecting devices to make writing coherent and cohesive are introduced such as a result, for example, in my opinion etc..

        ¡¡¡¡Finally, Ss have warmed up for the topic, gotten enough information, recalled or learnt many relative words and expressions and now they feel confident and eager to write. The sixth step is writing. 12mins will be given to Ss to write an introduction of a restaurant. They should try to persuade their classmates to have diner there. I will provide a framework to ease the writing. Ss need to write three paragraphs. In Para.1, a general introduction of a restaurant will be composed. In Para.2, Ss need to introduce the food served in the restaurant and the features of these foods. In the last paragraph some sentences will be uttered to attract their classmates to come to the restaurant. Before they start to write, Ss will have some useful words and expressions as reference, making it easier to write. Whats more, I will show three tips to guide ss writing, reminding them of paying attention to some aspects such as structure, content, language etc. For example, they should try their best to use the adjectives theyve learnt in this lesson to describe the food they want to serve to their customers.

        ¡¡¡¡As process-oriented writing suggests, the process does not end at the first draft. Ss need assessments and second or more drafts. The final step for today is assessment and revision. I will provide ss the assessment rubrics. They will evaluate each others word cording to content language, spelling and handwriting. I will provide some help while they do the job.

        ¡¡¡¡After all these steps, I will set the homework. I will ask ss to revise the composition in their exercise-books neatly and correctly. Ss will consider more about composing this writing after they have known what is good and what is bad.

        ¡¡¡¡Ð¡ŒW(xu¨¦)Ó¢ÕZÓ¢ÎÄÕfÕn¸å 3

        ¡¡¡¡Lesson Plan Presentation

        ¡¡¡¡Hello, everyone! Its my great pleasure to be here to give my lesson plan presentation. The lesson plan I am going to present is the Reading part from NSEFC Module2 Unit5. The Topics of this unit are music and different types of music. Its a reading course. The passage ¡°A band that wasnt¡± consists of two parts. The structure is very clear, but many new words and phrases in this passage make it difficult for students to understand the content. Based on the above analyses, I rearrange the teaching material. In the comprehending part, I rearrange exercise two. Instead of writing main idea for each paragraph, students should finish it by a match work. It will make it easier to understand the outline of the passage.

        ¡¡¡¡My students are in senior one, so they have achieved certain English level which can help them comprehend the text better. They are also easily activated by pictures and sounds in the class and like to air their opinions. They are familiar with the topic ¡°music¡±, Whats more, they are eager to know more about it. Their interest in such topic can help them learn the passage well.

        ¡¡¡¡As we all know, the deep understanding of the reading material is based on various kinds of information including the printed context and also readers knowledge, concept and value. The information will compensate for each other and in different ways help readers read. I mainly adopt three-stage model-pre-reading, while-reading, and post-reading to deal with the reading. To help students learn more effectively, I also adopt experiential learning, encouraging Ss to learning new things by doing and experiencing. Students can acquire expressions and the ways of solving problems better by taking part in activities like A Date with Lu Yu and discussion, etc.

        ¡¡¡¡According to the analysis of the teaching material, the learning condition, and the theory of teaching reading, I set the following learning objectives:

        ¡¡¡¡1. Language skills:

        ¡¡¡¡By the end of the class, Ss will be able to improve their reading skills by skimming for the main idea of each paragraph and scanning for the Monkees specific information. They can also talk about the formation of the Monkees and the factors to its success in A Date with Lu Yu.

        ¡¡¡¡2. Linguistic knowledge:

        ¡¡¡¡Ss can use the important words and expressions properly such as attach, on purpose, be crazy about, etc. and learn the usual way how most bands become popular and the history of the Monkees.

        ¡¡¡¡3. Affects:

        ¡¡¡¡Ss will know some important factors to success, like hardworking, opportunity, etc. and enjoy expressing opinions in group work.

        ¡¡¡¡4. Cultural awareness:

        ¡¡¡¡1) know the usual way to form a band and the history of the Monkees

        ¡¡¡¡2) be aware of the famous bands abroad and home

        ¡¡¡¡5. Learning strategy:

        ¡¡¡¡1) learn autonomously and cooperatively in different activities before, during and after reading.

        ¡¡¡¡2) get more information through Internet, magazines, etc.

        ¡¡¡¡Language focus

        ¡¡¡¡1) improve Ss reading ability, such as skimming, scanning.

        ¡¡¡¡2) learn the usual way how most bands become popular and the history of the Monkees.

        ¡¡¡¡Anticipated difficulty:

        ¡¡¡¡Because of their limited vocabulary, poor organization, etc, the role play maybe difficult for them to do.

