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      1. 初級(jí)翻譯資格考試筆試模擬題

        時(shí)間:2023-03-11 02:37:06 翻譯資格 我要投稿
        • 相關(guān)推薦




          SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST (40 minutes)

          Part A: Spot Dictation ( 20 points )

          Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage only once.

          Around the (1)______young people are spending (2)________ sums of money to listen to rock music. Forbes Magazine claims that at least (3) _______ rock stars have incomes of between (4)______ million and six million dollars (5)_______ year.

          "It doesn't make sense," says Johnny Mathis, one of the (6)_____ music millionaires, who made a million dollars a year when he was most popular, in the 1950s. "Performers aren't (7)________ this kind of money. In fact, nobody is."

          But the rock stars' (8) _______ seem to disagree. Those who love rock music spend about two billion dollars a year for (9)_______. They pay 150 million to see rock stars(10)________.

          Some observers think the (11)________ are buying more than music. According to one theory, to play (12)________ doesn't require much (13)_______. There is no gulf between the audience and the (14)________. Every boy and girl in the audience thinks, "I could sing like that." Rock music has become a kind of religion. (15)____________ are glad to pay to worship a rock star because it is a (16)________ of worshipping themselves.

          (17)_______ is a key word for explaining the (18)_________ of many. In 1972 one of the (19)_________ was Don McLean, who wrote and sang "American Pie." McLean earned more than a million dollars from recordings of "American Pie." Then too, by writing his own music, McLean earns some (20) __________ money.

          Part B: Listening Comprehension ( 30 points )

          I. Statements

          Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short statements. These statements will be spoken only once, and you will not find them written on the paper; so you must listen carefully. When you hear a statement , read the answer choices and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Now let's begin with question number one.

          1. (A) Mrs. Lang and Mr.Hudson are old.

          (B) Mr. Hudson doesn't know Mrs.Lang very well.

          (C) Mrs.Lang has been Mr. Hudson's friend for many years.

          (D) Mrs. Lang and Mr.Hudson have just become friends.

          2. (A) Ralph stayed in Rome for the summer

          (B) Ralph left Rome for the summer.

          (C) Ralph went to Rome for the summer.

          (D) Ralph arrived in Rome during the summer.

          3. (A) We had dinner before we went to the movies.

          (B) We had dinner during the movie.

          (C) We walked to the movies before dinner.

          (D) We took our dinner to the movies.

          4. (A) I'll send you a postcard of my hotel in Paris.

          (B) Send me to get the postcard from your Paris hotel.

          (C) Mail me a picture postcard of your Paris hotel.

          (D) Mail the card to me from your hotel in Paris.

          5. (A) Janie and her mother like liver and bacon.

          (B) Janie's mother always cooks bacon with liver.

          (C) Janie hates both liver and bacon.

          (D) If her mother doesn't fix bacon, Janie will not eat liver.

          6. (A) Martha spent two hours looking at TV.

          (B) Martha saw two watches on TV.(C) Martha liked the two-hour TV program.

          (D) Martha turned off the TV for two hours.

          7. (A) The city benefited from the rain.

          (B) The rain fell softly on much of the city.

          (C)The rain left too much water in much of the city.

          (D) Many neighborhoods didn't get any rain.

          8. (A) The baby cries when his diaper is changed.

          (B) The baby is unhappy when his diaper is soiled.

          (C) Don't change the diaper if the baby cries.

          (D) Changing the baby's diaper makes him cry.

          9. (A) The meeting opened at precisely 8 p.m.

          (B) 8 p.m. was too late to begin the meeting.

          (C) The meeting lasted until a little after 8 p.m.

          (D) The meeting was over at exactly 8 p.m.

          10. (A) Begin working if you arrive before I do.

          (B) Before you get here, be sure to finish the work.

          (C) Come as early as possible so we can do lots of work.

          (D) If you arrive early, we'll need more time to work.

          II. Talks and Conversations

          Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks and conversations. After each of these, you will hear a few questions. Listen carefully, because you will hear the talk or conversation and the questions only once. When you hear a question, read the four answer choices and choose the best answer to that question. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.

          Questions 11-15

          11. (A) She paid 40.00 for the coat.

          (B) Her husband presented it to her as a gift.

          (C) She bought the cost on her fortieth birthday.

          (D) He friend sent it to her as a birthday gift.

          12. (A) To keep his old car and get a new one.

          (B) To leave it in the garage to be repaired.

          (C) To sell his car for a new one.

          (D) To get his car repaired later.

          13. (A) Husband and wife.

          (B) Father and daughter.

          (C) Doctor and patient.

          (D) Teacher and student.

