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      1. 商務(wù)英語聽力對話

        時(shí)間:2020-11-15 09:59:54 商務(wù)英語 我要投稿


          Nellie: Good morning, my name is Nellie Hamilton. I’ve been told to ask for Mr Malcolm McKenzie - the marketing manager?


          Receptionist: Good morning Ms Hamilton. Yes, we’ve been expecting you. I’ll just phone through to Mr McKenzie and tell him you’re here. (Phoning Mr McKenzie) Hello Mr McKenzie? Nellie Hamilton is here for you in reception. Shall I send her through?.... Oh right. Thanks very much. (to Nellie) He’s going to come and collect you – if you’d like to wait over there? Would you like any tea or coffee while you’re waiting?

          Nellie: Er, no thanks. I’m fine. Er, just between ourselves, what is Mr McKenzie like?

          Receptionist: Ah yes, it’s your first day here isn’t it?

          Nellie: That’s right.

          Receptionist: Well to be honest, I don’t get to see much of the staff from where I am out here. But everyone seems to like Mr McKenzie, and he’s been in a particularly good mood lately I think.

          Nellie: Oh, why’s that?

          Receptionist: His wife’s going to have a baby. They’ve left it a bit late – she’s in her forties and he’s over fifty I think – so they are both over the moon that it’s happened at last.

          Nellie: Oh I see, well that sounds encouraging at least…

          Malcolm: Ah, you must be Nellie Hamilton. Welcome to the Biscuit Barrel!

          Nellie: Thank you very much Mr McKenzie.

          Malcolm: Oh, call me Malcolm please. We’re all going to be working very closely on this new project and it’s first-name terms from here on.

          Nellie: Right, er Malcolm.

          Malcolm: Shall we go through to my office? There are some people you need to meet straight away.

          Nellie: Yes of course.

          Malcolm: Right this way then.

          (In the general office)

          Malcolm: So this is the general office, and my office is right at the end there. How are you finding things up here? A bit different from London and the south, isn’t it?

          Nellie: Yes, but I’ve got some family up here, so I know the area quite well. I used to come on holidays here all through my school days. And I'm staying with them now, just until I find my feet and somewhere to live a bit nearer the factory.

          Malcolm: Oh, I see. And here’s my office. So, take a seat.

          Nellie: Thanks.

          Malcolm: So Nellie Hamilton. Here we are. Now as you know, you’ve been sent up by our London office to help us on the project management of the launch of this new product range. You were in London for how long?

          Nellie: Well a little over eighteen months I think. I did an MA in marketing over in Canada, in Toronto, and went straight from there to a work placement in the Biscuit Barrel London office for six months. Luckily they liked me and made me permanent about a year ago. And I’ve been helping them with product strategy and placement since then.

          Malcolm: Well we hope that’s going to come in very useful in your time with us up here. You know about “Country Crumbles”, don’t you?

          Nellie: Well, there was quite a lot of talk going on in the London office about a new product range but I can’t say I know any of the details of "Country Crumbles", no.

          Malcolm: No, of course not. Well, we’ve got a big meeting tomorrow morning and that should help you fill in some of the blanks, and also allow you to meet a lot of the colleagues you’ll be working with.

          Nellie: Great!

          Malcolm: But there’s one person you ought to meet straight away. Janet, can you ask Andrea Mueller to come in here please? Thanks. Andrea Mueller is going to be your own secretary and PA. She’s from Austria, and started with us here about two years ago.

          Nellie: From Austria?

          Malcolm: Yes, her husband's Scottish, you see. Oh, don’t worry, her English is perfect, and she really knows our business and all the people in the firm. I hope she’ll be a big help in getting you started in the company.

          Nellie: Right.

          Malcolm: And there are some other people you’ll need to meet pretty soon. Like Lee Chung, for one. He’s our Finance Officer and Head Accountant. He’s from Hong Kong originally but has been over here since 1995. Like you, he was sent up here from the London office – our previous Finance Officer left rather suddenly I’m afraid, and that was about three years ago. You’ll like Lee, I’m sure. He’s about the same age as you and is very enthusiastic and imaginative – not always the case with the finance boys! I’m sure he’ll be very supportive in your plans for the new product launch. Apart from Lee, you’ll need to meet up with Kevin Whittaker, he’s our Head of Sales and another live wire. And of course there’s Maria Esposito, she’s our Public Relations and Press officer, so she’s probably the person you’ll be most in contact with when you’re working out your wee schemes for the publicity of the new brand...

          Nellie: OK.

          Andrea: Hello Mr McKenzie. Can I come in?

          Malcolm: Yes, of course Andrea. I’d like you to meet Nellie Hamilton, who you are going to be reporting to from now on.

          Nellie: Hello Andrea. It’s very nice to meet you.

          Andrea: And to meet you, Ms Hamilton.

          Nellie: Oh, Nellie, please. We’re going to be working together all the time, so let’s drop the formalities right from the start. It’s Nellie, OK?

          Malcolm: Right you two, you’ve got a lot to talk about. Andrea, could you take Nellie to her office and show her around. She’ll need to know where everything is – right from the staff car parking bays to where the loos are!

          Andrea: Yes, of course, Mr McKenzie.

          Malcolm: Oh and can you tell her about the staff restaurants as well? We don’t want you fainting on the job from lack of sustenance, do we?!

          Andrea: Right.

          Malcolm: So Nellie, I’ll let you and Andrea settle in for today. As I said, there’s the big meeting tomorrow at 11.00 so you’ve a lot to take on board before then. I’d better let you get on with it!

          Nellie: Yes, well, thanks very much Mr..., er Malcolm. I’ll see you tomorrow then.

          Malcolm: Right you are. Have a good day, both of you.

          Both: Thanks, Malcolm/Mr McKenzie.

          Andrea: So, er, Nellie, let’s go through to our office. It’s over there in the far corner.

          Nellie: OK Andrea. And on the way could we pick up a cup of coffee? I think it’s going to be a busy day!













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