        ¡¡¡¡In order to achieve the learning objectives, several activities are designed for the three stages- pre-reading, While-reading and Post-reading. The teaching procedures are as followes:

        ¡¡¡¡In pre-reading stage, I designed two activities. In activity 1, Ss listen to 4 songs and guess which band sings the song. By sharing their knowledge about some familiar bands, their learning interest will be fully aroused. As a result, a good classroom atmosphere is achieved. In activity 2, Ss will watch a short video and then share their ideas about the Monkees. This activity aims to lead in the topic of the passage naturally and make Ss mentally prepared for the text they are going to learn.

        ¡¡¡¡In While-reading stage, I designed two activities: fast reading and close reading. In fast reading,I will ask them to go through the text quickly and match the main ideas of each paragraph. Then they should scan the passage and find out the information about the Monkees. The fast reading activities are to develop the students reading skills of skimming for general idea of the passage and scanning for specific information. As for close reading, I designed various kinds of comprehending activities, students have to go back to the text again to gather information, reorganize or reinterpret the information. They have to truly understand the attitude of the author and the purpose of the text so as to get the answers. As to paragraph 1, I will ask Ss to read it and answer some questions. Then they should read para.2 carefully and find out the usual way in which a band becomes popular. And Ss should find out the plan and the factors of the Monkees and the way how the Monkees became well-known when dealing with para.3 and 4.

        ¡¡¡¡In Post-reading stage, I designed two activities. Activity1 is discussing. Ss should discuss around the question ¡°Whats the most important thing to success?¡± Through this activity, affective objectives of this lesson are achieved. By discussing, they will be clear about qualities needed to make their dreams come true in the future. Activity 2 is role play. The second activity is an interview. Ss will work in groups of five. One acts as Lu Yu while the other four are the members of the Monkees. They have to talk something about their hard way to be popular and to be the real band. This serves as the output after reading the passage.

        ¡¡¡¡After class, Ss are asked to work in group of four, and search some information of their favorite band and introduce it. By searching the internet, magazines or newspaper to get some information of a certain band, Ss will develop their resource strategy. By such kind of group work, Ss will have more opportunity to communicate with their classmates after class.

        ¡¡¡¡Finally Id like to show my blackboard design. In the left side, its the usual way a band becomes popular. In the middle of the blackboard, its the way how the Monkees became well-known. There are some new words and phrases in the right.

        ¡¡¡¡This is my lesson plan presentation. Thank you for your attention!

        ¡¡¡¡Ð¡ŒW(xu¨¦)Ó¢ÕZÓ¢ÎÄÕfÕn¸å 4

        ¡¡¡¡Good morning, teachers. Today Im very glad to show my teaching plan here. The lesson Im going to talk about is from lesson 1, unit 1, PEP book 1. Generally, Ill teach this lesson from the following aspects: teaching material, teaching aims, teaching and learning methods, teaching procedures and blackboard designing.

        ¡¡¡¡Firstly, lets look at the teaching material. This unit discusses about the stationery. And this lesson is the first one of this unit. It consists of two parts: Lets learn and Lets do. In Lets learn, it requires Ss to master the new words "pencil, pen, crayon, ruler, eraser". Ss have learned some words about stationery. Theyre still very interested in that. So theyll be interested in this new lesson.

        ¡¡¡¡Secondly, lets talk about the teaching aims. The New Curriculum Standard points out that the objective of English in the basic educational stage is to develop Ss ability of language using. According to that and the teaching material, Id like to make the following aims:

        ¡¡¡¡First, knowledge aims: Enable Ss to master the new words "pencil, pen, crayon, ruler, eraser" and the structure "I like¡­".

        ¡¡¡¡Second, ability aims: Develop Ss basic ability of listening and speaking. Enable them to use the structure freely in the real situation.

        ¡¡¡¡Third, emotion aims: Develop Ss consciousness of cooperation and competition.

        ¡¡¡¡Fourth, learning strategy aims: Enable Ss to pay attention to the observation and communication.

        ¡¡¡¡Fifth, culture aims: Make Ss understand the differences between Chinese and English culture.

        ¡¡¡¡According to the analysis of material and the characteristics of pupils, I think the teaching importance of this lesson is the 5 new words and the new structure. The teaching difficulty is to use the words and the structure freely in the real situation.

        ¡¡¡¡Thirdly, Id like to analyze Ss and show you my teaching and learning methods.

        ¡¡¡¡Grade 3 is the first year to learn English. Ss are very curious about English. Theyre active and competitive. Also, they are good at imitating. But, their attention cant be kept long. So it requires us to use attractive teaching manners to hold Ss attention. Based on the psychoanalysis and Ss interests, I mainly use the task-based approach, which embodies the idea of the New Curriculum Standard and can help Ss keep their passion for English. In order to help Ss finish the task efficiently, Ive prepared activities such as TPR, chanting, singing, game, etc. I also arrange individual work, pair work and group work for Ss to practice. Besides, praise is very important. When they have a chance to speak, and have done a good job, they can get a star or something like that on their books. Its very important to keep Ss interests.