          14. (A) The man went to the concert, but the woman didn't.

          (B) The woman went to the concert, but the man didn't.

          (C) The speakers did not go to the concert.

          (D) Both speakers went to the concert.

          15. (A) An English textbook.

          (B) A chemistry book.

          (C) A Chinese textbook.

          (D) A history book.

          Questions 16-20

          16. (A) The woman goes to school during the day and works at night.

          (B) The woman has to work to support herself.

          (C) The woman's classes are not difficult.

          (D) The woman studies at night.

          17. (A) She feels that he won't accept anything.

          (B) She's sure he already has a pocket calculator.

          (C) She thinks he has almost everything he wants.

          (D) She's afraid her wants more than she can afford.

          18. (A) Tom survived the accident.

          (B) Tom was killed in the accident.

          (C) Someone saved Tom's life.

          (D) It did little damage to Tom's car.

          19. (A) The train is crowded.

          (B) The train is late.

          (C) The train is empty.

          (D) The train is on time.

          20. (A) No, all the rooms are taken.

          (B) Yes, there are some spare rooms.

          (C) Yes, there is a double room.

          (D) Yes, there is a single room.

          Questions 21~23

          21. (A) Her husband had got a higher position.

          (B) Her husband had lost his job.

          (C) She wanted to have a cleaner house.

          (D) She wanted to move to New York.

          22. (A) His telephone went out of order.

          (B) The buyers had to leave soon.

          (C) He began to work at 8 a.m.

          (D) He had made an appointment with her for 8 a.m.

          23. (A) They considered her lazy.

          (B) They saw something they had never seen.

          (C) They considered her foolish.

          (D) They saw something familiar to them.

          Questions 24~26

          24. (A) The silk T-shirt in white color.

          (B) The cotton T-shirt with a slogan or picture.

          (C) The nylon T-shirt worn on playground.

          (D) The wool T-shirt worn for work.

          25. (A) T-shirts feel soft and wash well.

          (B) T-shirts are smart ad comfortable.

          (C) T-shirts go well with trousers.

          (D) T-shirts are suitable for evening wear.

          26. (A) New technology is being employed.

          (B) Advertisements are being widely used.

          (C) New designs are being adopted.

          (D) More synthetic materials are being introduced.

          Questions 27~30

          27. (A) For protection against other animals.

          (B) For protection against other dogs.

          (C) Just for fun.

          (D) For the purpose of guarding the house.

          28. (A) Because they did not eat other animals.

          (B) Because they were useful for protection.

          (C) Because they were good hunters.

          (D) Because they always obeyed their masters.

          29. (A) For companionship.

          (B) For amusement.

          (C) For protection against robbery.

          (D) For hunting.

          30. (A) The city can be a lonely place.

          (B) Life in the west can be very dangerous.

          (C) People in the west are fond of animals.

          (D) The dog is a useful and friendly animal.

          Part C: Listening and Translation( 30 points )

          I. Sentence Translation

          Directions: In this part of the test , you will hear 5 English sentences. You will hear the sentences only once. After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.



          (3 )__________________________________________________________________________

          (4 )__________________________________________________________________________

          (5) __________________________________________________________________________  II. Passage Translation

          Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages. You will hear the passages only once. After you have heard each passage, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. You may take notes while you are listening.



          SECTION 2: STUDY SKILLS (50 minutes 30 points)

          Directions: In this section, you will read several passages. Each passage is followed by several questions based on its content. You are to choose ONE best answer, (A) , (B) ,(C) or (D) , to each question. Answer all the questions following each passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.

          Questions 1~5

          Taking pictures is fun. And taking good ones is easy if you follow a few simple rules. Before you snap a picture, think about it. Be sure you are close enough to your subject. A pretty face against a plain background, for instance, makes a good picture. But a distant figure lost among trees and clouds lacks interest. In a landscape scene, try to keep at least two-thirds of the picture below the line where the ground meets the sky. For a sky scene, keep at least two -thirds of the picture above that line. Study pictures in newspapers and books. Try to see why some are better than others. Use what you learn to improve your own pictures.

          1. This article gives some ________.

          (A) reasons for taking pictures

          (B) differences between still and moving pictures

          (C) ideas for interesting hobbies

          (D) hints for taking good pictures

          2. The writer talks mostly about pictures taken _______.

          (A) outdoors

          (B) by moonlight

          (C) in colour

          (D) for newspapers

          3. You can improve your pictures by _______.

          (A) thinking about them before you take them

          (B) studying pictures in newspapers and books

          (C) snapping them as quickly as you can

          (D) Both (A) and (B)

          4. In a landscape scene two-thirds of the picture should be _______.

          (A) sky

          (B) clouds

          (C) land

          (D) horizon

          5. The writer doesn't say anything about ____________.

          (A) following rules

          (B) getting close to your subject

          (C) caring for your camera

          (D) taking pictures of sky scenes

          Questions 6~10

          Harry Marsh was a driving examiner who had to test people who wanted to get a driving-license. One day he came out of his office as usual and saw a car at the side of the road, with a young man in it. He got into the car beside the driver and told him to check the lights, then the brakes and then all the other usual things. The driver performed everything faultlessly, without saying a word.

