摘要:扼要先容了國有建筑企業人力資源治理存在的題目,并引進了戰略人力資源治理理論。在基于企業發展戰略的角度,構建了國有建筑企業戰略人力資源治理系統模型。重點先容了國有建筑企業戰略人力資源治理系統的四個子系統以及它們之間的內在關系。Abstract: The article briefly describes the state-owned construction enterprise human resource management problems, And the introduction of a strategic human resource management theory, Then based on the perspective of enterprise development strategy ,to build strategic human resource management system model of state-owned construction enterprises .The article focuses on the strategy of state-owned construction enterprise human resources management system, as well as the four subsystems of the intrinsic relationship between them.
Key words: The state-owned enterprises of construction;strategic human resource management;building of enterprise culture