        ¡¡¡¡Fourthly, we come to the most important part-the teaching procedures. It can be divided into 5 steps: warm-up, presentation, practice, extension and homework.

        ¡¡¡¡First, lets look at step 1 "Warm-up".

        ¡¡¡¡In this part, Ill get the Ss to sing a song and do some revision.

        ¡¡¡¡The purpose of singing a song is to attract Ss attention and make a relaxing atmosphere for Ss to concentrate on the English class. The revision aims to help Ss review the words and sentences they have learned before and get them prepared for the new lesson.

        ¡¡¡¡Step 2 "Presentation".

        ¡¡¡¡As we know, children are characterized by image thinking. They can understand the content easily with the help of the gestures. After the new words are taught, a small conclusion can help them master better. And chant is a good way to strengthen their memory and make the poor feel confident, as well as their pronunciation and intonation. The chant in this part is like this: A pen, a pencil, I can see. A pen, a pencil, for you and me. And its necessary to present the new words in different ways to avoid boredom and tediousness.

        ¡¡¡¡Step 3 "Practice".

        ¡¡¡¡Traditionally, there arent many chances offered for Ss to talk in the class. Thats not a proper way to learn English. So Ill try some activities in my lesson, such as games and role play. Games aim to stimulate Ss interests in English and strengthen their memories of whats been learned before. And also train their consciousness of cooperation and competition. Role play is a good way to improve their ability of language using.

        ¡¡¡¡Step 4 is Extension.

        ¡¡¡¡This step is very important and necessary. I mainly put key points and difficulties in this part. Also, Ill praise Ss behavior in this class.

        ¡¡¡¡It can make Ss know more clearly about what they have learned in this class, and proper complements can help them hold their interests.

        ¡¡¡¡Step 5 "Homework".

        ¡¡¡¡(1) Listen and read the new words after class.

        ¡¡¡¡(2) Finish the exercise book.

        ¡¡¡¡Ss will forget the new lessen soon if they dont practice. Its necessary to give some proper assignment. And its also an important feedback.

        ¡¡¡¡Fifthly, Ill show you my blackboard designing. I divide the whole class into 4 groups. Each group can get a star when any one of them does a good job. And thats a competition that can keep their attention. (Write the new words and the structure on the board.)

        ¡¡¡¡Ð¡ŒW(xu¨¦)Ó¢ÕZÓ¢ÎÄÕfÕn¸å 5

        ¡¡¡¡Background of English teaching in primary school: It is not a long history that English is as a subject in primary school in our country and the main instructional aims of teaching English in primary school is to cultivate pupils basic abilities of their listening and speaking and their good sense of the English language.Our boys and girls are exposed to English for the first time, so it is very important to develop their keeninterest in English.


        ¡¡¡¡Today Im going to talk about Part B of Unit 2, PEP Primary English, Book 3.This leon includes two parts: Lets talk and lets practice.In section 1, it mainly deals with the dialogue about ¡°Whats in the schoolbag?¡± and the answers.And in section 2, it provides a real situation for the Ss to prastise the pattern: How many +n.(pl.)+ do you have? And the answer: I have 23 +n.(pl.)

        ¡¡¡¡II.Teaching aims

        ¡¡¡¡1.Aims on the knowledge

        ¡¡¡¡(1) To enable the Ss to understand and speak: ¡°My schoolbag is heavy.Whats in it? Thank you sooooooo much.¡± Make sure that Ss can use these sentences in real situations.

        ¡¡¡¡(2) To help Ss to finish the survey.

        ¡¡¡¡(3) Let Ss finish the aement of ¡°Lets check¡± in this unit.

        ¡¡¡¡2.Aims on the abilities

        ¡¡¡¡(1) To develop Ss abilities of listening and speaking.

        ¡¡¡¡(2) To train the Ss ability of working in groups.

        ¡¡¡¡(3) To foster Ss abilities of communication and their innovation.

        ¡¡¡¡3.Aims on the emotion

        ¡¡¡¡(1)To foster Ss consciousne of good co-operation and proper competition.

        ¡¡¡¡(2) To lead Ss to show their loveline to the poor.

        ¡¡¡¡III.Key-points of this leon

        ¡¡¡¡(1) To help Ss ask and answer the question: Whats in it?

        ¡¡¡¡(2) To enable Ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully.

        ¡¡¡¡(3) To develop Ss interest in English.

        ¡¡¡¡IV.Difficult points

        ¡¡¡¡(1) To help the Ss ask and answer the question ¡°Whats in it?¡± and make sure they can use the plural nouns correctly.

        ¡¡¡¡(2) To finish the survey by themselves.