          Then Harry told the driver to start his engine and drive forward. Then he told him to turn right into a side road, stop, go backwards into another side road and then drive to the office again.

          On the way, the driver said to Harry politely,"Could you please tell me why we are doing all these things? I was passing through this town and only stopped to look at my map."

          6. Harry's duty was _______.

          (A) to test people who wanted to get a license for driving.

          (B) to examine if the cars were all right.

          (C) to examine the roads.

          (D) to repair cars.

          7. Why did Harry get into the young man's car?

          (A) He wondered if the young man's car needed repairing.

          (B) He though the young man wanted to have a driving test.

          (C) He thought the young man needed his help.

          (D) He wanted to know if it was the young man's car.

          8. In his position as _____, Harry asked the young man to do everything a driving test requires.

          (A) a driver

          (B) an engineer

          (C) a teacher

          (D) driving examiner

          9. Harry asked the young man to drive him back to his office because _____.

          (A) he was tired

          (B) he didn't want to walk

          (C) he finished the driving test

          (D) he wanted to have a rest

          10.Which of the following is not true?

          (A) Harry gave the young man a driving test by mistake.

          (B) The young man didn't come to have a driving test.

          (C) The young man stopped his car to look at his map.

          (D) The young man knew exactly why he was asked to do all these things.

          Questions 11~15

          A million visitors go to Barcelona every year. They want to see Antonio Gaudi's church. This unusual church has a strange history. Gaudi was born in Spain in 1852. He was very poor but he wanted to be an architect. He had to work and study at the same time. He often missed classes because he had to work —— but one day he designed a very unusual show-case for an exhibition in Paris. People began to give him work. He designed houses,offices and gardens. They were all very unusual. He was soon rich and famous. Then a rich bookseller said,"Will you build a church for the poor people of Barcelona? I will pay. I will build schools and workshops,too.They will help the people.""I will do it,"said Gaudi. He worked for forty years,but he could not finish the church. It was too big. He needed £ 10,000,000. He gave all his money to the church. He was poor again when he died in 1926,and only the front of the church was finished. But architects, engineers and visitors from all over the world come to see it. It is very strange,very modern and revolutionary. 11. Gaudi was soon rich and famous because _______.

          (A) he was an architect and lived in Spain

          (B) he had no money when he was a young man

          (C) his designs were different from others'

          (D) his work was to design houses,offices and gardens

          12. To build the church,Gaudi needed __________.

          (A) ten thousand pounds

          (B) a hundred thousand pounds

          (C) one million pounds

          (D) ten million pounds

          13. Gaudi never finished the church because ______.

          (A) it was too big and cost too much

          (B) the bookseller died later

          (C) he had no time to design the rest of it

          (D) he had to design many schools and workshops

          14. How old was Gaudi when he died?

          (A) 26

          (B) 40

          (C) 52

          (D) 74

          15. The best title for this article is ________.

          (A) Gaudi —— a Rich and Famous Architect

          (B) An Architect with Some Success

          (C) Antonio Gaudi and His Church

          (D) How to Design a Big Church

          Questions 16~20

          At the beginning of 1613, about two hundred Polish soldiers arrived at a little Russian village. They lost their way in the thick forest and asked for a man to show them the way to town. But no one wanted to help them.

          "You will have to go through that forest," said an old man. "The road is on the other side." "Show us the way," cried the enemy officer," or we'll kill every one in the village!"

          "I'm old," said the old man. "I may be not able to walk so far."

          But to himself he said, "I'll have to show them the way, but if I lead them into the thickest part of the forest, they will die there and I'll help to save my country."

          The old man went in front, and two hundred soldiers followed him. For many hours they moved on through the forest.

          "Where is the road?" they cried. "We must be near the road by now."

          "I'm old," answered the old man. "Perhaps I have lost my way."

          "He wants money and give him some gold," said the soldiers. "But if he doesn't show us the way we will kill him."

          "We'll soon be on the road now," said the old man when he got the money. "And you will be able to go to the town."

          But the trees closed round them and it became darker and darker though it was still the middle of the day. It was even harder to walk on in the heavy snow.

