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      1. 中學(xué)英語(yǔ)日記

        時(shí)間:2020-11-29 10:03:39 中學(xué)生日記 我要投稿





          今天一大早我們一家人去水上樂(lè)園玩,到了水上樂(lè)園,我們?nèi)シ块g換衣服,結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn)柜子要買(mǎi),然后又跑回去買(mǎi)柜子,買(mǎi)完柜子換好衣服,我們就飛奔向了水上樂(lè)園,首先就看見(jiàn)了一片金黃的土地,我用腳踩了一下才發(fā)現(xiàn)是水泥,只不過(guò)染上了顏色像是沙灘,上面的水是碧藍(lán)碧藍(lán)的,太陽(yáng)光被水面反射的十分刺眼,看著這樣的美景我一下子就興奮了起來(lái),二話不說(shuō)就跳進(jìn)了水里,才發(fā)現(xiàn)自己不會(huì)游泳,姨丈在上面馬上給我丟了一個(gè)游泳圈下來(lái),不然我就嗚呼哀哉了, 于是我們一幫人,就在水里游來(lái)游去,并打起了水仗,我?guī)е剧R,肆無(wú)忌憚的亂潑水。

          In the morning we are one family to the water park to play today, to the water park, we went to the room to change clothes, to buy the cupboard, and then ran back to buy cabinets, buying cabinets Huanhaoyifu, we run to the water park, we saw a golden land. I just found is stamped on the cement, but the color is like the beach, the water is blue, the sun light is reflected very dazzling, looking at the beauty of this and I was excited, without demur jumped into the water, only to find his uncle can't swim. In the above to me immediately lost a swim ring down, or I'll alas, so we have a bunch of people, they swim in the water, and started a water fight, I took the goggles, wanton chaos splash.


          Because they spilled water cannot go into my eyes, but I was able to pour into their eyes and make them blink, brother's cunning, breath went down under the water to attack me, pull me down, scared I raise a hue and cry we play to, wail like ghosts and howl like wolves, tired to stop a stall to eat.



          A group of us go to Zhuji for five leaks.

          一路上,我興高采烈的,還唱著歌,差一點(diǎn)兒從位子上面摔了個(gè)爛嘴泥。差不多兩個(gè)小時(shí)的路程,就到了。到了那兒,我們先做船,進(jìn)水庫(kù)才能到山腳下。坐在船上,陣陣?yán)滹L(fēng)吹地我涼絲絲的,頓覺(jué)得炎炎的夏日好像不存在了似的。上了岸,又走了一會(huì)兒的林蔭小道,才真正掉到了五泄。!瀑布好大哦!聽(tīng)旁邊的人說(shuō),來(lái)前要下過(guò)雨,瀑布就會(huì)更大,更壯觀。開(kāi)始爬山了,向四泄進(jìn)軍。大家有說(shuō)有笑,特別是珂珂妹妹和佳佳妹妹,他們一路上蹦蹦跳跳,不一會(huì)兒就精疲力盡了。四泄也很大,很急。這使我想起李白的一詩(shī)句:飛流直下三千尺,疑似銀河落九天。我們繼續(xù)往上爬, 三泄也很美,像從天上掉下來(lái)一根長(zhǎng)長(zhǎng)的白繩子。二泄不太好看,到了一泄有點(diǎn)吃力了,但一泄甚至就沒(méi)有水覺(jué)得有點(diǎn)失望。不過(guò),到了山下,來(lái)到五泄邊,我和兩個(gè)妹妹一起捉魚(yú),媽媽還給我買(mǎi)了一個(gè)網(wǎng)兜,捉了好多小魚(yú),小蝦,還有小螺絲。我們的收獲不錯(cuò)哦!

          Along the way, I jubilant, sang songs, almost fell from the seat above the mud rotten mouth. It's almost two hours' journey. When we got there, we made the boat first, and the water tank could reach the foot of the mountain. Sitting in the boat, the cold wind, I feel that the cool, hot summer seems not existed. On the shore, and after a short walk of the shady path, it really fell into the five vent. Ah! The waterfall is so big! Listen to the people next to say, before the rain, the waterfall will be bigger and more spectacular. Begin to climb the mountain and March to four. Everyone was talking and laughing, especially Coke's sister and sister Jia Jia, who were all the way out and out, and soon they were exhausted. Four is also very big, very urgent. This reminds me of a poem by Li Bai: three thousand feet down, nine days in the Milky way. We continue to climb up, the three is also very beautiful, like falling from the sky a long white rope. Two is not very good, to a little effort, but a vent even without water feel a little disappointed. However, to the hill, came to the five release, my two sisters and I go fishing, my mother bought me a bag, caught a lot of fish, shrimp, and small screws. We have a good harvest.