        ¡¡¡¡V.Teaching methods

        ¡¡¡¡As we all know: the main instructional aims of learning English in primary school is to cultivate pupils basic abilities of listening and speaking and their good sense of the English language.So in this leon Ill mainly use ¡°Task-based¡± teaching method.That is to say, I will let the Ss learn in real situations, finish a task by making a survey to help the Ss to get a better understanding of the key structure of the dialogue.I will arrange four kinds of activities: singing, gueing game, finishing a survey and having a competition.And in this leon a recorder, CAI, school things and a printed form will be

        ¡¡¡¡needed.Students should prepare some school things.

        ¡¡¡¡VI.Teaching procedures and purposes of my designing.

        ¡¡¡¡Ill finish this leon in five steps.

        ¡¡¡¡Step 1.Warm-up and preview

        ¡¡¡¡1.Free talk between T and Ss about things in the claroom.

        ¡¡¡¡2.Sing the song together: Books and pencils.

        ¡¡¡¡3.Do some TPR, for example: Show me your English book.Show me your crayon.

        ¡¡¡¡4.Review the numbers by asking: ¡°How many crayons do you have?¡±

        ¡¡¡¡Purpose: It is important to form a better English learning surrounding for the Ss by singing and doing some total physical response and at the same time it provides situations to review learned knowledge for the next step.

        ¡¡¡¡Step 2.Presentation

        ¡¡¡¡Now Ill mainly talk about this step.

        ¡¡¡¡1.Present the pattern: ¡°My schoolbag is heavy.¡± ¡°Whats in it?.¡±

        ¡¡¡¡(1) Show a bag and say: ¡°Look! I have a bag.¡± Carry it and say: ¡°Oh, it is heavy.My schoolbag is heavy.¡± Help the Ss understand the meaning with the help of my body language.Then lead the Ss to read the sentence.Make sure they can say it correctly.

        ¡¡¡¡(2) T: My schoolbag is heavy.

        ¡¡¡¡Open the bag and say: ¡°Whats in it? Whats in my schoolbag?¡±

        ¡¡¡¡Take out a Chinese book.Then do the action again.Let the Ss read the sentence.

        ¡¡¡¡2.Play a gueing game.Divide the whole cla into four groups to have a competition.Let them gue: Whats in the bag? How many? Purpose: To present the key structures one by one is much easier for the Ss to learn and grasp the meanings.Proper competition can arouse the Ss interest in English learning.

        ¡¡¡¡3.With the help of the CAI to present the dialogue.Set a situation to help Ss understand: Two Ss are coming.One girl is carrying a heavy bag on her back.They are talking.

        ¡¡¡¡Girl: My schoolbag is heavy.

        ¡¡¡¡Boy: Whats in it?

        ¡¡¡¡Girl: 20 story-books, 32 pencil, 9 rulers, 12 crayons and 30 picture-books.Etc.Boy: What will you do?

        ¡¡¡¡Girl: They are for the poor.

        ¡¡¡¡Boy: Great! Ill bring some school things too.

        ¡¡¡¡The boy comes back home and puts a lot of things into the bag.Then he goes to school again and gives them to a teacher.While he is taking them out, he is counting the numbers of all things.The teacher says: Thank you soooooooo much.

        ¡¡¡¡4.Mention that we should take care of the poor.

        ¡¡¡¡5.Play the caette.Let the Ss listen and imitate the dialogue.

        ¡¡¡¡Pay attention to their pronunciation and intonation.Purpose: CAI can provide a real situation for the Ss to understand the dialogue and the relationships between people better.Tell the Ss we should show our loveline to the Ss.

        ¡¡¡¡Step 3.Practice

        ¡¡¡¡Divide Ss into groups of six children.Each one would finish the printed form by asking and answering: How many storybooks do you have? Find out which group finishes faster.Story books picture-books sharpeners crayons pencils erasers pencil-cases rulers Chen Jie 8 24 3 32 26 4 1 3 Purpose: Task-based teaching method is used here to develop Ss ability of communication and also their ability of co-operation will be well trained.

        ¡¡¡¡Step 4.Aement

        ¡¡¡¡Help Ss finish ¡°Lets check¡± of this unit and workbook.

        ¡¡¡¡Purpose: To check the knowledge Ss have learned in this period.

        ¡¡¡¡Step 5.Add-activity

        ¡¡¡¡1.Let Ss tell each other how many school things they have after cla.Tell their parents how many school things they have at home.

        ¡¡¡¡2.Take care of everything they have.

        ¡¡¡¡Purpose: Revision is so important that Ss should speak English as much as they as in cla or after cla.It is neceary for the Ss to do some extensive exercises after cla to consolidate the knowledge they learned.

