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      1. 職場提醒:你的工作處于危險(xiǎn)中的6個(gè)信號(hào)

        時(shí)間:2021-02-20 09:18:38 求職英語 我要投稿


          6 Signs Your Job May Be in Jeopardy


          If you're worried that the daily dose of bad news about the economy could impact your next paycheck, you're not alone.


          More than 2 of 3 respondents to a recent Yahoo! poll believe their job is in jeopardy due to the current economic slowdown.


          While you never can be completely prepared to lose your livelihood, there are certain signs that may indicate that your job could be at risk.


          Your Performance Assessment


          First, ask yourself some tough questions about your role at work, recommends business coach and author Mary Key. Your answers will provide good indicators.

          Mary Key是一位商業(yè)教授,也是一名作家,他推薦首先詢問自己一些關(guān)于工作的難題。你的答案會(huì)給自己提供很好的指示。

          The questions include: What would be the impact of your departure? What kind of ROI (return on investment) is your employer getting from your performance? Have you gotten positive reviews? Do you get along with coworkers? Can your skills translate to other positions within the firm?

          問題可以包括:你離開后會(huì)有什么樣的影響?你的雇主從你的表現(xiàn)中獲得了那些投資收益? 你是否得到過正面的表揚(yáng)?你和同事相處是否良好?你的技能是否可以在公司內(nèi)部其他崗位使用?

          "If you are unsure of the answers to these questions, or if you have some responses that might be negative, your job may be on the chopping block in a downturn," says Key, who heads the leadership practice for the Institute for Corporate Productivity, in St. Petersburg, Florida.

          Key 說:“如果對(duì)這些問題的答案自己不是很確定的話,或者其中有些回答是負(fù)面的,那你的工作可能就是在經(jīng)濟(jì)低迷時(shí)期陷入了困局!彼欠鹆_里達(dá)州圣彼得堡的Corporate Productivity研究協(xié)會(huì)的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)主管。

          Time's Not on Your Side


          Having extra time for two-hour lunches, marathon computer games, and multipleinstant-message chats with loved ones doesn'tbodewell for a long future in your current position.


          "If you were once a busy professional and now work is being taken away and given to someone else, or you're not being assigned new work, you should start asking some questions," says life and career coach Annemarie Segaric.

          “如果你曾經(jīng)很忙,而現(xiàn)在工作都被分給別人了,或者你沒有分配到新的任務(wù),你就要開始提出一些疑問了。”職業(yè)生活教練Annemarie Segaric說。

          Where Have All the Clients Gone?


          If the new business team seems to be spinning its wheels, as major clients jump ship and they are not replaced, your job could be on the hit list.


          "There is only so long that your boss can be giving you busy work," says Roberta Chinsky Matuson, president of Northampton, Massachusetts-based Human Resource Solutions. "Eventually, his boss will catch on, and it will be time to go."

          Northampton 是馬薩諸賽州解決人力資源相關(guān)問題的一家公司,其總裁Roberta Chinsky Matuson 說:“老板能讓你忙碌的時(shí)間只有這么長,最終,他的上司可能會(huì)讓他走人,而你也就該是時(shí)候走人了!

          Experienced Workers Need Not Apply


          Warning: Your company starts posting openings for entry-level workers, without announcing new initiatives or experiencing a mass exodusof employees.


          "This is a clear sign that they are trying to cut payroll costs by hiring less experienced people," Matuson says. "It won't be long before you receive the pink slip."


          The Risk of Mergers


          If bad times drive your company to merge with a rival, start polishing your resume, advises Kevin Steele, president of The Winter, Wyman Companies.

          如果經(jīng)濟(jì)的不景氣迫使你們的公司開始和一家競爭對(duì)手合并的話,那你就要開始準(zhǔn)備簡歷了。The Winter, Wyman Companies公司的總裁Kevin Steele如是建議。

          "In almost all cases, there are many employees whose job responsibilities are duplicated by someone at the acquiring company, and, in an effort to cut costs and maximize ROI, the acquiring company will usually move quickly to eliminate the overlap," Steele says.


          Friends in Similar Places


          When friends or others you know who have equivalent jobs in the same or a related industry begin to suffer layoffs, know that you could be next.


          "Layoffs happen in waves," says Segaric, author of "107 Tips for Changing Your Career While Still Paying the Bills." "What goes on in other companies can be used as a barometerfor what is happening in the industry as a whole."

          "107 Tips for Changing Your Career While Still Paying the Bills." 一書的作者Segaric 說:“經(jīng)濟(jì)動(dòng)蕩時(shí)期裁員經(jīng)常發(fā)生。在其他公司發(fā)生的事情可以當(dāng)作整個(gè)行業(yè)的一個(gè)發(fā)展標(biāo)識(shí)!













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