          How time flies! We went home.



          Today, we visited the panda base. When we go to the people is not too much, we want to watch light parade. Mother thought it was a bit cold to sit on the sightseeing car, so we bought a panda vest for us. The vest is milk white, I wear a particularly lovely, mom told me the vest called paws suit.


          When we take the car light, long row of the team, one of 9 people. When we were ready to get on the bus, the uncle suddenly didn't let us get on the car, and when the first two cars came, we ran up. When the car opened, my mother cuddle me and I cuddle my sister. We really felt cold and wore a panda hat.


          The first one we visited was the moon Pavilion, with a baby panda born 40 days in the moon Pavilion. I see a panda baby is lying in the incubator, it's small, black and white, white is white, black is black, very cute. I also saw a baby panda keeper is to comb after combing, the breeder instruments to measure what a baby panda. There is a panda baby lying on the bed, mother said, a few days ago, a giant panda had a small panda, I think it is the panda.


          Next, we go to the sun Pavilion, where all the pandas are active. I saw a big panda on panda mom's shoulder climbed the high pole. It also climbed from the first pole to second poles, and it was not easy to climb up to fourth poles. It also hangs on the wooden pole, people cheered. It is from the woods and jump to the ground, people are still cheering. The father of the panda has been sleeping on the tree. The mother of the panda has been eating bamboo there. Panda baby is a little hungry. It grabs panda's mother's bamboo. When they grab food, the mother panda still holds the baby's legs. I thought they were fighting. The two mother said they were not fighting but playing. In a moment, the little panda climbed up to the side of the pond and drank water. We also see another panda sitting there eating bamboo, the bamboo shells it spit on the stomach, and finally it slips down. When the panda eats bamboo, it spit out the outer shell and eats the tender bamboo meat inside.



          At the end of the review, I returned home, lying in bed, unable to sleep for a long time, so I took out a pen and paper and wrote down the diary.


          I am a disabled boy with a left leg amputation. I never dreamed of having joined a Grand National Day review with crutches and members. I was also praised by all the audience here.


          I understand that in the first few days of the review, the players were hesitating to let me go. I was thinking, "it is a sacred and glorious thing to be able to take part in the National Day review." As long as they agreed to me, I was satisfied, whether it was in the middle of the team, or at the end of the team. But the people are very healthy, and I can only walk on crutches, so can I take part in it? If I can, will I destroy the whole team? At that time, the players seemed to know my mind. They not only allowed me to participate, but also ranked me in the first row. When I heard the news, I was so ecstatic. In the coming days, I worked hard and I really worked hard. In the parade team, I always kept the same with the players. I looked at the right side with my eyes open and looked at the reviewing stand. The audience glances with admiration and praise, "this young man is great!" I seem to be the happiest man in the world after listening to them.


          Here, I want to thank the players, who didn't discriminate against me, and didn't exclude me, so that I could summon up courage to face life, and it was their encouragement that made me regain confidence.



          "Jingle bell! Jingle bell......" The alarm clock is ringing. "Why is it so early?" I thought as I yawned. Suddenly, an idea flashed through my mind: today is our class service team, I have to get up quickly. So I quickly dressed and dine and hurried to school.


          As soon as he entered the class, Mr. Ling and his classmates were already in. Put down the bag, hanging a ribbon, ran to the post. My post is at the gate of the third floor of the north and beside the office of the language number. When I came to my post, I started the job of today. A gust of wind blew in from the corridor, freezing my teeth chatter. But when I think of myself as a service team, I straighten up and keep on guard against the cold wind. Then, a teacher came, I went up and offered a standard duili, and said: "good teacher!" The teacher nodded to me with a smile. Suddenly, I felt better, stand.