        ¡¡¡¡Ð¡ŒW(xu¨¦)Ó¢ÕZÓ¢ÎÄÕfÕn¸å 6

        ¡¡¡¡1. content of teaching materials

        ¡¡¡¡This section focuses on festivals and focuses on how people usually spend their holidays.This class requires students to master the National, Day, Halloween, Christmas, Spring, Festival and What do people usually do at of...I?...And free to talk about how to spend the holidays.In this class, did leads to general questions and answers as well as new ones.Because the past tense of the be verb has appeared in the first third units, it is easier for the students to master it when they are studying.

        ¡¡¡¡2. status of teaching materials

        ¡¡¡¡The selected course in this class is English 6A Unit 6 in Oxford primary school.The teaching of this unit revolves around festivals.In this section of the festival, students have the knowledge of the previous third units foreshadowing, relatively easy to depth and expansion.This arrangement reflects not only the progressive meaning of teaching materials, but also the students knowledge level and cognitive level.On how people spend their holidays, especially in Western festivals,.Students are required to collect information in time after class.In the actual teaching, this class uses the old topic, first teaches the new sentence pattern, and uses the sentence pattern to lead the new knowledge way to unfold, this is advantageous for the student to accept and grasp, also has manifested the teaching content the continuity.

        ¡¡¡¡Say target:

        ¡¡¡¡1. teaching objectives

        ¡¡¡¡The new curriculum emphasizes the organic combination of knowledge and skills, process and method, emotion, attitude and values, and in the light of this understanding, I set the following teaching objectives: three.

        ¡¡¡¡[Objective] to students cognitive spoken phrases and words: visit relatives and friends, go to parties, dress up in costumes, ware masks, make pumping lanterns, eat lots of delicious food, National Day, Christmas, Halloween, Spring, Festival, favourite; can use Whens s...What, do, people, usually, do, at...Did you?....last...Yes, I, did./, No, I, didn, T. and so on.

        ¡¡¡¡Ability to communicate in English on holidays, and some students can introduce the festival in English fluently.

        ¡¡¡¡[Objective] through activities and games, students are interested in learning English. Students are encouraged and willing to talk and participate actively in communication.And let students cultivate their sense of cooperation and competition in the process of learning.

        ¡¡¡¡2. teaching difficulties

        ¡¡¡¡The focus of teaching is to let students master the phrase, can use phrases to communicate, the ability of students to use the phrase to describe the preliminary exercise Festival; difficulty is to enable students to understand the temporal changes in richness and realize the use of different phrases to create language.

        ¡¡¡¡Doctrine of teaching:

        ¡¡¡¡1. teaching method design

        ¡¡¡¡According to the characteristics of this English class itself and the sixth grade students interest, I through the design of a specific image of the scene, the old with the new, continuous rolling knowledge, in order to disperse the difficulty of teaching, let students perceive and understand.At the same time, the creation of a number of tasks, from words to phrases to sentence to dialogue to pieces, make students practice and meaningful practice in multi exchange between teachers and students in learning, give full play to their enthusiasm, cultivate their ability to learn to use.

        ¡¡¡¡2. learning method guidance

        ¡¡¡¡To guide students through the method of comparison, observation and speculation gradually new language project function, let the students in practice to realize multi-level learning English "use" the necessity, to encourage students to think actively, bold attempt.

        ¡¡¡¡3. teaching means

        ¡¡¡¡According to the teaching content, teaching objectives, students age characteristics and psychological characteristics, in order to better stimulate students interest in learning, so as to actively participate in learning.Multimedia courseware, pictures and other teaching aids teaching, the abstract sentence in a vivid scene, the game, not only make the learning process more relaxed, can special case.

        ¡¡¡¡Say process:

        ¡¡¡¡1. warm up (Warm up)

        ¡¡¡¡(1) announce the way of study in this lesson: group competition.The seats are divided into four teams, each of which is based on the class performance of each student. At the end of the class, WINNER is added.Then, begin "one sentence for each class". The sentences taught in this class are "Lite is long if you know how to use it.""

        ¡¡¡¡[design intention] the announcement of the study style made the students full of interest in the lesson and aroused their fighting spirit and desire for the groups performance."One sentence for each class" is an essential part of every class I started in grade six.This section mainly teaches students some clever words and phrases.These sentences not only enrich students vocabulary, improve their expression ability, but also enable them to learn idiomatic expressions in english.So as to create a good atmosphere for learning english.

        ¡¡¡¡2. take the old with the new [lead in]

        ¡¡¡¡Provide topic Birthday, free communication between teachers and students, and then use the "How do you your birthday spend" to draw the new sentence pattern of this lesson "What do you on your birthday do", and then import "Did you"..."Last birthday?" and answer.Then use the Colour topic to elicit the sentence pattern My favourite....

