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      1. 商務(wù)英語聽力原文:The school visit 學(xué)校參觀

        時(shí)間:2020-11-07 10:35:29 商務(wù)英語 我要投稿

        商務(wù)英語聽力原文:The school visit 學(xué)校參觀

          背景提示: Over twenty school children are going to visit Biscuit Barrel. Nellie, Maria and Andrea plan the itinerary for the tour.

        商務(wù)英語聽力原文:The school visit 學(xué)校參觀


          Nellie: Well Andrea it looks like we’ve got our hands full today. Malcolm’s still at the hospital, Kevin’s giving a sales presentation in Aberdeen and Lee is tied up with the production people about this new equipment they may be buying, which means that you and I are going to be in charge of this school trip - with Maria’s help of course.

          Andrea: Yes I think they are going to be quite a handful.

          Nellie: I’m sure they are but what’s the latest from the hospital? How is Malcolm’s wife doing, do you know?

          Andrea: Well it’s not as bad as it seemed at first, thank heavens. And she hasn’t had the baby yet or anything. She was just overdoing it and everything got on top of her and she ended up fainting in the vets when she was taking her dachshund there to have its nails clipped.

          Nellie: Oh dear, poor Malcolm. As if he hasn’t got enough on his mind already.

          Andrea: Anyway I think she just needs a lot of bed rest but they are keeping her in for lots more tests today. That’s why Malcolm’s still down there.

          Nellie: Yes, of course. Well anyway what have we got planned for the little darlings of Class 6 C then….

          Maria: Someone talking about my babies?

          Nellie: If that’s what you call them! They sound like monsters to me.

          Maria: No I’m sure they’ll be fine once they are here. There are twenty-four children coming and either one or two teachers.

          Nellie: Have you arranged the itinerary.

          María: Yes. I think Andrea’s got it already, haven’t you?

          Andrea: Oh yes, here it is. The visit is starting at 10.00 am. That’s in just over an hour from now. It’s scheduled to last for two hours. First we’ll take them into the main conference room. We’ll show them the video about the history of the company. That lasts no more than 20 minutes. And we’ll give everybody a plan of the factory floor so they know where they are. George Paterson will come over at about 11.00 to answer any questions they might have on the production process and so on. Then, at about half past eleven, we’ll start the tour of the actual production area.

          María: We are going to split the group into two. George will take one group and I’ll take the others.

          Nellie: Good idea. How long will the tour last?

          Andrea: About 45 minutes. We will stagger the start so that we are not all in the same place at the same time.

          María: After the tour we’ll meet up in the canteen, but if it’s sunny we can stay outside in the garden.

          Andrea: That would be better for the light.

          Nellie: The light?

          María: Yes, didn’t you know? Andrea here has got her husband to send a camera crew over from Thistle TV to do some filming for the Children’s News Round-up programme he works on. They’re sending an interviewer or presenter or whatever you call them, too.

          Nellie: Is that wise? I mean if this class is as undisciplined as we’ve been led to believe it all could all end in disaster. Why didn’t you tell me about this Andrea?

          Andrea: Well it all happened so fast. It was only when we learnt that the tour prize had been won by a school class that I thought of asking Duncan if he wanted to send a crew over. And then I bumped into Maria and she gave the go-ahead and then I… I er, well there was so much going on that I just forgot to tell you about it Nellie. I’m really sorry.

          Nellie: Oh, well it’s done now. Let’s hope they behave themselves and don’t all end up in the vats of biscuit mixture or the whole thing could turn into something out of Willy Wonka.

          Maria: Oh, now come on Nellie, I’m sure it will be fine. There will be teachers with them as well as us all the time.

          Nellie: Hmmm. And what about the last hour?

          Maria: We’ll have a Question and Answer slot and then we’ll feed them! The canteen are going to prepare a buffet; samples of all our products and drinks – with special emphasis on the healthy eating option of Country Crumbles of course.

          Andrea: And George has got some gift bags ready for them to take away.

          Nellie: Gift bags?

          María: Yes, everybody will get a pen, a pencil, some biscuits, a notebook and samples of all the different varieties of Country Crumbles, plus a Biscuit Barrel shopping bag.

          Nellie: OK, well it certainly seems well prepared for. So, what have we got … just under an hour, I’d say. And then – let battle commence!

          - End -


          handful (noun) - a person, or most often a child, who is difficult to control. 淘氣的.小孩

          dachshund (noun) - a small dog with a long body and short legs, also called a 'sausage dog' informally.達(dá)克斯狗

          itinerary (noun) - a plan detailing what you are going to do 行程

          stagger (verb) - to arrange hours of work, holidays or events to start at different times from those of other groups or people 錯(cuò)開

          vat (noun) - a huge container used for mixing or storing liquid substances 大桶

          Willy Wonka - a fictional character in the novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and the film adaptation. 《巧克力工廠》中的人物

          【Business notes】

          Time Expressions 時(shí)間表達(dá)

          Andrea: Oh yes, here it is. The visit is starting at 10.00 am. That’s in just over an hour from now. It’s scheduled to last for two hours. First we’ll take them into the main conference room. We’ll show them the video about the history of the company. That lasts no more than 20 minutes. And we’ll give everybody a plan of the factory floor so they know where they are. George Paterson will come over at about 11.00 to answer any questions they might have on the production process and so on. Then, at about half past eleven we’ll start the tour of the actual production area.

          Andrea says:

          The visit is starting at 10:00 am.


          To be more precise she could say: (更精確的)

          The visit is starting at 10:00 am prompt (or 10:00am sharp)


          Andrea expresses a future time with:(表示將來的事情)

          That’s in just over an hour from now.


          If it was less than an hour she could say:(如果表示不超過1個(gè)小時(shí)的將來)

          That’s in just under an hour from now.


          Andrea gives an approximate time with: (表示時(shí)間的概數(shù))

          at about 11:00


          Another way of expressing this would be to say:(其他的表示時(shí)間概數(shù)的)

          at around 11:00 or

          at 11ish

        【商務(wù)英語聽力原文:The school visit 學(xué)校參觀】相關(guān)文章:












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