          After lunch, the talk is about to start. I manage the ribbon, can not help but secretly praise: "good clean ground, it is spotless". So, I wrote on the blackboard: no paper on the ground, praise, 26. Looking around, their desks and chairs were neat, and the classroom was very quiet. Then, I wrote on the blackboard: the tables and chairs are neat, praise, and take 26. The students in class 7 looked at them, and they were all happy. Seeing such a scene, my heart is as sweet as a honey.


          "Ding, ring", afternoon talk time is over, today's service team task has been finished, I went back to the classroom with vigorous strides, looking forward to tomorrow.



          The long - awaited spring tour arrived at the end of the day, and we set out to the destination by the bus.


          Morning we arrived at the marine aquarium, we saw many sea creatures, there are electric eels, slow, sharks, jellyfish, sea snakes, or to see the best of course! It's a big eye!

          下午我們到達(dá)了世紀(jì)公園,那里滿園都是油菜花,金黃金黃的,真好看。∥覀兘K于可以吃午飯啦!吃午飯的一段時(shí)間里,我買(mǎi)了兩樣玩具,一樣是小海豚,一樣是雞蛋。 那可不是普通的雞蛋,那是一個(gè)摔在玻璃上就會(huì)變成一個(gè)煎雞蛋的雞蛋而且還可以還原。我們吃好午飯,繼續(xù)觀光世紀(jì)公園,我們走呀走,走呀走,腿都軟了,這時(shí),我們看到了一片大草地,微微導(dǎo)游和三個(gè)老師讓我們?cè)诓莸厣闲菹⒁粫?huì)兒。這時(shí),一個(gè)賣(mài)玩具的人說(shuō)道:“賣(mài)玩具啦,賣(mài)玩具啦,玩具買(mǎi)一送一啦!” 我又買(mǎi)了一樣玩具。 我買(mǎi)了一條長(zhǎng)長(zhǎng)的飛龍,送了我一條項(xiàng)鏈。我們從大草地上離開(kāi)了,我們走呀走,走呀走,走到了一個(gè)游樂(lè)場(chǎng),可是我們進(jìn)游樂(lè)場(chǎng)不是去玩的,是去上廁所的。我們上完廁所,繼續(xù)向前走,走呀走呀,我們走到了一個(gè)湖邊,三個(gè)老師讓微微導(dǎo)游找游樂(lè)場(chǎng),于是我們又回到了那個(gè)游樂(lè)場(chǎng),我們看到了一個(gè)大型滑滑梯,我們同聲說(shuō)到:“微微導(dǎo)游,我們要玩那個(gè)滑滑梯!比齻(gè)老師琢磨琢磨就讓我們?nèi)ネ媪。真好玩的滑滑梯呀,像一艘海盜船一樣,它不光上面好玩,下面也很好玩——有透的視鏡,還有警報(bào)器。 我們玩完了滑滑梯,又向前走去,我們走到了一條小路邊,拍了一張集體照,這下子我們要回去了。那個(gè)司機(jī)叔叔真好啊,給我們選了一條不堵車(chē)的路,我們很快的就回到了學(xué)校,因?yàn)槿c(diǎn)半還沒(méi)到,申老師邀請(qǐng)我們到教室里看一會(huì)兒貓和老鼠動(dòng)畫(huà)片?赐陝(dòng)畫(huà)片,我們心滿意足的回到了家里。春游真開(kāi)心。≌嫫诖乱淮蔚拇河。

          The afternoon we arrived at Century Park, where the garden is rape, golden yellow, really good ah! We can finally have lunch! For a period of lunch, I bought two kinds of toys, the same as the little dolphin, and the same egg. It's not an ordinary egg. It's an egg that can be turned into a fried egg on the glass and can be restored. After lunch, we went on sightseeing in the century park. We walked, walked, walked, and legs were soft. At this time, we saw a big lawn. A tour guide and three teachers let us have a rest on the grass. At this time, a toy seller said: "sell toys, sell toys, toys to buy one!" I bought the same toy again. I bought a long dragon and gave me a necklace. We left on the big lawn. We walked, walked, walked and walked to a playground, but we didn't go to the playground to play, but to go to the toilet. We are using the toilet, walk, walk and walk, we came to a lake, three teachers let slightly guide for the playground, so we went back to the park, we saw a large slide, together we said: "we want to play the little guide slide." The three teachers pondered and pondered and let us play. It's a fun slide. Like a pirate boat, it's not just fun, it's fun - there's a perspective and a alarm. We finished the slides, went forward again, we came to a road, have a group photo, this time we want to go back. The driver, uncle, was very good. He chose a road that we did not jam. We returned to school very soon, because half past three had not arrived yet, and Shen invited us to the classroom to watch cat and Mouse cartoons. After watching the cartoon, we went back home with satisfaction. The spring outing is really fun! I'm looking forward to the next spring trip.