        ¡¡¡¡[design intention] to get rid of new knowledge through old knowledge is one of my frequently used teaching methods.With new students, students can master the sentence patterns more easily.At the same time, combine the new sentences with the old ones.It helps to cultivate students open thinking ability.

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        ¡¡¡¡First class; teaching suggestion

        ¡¡¡¡1 teaching material analysis

        ¡¡¡¡The Lets talk part of the textbook is a situational conversation where students learn to ask questions and answer questions about where they are, Wheres, Its, in / on / under, and can be used naturally in actual situations.The Lets practise section is part of the Lets talk part of the game, which provides students with an opportunity to actually use the language.In the two part of knowledge and practice, you can listen, say, and recognize the following words: car, plane, desk, chair, bag, in, on, under.

        ¡¡¡¡2 teaching suggestions

        ¡¡¡¡This class is mainly through situational dialogue, so that students learn to ask questions and answer the location of the sentence, so that students understand in a certain situation, will say and understand the sentence Wheres.... Its in / on / under...The teacher asks the students to prepare the stationery class words before class. When they teach the new sentences, they can use the game "hide and seek" to import sentence patterns Wheres... Its in / on / under...On the basis of understanding the new sentence patterns, use the courseware to learn the new dialogue, so as to recognize the words in the class.Finally, once again, through the game, tin and consolidate the content of the Lets talk, the game can be divided into collective and group game game two, and will find stationery extended to find toys or other things around.

        ¡¡¡¡Second hours teaching suggestion

        ¡¡¡¡1 teaching material analysis

        ¡¡¡¡This session is divided into two sections: Lets, learn, and Lets play.The Lets learn section focuses on teaching a few words that represent transport: bus, bike, jeep, taxi, and a preliminary understanding of the phrase "Look out".Lets play is part of the Lets talk part of the first class, to provide students with an opportunity to use language in real life.

        ¡¡¡¡2 teaching suggestions

        ¡¡¡¡The main lesson to learn several express transport words: bus, bike, jeep, taxi, students of these words have a preliminary understanding, learning again, teachers should design easy to mobilize the students interest and enthusiasm for learning activities.In the introduction of new classes, the introduction of new lessons with simple strokes, but also the use of real toys to allow students to perceive, to attract students with colorful pictures, with familiar voices to mobilize students.Then use animation courseware to present new knowledge.In the training session, the teacher may design the interesting activity, lets the student consolidate in the play, moves.

        ¡¡¡¡Third hours teaching suggestion

        ¡¡¡¡1 teaching material analysis

        ¡¡¡¡This session includes two sections: Lets, say and Lets do.The Lets say part is to train students to listen, say, read and write letters Uu, Vv, Ww, and to make the students understand and speak the letters at the beginning of the word "umbrella", "under", "vest", "Violin", "window", "wind".The Lets do section reviews and consolidates the letter "A-W" through rhythmic, rhythmic instructions.And preliminary understanding of the list of action words show, point, type, colour, say, but also for students to provide a basis for language learning.A-T is the teaching content of this book Unit 1 through Unit 4.

        ¡¡¡¡2 teaching methods

        ¡¡¡¡When teaching letters and words, the teacher uses letters, words and actions to present letters and words at the same time, so that students can learn on the basis of understanding the meaning of words.Such as: umbrella, vest, window, can be explained in kind; violin, wind explained by action.(according to students or teachers change the situation) understand the meaning of words, help to express words, more skilled reading words, and then learn letters, to master pronunciation, master letters shape.

        ¡¡¡¡[Topic] Unit, Five, Where, is, my, ruler?

        ¡¡¡¡[emphasis on teaching] everyday expressions Where s...And its It s in / on / under....

        ¡¡¡¡[teaching difficulties] sentences: Where, is, my, car, In, the, toy, box, understanding

        ¡¡¡¡[teaching aid preparation]

        ¡¡¡¡1 the teacher prepares the tapes for teaching materials.

        ¡¡¡¡2 teachers prepare Let s talk part of the courseware.

        ¡¡¡¡3 teachers and students are ready for pen, pencil, ruler, eraser, bag and other stationery and car, toy, box, ball, plane, doll and other toys.

        ¡¡¡¡4 teachers prepare cards and pictures of the words they learn.

        ¡¡¡¡5 students prepare white paper and watercolor pen, ready to draw.

        ¡¡¡¡6 students prepare patches for the group.

        ¡¡¡¡[teaching process]

        ¡¡¡¡1 warm up and review (Warm-up/Revision)

        ¡¡¡¡(1) students practice everyday expressions.

        ¡¡¡¡(2) games Show, me, the...

        ¡¡¡¡Teachers or students say words such as "pencil", and teachers and students say Show, me, the, pencils., teachers and students put up pencils.In this way, practice other stationery words in the same way.Teachers and students play games together to improve game effectiveness and communication between teachers and students.

