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      1. 托福因果關(guān)系長(zhǎng)難句專(zhuān)題分析

        時(shí)間:2020-08-17 17:04:37 托福(TOEFL) 我要投稿




          1. Escape involves such actions as aestivation, a condition of prolonged dormancy, or torpor, during which animals reduce their metabolic rate and body temperature during the hot season or during very dry spells.

          ○ One way animals escape is by entering a state of extended dormancy, known as aestivation, during the hottest and driest times of year.

          ○ Animals can escape without using direct action, or aestivation, simply by reducing their metabolic rate and body temperature.

          ○ The actions that an animal uses to escape are known as aestivation, which sometimes involves a reduction in metabolic rate or body temperature.

          ○ When the weather is especially hot and dry, an animal may suffer from a condition known as aestivation, at which point the animal needs to escape.

          原句中,escape involves aestivation, 后面解釋aestivation=dormancy(torpor) = reduce metabolic rate & body temperature; 最后加一個(gè)時(shí)間點(diǎn)during...

          看四個(gè)選項(xiàng),1st選項(xiàng)中one way對(duì)應(yīng)原句的involve, 后面說(shuō)明escape包含dormancy或aestivation,省略了定語(yǔ)從句which修飾dormancy,但整體跟原句相符;2nd選項(xiàng)without…不對(duì);3rd選項(xiàng)中 escape=actions=aestivation把escape的范圍縮小了; 4th選項(xiàng)中 suffer from不對(duì),不是遭受,而是主動(dòng)選擇;此外,也未解釋escape。


          2. Learning appropriate social behaviors is especially important and species that live in groups, like young monkeys that needed to learn to control selfishness and aggression and to understand the give-and-take involved in social groups. ( 舉例論證)

          A. Only monkeys that have learned to control their selfish and aggressive behaviors can be involved in social groups.

          B. Selfish and aggressive animals like monkeys live in groups in order to practice appropriate social behaviors.

          C. Some monkeys are naturally too selfish and aggressive to understand the give-and-take of social groups, so they learn such important behaviors while young.

          D. Monkeys and other social animals need to learn behaviors appropriate for their social groups.


          選項(xiàng)中,D選項(xiàng)猴子和其他群居動(dòng)物需要學(xué)習(xí)behaviors,符合原句。 A選項(xiàng)only就錯(cuò)了,用論據(jù)代替了論點(diǎn);B選項(xiàng)in order to前后反了,是因?yàn)橐壕樱圆舙ractice behaviors; C選項(xiàng)直接說(shuō)some monkeys,跟A選項(xiàng)一樣,用例子代替論點(diǎn),而且說(shuō)錯(cuò)了



          馬上想到的必須是because, 之后應(yīng)該就是for, since, as, with, 等連接詞,表示原因。此外還有表示結(jié)果的so, hence, thus等;有一個(gè)比較容易被忽略但會(huì)在閱讀中出現(xiàn)頻率非常高的是 :v-ing, 也就是結(jié)果狀語(yǔ)。

          除此之外,還有美國(guó)人民非常愛(ài)用的so…that… ;

          除了直接的因果關(guān)系詞之外,還有表示導(dǎo)致/歸因于的詞大家要非常關(guān)注!包括 be responsible for…, cause, lead to, give rise to…, contribute to…,result in等;以及表示explain的account for…。


          1. Because the medium was so prolific, in the sense that it was possible to produce a multitude of images very cheaply, it was soon treated as the poor relation of fine art, rather than its destined successor.

          O Photography did not replace other fine arts because people felt the image looked cheap in relation to the other arts.

          O Photography was so cheap and readily available that it could be purchased by people who were too poor to purchase fine art.

          O Photography not only spread quickly but also was a cheap art form and so became true successor of fine arts rather than its poor relation.

          O Photography was not considered a true art because people could use it to create many images cheaply.

          原句中,because表示因果,因?yàn)閠he medium非常prolific,后面in the sense that (在某種意義上因?yàn)?進(jìn)一步補(bǔ)充prolific,prolific是因?yàn)閜roduce cheaply;所以它被當(dāng)成art的窮親戚,而非繼承者(rather...than...表對(duì)比)。

          也就是說(shuō):因?yàn)閙edium便宜,所以多,所以不被當(dāng)成fine art。

          看選項(xiàng),四個(gè)選項(xiàng)都有因果關(guān)系詞,關(guān)鍵是把因和果匹配清楚;1st選項(xiàng),說(shuō)照片沒(méi)有代替其他fine arts因?yàn)槿藗冇X(jué)得圖像看清來(lái)很便宜;結(jié)果對(duì)原因錯(cuò),原因是照片真的便宜,不是看起來(lái)便宜。 2nd選項(xiàng),so...that表示因果;照片太便宜以及太多,以至于買(mǎi)不起藝術(shù)品的人也能買(mǎi);原因?qū)ΓY(jié)果錯(cuò),結(jié)果是不被當(dāng)成藝術(shù)。 3rd選項(xiàng),前面not only…but also表示并列,但spread quickly原句未提及;而且后面結(jié)果也說(shuō)反了。 4th選項(xiàng),照片不被當(dāng)成true art因?yàn)樗鼙阋?雖然省略


          2. Importing the grain, which would have been expensive and time consuming for the Dutch to have produced themselves, kept the price of grain low and thus stimulated individual demand for other foodstuffs and consumer goods.

          ○ Buying imported grain led to the Dutch demanding that other foodstuffs and consumer goods be imported.

          ○ Keeping the price of grain low was a primary goal of the Dutch at a time when they could not produce enough grain to provide for all their needs.

          ○ The demand for other foodstuffs and consumer goods forced the Dutch to import grain and other products at a time when maintaining low prices was especially important.

          ○ Because the Dutch were able to import inexpensive grain, they had money available to create a demand for other food products and consumer goods.



          選項(xiàng)中,1st選項(xiàng),最后的other be imported信息不存在,原句只是說(shuō)有需求,沒(méi)有說(shuō)更多進(jìn)口需求;2nd選項(xiàng), keeping price low是主要目標(biāo),因?yàn)樗麄儾荒墚a(chǎn)生足夠多的谷物與原句不符(when表示原因);3rd選項(xiàng),對(duì)其他消費(fèi)品的需求forced荷蘭人去進(jìn)口谷物,謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞前后的關(guān)系說(shuō)反了。4th選項(xiàng),因?yàn)楹商m人進(jìn)口便宜谷物,用一個(gè)inexpensive概括了插入語(yǔ)中的定語(yǔ)從句;后面說(shuō)結(jié)果就是有錢(qián)買(mǎi)更多。












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