          Today is a sunny day, our school teachers and students to the garden of filial piety and Zhu to carry out practical activities. Early in the morning, I came to school with a big bag of snacks and a cheerful mood. The tour guide took us on the bus, and we laughed and talked for an hour, and finally came to our long awaited Chinese filial piety garden.


          The filial piety is one of the ten major national park is located in the Taihu Bay Tourism name card Wujin Tourism Resort Park, facing Taihu as filial piety, back on the Liaoe mountains. Walk into the filial piety garden, we see the different forms of the rockery, listening to the guide sister said, there are twelve Chinese zodiac in the rockery, I found their own Zodiac. Bypassing the rockery, we came to the square of Sean, which was a tall, white, clean bottle. The net around the bottle with a spring, with music, dancing like spewing out like spring, the spring fluctuated, suddenly breaking suddenly, suddenly scattered suddenly together, as if an invisible hand was in command. Then we went to the Jiangnan grottoes, and the Grottoes in the south of the Yangtze River had three Buddhas, which were as high as 21. 9 of the goddess of Guanyin, the little dragon girl, the good fortune and the boy. Guanyin Guanyin in infinite compassion and mercy vehicle came to earth to rescue sentient beings. I made a wish before the Avalokitesvara. Then we have visited the luminous mind temple, pool, wonderful pagodas and other attractions.


          After lunch, we have to listen to the lecture theme of "filial piety, filial piety, filial piety is the virtue of this" later speaker aunt to we saw "evolution of filial piety", and give us the best filial boy -- Wu Linxiang. After the lecture, I regretted that I used to talk back to my mom and Dad, and then I would have a good filial piety to my mom and dad.


          In the afternoon we went to the bibzhu again by car. We took about ten minutes of the mountain road, and finally to the big lawn. We girls are not as naughty as boys. I spread out tablecloths with several girls and brought snacks out. I proposed guessing riddles, guessing one, eating one thing. Then we played the truth and the great adventure, and we didn't want to say it.


          Happy time is always so short. Though we are exhausted, we are very happy. When we get on the bus, our classmates share the joy of today's harvest to their friends.



          Today, we will go to the junior students Xikou driving school outing, the students just got out of a bird, talking and laughing, indescribably excited.


          As soon as I arrived at the destination, I looked at it four times. It is Yangchun in March, a cherry blossom in the wind, so fresh, so bright, as if to show all the vitality of it to us. My eyes were attracted by eight big words, "challenge myself and smelting team". Listen to Jiang's teacher, saying that we are here to accept the test. We can't help being disturbed. Can the coach be very strict, training must be very tired. Can I do this physique?


          "Gather!" In the ear, the coach got a good voice from the coach. We hurried to concentrate and quickly lined up the team. The scorching sun, the coach to teach: strict in demands attention and at ease, turn left...... Though it is a training program in physical education, we can not be careless at all. Even those boys who like to make trouble in the past have put on a lazy expression and followed a coach with a password.


          "The bridge" left a deep impression on me. It was said to be "broken bridge", in fact it was a narrow plate of 5 meters high and the middle part was truncated. Look up at this "high up", it seems that the "gap" that can not be leapfrog, my heart straight to the drum: so high, so over? If the fall can do?...... As the time passed away, he was thinking about it. Only the coach said, "the next one", I was pushed out by the classmates behind me. I slowly approached the broken bridge, looking down, dizzy and dizzy, and my heartbeat accelerated. Don't be afraid, all the students have passed, and you can do it. I refueling myself in the dark, but I felt that my body was still uncontrolled. The coach saw my nervousness. "Don't look at the bottom, the left foot push hard and jump over." Don't be afraid, I'll be around you. " "Great, refueling! Believe in yourself! " There was a neat and powerful refueling sound from the students. I feel my courage is coming up, the left foot pedal, a jump, yeah! I will go there!


          The training is very tired, very bitter, but I also benefited from: no matter what difficulties, must be strong and brave to face, we work together, together, all the difficulties can be overcome.













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