        ¡¡¡¡(3) the teacher plays the recordings of book Unit, 2, B, part Let, s, chant, and the students listen and clap and chant rhythmically.

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        ¡¡¡¡Teaching Objectives:

        ¡¡¡¡Language Skills:

        ¡¡¡¡Students will be able to describe their family members and friends using appropriate adjectives and nouns.

        ¡¡¡¡Students will develop their listening and speaking skills through role-play activities and discussions.


        ¡¡¡¡Students will learn and use new vocabulary related to family members (e.g., uncle, aunt, cousin) and adjectives to describe them (e.g., kind, funny, tall).


        ¡¡¡¡Students will practice using the present tense to talk about their family members and friends characteristics and activities.

        ¡¡¡¡Social and Emotional Learning:

        ¡¡¡¡Students will develop a sense of belonging and appreciation for their family and friends.

        ¡¡¡¡Students will learn to express love and gratitude towards their loved ones.

        ¡¡¡¡Materials Needed:

        ¡¡¡¡Pictures or cutouts of different family members and friends

        ¡¡¡¡Flashcards with new vocabulary words

        ¡¡¡¡A worksheet for students to write about their own family and friends

        ¡¡¡¡Audio recordings of family-themed songs or stories

        ¡¡¡¡Warm-up (5 minutes):

        ¡¡¡¡Begin with a song or rhyme related to families, such as "The Family Finger Song," to engage students and set the mood for the lesson.

        ¡¡¡¡Introduction (5 minutes):

        ¡¡¡¡Show a picture of a happy family and ask students to share who they see in the picture. Introduce the topic of "My Family and Friends" and explain its importance in our lives.

        ¡¡¡¡Vocabulary Development (10 minutes):

        ¡¡¡¡Display flashcards with new vocabulary words and ask students to guess their meanings based on context clues or pictures.

        ¡¡¡¡Practice pronunciation and encourage students to use the new words in sentences.

        ¡¡¡¡Grammar Practice (15 minutes):

        ¡¡¡¡Model sentences using the present tense to describe a family member or friend (e.g., "My mom is very kind and always helps me with my homework.").

        ¡¡¡¡Divide students into pairs or small groups and ask them to make similar sentences about their own family members or friends.

        ¡¡¡¡Encourage students to use adjectives learned during the vocabulary development stage.

        ¡¡¡¡Activity: Family and Friends Showcase (15 minutes):

        ¡¡¡¡Prepare a scenario where students take turns introducing their "family" or "friends" using props and the new vocabulary and grammar structures.

        ¡¡¡¡Each student can choose a family member or friend to represent and create a short skit or dialogue showcasing their qualities and activities.

        ¡¡¡¡Wrap-up and Emotional Connection (10 minutes):

        ¡¡¡¡Lead a discussion about why families and friends are important in our lives.

        ¡¡¡¡Encourage students to share one thing they love or appreciate about their family members or friends.

        ¡¡¡¡End with a positive message about cherishing the relationships we have.


        ¡¡¡¡Ask students to complete the worksheet by writing a short paragraph about their favorite family member or friend, using the new vocabulary and grammar learned in class.


        ¡¡¡¡Observe students participation in class activities and their ability to use new vocabulary and grammar structures accurately.

        ¡¡¡¡Evaluate their written work for creativity, use of language, and demonstration of understanding of the lessons themes.

        ¡¡¡¡Ð¡ŒW(xu¨¦)Ó¢ÕZÓ¢ÎÄÕfÕn¸å 9


        ¡¡¡¡By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

        ¡¡¡¡Identify and name at least 10 different animals found in the zoo.

        ¡¡¡¡Use basic descriptive adjectives to talk about the animals appearance and characteristics.

        ¡¡¡¡Practice listening and speaking skills through role-play activities.

        ¡¡¡¡Develop an appreciation for wildlife conservation.


        ¡¡¡¡Flashcards of zoo animals

        ¡¡¡¡A map of a fictional zoo

        ¡¡¡¡Animal sound effects audio

        ¡¡¡¡Worksheets with pictures of animals for description practice

        ¡¡¡¡Video clip showcasing zoo animals in their natural habitats

        ¡¡¡¡Introduction (5 minutes):

        ¡¡¡¡Good morning, class! Today, were going on a magical journey to a place where we can see some of the most amazing creatures on Earth ¨C the zoo! Lets imagine were standing at the entrance of our very own special zoo. Are you excited? (Encourage students to show their excitement with body language and facial expressions.)

        ¡¡¡¡Vocabulary Building (10 minutes):

        ¡¡¡¡First, lets meet some of our animal friends. Ill show you some flashcards, and you need to shout out their names as fast as you can. Ready? Here we go! (Show flashcards of animals like lion, elephant, giraffe, panda, monkey, etc.)

