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      1. 高考英語聽力模擬練習材料及答案

        時間:2023-03-09 15:22:13 英語聽說 我要投稿
        • 相關推薦





          (Text 1)

          W: Do people drive on the right in England?

          M: No, you mustn't drive on the right there.

          (Text 2)

          W: You seem to have a lot of work at your office. You're always

          staying late and working overtime.

          M: That's true, but I think the work is interesting and fun. I

          don't mind the extra hours at all.

          (Text 3)

          W: Have you seen that huge new building going up near the


          M: Yes, I can't figure out what it's supposed to be. Not an

          apartment building? Not a hotel? Probably a department


          (Text 4)

          W: If I were you, I'd be more careful about locking the back

          door at night.

          M: Don't worry. No one will break in.

          (Text 5)

          M: I have to go to class because I have a test, but if I could, I'd

          go with you to the movie.

          W: That's too bad. I wish that you could come along.

          (Text 6)

          M: When I got home last night I found a letter from the school I

          used to study in. The students there want me to go back and

          talk to them.

          W: Oh, really? And are you going?

          M: I don't know. I used to hate school, so I don't feel like going


          W: But it's different now.

          M: Yes, I know. But it's still a difficult situation. You see, when

          I was at school I used to be bad at studies and none of the

          teachers liked me.

          W: Well; I think you should go. When I was younger, I used to

          dream about meeting a famous pop star. You can't let them


          M: Maybe you are right. OK, I'll go.

          (Text 7)

          M: Hello, Mary. Why are you standing here in the cold wind?

          W: I'm waiting for a bus, but the buses are very full at this time

          of the day.

          M: Where are you going? This isn't your way home. You must

          take a bus from the other side of the street to go home.

          W: I'm not going home now. I'm going for a walk in the park. I

          always like to go for a walk before lunch.

          M: Then why aren't you going there on foot? Why are you

          going by bus? Why not walk to the park from here? It isn't

          very far.

          W: Oh, no, Bill. It isn't very interesting to walk through the

          streets, in fact, it's very boring. So I always take bus No. 3.

          (Text 8)

          W: So, here we are, deep in the forest. With me is Dr. Green,

          can you tell us a little about this wonderful place?

          M: Yes, of course. As you can see, the forest is full of trees,

          birds and insects.

          W: Yes, there are strange and beautiful plants everywhere. How

          many different kinds of plants are there?

          M: Well, in just one square kilometer of the forest, you can find

          the world.

          W: Really? Now I'm sure the people listening to this program

          can hear this unbelievable noise of birds. What's making all

          the noise?

          M: Well, of course. The forest is full of living things. You can

          find about 400 different kinds of birds in just one square


          W: Really? How interesting!

          (Text 9)

          M: Hello, I have just seen your advertisement. You haven't

          rented it out yet, have you?

          W: No, I haven't. Come in and have a look.

          M: Thank you.

          W: It's just a simple room. My son used to live in it. Now he is

          grown and long gone, and my husband died last year. So I

          thought maybe I'd take in a roomer.

          M: A nice, quiet house. That's what I'm looking for.

          W: This way, Sir.

          M: Oh, this is a very pleasant room. How much is the rent?

          W: Fifty dollars a week. I won't charge you anything for

          electricity, gas and heat. Oh, yes, you can use the kitchen and

          refrigerator too.

          M: Well, I like this place very much. But, you know, my

          government doesn't give me much money. So you know

          what I mean.

          W: Oh, yes. You seem like a very nice young man. What about$ 40?

          M: That's good, Mrs. ...

          W: Price. Susan Price.

          M. My name is Wang Li. I've just come from China to study at

          the university.

          W: Oh, isn't that lovely?

          M: May I move in tomorrow morning. Mrs. Price.

          W: Fine. I'll be expecting you around ten. If you don't mind, I'd

          like to have the first two weeks' rent in advance.

          M: OK. I'll give it to you tomorrow morning. See you


          (Text 10)

          My friend Ted likes climbing mountains. He has never climbed a dangerous mountain, but he has climbed some quite big and difficult ones. He began to climb rocks when he was quite a small boy. Then his father took him with him one summer when he climbed some hills while the family were having a holiday in Scotland. Ted liked it very much and he didn't get very tired. The next year his father took him up some mountains in Scotland, and again he was very happy. Last summer holidays, Ted's uncle invited him to go to Switzerland. The mountains are high there. They went to Switzerland by train any had a very good holiday. They climbed several mountains. Once Ted's uncle tied him to him with a rope because the mountains were rather steep. At the end of the holidays he said to Ted, "You are still very young, but you already climb well." Ted was very glad. Now Ted wants to go to China to climb some of the very high mountains in the Himalayas, but he is still young, and also he hasn't got enough money. Perhaps some day he will have enough money and then he can go to India.

          第一節(jié)(共 5小題;每小題 1.5 分,滿分 7.5 分)

          1. What are they talking about?

          A. Driving in England.

          B. How to drive a car.

          C. Whether to have the right to drive a car in


          2. How does the man feel about his job?

          A. He enjoys it.

          B. He doesn't like it at all.

          C. He wants to find a new job.

          3. What does the man think the building will be?

          A. A market.

          B. A hotel.

          C. A department store.

          4. What does the woman worry about?

          A. The man will not be able to sleep.

          B. Someone will enter the back door while the

          man is sleeping.

          C. The lock on the door will break.

          5. Where is the man going?

          A. To class. B. To the movie. C. To the library.


          聽第 6 段材料,回答第 6-8 題。

          6. What is the man invited to do?

          A. To teach in his mother school.

          B. To give a concert.

          C. To give a talk.

          7. What is the man now?

          A. A pop singer. B. A teacher. C. A famous actor.

          8. Which of the following is true?

          A. The man is going back to his former school to

          get further education.

          B. The man has decided to accept the invitation of

          his school.

          C. The man used to like school but have some

          trouble in his subjects.

          聽第 7 段材料,回答第 9-11 題。

          9. Where is Mary going?

          A. Home.

          B. To the park.

          C. Waiting for a bus.

          10. Why doesn't Mary like walking through the


          A. It's too cold.

          B. The park is too far.

          C. It isn't interesting.

          11. When did the conversation most likely take place?

          A. Late in the morning.

          B. In the late afternoon.

          C. Early in the morning.

          聽第 8 段材料,回答第 12-14 題。

          12. What are the two speakers talking about?

          A. Their journey.

          B. The forest.

          C. The birds and the plants.

          13. What is the woman?

          A. A reporter. B. A student. C. An actress.

          14. How many different kinds of plants can you see in

          one square kilometer?

          A. About 1,500. B. About 400. C. About 750.

          聽第 9 段材料,回答第 15-17 題。

          15. Whose room does the woman want to rent out?

          A. Her husband’s.

          B. Her son’s.

          C. Her guestroom.

          16. How much per week will the man pay for the


          A. 14 dollars. B. 40 dollars. C. 50 dollars.

          17. What is the man?

          A. A salesman.

          B. A university professor.

          C. A foreign student.

          聽第 10 段材料,回答第 18-20 題。

          18. Where did Ted's uncle invite him to go?

          A. Egypt. B. China. C. Switzerland

          19. How did they go to Switzerland?

          A. By air. B. By train. C. By bus.

          20. Where did the family have a holiday?

          A. Hawaii. B. Miami. C. Scotland.

          參考答案:1-10 AACBA CABBC 11-20 ABAAB BCCBC












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