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      1. 求職寶典

        6.2 筆試真題 & 詳解


        1. What file do I edit to prevent specific users from accessing an ftp server?

        Choose the best answer:

        A. /etc/hosts.allow

        B. /etc/hosts.deny

        C. /etc/ftpacess

        D. /etc/ftpusers

        E. /etc/ftpd.conf

        2. You have just added a new NFS share to the appropriate file. What must you do to activate the share?

        Choose the best answer:

        A. reboot

        B. exportfs -a

        C. ndc restart

        D. server nfs start

        E. mount -A

        3. What does the -H option do for the dhcpcd program?

        Choose the best answer:

        A. Sets the hostname of the machine to the name provided by DHCP.

        B. Kills any previous version of the dhcpcd program that may be running.

        C. Passes the machine name to DHCP as part of the DHCP request.

        D. Only tries to get a new ip address if the current one is older than a certain number of hours.

        E. None of the above

        4. What command will map all of the dependencies between modules into a file?

        Choose the best answer:

        A. modmap

        B. depmod -a

        C. depmod --rebuild

        D. modmap --rebuild

        E. modprobe --rebuild

        5. What file contains the list of terminals that root is allowed to log into?

        Choose the best answer:

        A. /etc/rooterm.conf

        B. /etc/terminals

        C. /etc/secure

        D. /etc/tty.conf

        E. /etc/securetty

        6. How do you install an RPM?

        Choose the best answer:

        A. rpm -evh packagename.rpm

        B. rpm -ivh packagename.rpm

        C. rpm -q packagename.rpm

        D. rpm -qa *.rpm

        E. rpm -ql *.rpm

        7. What command will turn off the ftpd service in all runlevels?

        Choose the best answer:

        A. chkconfig ftpd off

        B. rm /etc/rc.d/init.d/*ftpd*

        C. chkconfig --levels 12345 ftpd off

        D. service ftpd stop

        E. service ftpd stop -persistant

        8. What file would you edit to share out a directory via NFS?

        Choose the best answer:

        A. /etc/nfsd.conf

        B. /etc/nsf

        C. /etc/fstab

        D. /etc/exports

        E. /etc/export.conf

        9. How can you see the kernel routing table?

        Choose the best answer:

        A. netstat -Route

        B. netstat -rn

        C. netstat -an

        D. route show default gw

        E. netstat

        10. Sendmail is an example of a(n):?

        Choose the best answer:

        A. MTA

        B. MUA

        C. MDA

        D. MLA

        E. All of the above



        1、某咨詢公司給出‚2007年網絡購物將狂飆,其中尤其以寵物用品和化妝品為最,網絡銷售將會增長 20%?的預測,請分析原因。

        2、為什么可口可樂罐是圓柱形?給出 10個答案。

        3、某公司有大量的庫存衣物,某咨詢公司給出銷售策略:1-12天以原價賣出,13-18日以 75%的價格賣出,19-24日以 50%價格出賣,25-30天以 25%價格出賣,30日以后,如果還沒有賣完,將所剩全部捐給慈善機構。問:什么時候衣物能夠賣光,請解釋。


        5、請指出 baidu功能的一個不足,以及你將如何改善他。


        6.現有一組共計 N個固定的集合(N為萬量級),每個集合有個從 0開始遞增的集合 ID,每個集合包含 1~M個 TERM(M為 0~100的量級),希望設計一個程序能夠持續對外服務,輸入是一個 TERM數組,輸出其中任意一個集合 ID(如果該 TERM數組包含該集合的所有 TERM),如果找不到輸出-1。要求:





        TERM_1空格 TERM_2

        TERM_1空格 TERM_3

        TERM_1空格 TERM_3 TERM_4

        輸入的為 TERM數組(說明:TERM為一個詞,可能是中文,固定字符串表示)

        7、編程:用 C語言實現一個 revert函數,它的功能是將輸入的字符串在原串上倒序后返回。

        8、編程:用 C語言實現函數 void * memmove(void *dest,const void *src,size_t n)。memmove函數的功能是拷貝 src所指的內存內容前 n個字節到 dest所指的地址上。英文拼寫糾錯:





        9、尋找熱門查詢:搜索引擎會通過日志文件把用戶每次檢索使用的所有檢索串都記錄下來,每個查詢串的長度為 1-255字節。假設目前有一千萬個記錄,這些查詢串的重復度比較高,雖然總數是 1千萬,但如果除去重復后,不超過 3百萬個。一個查詢串的重復度越高,說明查詢它的用戶越多,也就是越熱門。請你統計最熱門的 10個查詢串,要求使用的內存不能超過 1G。



        10、集合合并:給定一個字符串的集合,格式如: {aaa bbb ccc}, {bbb ddd},{eee fff},{ggg},{ddd hhh}

        要求將其中交集不為空的集合合并,要求合并完成后的集合之間無交集,例如上例應輸出{aaa bbb ccc ddd hhh}, {eee fff}, {ggg}









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