        ¡¡¡¡Now, lets add some description to our animal knowledge. How would you describe a lion? (Guide students to use adjectives like "big", "strong", "maned", etc.) Lets do the same for other animals.

        ¡¡¡¡Listening & Speaking Activity (15 minutes):

        ¡¡¡¡Next, were going to play a game called "Animal Sounds". Ill play a sound effect of an animal, and you have to guess which animal it is and describe it in a sentence. For example, if you hear the roar of a lion, you might say, "I hear a lion. Its a big, fierce animal with a mane." (Play sound effects and encourage student participation.)

        ¡¡¡¡Role-Play (15 minutes):

        ¡¡¡¡Now, lets pretend were zoo guides and visitors. Ill give you each a worksheet with a picture of an animal. Youll be the zoo guide, and your task is to describe the animal to your partner (the visitor) using the adjectives we learned. After that, switch roles. Remember to use sentences like, "Welcome to the zoo! Look at this beautiful giraffe. Its so tall with a long neck and spotted pattern."

        ¡¡¡¡Video Reflection & Conservation Message (10 minutes):

        ¡¡¡¡Lets take a break and watch a short video about how these amazing animals live in their natural habitats. After the video, lets discuss why its important to protect their homes and why we should all be wildlife conservationists. (Play the video and lead a discussion.)

        ¡¡¡¡Conclusion & Homework (5 minutes):

        ¡¡¡¡Today, weve explored the wonders of animals in the zoo and learned so much about them. Remember, every animal is unique and deserves our care and respect. For homework, I want you to draw your favorite zoo animal and write a short paragraph describing it. Tomorrow, well share our creations with the class.

        ¡¡¡¡Thats all for today, class. I hope you enjoyed our journey to the zoo! See you tomorrow with more exciting adventures.

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        ¡¡¡¡Title: Colors and Shapes

        ¡¡¡¡Grade Level: Primary 3

        ¡¡¡¡Teaching Objectives:

        ¡¡¡¡Knowledge and Understanding: Students will be able to recognize and name basic colors (red, blue, yellow, green) and shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle).

        ¡¡¡¡Skills: Students will develop their listening, speaking, and vocabulary skills through activities related to colors and shapes.

        ¡¡¡¡Attitudes and Values: Students will enjoy learning English through interactive and fun activities, fostering a positive attitude towards language learning.

        ¡¡¡¡Teaching Materials:

        ¡¡¡¡Colorful flashcards of basic colors and shapes

        ¡¡¡¡Pictures or cutouts of objects in different colors and shapes

        ¡¡¡¡Whiteboard and markers

        ¡¡¡¡Interactive game materials (e.g., color sorting board, shape puzzles)

        ¡¡¡¡Teaching Methods:

        ¡¡¡¡Direct Instruction: Introducing new vocabulary and concepts clearly and concisely.

        ¡¡¡¡Visual Aids: Using flashcards and pictures to make the lesson more engaging and memorable.

        ¡¡¡¡Group Work: Encouraging peer interaction through games and activities.

        ¡¡¡¡Repetition and Practice: Reinforcing new knowledge through repeated exposure and exercises.

        ¡¡¡¡Teaching Steps:

        ¡¡¡¡Step 1: Warm-up (5 minutes)

        ¡¡¡¡Sing a song related to colors or shapes to create a relaxed and fun atmosphere.

        ¡¡¡¡Step 2: Introduction of New Vocabulary (10 minutes)

        ¡¡¡¡Display flashcards of colors and shapes, teaching one by one with clear pronunciation and simple explanations.

        ¡¡¡¡Encourage students to repeat after the teacher.

        ¡¡¡¡Step 3: Interactive Practice (15 minutes)

        ¡¡¡¡Play a "Point and Say" game: Students point to flashcards and say the name of the color or shape in English.

        ¡¡¡¡Group activity: Students work in pairs to match objects with their corresponding colors and shapes.

        ¡¡¡¡Step 4: Consolidation (10 minutes)

        ¡¡¡¡Whiteboard activity: The teacher draws a shape on the board and asks students to suggest a color to fill it in.

        ¡¡¡¡Students take turns to draw a shape and ask their classmates to suggest a color.

        ¡¡¡¡Step 5: Wrap-up and Assessment (5 minutes)

        ¡¡¡¡Quick review of the learned colors and shapes.

        ¡¡¡¡Simple quiz: Students show their understanding by pointing to colors and shapes when called upon.

        ¡¡¡¡Positive feedback to all students, emphasizing their participation and effort.


        ¡¡¡¡Observational assessment during group activities and individual practice.

        ¡¡¡¡Quick quiz at the end of the lesson to check comprehension.


        ¡¡¡¡Draw a picture using at least three different colors and shapes, label them in English, and bring it to the next class.



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