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      1. 商務(wù)英語(yǔ)聽力練習(xí)之廣告宣傳策劃

        時(shí)間:2022-03-31 15:49:42 商務(wù)英語(yǔ) 我要投稿




          背景提示:Nellie, Andrea and Maria discuss ways to promote the new biscuit range. They have come up with an effective and "out of the box" advertising plan - find out more from this episode.


          Nellie: So Andrea, we’ve got our work cut out. I’ve looked though last year’s report and the advertising plan, but you are going to have to tell me how it all went down in practice. Was it successful?

          Andrea: Well, I’ve got last year’s sales figures here I think – from Kevin... yes here we are. You see on the whole, sales were significantly up, by as much as,…er… 17% on some ranges.

          Nellie: Hmm, pretty good. And that was through a mixture of press and billboard campaigns in the main, yes? No radio, no TV advertising?

          Andrea: No, I don’t think we ever considered those – at least not last year. You’ ll have to check with Maria though. I suppose apart from the press and billboards, the main element in our success is Kevin’s sales team. He’s got 35 reps under him and they cover the whole of our sales area very well and very thoroughly. They know their customers well and are extremely good at getting repeat orders.

          Nellie: Yes, but that doesn’t help us with a new product, does it?

          Andrea: Well no, but it gives Kevin’s team a head start in getting their trust to go with a whole new range. They know that what we sell them is good quality at a fair price and so would be pretty well-disposed to take on a new range from us – when they might be more reluctant to take the same sort of thing from a bigger, more faceless supplier – do you see what I mean?

          Nellie: Yes, that makes a great deal of sense. We need to capitalise on all our strengths and assets and that’s certainly one. I do think we ought to be thinking more widely though – more “out of the box”. I know we’ve never done TV or radio advertising before but it may just be the time to change that.

          Maria: Hi Nellie, have you got a moment?

          Nellie: Sure Maria. We were just talking about the possibility of maybe doing some TV or radio advertising to help launch the new range. What do you think?

          Maria: Well, I don’t think the budget we’ve got would allow us to do much TV advertising – even with the level of finance the Chairman has sanctioned. But radio advertising is a distinct possibility. It could back up our press and billboard campaigns, and if we do get the tie-in with Superkor, we could link it in to their campaigns as well – they advertise pretty heavily on national and local radio here.

          Nellie: OK then, we need to think of some sort of brief we can give the advertising people – what sort of things to home in on and what we want to get out of the advertising campaign – apart from sales of course!

          Maria: Yes, brand awareness being one, of course. OK, I’ll get on to our usual agency. I think they’ve got pretty good contacts with some radio commercials production companies. And of course they can give us suggestions as to how we can tie those in to the press and poster campaigns.

          Andrea: Don’t forget my husband works for Thistle TV. He might be useful.

          Maria: But he’s in the news department, isn’t he?

          Andrea: Yes, he’s one of the OB cameraman for their children’s news round-up programme. But he’s got a lot of contacts in the company.

          Maria: Well thanks Andrea, but that’s not really in the advertising area we are interested in at the moment, is it?

          Andrea: Ok. Just a thought.

          Maria: So. Nellie. Let’s see if we can come up with some ideas to push this new line, shall we? Something that’s going to get the public interest and get the brand of "Country Crumbles" firmly in their mind…


          1.billboard (noun) - a large board on which advertisements, posters are displayed n. 廣告牌

          如:Large billboards have disfigured the scenery.


          2.campaign (noun) - a planned set of activities which are carried out over a period of time to achieve a particular aim n. 運(yùn)動(dòng),活動(dòng),戰(zhàn)役,競(jìng)選運(yùn)動(dòng)

          如:The new managing director will act as spearhead of the campaign.


          3.in the main (phrase) - in general 基本上,大體上

          如:The result be, in the main, satisfactory.


          4.rep (noun) - short for 'representative' 代表,代理人

          5.head start (noun) - if you have a head start, you have an advantage over other people in something like a competition or race. 領(lǐng)先

          如:Joe has a head start. He began to study earlier than we did.


          6.well-disposed (adjective) - if you are well-disposed to a plan or activity, you are likely to support it. adj. 很有好感的,性情好的,懷好意的,同情的

          如:She seemed well disposed towards us.


          7.capitalise on sth (phrasal verb) - to use a situation to gain some advantage for yourself 利用

          8.out of the box (phrase) - to think out of the box is to think differently and creatively. 破格思維

          9.tie-in with (phrase) - to get a tie-in with something or to tie in with something is to plan an event or activity so that it is compatible with another. 搭賣

          10.home in on sth (phrasal verb) - to give all the attention to something 向……聚集

          11.brand awareness (noun) - it is a marketing concept which refers to the likelihood that customers realise the existence of a company's product or service. 商標(biāo)意識(shí)

          12.commercial (noun) - an advertisement that is broadcast on television or radio 廣告

          13.OB - short for 'Outside Broadcasting', it is a term mostly used in the UK. Outside Broadcasting refers to the production of television or radio programmes from a mobile television studio. 實(shí)況轉(zhuǎn)播

          14.cameraman (noun) - a person who operates a camera for television or film making n. 攝影師

          15.round-up (noun) - a round-up of news is a summary of the main events that have happened n. 綜合消息,聚集

          【Business notes】

          在這一章節(jié)當(dāng)中,Nellie, Andrea和Maria討論了如何在顧客群中提高自己的品牌效應(yīng)。他們提到的主要方法是通過(guò)新聞發(fā)布會(huì),競(jìng)標(biāo),廣播和電視等。

          Here are a few other advertising terms you may or may not know: 下面這些是你需要知道的一些廣告術(shù)語(yǔ):

          Direct marketing(直接營(yíng)銷) involves targeting groups of consumers with such things as direct mail, email marketing and telesales. These can often be perceived negatively by consumers and are sometimes referred to as junk mail and spam.

          The TV commercial(電視廣告)is generally considered the most effective mass-market advertising format.

          Covert advertising(隱形廣告) is when a product or brand is embedded in entertainment and media. For example, in the movie Minority Report, Tom Cruise uses a Nokia phone.

          Outdoor advertising(街頭/室外廣告) is considered a glance medium as it typically only draws 2-3 seconds of a person’s time.

          Viral marketing(病毒式營(yíng)銷) is the online equivalent of word-of-mouth and promotions may take the form of video clips, or interactive Flash games that take advantage of existing social-networks to market the product.























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