          "This cannot be the road," the men said to one another, but they could do nothing but follow those in front.

          "So," said the old man when they stopped, "you can neither go farther not turn back. You will be here and you will die here. I will never turn against my country for your gold."

          16. The story happened _________.

          (A) in Russia

          (B) in a city

          (C) in Poland

          (D) in the soldiers' hometown

          17. The soldiers couldn't get to the town ______________.

          (A) because the old man was too old to walk

          (B) they lost their way in the thick forest

          (C) they killed every one in the village

          (D) they had to go through that forest

          18. At last all the soldiers _____________.

          (A) died in the forest

          (B) moved on through the forest

          (C) followed those in front

          (D) turned back to the village

          19. It became darker and darker because ______________.

          (A) it was going to rain

          (B) the trees were thicker and thicker

          (C) it was very late

          (D) it was not the middle of the day

          20. The old man _______.

          (A) turned against his country by getting gold

          (B) helped to save his country

          (C) killed all the soldiers

          (D) showed the soldiers back to town

          Questions 21~25

          There are thousands of different languages in the world. Everyone seems to think that his native language is the most important one, as it is their first language. For many people it is even their only language all their lives. But English is the world's most widely used language.

          As a native language, English is spoken by nearly three hundred million people, in the U.S.A.,England,Australia and some other countries.

          For people in India and many other countries, English is often necessary for business, education and other activities. So English is the second language there.

          As a foreign language,no other language is more widely studied or used than English. We used it to listen to the radio,to read books or to travel. It is also one of the working languages in the United Nations and is more used than the others.

          21.The native language is a person's ______ language.




          (D) foreign

          22. People in ______ use English as their second language.

          (A) in the U.S.A.

          (B) India

          (C) China

          (D) Australia

          23. People in China use English as a _______ language.

          (A) first

          (B) second

          (C) foreign

          (D) native

          24. English is _____ widely used working language in the United Nations.

          (A) much

          (B) more

          (C) the more

          (D) the most

          25. As a second language, English is used in ____ ways by people all over the world.


          (B) two

          (C) three

          (D) four

          Questions 26~30

          What is your favorite colour? Do you like yellow, orange, red? If you do, you must be a person full of hopeful happy feeling about life. Do you like grey and blue? Then maybe you are quiet, and you would rather go after than go before. And sometimes you feel unhappy. If you love green, you are strong-minded. You wish to do everything well and want other people to see you are successful. At least this is what psychologists tell us. They tell us that we don't choose our favourite colour as we grow up. If you happen to love brown, you did so as soon as you opened your eyes, or at least as soon as you could see clearly.

          A yellow room makes us feel happier and more comfortable than a dark green one; and a red dress brings warmth and gladness to the saddest winter day. Light and bright colours make people not only happier but more active. It is a fact that factory workers work better, harder and have few accidents when their machines are painted orange rather than black dark grey.

          Remember, then, that if you feel low, you can always brighten your day or your life with a new shirt or a few colourful things. Remember also that you will know your friends better when you find out what colours they like and dislike. And don't forget that anyone can guess a lot about your character when you choose something in different colours.

          26. If you love green, ___________.

          (A) you feel unhappy

          (B) you are strong-minded

          (C) you are happy

          (D) you feel comfortable

          27. Factory workers will have fewer accidents when ______.

          (A) they work in yellow or orange rooms

          (B) they work harder in red coats

          (C) they work on the orange machines

          (D) they work on the black machines

          28. It's important for us to choose colours because ______.

          (A) colours do affect our feeling in many ways

          (B) sometimes colours will do our feeling good(C) sometimes light and bright colours make us happy

          (D) colours will help us to do everything well

          29. If you feel low, you can brighten your day __________.

          (A) with more things to do

          (B) by helping others to do everything

          (C) with a new shirt

          (D) by seeing psychologist

          30. According to this passage, you know four friends better _______.

          (A) when you find out what colours they like and dislike

          (B) when you stay longer with them

          (C) if you see them often

          (D) when you choose something different for them

          SECTION 3: TRANSLATION TEST (1) (30 minutes 20 points)

          Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese and write your version in the

          corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.

          As late as 1800, women's only place was in the home. The idea of women in the business was unthinkable. No "nice" woman would dream of entering what was strictly a "man's world".

          Teaching was the first profession open to women soon after 1800. But even that was not an easy profession for women to enter because most high schools and colleges were open only to men.

          Hospital nursing became respectable work for women only after Florence Nightingale became famous. Miss Nightingale opened England's first training school for nurses in 1860.

          SECTION 4: TRANSLATION TEST (2) (30 minutes 20 points)

          Directions: Translate the following passage into English and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.













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