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      1. 威廉王子在澳大利亞堪培拉國會大廈英語演講稿

        時間:2020-11-25 08:51:41 英語演講稿 我要投稿


          Prime Minister, Mr President, Madam Speaker, Chief Justice, Leader of the Opposition, Ministers and Members of Parliament, members of the Diplomatic Corps, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen – thank you for your truly warm welcome.


          When Catherine and I arrived in Sydney last week, I said how much we had been lookingforward to this visit. Drawing on my own experience, I told Catherine that it would bewonderful, and so it has been. Anticipation has become deep admiration.

          There is so much to admire about Australia. Catherine and I acknowledge the timeless valuesof the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. They have been the custodians of thisancient and majestic continent for thousands of years. The Traditional Owners’ stories, and themagnificent and moving rock art at Uluru, which we saw for ourselves, are a pricelessinheritance. They tell us not just about the past but provide a precious vision for the future.

          Catherine and I had the privilege earlier this week of visiting Sydney’s Taronga Zoo, which iscommitted – through conservation – to just such custodianship. And I know, too, howimportant Australian support has been for the global consortium, United for Wildlife, which isfighting the scourge of the illegal trade in wildlife, and poaching, something very close to myheart.

          Australia has a quality of life and a level of excellence that makes it a magnet: anenormously attractive place to live, trade, invest, and indeed just visit. The arts and sciencesflourish; Australian sporting success is legendary; agriculture – from the traditional to thetechnologically most advanced – is hugely successful. This is a country that is in the front rankinternationally.

          We have both seen all this for ourselves. Australia may be known as “the Lucky Country”, butoften the harder you work, the luckier you get. Australians make their own luck. The distinctAussie formula that has fashioned such a dynamic society is the source of admiration andenvy around the world.

          What Australia has achieved goes much wider than Australia itself. The last thirty years haveseen the rise of the Asia-Pacific region. In a short time, it has become an economic power housewith huge consequences for the whole world order. The Asia-Pacific region is now a key actor –sometimes the key actor – in confronting many of the global challenges of the twenty firstcentury. It is enormously important – and reassuring – that Australia is at the heart not justof its own success but of the wider regional story, too. Australia is a champion of justice andeconomic and political freedoms. Australia plays an invaluable role in building an open andpeaceful Asia-Pacific for the benefit of all.

          Over the years, Australians have fought bravely for freedom in numerous conflicts. As thosewho were involved pass on, succeeding generations must remember and keep vivid thesacrifice they made. Catherine and I look forward to paying tribute to them at tomorrow’sANZAC Day commemoration; and – with my brother Harry – to taking part in next year’sGallipoli centenary.

          Reluctantly, Catherine, George and I leave Australia tomorrow. Thank you for the warmth andgenerosity that has been shown to us during our visit. We go away with wonderful memories,and George goes away with his cuddly wombat, which he has taken to chewing so lovingly. Wegreatly look forward to coming back. And when we do return, it will be to marvel again at allthat Australia is, and will yet become.













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